
What is Google Elevation ?

什么是Google Elevation?

Elevation is the height above or below a fixed reference point. The elevation is the referring to points on the Earth's surface.

高程是固定参考点之上或之下的高度。 海拔是地球表面上的参考点。

We also use the following two terms:


- altitude: points above the surface


- depth: points below the surface


For example:


1. Simple elevation (one pair of coordinate - lat/lng)


If you search (https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/json?locations=47.18998999999999,23.061813&key=YOUR_API_KEY), for a specific coordinate (47.18998999999999, 23.061813) in Google Maps, you will get the following elevation result from JSON :

如果您在Google地图中搜索( https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/json?locations=47.18998999999999,23.061813&key=YOUR_API_KEY )的特定坐标(47.18998999999999,23.061813),则会得到以下内容JSON的海拔结果:

elevation:    254.4218444824219


To test the Elevation without API KEY, there is an example on Google: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/elevation-simple

要测试没有API KEY的海拔高度,请在Google上找到一个示例: https : //developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/elevation-simple

For C# Elevation sample, check the Elevation(string latitudeE, string longitudeE) function.

对于C#海拔示例,请检查Elevation(string latitudeE,string longitudeE)函数。

2. Multiple elevations (multiple pairs of coordinates - lat/lng)


You can also request multiple elevation results, just by adding multiple pair of coordinates and separated by the PIPE character "|". If you request https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/json?locations=47.18998999999999,23.061813|47.16998999999999,23.061813&key=YOUR_API_KEY , you will get the following elevation results:

您也可以请求多个高程结果,只需添加多对坐标并以PIPE字符“ |”分隔即可。 如果您请求https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/json?locations=47.18998999999999,23.061813|47.16998999999999,23.061813&key=YOUR_API_KEY ,您将获得以下海拔结果:

//the elevation result for the first pair of coordinates


elevation:    254.4218444824219


lat:    47.18998999999999


lng:    23.061813


//the elevation result for the second pair of coordinates


elevation:    294.3569030761719


lat:    47.16998999999999


lng:    23.061813


For C# MultipleElevation sample, check the MultipleElevation(string multiplecoords) function.  (It asks the user for coordinates, until the input values are empty - when the Enter key is pressed for both of the coordinates - lat/lng)

对于C#MultipleElevation示例,请检查MultipleElevation(字符串multiplecoords)   功能。 (它要求用户输入坐标,直到输入值为空-当两个坐标都按Enter键时-纬度/经度)

3. Path elevations (multiple pairs of coordinates - lat/lng and number of samples)


Another great feature is that you can requests elevation data along a straight line (path). For example starting from point A to point B, specifying the number of samples.

另一个重要功能是,您可以沿直线(路径)请求高程数据。 例如,从点A到点B,指定样本数。

You can ask for example 3 samples:


- 2x Endpoints


- 1x Half-point


If you search for: https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/json?path=47.18998999999999,23.061813|47.16998999999999,23.0618131&samples=3&key=YOUR_API_KEY, you will get the following from the JSon results:

如果您搜索: https ://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/json?path=47.18998999999999,23.061813|47.16998999999999,23.0618131&samples =3& key=YOUR_API_KEY,您将从JSon结果中获得以下信息:

//sample 1 - Endpoint


elevation    254.4218444824219


lat    47.18998999999999


lng    23.061813

lng 23.061813

//sample 2 - Half-point


elevation    288.4825134277344


lat    47.17998999999999


lng    23.06181305000942

lng 23.06181305000942

//sample 3 - Endpoint


elevation    294.3571472167969


lat    47.16998999999999


lng    23.0618131

lng 23.0618131

For C# PathElevation sample, check the PathElevation(string multiplecoords, string nrofsamples) function.  (It asks the user for coordinates until the input values are empty - when Enter key is pressed for both of the coordinates - lat/lng, after that it asks for the number of samples)

对于C#PathElevation示例,请检查PathElevation(字符串multicoords,字符串nrofsamples)函数。 (它要求用户输入坐标,直到输入值为空-按下两个坐标的Enter键-lat / lng,然后要求输入样本数)

* More details about how Elevation works and how we use it, you can find in the following links:


- Elevation Wiki


- Google Elevation


C# Source Code sample:


The following source code is written in C# Console Application (Framework 4.5). To save space, I created a single project for Simple Elevation, Multiple Elevations, Path Elevations and a class for deserializing the JSON.

以下源代码是用C#控制台应用程序(框架4.5)编写的。 为了节省空间,我为简单高程,多个高程,路径高程创建了一个项目,并为反序列化JSON创建了一个类。

To run it, you will need the following:


-create a new API Key


-enable Maps Javascript API

-启用Maps Javascript API

-enable Maps Elevation API

启用Maps Elevation API

-enable GeoLocation API

-启用GeoLocation API

-enable GeoCoding API

启用GeoCoding API

-Visual Studio


Tip: don't forget to enable billing information in Google for the API and attach to the project

提示 :不要忘记在Google中为API启用结算信息并附加到项目中

In this article I will not cover, how to enable API Keys on Google, but you can find more information on their site:




Create a new Console application project and after that, from NuGet, install JSon.Net (Newtonsoft.Json):


- Step 1 - File->New-> Project  (I used .Net Framework 4.5)

- 步骤1-文件->新建->项目(我使用了.Net Framework 4.5)

- Step 2 - Install from Nuget Json.Net:

- 步骤2-从Nuget Json.Net安装:

- Step 3 - Create a New class in the project (I named it ElevResult.cs), this will be used for deserializing the JSON request.

- 步骤3-在项目中创建一个New类(我将其命名为ElevResult.cs),该类将用于反序列化JSON请求。

This is the final view of my project:


The source code for ElevResult.cs:


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Elevation_Art
public class GoogleElevCodeResponse
public string status { get; set; }
public resultsElev[] results { get; set; }
public class resultsElev
public string elevation { get; set; }
public locationElev location { get; set; }
public string resolution { get; set; }
public class locationElev
public string lat { get; set; }
public string lng { get; set; }

The source code for Program.cs:


using Newtonsoft.Json;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace Elevation_Art
class Program
const string apiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY"; //!!!!paste your API KEY HERE!!!!
static string baseUrlEL = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/json?locations="; // part of the URL for Elevation
static string baseUrlELP = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/elevation/json?path="; // part of the URL for Elevation
static string plusUrl = "&key=" + apiKey + "&sensor=false"; // part2 of the URL
static public int DisplayMenu() // I add a menu for selecting between 1 - Elevation / 2 - Elevation with Multiple Coordinates / 3 - PathElevation with Multiple Coordinates / 4 - Exit
Console.WriteLine("ELEVATION TUTORIAL (Select and hit Enter):");
Console.WriteLine("1. Elevation"); // 1 Elevation with single pair of coordinates
Console.WriteLine("2. Elevation with Multiple Coordinates"); // 2 Multiple Elevation results, from multiple pair of coordinates
Console.WriteLine("3. PathElevation with Multiple Coordinates"); // 3 Multiple Elevation (PathElevation) results, from multiple pair of coordinates and samples
Console.WriteLine("4. Exit"); // 4 Exit
var result = Console.ReadLine(); //waiting for an integer input for the menu; value can between 1-3
return Convert.ToInt32(result); //converting result to an integer for the menu
static void Main(string[] args)
int menuInput = 0;
do // do-while statement for the menu, it loops until the input is 3 (Exit)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; // changing color for the console to green
menuInput = DisplayMenu(); //getting the result of the input for the menu
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; // changing to default color
switch (menuInput.ToString()) //switch statement for checking if input is 1 - 3, 4 - Exit
case "1":    //if the input for menu is 1, then call the Elevation function
Console.WriteLine("===== ELEVATION =====");
Console.WriteLine("Enter a Latitude: ");
string latitudeE = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter a Longitude: ");
string longitudeE = Console.ReadLine();
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("RESULT: " + Elevation(latitudeE, longitudeE) + " meters");
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
case "2":    //if the input for menu is 2, then call the MultipleElevation function
Console.WriteLine("===== MULTIPLE ELEVATION =====");
string latitudeEM = string.Empty;
string longitudeEM = string.Empty;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Console.WriteLine("Enter a Latitude: ");
latitudeEM = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter a Longitude: ");
longitudeEM = Console.ReadLine();
sb.Append(latitudeEM + "," + longitudeEM + "|"); //format LAT/LNG coordinates and append to StringBuilder
} while ((latitudeEM.ToString() != "") || (longitudeEM.ToString() != "")); //request input from user, util LAT and LNG is empty char (Enter)
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("RESULT: " + MultipleElevation(sb.ToString().Replace("|,|", "")) + " meters"); //call the function MultipleElevation
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
case "3":    //if the input for menu is 3, then call the PathElevation function
Console.WriteLine("===== PATH ELEVATION =====");
string latitudeEMP = string.Empty;
string longitudeEMP = string.Empty;
StringBuilder sbp = new StringBuilder();
Console.WriteLine("Enter a Latitude: ");
latitudeEMP = Console.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Enter a Longitude: ");
longitudeEMP = Console.ReadLine();
sbp.Append(latitudeEMP + "," + longitudeEMP + "|"); //format LAT/LNG coordinates and append to StringBuilder
} while ((latitudeEMP.ToString() != "") || (longitudeEMP.ToString() != "")); //request input from user, util LAT and LNG is empty char (Enter)
Console.WriteLine("Enter the number of samples: ");
string nrOfSamples = Console.ReadLine();
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red;
Console.WriteLine("RESULT: " + PathElevation(sbp.ToString().Replace("|,|", ""),nrOfSamples) + " meters"); //call the function PathElevation
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
} while (menuInput != 4);
private static string Elevation(string latitudeE, string longitudeE)
var json = new WebClient().DownloadString(baseUrlEL + latitudeE.Replace(" ", "") + ","
+ longitudeE.Replace(" ", "") + plusUrl);//concatenate URL with the input lat/lng and downloads the requested resource
GoogleElevCodeResponse jsonResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GoogleElevCodeResponse>(json); //deserializing the result to GoogleElevCodeResponse
string status = jsonResult.status; // get status
string geoElevation = String.Empty;
geoElevation += Environment.NewLine;
if (status == "OK") //check if status is OK
for (int i = 0; i < jsonResult.results.Length; i++) //loop throught the result for addresses
geoElevation += "Lat/Lng[" + i + "]: " + jsonResult.results[i].location.lat + " / " + jsonResult.results[i].location.lng + " Elevation[" + i + "]: " + jsonResult.results[i].elevation + Environment.NewLine; //append the result elevations and coords to every new line
return geoElevation; //return result
return status; //return status / error if not OK
private static string MultipleElevation(string multiplecoords)
var json = new WebClient().DownloadString(baseUrlEL + multiplecoords + plusUrl);//concatenate URL with the input lat/lng and downloads the requested resource
GoogleElevCodeResponse jsonResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GoogleElevCodeResponse>(json); //deserializing the result to GoogleElevCodeResponse
string status = jsonResult.status; // get status
string geoElevation = String.Empty;
geoElevation += Environment.NewLine;
if (status == "OK") //check if status is OK
for (int i = 0; i < jsonResult.results.Length; i++) //loop throught the result for addresses
geoElevation += "Lat/Lng[" + i + "]: " + jsonResult.results[i].location.lat + " / " + jsonResult.results[i].location.lng + " Elevation[" + i + "]: " + jsonResult.results[i].elevation + Environment.NewLine; //append the result elevations and coords to every new line
return geoElevation; //return result
return status; //return status / error if not OK
private static string PathElevation(string multiplecoords, string nrofsamples)
var json = new WebClient().DownloadString(baseUrlELP + multiplecoords+"&samples="+nrofsamples+ plusUrl);//concatenate URL with the input lat/lng and downloads the requested resource
GoogleElevCodeResponse jsonResult = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<GoogleElevCodeResponse>(json); //deserializing the result to GoogleElevCodeResponse
string status = jsonResult.status; // get status
string geoElevation = String.Empty;
geoElevation += Environment.NewLine;
if (status == "OK") //check if status is OK
for (int i = 0; i < jsonResult.results.Length; i++) //loop throught the result for addresses
geoElevation += "Lat/Lng[" + i + "]: " + jsonResult.results[i].location.lat + " / " + jsonResult.results[i].location.lng + " Elevation[" + i + "]: " + jsonResult.results[i].elevation + Environment.NewLine; //append the result elevations and coords to every new line
return geoElevation; //return result
return status; //return status / error if not OK

Some screenshots of the working app


The menu: (Waiting for user input 1-4)


1. Simple Elevation (for the following coords: 47.18998999999999, 23.061813, check result in red):


2. Multiple Elevations (for the following coords: 47.18998999999999,23.061813|47.16998999999999,23.061813, check results in red):

2.多个高程(对于以下坐标:47.18998999999999,23.061813 | 47.16998999999999,23.061813,检查结果为红色):

3. PathElevations (for the following coords: 47.18998999999999,23.061813|47.16998999999999,23.061813 and with the number of samples: 3, check results in red):

3. PathElevations(对于以下坐标:47.18998999999999,23.061813 | 47.16998999999999,23.061813并带有样本数:3,检查结果为红色):

4. for Exit


Source Code:






Entire Project:




I wish you happy coding!


Molnár István


翻译自: https://www.experts-exchange.com/articles/33267/How-Google-Elevation-works-and-how-to-create-a-simple-C-App.html


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