[歌词翻译]We’Ve Had Enough
[center]We've Had Enough


Love was taken from a young life    一个年轻的生命永失所爱
And no one told her why    却无人能解原因何在

Her direction has a dimlight    前途暗淡,看不到未来
From one more violent crime    她为这又一桩暴行所害
She innocently questioned why    无辜的质问苍天
Why her father had to die    为什么她要承受丧父的悲哀

She asked the men in blue    她问身穿蓝制服的士兵为何
How is it that you get to choose    你有什么能力选择
Who will live and who will die    哪个该死,而哪个又能活?
Did God say that you could decide ?    难道上帝给你权利去这样做?

You saw he didn't run    我爸爸他手无寸铁
And then my daddy had no gun    并且你看到他也没有试图逃脱

In the middle of the village    在那遥远的地方
Within a distant land    一个小村的中央
Lies a poor boy with his broken toy    一个可怜的小男孩,还有他破旧的玩具就在那里躺
Too young to understand    他太小,还无法理解事实真相

He's awaken, ground is shaking    他无法入睡,大地在震荡
His father grabs his hand    他的父亲紧握着他的手掌
Screaming crying, his wife's dying    哭喊嘶嚎,他的妻子正慢慢死亡
Now he's left to explain    他得解释这一切,还得独活在世上

He innocently questioned why    他无辜的质问苍天
Why his mother had to die    为什么他的母亲会离开人间?
Why did these soldiers come here for ?    这些士兵来这里做什么?
If they're for peace why is there war ?    如果真是为了和平为何又燃起战火

Did God say that they could decide    难道上帝说他们可以自行选择
Who will live and who will die ?    哪个该死,而哪个又能活?
All my mama ever did    所有我妈妈曾做过
Was try to take care of her kids    还不都是保护自己孩子的

When innocence is standing by    当纯洁的人们侧身而立
Watching people losing lives    目睹人们接连死去
It seem as if we have no voice    看来我们没有说话的勇气
It's time for us to make a choice    现在是时候做出我们的努力

Only God could decide    只有上帝才有权选择
Who will live and who will die    哪个该死,而哪个又能活
There's nothing that can't be done    没有什么事是我们不能做
If we raise our voice as one    只要我们发出呐喊,齐心联合

Did god hear it from me?    上帝可曾听到我的心声?
Did god hear it from you?    上帝可曾听到你的心声?
Did god hear it from us?     上帝又是否听到大家的心声?

We can't take it    我们再不能冷眼旁观
We've already had enough    我们已受够这一切了

Did god hear it from me?    上帝可曾听到我的心声?
Did god hear it from you?    上帝可曾听到你的心声?
Did god hear it from us?     上帝又是否听到大家的心声?

We can't take it    我们再不能冷眼旁观
We've already had enough    我们已受够这一切了

Did god hear it from me?    上帝可曾听到我的心声?
Did god hear it from you?    上帝可曾听到你的心声?
Did god hear it from you baby?     上帝又是否听到你的心声,宝贝?

We can't take it    我们再不能冷眼旁观
We've already had enough    我们已受够这一切了

Deep in my soul baby    在我灵魂的深处,宝贝
(Deep in your soul let god decide)    在你灵魂深处让上帝抉择  
Deep in my soul baby    在我灵魂深处,宝贝
(Get up through and I'm stand alive)     我屹立不倒活过来

Did God hear it from us?    上帝又是否听到大家的心声?

We can't take it    我们再不能冷眼旁观
We've already had enough    我们已受够这一切了

It's going down baby    情况正在变坏,宝贝
Just let God decide    就让上帝来抉择吧
It's going on baby    情况正在继续,宝贝
Just let God decide    就让上帝来抉择吧

Deep in my soul baby    在我灵魂的深处,宝贝
We've already had enough    我们已受够这一切了

Did god hear it from me?    上帝可曾听到我的心声?
Did god hear it from you?    上帝可曾听到你的心声?
Did god hear it from us?     上帝又是否听到大家的心声?

We can't, we can't    我们再不能,再不能
We've already had enough    我们已受够这一切了
(Ad libs to fade)……


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