



页面整体分为 顶部Navbar、卡片区域、底部Tabbar 三个部分。















export default {

// 用于配置应用默认的 meta 标签

head() {

return {

title: `${this.title} - 翻一翻`,

meta: [

{name:'keywords',hid: 'keywords',content:`${this.title} | 翻一翻 | 翻动卡片`},

{name:'description',hid:'description',content:`${this.title} | 仿探探卡片翻动`}




middleware: 'auth',

data () {

return {

title: 'Nuxt',

showFilter: false,

distanceRange: 1,

distanceVal: '<1km',

autoExpand: true,

starVal: 5,

firstOnline: false,

firstNewUser: true,

// ...



methods: {

/* @@左侧筛选函数 */

// 范围选择

handleDistanceRange(val) {

if(val == 1) {

this.distanceVal = '<1km';

} else if (val == 100) {

this.distanceVal = "100km+"

}else {

this.distanceVal = val+'km';



// 好评度

handleStar(val) {

this.starVal = val;


// ...






pages数据格式module.exports = [


avatar: '/assets/img/avatar02.jpg',

name: '放荡不羁爱自由',

sex: 'female',

age: 23,

starsign: '天秤座',

distance: '艺术/健身',

photos: [...],

sign: '交个朋友,非诚勿扰'





  • @touchmove.stop.capture="touchmove"


    @touchend.stop.capture="touchend($event, index)"

    @touchcancel.stop.capture="touchend($event, index)"


    @mouseup.stop.capture.prevent="touchend($event, index)"


    @mouseout.stop.capture.prevent="touchend($event, index)"









* @Desc Vue仿探探|Tinder卡片滑动FlipCard

* @Time andy by 2020-10-06

* @About Q:282310962 wx:xy190310


export default {

props: {

pages: {

type: Array,

default: {}



data () {

return {

basicdata: {

start: {},

end: {}


temporaryData: {

isStackClick: true,

offsetY: '',

poswidth: 0,

posheight: 0,

lastPosWidth: '',

lastPosHeight: '',

lastZindex: '',

rotate: 0,

lastRotate: 0,

visible: 3,

tracking: false,

animation: false,

currentPage: 0,

opacity: 1,

lastOpacity: 0,

swipe: false,

zIndex: 10




computed: {

// 划出面积比例

offsetRatio () {

let width = this.$el.offsetWidth

let height = this.$el.offsetHeight

let offsetWidth = width - Math.abs(this.temporaryData.poswidth)

let offsetHeight = height - Math.abs(this.temporaryData.posheight)

let ratio = 1 - (offsetWidth * offsetHeight) / (width * height) || 0

return ratio > 1 ? 1 : ratio


// 划出宽度比例

offsetWidthRatio () {

let width = this.$el.offsetWidth

let offsetWidth = width - Math.abs(this.temporaryData.poswidth)

let ratio = 1 - offsetWidth / width || 0

return ratio



methods: {

touchstart (e) {

if (this.temporaryData.tracking) {



// 是否为touch

if (e.type === 'touchstart') {

if (e.touches.length > 1) {

this.temporaryData.tracking = false


} else {

// 记录起始位置

this.basicdata.start.t = new Date().getTime()

this.basicdata.start.x = e.targetTouches[0].clientX

this.basicdata.start.y = e.targetTouches[0].clientY

this.basicdata.end.x = e.targetTouches[0].clientX

this.basicdata.end.y = e.targetTouches[0].clientY

// offsetY在touch事件中没有,只能自己计算

this.temporaryData.offsetY = e.targetTouches[0].pageY - this.$el.offsetParent.offsetTop


// pc操作

} else {

this.basicdata.start.t = new Date().getTime()

this.basicdata.start.x = e.clientX

this.basicdata.start.y = e.clientY

this.basicdata.end.x = e.clientX

this.basicdata.end.y = e.clientY

this.temporaryData.offsetY = e.offsetY


this.temporaryData.isStackClick = true

this.temporaryData.tracking = true

this.temporaryData.animation = false


touchmove (e) {

this.temporaryData.isStackClick = false

// 记录滑动位置

if (this.temporaryData.tracking && !this.temporaryData.animation) {

if (e.type === 'touchmove') {


this.basicdata.end.x = e.targetTouches[0].clientX

this.basicdata.end.y = e.targetTouches[0].clientY

} else {


this.basicdata.end.x = e.clientX

this.basicdata.end.y = e.clientY


// 计算滑动值

this.temporaryData.poswidth = this.basicdata.end.x - this.basicdata.start.x

this.temporaryData.posheight = this.basicdata.end.y - this.basicdata.start.y

let rotateDirection = this.rotateDirection()

let angleRatio = this.angleRatio()

this.temporaryData.rotate = rotateDirection * this.offsetWidthRatio * 15 * angleRatio



touchend (e, index) {

if(this.temporaryData.isStackClick) {

this.$emit('click', index)

this.temporaryData.isStackClick = false


this.temporaryData.isStackClick = true

this.temporaryData.tracking = false

this.temporaryData.animation = true

// 滑动结束,触发判断

// 判断划出面积是否大于0.4

if (this.offsetRatio >= 0.4) {

// 计算划出后最终位置

let ratio = Math.abs(this.temporaryData.posheight / this.temporaryData.poswidth)

this.temporaryData.poswidth = this.temporaryData.poswidth >= 0 ? this.temporaryData.poswidth + 200 : this.temporaryData.poswidth - 200

this.temporaryData.posheight = this.temporaryData.posheight >= 0 ? Math.abs(this.temporaryData.poswidth * ratio) : -Math.abs(this.temporaryData.poswidth * ratio)

this.temporaryData.opacity = 0

this.temporaryData.swipe = true


// 不满足条件则滑入

} else {

this.temporaryData.poswidth = 0

this.temporaryData.posheight = 0

this.temporaryData.swipe = false

this.temporaryData.rotate = 0



nextTick () {

// 记录最终滑动距离

this.temporaryData.lastPosWidth = this.temporaryData.poswidth

this.temporaryData.lastPosHeight = this.temporaryData.posheight

this.temporaryData.lastRotate = this.temporaryData.rotate

this.temporaryData.lastZindex = 20

// 循环currentPage

this.temporaryData.currentPage = this.temporaryData.currentPage === this.pages.length - 1 ? 0 : this.temporaryData.currentPage + 1

// currentPage切换,整体dom进行变化,把第一层滑动置最低

this.$nextTick(() => {

this.temporaryData.poswidth = 0

this.temporaryData.posheight = 0

this.temporaryData.opacity = 1

this.temporaryData.rotate = 0



onTransitionEnd (index) {

let lastPage = this.temporaryData.currentPage === 0 ? this.pages.length - 1 : this.temporaryData.currentPage - 1

// dom发生变化正在执行的动画滑动序列已经变为上一层

if (this.temporaryData.swipe && index === lastPage) {

this.temporaryData.animation = true

this.temporaryData.lastPosWidth = 0

this.temporaryData.lastPosHeight = 0

this.temporaryData.lastOpacity = 0

this.temporaryData.lastRotate = 0

this.temporaryData.swipe = false

this.temporaryData.lastZindex = -1



prev () {

this.temporaryData.tracking = false

this.temporaryData.animation = true

// 计算划出后最终位置

let width = this.$el.offsetWidth

this.temporaryData.poswidth = -width

this.temporaryData.posheight = 0

this.temporaryData.opacity = 0

this.temporaryData.rotate = '-3'

this.temporaryData.swipe = true



next () {

this.temporaryData.tracking = false

this.temporaryData.animation = true

// 计算划出后最终位置

let width = this.$el.offsetWidth

this.temporaryData.poswidth = width

this.temporaryData.posheight = 0

this.temporaryData.opacity = 0

this.temporaryData.rotate = '3'

this.temporaryData.swipe = true



rotateDirection () {

if (this.temporaryData.poswidth <= 0) {

return -1

} else {

return 1



angleRatio () {

let height = this.$el.offsetHeight

let offsetY = this.temporaryData.offsetY

let ratio = -1 * (2 * offsetY / height - 1)

return ratio || 0


inStack (index, currentPage) {

let stack = []

let visible = this.temporaryData.visible

let length = this.pages.length

for (let i = 0; i < visible; i++) {

if (currentPage + i < length) {

stack.push(currentPage + i)

} else {

stack.push(currentPage + i - length)



return stack.indexOf(index) >= 0


// 非首页样式切换

transform (index) {

let currentPage = this.temporaryData.currentPage

let length = this.pages.length

let lastPage = currentPage === 0 ? this.pages.length - 1 : currentPage - 1

let style = {}

let visible = this.temporaryData.visible

if (index === this.temporaryData.currentPage) {



if (this.inStack(index, currentPage)) {

let perIndex = index - currentPage > 0 ? index - currentPage : index - currentPage + length

style['opacity'] = '1'

style['transform'] = 'translate3D(0,0,' + -1 * 60 * (perIndex - this.offsetRatio) + 'px' + ')'

style['zIndex'] = visible - perIndex

if (!this.temporaryData.tracking) {

style['transitionTimingFunction'] = 'ease'

style['transitionDuration'] = 300 + 'ms'


} else if (index === lastPage) {

style['transform'] = 'translate3D(' + this.temporaryData.lastPosWidth + 'px' + ',' + this.temporaryData.lastPosHeight + 'px' + ',0px) ' + 'rotate(' + this.temporaryData.lastRotate + 'deg)'

style['opacity'] = this.temporaryData.lastOpacity

style['zIndex'] = this.temporaryData.lastZindex

style['transitionTimingFunction'] = 'ease'

style['transitionDuration'] = 300 + 'ms'

} else {

style['zIndex'] = '-1'

style['transform'] = 'translate3D(0,0,' + -1 * visible * 60 + 'px' + ')'


return style


// 首页样式切换

transformIndex (index) {

if (index === this.temporaryData.currentPage) {

let style = {}

style['transform'] = 'translate3D(' + this.temporaryData.poswidth + 'px' + ',' + this.temporaryData.posheight + 'px' + ',0px) ' + 'rotate(' + this.temporaryData.rotate + 'deg)'

style['opacity'] = this.temporaryData.opacity

style['zIndex'] = 10

if (this.temporaryData.animation) {

style['transitionTimingFunction'] = 'ease'

style['transitionDuration'] = (this.temporaryData.animation ? 300 : 0) + 'ms'


return style







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