Learning Attentive Pairwise Interaction for Fine-Grained Classification

2020 AAAI。网络结构倒是不复杂,但是这么大的batch size要怎么跑起来。


  • Learning Attentive Pairwise Interaction for Fine-Grained Classification
    • 摘要
    • 1 引言
    • 2 API-Net
      • 2.1 互矢量学习
      • 2.2 门向量
      • 2.3 成对交互
      • 2.4 训练与测试
    • 3 实验
      • 3.1 消融实验
      • 3.2 比较SOTA
      • 3.3 可视化
    • 4 源码阅读




  1. 先学习一个共同的特征向量,捕获输入对中的语义差异
  2. 将该向量与各个向量比较,为每个输入图像生成门
  3. 端到端,分数排序正则化


1 引言





2 API-Net

2.1 互矢量学习

两张图片分别经过主干网络生成 D D D维特征向量 x 1 , x 2 x_1,x_2 x1,x2,映射函数(多层感知机)学习一个 D D D维互矢量 x m = f m ( [ x 1 , x 2 ] ) x_m=f_m([x_1,x_2]) xm=fm([x1,x2])。由于 x m x_m xm是两个的自适应总结,通常包含特征通道,指示成对的高层次的对比线索。

2.2 门向量

x m x_m xm作为指导,寻找每个 x i x_i xi包含的对比线索,生成门:
g i = s i g m o i d ( x m ⊙ x i ) , i ∈ { 1 , 2 } g_i=sigmoid(x_m\odot x_i),i\in \{1,2\} gi=sigmoid(xmxi),i{1,2}
g i g_i gi成为有区别的注意力,以不同角度指出了每个 x i x_i xi的语义差异。

2.3 成对交互

x 1 s e l f = x 1 + x 1 ⊙ g 1 x 2 o t h e r = x 2 + x 2 ⊙ g 2 x 1 s e l f = x 1 + x 1 ⊙ g 2 x 2 o t h e r = x 2 + x 2 ⊙ g 1 x^{self}_1=x_1+x_1\odot g_1\\ x^{other}_2=x_2+x_2\odot g_2\\ x^{self}_1=x_1+x_1\odot g_2\\ x^{other}_2=x_2+x_2\odot g_1\\ x1self=x1+x1g1x2other=x2+x2g2x1self=x1+x1g2x2other=x2+x2g1
x i s e l f x^{self}_i xiself由自己的门向量激活, x i o t h e r x^{other}_i xiother由另一个图像的门向量激活。

2.4 训练与测试

特征向量经过softmax分类器,得到 p i j p^j_i pijj ∈ { s e l f , o t h e r } , i ∈ { 1 , 2 } j\in\{self,other\},i\in \{1,2\} j{self,other},i{1,2})。

损失: L = L c e + λ L r k L=L_{ce}+\lambda L_{rk} L=Lce+λLrk
L r k = ∑ i ∈ { 1 , 2 } max ⁡ ( 0 , p i o t h e r ( c i ) − p i s e l f ( c i ) + ϵ ) L_{rk}=\sum_{i\in\{1,2\}}\max(0,p^{other}_i(c_i)-p^{self}_i(c_i)+\epsilon) Lrk=i{1,2}max(0,piother(ci)piself(ci)+ϵ)

分批随机抽样 N c l N_{cl} Ncl类,每类随机抽取 N i m N_{im} Nim训练图像,生成其特征向量。对于每个图像,根据欧式距离将其特征与其他特征比较。结果可以为每个图像构造两对:类内最像对、类间最像对。每批共 2 × N c l × N i m 2\times N_{cl}\times N_{im} 2×Ncl×Nim对。


3 实验


3.1 消融实验




  1. 不采用互向量,各自生成门向量
  2. 双线性池化操作
  3. 逐元素操作,包括平方差、和、点积三种
  4. 权重注意力,两层MLP生成两个向量的权重
  5. MLP



  1. 一个门: g m = s i g m o i d ( x m ) g_m=sigmoid(x_m) gm=sigmoid(xm),一种注意力 x i s e l f = x i + x i ⊙ g m x^{self}_i=x_i+x_i\odot g_m xiself=xi+xigm
  2. 两个门



  1. 仅使用交叉熵损失

  2. 交叉熵+排名损失



  1. 随机对
  2. 类别对





3.2 比较SOTA


3.3 可视化



4 源码阅读


def pdist(vectors):"""计算欧氏距离:-2(v1+v2) + v1^2 + v2^2vectors: b*c,b个c维度向量"""# vectors.mm(torch.t(vectors)) v1*v2 ,b*b# vectors.pow(2).sum(dim=1).view(1, -1) v1^2 ,1*b# vectors.pow(2).sum(dim=1).view(-1, 1) v2^2 ,b*1distance_matrix = -2 * vectors.mm(torch.t(vectors)) + vectors.pow(2).sum(dim=1).view(1, -1) + vectors.pow(2).sum(dim=1).view(-1, 1)return distance_matrixclass API_Net(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super(API_Net, self).__init__()resnet101 = models.resnet101(pretrained=True)layers = list(resnet101.children())[:-2]self.conv = nn.Sequential(*layers)self.avg = nn.AvgPool2d(kernel_size=14, stride=1)# 互向量生成self.map1 = nn.Linear(2048 * 2, 512)self.map2 = nn.Linear(512, 2048)self.fc = nn.Linear(2048, 200)self.drop = nn.Dropout(p=0.5)self.sigmoid = nn.Sigmoid()def forward(self, images, targets=None, flag='train'):conv_out = self.conv(images)  # b*c*h*wpool_out = self.avg(conv_out).squeeze()  # b*c*1*1 -> b*cif flag == 'train':intra_pairs, inter_pairs, intra_labels, inter_labels = self.get_pairs(pool_out, targets)features1 = torch.cat([pool_out[intra_pairs[:, 0]], pool_out[inter_pairs[:, 0]]], dim=0)  # 样本,样本, 2b * cfeatures2 = torch.cat([pool_out[intra_pairs[:, 1]], pool_out[inter_pairs[:, 1]]],dim=0)  # 类外最像样本,类内最像样本, 2b * clabels1 = torch.cat([intra_labels[:, 0], inter_labels[:, 0]], dim=0)labels2 = torch.cat([intra_labels[:, 1], inter_labels[:, 1]], dim=0)mutual_features = torch.cat([features1, features2],dim=1)  # dim=1拼接,2b * 2c,前b个是(样本,类外最像样本),后b个是(样本,类内最像样本),map1_out = self.map1(mutual_features)map2_out = self.drop(map1_out)map2_out = self.map2(map2_out)  # 生成互向量gate1 = torch.mul(map2_out, features1)gate1 = self.sigmoid(gate1)gate2 = torch.mul(map2_out, features2)gate2 = self.sigmoid(gate2)  # 生成门向量# 成对交互features1_self = torch.mul(gate1, features1) + features1features1_other = torch.mul(gate2, features1) + features1features2_self = torch.mul(gate2, features2) + features2features2_other = torch.mul(gate1, features2) + features2logit1_self = self.fc(self.drop(features1_self))logit1_other = self.fc(self.drop(features1_other))logit2_self = self.fc(self.drop(features2_self))logit2_other = self.fc(self.drop(features2_other))return logit1_self, logit1_other, logit2_self, logit2_other, labels1, labels2elif flag == 'val':return self.fc(pool_out)def get_pairs(self, embeddings, labels):distance_matrix = pdist(embeddings).detach().cpu().numpy()  # b*blabels = labels.detach().cpu().numpy().reshape(-1, 1)  # b*1num = labels.shape[0]  # 样本数dia_inds = np.diag_indices(num)  # (array([0, 1, 2, ..., num]), array([0, 1, 2, ..., num])lb_eqs = (labels == labels.T)  # 同一类标签的坐标lb_eqs[dia_inds] = False  # 自己不能和自己成对dist_same = distance_matrix.copy()dist_same[lb_eqs == False] = np.inf  # 不能和自己匹配的举例是无穷intra_idxs = np.argmin(dist_same, axis=1)  # 每个样本的同一个类中的最接近的坐标dist_diff = distance_matrix.copy()lb_eqs[dia_inds] = Truedist_diff[lb_eqs == True] = np.infinter_idxs = np.argmin(dist_diff, axis=1)  # 每个样本的不同类中的最接近的坐标# 组对intra_pairs = np.zeros([embeddings.shape[0], 2])inter_pairs = np.zeros([embeddings.shape[0], 2])intra_labels = np.zeros([embeddings.shape[0], 2])inter_labels = np.zeros([embeddings.shape[0], 2])for i in range(embeddings.shape[0]):# 不同类intra_labels[i, 0] = labels[i]intra_labels[i, 1] = labels[intra_idxs[i]]intra_pairs[i, 0] = iintra_pairs[i, 1] = intra_idxs[i]# 同一类inter_labels[i, 0] = labels[i]inter_labels[i, 1] = labels[inter_idxs[i]]inter_pairs[i, 0] = iinter_pairs[i, 1] = inter_idxs[i]intra_labels = torch.from_numpy(intra_labels).long().to(device)intra_pairs = torch.from_numpy(intra_pairs).long().to(device)inter_labels = torch.from_numpy(inter_labels).long().to(device)inter_pairs = torch.from_numpy(inter_pairs).long().to(device)return intra_pairs, inter_pairs, intra_labels, inter_labels


class BalancedBatchSampler(BatchSampler):def __init__(self, dataset, n_classes, n_samples):self.labels = dataset.labels # dataset自定义的属性self.labels_set = list(set(self.labels.numpy()))self.label_to_indices = {label: np.where(self.labels.numpy() == label)[0]for label in self.labels_set}for l in self.labels_set:np.random.shuffle(self.label_to_indices[l])self.used_label_indices_count = {label: 0 for label in self.labels_set}self.count = 0self.n_classes = n_classesself.n_samples = n_samplesself.dataset = datasetself.batch_size = self.n_samples * self.n_classesdef __iter__(self):self.count = 0while self.count + self.batch_size < len(self.dataset):classes = np.random.choice(self.labels_set, self.n_classes, replace=False)indices = []for class_ in classes:indices.extend(self.label_to_indices[class_][self.used_label_indices_count[class_]:self.used_label_indices_count[class_] + self.n_samples])self.used_label_indices_count[class_] += self.n_samplesif self.used_label_indices_count[class_] + self.n_samples > len(self.label_to_indices[class_]):np.random.shuffle(self.label_to_indices[class_])self.used_label_indices_count[class_] = 0yield indicesself.count += self.n_classes * self.n_samplesdef __len__(self):return len(self.dataset) // self.batch_size
train_sampler = BalancedBatchSampler(train_dataset, n_classes, n_samples)
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_sampler=train_sampler,num_workers=args.workers, pin_memory=True)


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