物理材质Physic Material;


Step1:在Project窗口下新建Physic Material(命名为mat),并更改其弹力参数为1

Step2:在游戏物体的碰撞器属性的Material不留空,设为Physic Material即可

Step3: Bounciness(弹力)调成1,最大只能是1


就是把BounceCombine设为 max, 其他选项由大到小,max是最大力,也没有其他方法了



// Slingshot : Description : Mange slingshot mechanics.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// Sling(投石器)会反弹球和得分,反弹公式和 【Force parameters】有关;
/// rigidBody 加力量 = 朝向 * Sling力 * 最大加速度
/// </summary>
public class Slingshot : MonoBehaviour {[Header ("Infos to missions")]public int index;                           // choose a number. Used to create script mission.public GameObject[] Parent_Manager;                   // Connect on the inspector the missions that use this objectpublic string functionToCall = "Counter";           // Call a function when OnCollisionEnter -> true;[Header ("Force parameters")] public float Slingshot_force = 10;                 // change the slingshot force added to a ballpublic float ForceMinimum = 1;                // Minimum contact velocity between ball and slingshot to apply forcepublic float relativeVelocityMax = 1;                 // The maximum force apply to the ball[Header ("Sound fx")]   public AudioClip Sfx_Hit;                   // Sound when ball hit the slingshot        private AudioSource  sound_;                    // Audio Component[Header ("Points when the slingshot is hit")]public int Points = 1000;                 // Points you win when the object is hitting private GameObject obj_Game_Manager;private Manager_Game gameManager;[Header ("Connect a led")]public GameObject obj_Led;                    // Usefull if you want a led blinked when the slingshot is hittingprivate ChangeSpriteRenderer Led_Renderer;[Header ("Toy connected to the Slingshot")    ]               // Connect a GameObject or paticule system with the script Toys.js attachedpublic GameObject obj_Toy;                   // Usefull if you want a led blinked when the slingshot is hittingprivate Toys toy;public int animNumber = 0;void Start(){                                                                 //  --> Initobj_Game_Manager = GameObject.Find("Manager_Game");                               // Find the gameObject Manager_Gameif(obj_Game_Manager!=null)gameManager = obj_Game_Manager.GetComponent<Manager_Game>();                   // Access Manager_Game from obj_Game_Managersound_ = GetComponent<AudioSource>();                                            // Access AudioSource Componentif(obj_Led)Led_Renderer = obj_Led.GetComponent<ChangeSpriteRenderer>();       // Access led component if neededif(obj_Toy)toy = obj_Toy.GetComponent<Toys>();                                  // Access led component if needed}void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) {                                  // --> OnCollisionEnter with the ballRigidbody rb = collision.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody>();if (rb != null && collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude > ForceMinimum){if(collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude < relativeVelocityMax){//Debug.Log("Yipo");float t = collision.relativeVelocity.magnitude;rb.velocity = new Vector3(rb.velocity.x*.5f,rb.velocity.y*.5f,rb.velocity.z*.5f);          // reduce the velocity at the impact. Better feeling with the slingshotrb.AddForce(transform.forward*Slingshot_force*t,ForceMode.VelocityChange);           // add force}elserb.AddForce(transform.forward*Slingshot_force*relativeVelocityMax,ForceMode.VelocityChange);if(Sfx_Hit)sound_.PlayOneShot(Sfx_Hit);                                        // Play a sound if neededfor(var j = 0;j<Parent_Manager.Length;j++){Parent_Manager[j].SendMessage(functionToCall,index);                  // Call Parents Mission script}if(gameManager)gameManager.F_Mode_BONUS_Counter();                                           // add one to the BONUS_Counterif(gameManager)gameManager.Add_Score(Points);                                                // add pointsif(obj_Led)Led_Renderer.Led_On_With_Timer(.2f);                                // blinkingif(obj_Toy)toy.PlayAnimationNumber(animNumber);                              // play animation}}}


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