虚拟化 私有云和公有云

It has been noticed that most of the times, people come-up with questions about virtualization and private cloud server hosting.


There are multiple definitions for virtualization and cloud, let us try to understand it in a simpler way. Various types of virtualization techniques are available today, such as hardware virtualization, application virtualization, storage virtualization etc. But from Cloud Hosting point of view, we would be more keen in Hardware virtualization. This technique of Hardware Virtualization enables users to simulate multiple hardware boxes out of one single box. It is helpful in creation of multiple servers from a single hardware box. A hypervisor which is basically a software program is used to achieve it. With the help of virtualization, users can create multiple servers from one and improve the utilization of physical boxes in a data center. This physical box that is used for virtualization is known as the Host, while the simulated virtualized boxes within it are known as the Guests. For future reference, we would consider these hardware boxes as resources.

虚拟化和云有多种定义,让我们尝试以一种更简单的方式来理解它。 当今有各种类型的虚拟化技术可用,例如硬件虚拟化应用程序虚拟化存储虚拟化等。但是从Cloud Hosting的角度来看,我们将更加热衷于硬件虚拟化 。 这种硬件虚拟化技术使用户可以在一个盒子中模拟多个硬件盒子 。 从单个硬件盒中创建多个服务器很有用。 虚拟机管理程序基本上是一个软件程序,用于实现它。 借助虚拟化,用户可以从一台服务器创建多台服务器,并提高数据中心物理箱的利用率。 用于虚拟化的此物理盒子称为主机,而其中的模拟虚拟化盒子称为来宾。 为了将来参考,我们将这些硬件盒视为资源。

In layman terms Cloud defines something that is unlimited externally located and managed resources available on demand and offers pay as you go type of model. But, not many are aware, this definition goes well with public cloud but for a private cloud this definition needs a little tweaking. The Private cloud architecture, as name itself suggests, is more about the part of an enterprise’s data center therefore it is termed to be as private. Ideally, it is difficult to apply the characteristic of public cloud as an architecture that offers unlimited resources. Though, Private cloud hosting has some limitations of resources and its allocations. But, one thing about it can be strongly said is that it can offer dynamic and on demand resource allocation, management and pay as you go billing/usages.

用外行术语来说,Cloud定义了不受限制的外部定位资源和可按需提供的托管资源,并随您提供按需付费的模型类型。 但是,没有多少人知道,这个定义与公共云配合得很好,但是对于私有云,这个定义需要一些调整。 顾名思义,私有云架构更多地是企业数据中心的一部分,因此被称为私有云架构。 理想情况下,很难将公共云的特性应用为提供无限资源的架构。 但是,私有云托管在资源及其分配方面有一些限制。 但是,值得一提的是,它可以提供动态和按需资源分配,管理和随用随付的计费功能。

It isn’t always required for a Private cloud to be created using virtualization. Private cloud can be created even without the use of virtualization, but for doing so, one would require massive sets of commodity hardware. The Private cloud includes management, billing and dynamic allocation layer over the resource pool which may be virtualized or non-virtualized, depending on the business requirements. The resources can be virtualized machines, RAM and hard-disk allocated to the machines, network bandwidth etc. Therefore, it wouldn’t be correct to compare virtualization with the private cloud hosting solutions. Though, server virtualization can be utilized as the building blocks for creating private cloud. The diagramatic representation should be helpful in understanding the two :

使用虚拟化创建私有云并不总是必需的。 即使不使用虚拟化,也可以创建私有云,但是这样做将需要大量的商用硬件。 私有云包括资源池上的管理,计费和动态分配层,可以根据业务需求将其虚拟化或非虚拟化。 资源可以是虚拟机,分配给机器的RAM和硬盘,网络带宽等。因此,将虚拟化与私有云托管 解决方案进行比较是不正确的。 但是,服务器虚拟化可以用作创建私有云的基础。 图解表示应有助于理解两者:

Features of Virtualization:


  • Virtualization enables users to optimize the utilization of resources by emulating multiple resources using one


  • Users can manually manage resources such as upgrades, patches and maintenance etc.


  • It offers users the capability of Manual monitoring and usage


  • It lacks in provisioning of self service commissioning of resources


  • Virtualization is all about infrastructure


Features of Private Cloud


  • Private cloud offers the ability to dynamically commission or de-commission the machines and resources


  • It offers automated as well as central management of available resources in the pool


  • An automated management of resources such as upgrades, patches and maintenance etc. are offered by Private Cloud architecture


  • It enables the provisioning of self-service commissioning of resources


  • Private Cloud is everything regarding service delivery


By reading this information, we assume that viewers must have gotten a fair idea about virtualization and private cloud.


Also read : An Evaluation of the Private Cloud vs. the Public Cloud

另请参阅: 对私有云与公共云的评估

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/virtualization-and-private-cloud-an-explanation/

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