




  1. //使用一个结构体来存储相关的信息
  2. //Defines the attributes of an arrow.
  3. typedef struct tARROWSTRUCT {
  4. int nWidth;     // width (in pixels) of the full base of the arrowhead
  5. float fTheta;   // angle (in radians) at the arrow tip between the two
  6. //  sides of the arrowhead
  7. bool bFill;     // flag indicating whether or not the arrowhead should be
  8. //  filled
  10. ///
  11. //函数声明
  12. // Draws an arrow, using the current pen and brush, from the current position
  13. //  to the passed point using the attributes defined in the ARROWSTRUCT.
  14. void ArrowTo(HDC hDC, int x, int y, ARROWSTRUCT *pArrow);
  15. void ArrowTo(HDC hDC, const POINT *lpTo, ARROWSTRUCT *pArrow);
  16. ///
  17. //画箭头函数实现
  18. void CMyDialog::ArrowTo(HDC hDC, int x, int y, ARROWSTRUCT *pA) {
  19. POINT ptTo = {x, y};
  20. ArrowTo(hDC, &ptTo, pA);
  21. }
  22. void CMyDialog::ArrowTo(HDC hDC, const POINT *lpTo, ARROWSTRUCT *pA) {
  23. POINT pFrom;
  24. POINT pBase;
  25. POINT aptPoly[3];
  26. float vecLine[2];
  27. float vecLeft[2];
  28. float fLength;
  29. float th;
  30. float ta;
  31. // get from point
  32. MoveToEx(hDC, 0, 0, &pFrom);
  33. // set to point
  34. aptPoly[0].x = lpTo->x;
  35. aptPoly[0].y = lpTo->y;
  36. // build the line vector
  37. vecLine[0] = (float) aptPoly[0].x - pFrom.x;
  38. vecLine[1] = (float) aptPoly[0].y - pFrom.y;
  39. // build the arrow base vector - normal to the line
  40. vecLeft[0] = -vecLine[1];
  41. vecLeft[1] = vecLine[0];
  42. // setup length parameters
  43. fLength = (float) sqrt(vecLine[0] * vecLine[0] + vecLine[1] * vecLine[1]);
  44. th = pA->nWidth / (2.0f * fLength);
  45. ta = pA->nWidth / (2.0f * (tanf(pA->fTheta) / 2.0f) * fLength);
  46. // find the base of the arrow
  47. pBase.x = (int) (aptPoly[0].x + -ta * vecLine[0]);
  48. pBase.y = (int) (aptPoly[0].y + -ta * vecLine[1]);
  49. // build the points on the sides of the arrow
  50. aptPoly[1].x = (int) (pBase.x + th * vecLeft[0]);
  51. aptPoly[1].y = (int) (pBase.y + th * vecLeft[1]);
  52. aptPoly[2].x = (int) (pBase.x + -th * vecLeft[0]);
  53. aptPoly[2].y = (int) (pBase.y + -th * vecLeft[1]);
  54. MoveToEx(hDC, pFrom.x, pFrom.y, NULL);
  55. // draw we're fillin'...
  56. if(pA->bFill) {
  57. LineTo(hDC, aptPoly[0].x, aptPoly[0].y);
  58. Polygon(hDC, aptPoly, 3);
  59. }
  60. // ... or even jes chillin'...
  61. else {
  62. LineTo(hDC, pBase.x, pBase.y);
  63. LineTo(hDC, aptPoly[1].x, aptPoly[1].y);
  64. LineTo(hDC, aptPoly[0].x, aptPoly[0].y);
  65. LineTo(hDC, aptPoly[2].x, aptPoly[2].y);
  66. LineTo(hDC, pBase.x, pBase.y);
  67. MoveToEx(hDC, aptPoly[0].x, aptPoly[0].y, NULL);
  68. }
  69. }


  1. /
  2. //封装调用函数实现(其实还是有很大的扩展空间的)
  3. void CMyDialog::ArrowTo(
  4. CDC *pDC,              //画刷
  5. CPoint point,          //终点坐标
  6. int nPenStyle,         //线样式
  7. int nPenWidth,         //线宽度
  8. COLORREF color, //颜色
  9. int nWidth,            //三角形底边宽度
  10. float fTheta,          //三角形顶角角度
  11. bool bFill             //是否填充颜色
  12. )
  13. {
  15. a.nWidth = nWidth;     //三角形底边宽度
  16. a.fTheta = fTheta;     //三角形顶角角度
  17. a.bFill = bFill;       //是否填充颜色
  18. CPen* pOldPen;
  19. CPen pen(nPenStyle,nPenWidth,color);
  20. pOldPen = pDC->SelectObject(&pen);
  21. CBrush br,*pbrOld;
  22. br.CreateSolidBrush(color);
  23. pbrOld = pDC->SelectObject(&br);
  24. ArrowTo(*pDC,point.x,point.y,&a);       //调用画箭头函数
  25. pDC->SelectObject(pOldPen);
  26. pDC->SelectObject(pbrOld);
  27. }


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