
1.1 grid_map::GridMapCvConverter::initializeFromImage



static bool grid_map::GridMapCvConverter::initializeFromImage    (   const cv::Mat &     image,const double      resolution,grid_map::GridMap &      gridMap,const grid_map::Position &      position )  Initializes the geometry of a grid map from an image. This changes the geometry of the map and deletes all contents of the layers!Parameters:[in]   image   the image.[in]  resolution  the desired resolution of the grid map [m/cell]. 栅格地图需要的分辨率[out]    gridMap the grid map to be initialized. 需要初始化的栅格地图[in]  optional)   position the position of the grid map. --栅格地图的位置-地图的原点的原点在栅格地图对应坐标系中的位置--地图的原点为地图的左下角--注:栅格地图右向为x轴正向,上为y轴正向Returns:true if successful, false otherwise. 


typedef Eigen::Vector2d Position;


static bool initializeFromImage(const cv::Mat& image, const double resolution,grid_map::GridMap& gridMap, const grid_map::Position& position){const double lengthX = resolution * image.rows;const double lengthY = resolution * image.cols;Length length(lengthX, lengthY);gridMap.setGeometry(length, resolution, position);return true;}

1.2 grid_map::GridMap::setGeometry


void grid_map::GridMap::setGeometry  (   const Length &      length,const double     resolution,const Position &     position = Position::Zero() )  Set the geometry of the grid map. Clears all the data.
设置栅格地图的几何位置,并清除数据Parameters:length   the side lengths in x, and y-direction of the grid map [m].--x、y方向的长度resolution the cell size in [m/cell].--分辨率position the 2d position of the grid map in the grid map frame [m]. --栅格地图在栅格地图坐标系中的位置

1.3 grid_map::GridMapCvConverter::addLayerFromImage


template<typename Type_ , int NChannels_>
static bool grid_map::GridMapCvConverter::addLayerFromImage     (   const cv::Mat &     image,const std::string &   layer,grid_map::GridMap &   gridMap,const float     lowerValue = 0.0, //默认值const float     upperValue = 1.0, //默认值const double    alphaThreshold = 0.5  //默认值)       [inline, static]Adds a layer with data from image. 从图像中添加一个有数据的层Parameters:[in] image   the image to be added. If it is a color image (bgr or bgra encoding), it will be transformed in a grayscale image. 需要被添加的图像,其中彩色图会转为灰度图[in]  layer   the layer that is filled with the image data. 需要添加图像数据的图层[out]  gridMap the grid map to be populated. 被填充的栅格地图[in]  optional)   lowerValue value of the layer corresponding to black image pixels.--图层一个栅格中值的最低值-对应图像的黑色像素[in]  optional)   upperValue value of the layer corresponding to white image pixels.--图层一个栅格中值的最大值-对应图像的白色像素--图层一个栅格中值的范围应该在[lowerValue,upperValue]之间[in] optional)   alphaThreshold the threshold ([0.0, 1.0]) for the alpha value at which cells in the grid map are marked as empty.--栅格地图某一栅格标记为空时的阈值(这么小的值,应该不是图像像素,是转化后的栅格地图值),改阈值范围为0~1Returns:true if successful, false otherwise. 

1.4 grid_map::GridMap::get


Matrix & grid_map::GridMap::get  (   const std::string &     layer   )   Returns the grid map data for a layer as non-const. Use this method with care!
--返回栅格地图图层数据作为一个非常量,使用这种方法需要注意(是会改变图层数据吗?)Parameters:layer  the name of the layer to be returned. --图层名称Returns:grid map data.  栅格地图格式数据Exceptions:std::out_of_range    if no map layer with name `layer` is present. --没有该图层时会输出

1.5 const Matrix & grid_map::GridMap::get


const Matrix & grid_map::GridMap::get    (   const std::string &     layer   )   constReturns the grid map data for a layer as matrix.Parameters:layer   the name of the layer to be returned.Returns:grid map data as matrix. Exceptions:std::out_of_range  if no map layer with name `layer` is present. 

1.6 grid_map::GridMapRosConverter::toOccupancyGrid


void grid_map::GridMapRosConverter::toOccupancyGrid  (   const grid_map::GridMap &   gridMap,const std::string &     layer,float     dataMin,float   dataMax,nav_msgs::OccupancyGrid &   occupancyGrid )         [static]Parameters:[in] gridMap the grid map object.[in]    layer   the layer that is transformed to the occupancy cell data.[in]   dataMin the minimum value of the grid map data (used to normalize the cell data in [min, max]).[in] dataMax the maximum value of the grid map data (used to normalize the cell data in [min, max]).[out]    occupancyGrid   the message to be populated. 被填充的栅格地图的消息名

1.7 grid_map::GridMap::setTimestamp


void grid_map::GridMap::setTimestamp     (   const Time      timestamp   )   Set the timestamp of the grid map.
----设置栅格地图的时间戳(单位:纳秒)Parameters:timestamp   the timestamp to set (in nanoseconds). 



二 grid_map类型定义

2.1  grid_map::Index


typedef Eigen::Array2i Index;


template<typename Type >
using   Eigen::Array2X = Array< Type, 2, Dynamic >


grid_map_cv官方文档介绍:grid_map_cv: File List




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