Selective Search算法—候选框生成

相比于滑动搜索策略,Selective Search算法采用启发式的方法,过滤掉图像中很多断裂的子区域,候选生成所需的目标区域(Region Proposal),计算效率大幅提升。


  • Selective Search算法---候选框生成
  • 引论:学习算法前的问题思考
  • 一、Selective Search算法实现步骤
  • 二、Selective Search算法流程图
  • 三、代码
  • 四、深入思考
  • 五、项目链接






def metric_color_similarity(image1, image2):color_bin = 6color_hist1 = np.array([])color_hist2 = np.array([])for colour_channel in (0, 1, 2):c1 = image1[:, :, colour_channel]color_hist1 = np.concatenate([color_hist1] + [np.histogram(c1, color_bin, (0.0, 255.0))[0]])c2 = image2[:, :, colour_channel]color_hist2 = np.concatenate([color_hist2] + [np.histogram(c2, color_bin, (0.0, 255.0))[0]])color_hist1 = color_hist1 / sum(color_hist1)color_hist2 = color_hist2 / sum(color_hist2)color_sim = 0for i in range(len(color_hist1)):color_sim = color_sim + min(color_hist1[i], color_hist2[i])print(color_sim)



def metric_texture_similarity(image1, image2):gray_image1 = cv2.cvtColor(image1, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)gray_image2 = cv2.cvtColor(image2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)tex_img1 = skimage.feature.local_binary_pattern(gray_image1, 8, 1.0)tex_img2 = skimage.feature.local_binary_pattern(gray_image2, 8, 1.0)texture_bin = 20texture_hist1 = np.histogram(tex_img1.flatten(), texture_bin, (0.0, 255.0))[0]texture_hist2 = np.histogram(tex_img2.flatten(), texture_bin, (0.0, 255.0))[0]p_hist1 = texture_hist1/sum(texture_hist1)p_hist2 = texture_hist2/sum(texture_hist2)similarity = 0for i in range(texture_bin):similarity = similarity + min(p_hist1[i], p_hist2[i])print(similarity)




一、Selective Search算法实现步骤





第2步:创建字典集合region,含有915个元素。其中每个元素的键记为label,对应8个值(该label下所有像素点的min_x、min_y、max_x、max_y、类别标号label、像素点个数size 、颜色统计直方图、纹理统计直方图)。




第3步:创建相邻对集合neighbour_couple ,含有2429个相邻对。


















由结果可以看出,对于目标检测中的人脸检测问题,我们利用Selective Search算法的确可以筛选得到目标人脸区域。

二、Selective Search算法流程图


import cv2
import numpy as np
import skimage.segmentation
import random
import skimage.feature# Selective Search algorithm# step 1: calculate the first fel_segment region
# step 2: calculate the neighbour couple
# step 3: calculate the similarity dictionary
# step 4: merge regions and calculate the second merged region
# step 5: obtain e target candidate regions by secondary screeningdef intersect(a, b):if (a["min_x"] < b["min_x"] < a["max_x"] and a["min_y"] < b["min_y"] < a["max_y"]) or \(a["min_x"] < b["max_x"] < a["max_x"] and a["min_y"] < b["max_y"] < a["max_y"]) or \(a["min_x"] < b["min_x"] < a["max_x"] and a["min_y"] < b["max_y"] < a["max_y"]) or \(a["min_x"] < b["max_x"] < a["max_x"] and a["min_y"] < b["min_y"] < a["max_y"]):return Truereturn Falsedef calc_similarity(r1, r2, size):sim1 = 0sim2 = 0for a, b in zip(r1["hist_c"], r2["hist_c"]):sim1 = sim1 + min(a, b)for a, b in zip(r1["hist_t"], r2["hist_t"]):sim2 = sim2 + min(a, b)sim3 = 1.0 - (r1["size"] + r2["size"]) / sizerect_size = (max(r1["max_x"], r2["max_x"]) - min(r1["min_x"], r2["min_x"])) * \(max(r1["max_y"], r2["max_y"]) - min(r1["min_y"], r2["min_y"]))sim4 = 1.0 - (rect_size - r1["size"] - r2["size"]) / sizesimilarity = sim1 + sim2 + sim3 + sim4return similaritydef merge_region(r1, r2, t):new_size = r1["size"] + r2["size"]r_new = {"min_x": min(r1["min_x"], r2["min_x"]),"min_y": min(r1["min_y"], r2["min_y"]),"max_x": max(r1["max_x"], r2["max_x"]),"max_y": max(r1["max_y"], r2["max_y"]),"size": new_size,"hist_c": (r1["hist_c"] * r1["size"] + r2["hist_c"] * r2["size"]) / new_size,"hist_t": (r1["hist_t"] * r1["size"] + r2["hist_t"] * r2["size"]) / new_size,"labels": t}return r_new# Step 1: Calculate the different categories segmented by felzenszwalb algorithmdef first_calc_fel_category(image, scale, sigma, min_size):fel_mask = skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb(image, scale=scale, sigma=sigma, min_size=min_size)print('The picture has been segmented in these categories : ', np.max(fel_mask))   # 0-694 categoriesgray_image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)    # (250, 250)texture_img = skimage.feature.local_binary_pattern(gray_image, 8, 1.0)    # (250, 250)# fel_img = np.zeros((fel_mask.shape[0], fel_mask.shape[0], 3))# for i in range(np.max(fel_mask)):#     a = random.randint(0, 255)#     b = random.randint(0, 255)#     c = random.randint(0, 255)#     for j in range(fel_mask.shape[0]):#         for k in range(fel_mask.shape[1]):#             if fel_mask[j, k] == i:#                 fel_img[j, k, 0] = a#                 fel_img[j, k, 1] = b#                 fel_img[j, k, 2] = c## cv2.namedWindow("image")# cv2.imshow('image', fel_img/255)# cv2.waitKey(0)# cv2.imwrite('felzenszwalb_img.jpg', fel_img)img_append = np.zeros((fel_mask.shape[0], fel_mask.shape[1], 4))  # (250, 250, 4)img_append[:, :, 0:3] = imageimg_append[:, :, 3] = fel_maskregion = {}# calc the min_x、in_y、max_x、max_y、label in every categoryfor y, i in enumerate(img_append):for x, (r, g, b, l) in enumerate(i):if l not in region:region[l] = {"min_x": 0xffff, "min_y": 0xffff, "max_x": 0, "max_y": 0, "labels": l}if region[l]["min_x"] > x:region[l]["min_x"] = xif region[l]["min_y"] > y:region[l]["min_y"] = yif region[l]["max_x"] < x:region[l]["max_x"] = xif region[l]["max_y"] < y:region[l]["max_y"] = yfor k, v in list(region.items()):# calc the size feature in every categorymasked_color = image[:, :, :][img_append[:, :, 3] == k]region[k]["size"] = len(masked_color)# calc the color feature in every categorycolor_bin = 6color_hist = np.array([])for colour_channel in (0, 1, 2):c = masked_color[:, colour_channel]color_hist = np.concatenate([color_hist] + [np.histogram(c, color_bin, (0.0, 255.0))[0]])color_hist = color_hist / sum(color_hist)region[k]["hist_c"] = color_hist# calc the texture feature in every categorytexture_bin = 10masked_texture = texture_img[:, :][img_append[:, :, 3] == k]texture_hist = np.histogram(masked_texture, texture_bin, (0.0, 255.0))[0]texture_hist = texture_hist / sum(texture_hist)region[k]["hist_t"] = texture_histreturn region# Step 2: Calculate the neighbour couple in the first fel_segment regiondef calc_neighbour_couple(region):r = list(region.items())couples = []for cur, a in enumerate(r[:-1]):for b in r[cur + 1:]:if intersect(a[1], b[1]):couples.append((a, b))return couples# Step 3: Calculate the sim_dictionary in the neighbour coupledef calc_sim_dictionary(couple, total_size):sim_dictionary = {}for (ai, ar), (bi, br) in couple:sim_dictionary[(ai, bi)] = calc_similarity(ar, br, total_size)return sim_dictionary# step 4: merge the small regions and calculate the second merged regiondef second_calc_merge_category(sim_dictionary, region,  total_size):while sim_dictionary != {}:i, j = sorted(sim_dictionary.items(), key=lambda i: i[1])[-1][0]t = max(region.keys()) + 1.0region[t] = merge_region(region[i], region[j], t)key_to_delete = []for k, v in list(sim_dictionary.items()):if (i in k) or (j in k):key_to_delete.append(k)for k in key_to_delete:del sim_dictionary[k]for k in [a for a in key_to_delete if a != (i, j)]:n = k[1] if k[0] in (i, j) else k[0]sim_dictionary[(t, n)] = calc_similarity(region[t], region[n], total_size)return region# step 5: obtain the target candidate regions by secondary screeningdef calc_candidate_box(second_region, total_size):category = []for k, r in list(second_region.items()):category.append({'rect': (r['min_x'], r['min_y'], r['max_x'], r['max_y']), 'size': r['size']})candidate_box = set()for r in category:if r['rect'] in candidate_box:continueif r['size'] > total_size / 4:continueif r['size'] < total_size / 36:continuex1, y1, x2, y2 = r['rect']if (x2-x1) == 0 or (y2-y1) == 0:continueif (y2-y1) / (x2-x1) > 1.5 or (x2-x1) / (y2-y1) > 1.5:continuecandidate_box.add(r['rect'])return candidate_boximg = cv2.imread('/home/archer/CODE/PF/162.jpg')
total_size = img.shape[0] * img.shape[1]
print('The shape of the image is : ', img.shape)    # (250, 250, 3)first_region = first_calc_fel_category(img, scale=20, sigma=0.9, min_size=10)
print('first segment categories: ', len(first_region))neighbour_couple = calc_neighbour_couple(first_region)
print('first neighbour_couple : ', len(neighbour_couple))sim_dictionary = calc_sim_dictionary(neighbour_couple, total_size)second_region = second_calc_merge_category(sim_dictionary, first_region, total_size)
print('second merge categories: ', len(second_region))candidate_box = calc_candidate_box(second_region, total_size)
print('the candidate box we got by the selective search algorithm : ')flag = 1
for (x1, y1, x2, y2) in candidate_box:select_img = img[y1:y2, x1:x2]print(x1, y1, x2, y2)# cv2.namedWindow("select_image")# cv2.imshow("select_image", select_img)# cv2.waitKey(0)img_path ='/home/archer/CODE/PF/selective/' + str(flag) + '.jpg'cv2.imwrite(img_path, select_img)flag = flag + 1


思考1:Selective Search算法真的能生成想要的目标候选区域吗?

在利用RCNN做目标检测时,最关键的是要牢牢把握住两个步骤的效果。一是要确保Selective Search算法一定要能生成我们想要检测的目标区域;二是要确保CNN分类器一定要把我们想要检测的区域准确判别为真。


但最起码针对LFW数据集,Selective Search算法对人脸区域的生成效果不错,每张图片基本都能生成我们想要的目标区域。有时我们能调整felzenszwalb算法,让图片更加过度预分割,以期待最后融合能生成我们想要的目标区域。


Selective Search算法的具体编程实现比较复杂,相比以往接触到的算法实现,对于非科班没经过系统算法训练的我,还是有点吃力的。我们能从中学到很多编程技巧。


(2)Selective Search算法中最后的区域融合,很像统计算法中的层次聚类法,不断合并更新新的对应关系。以后如果涉及到这方面的编程实现,可以借鉴。

(3)masked_color = image[:, :, :][img_append[:, :, 3] == k],这句命令把所有img_append第4个分量等于k的 image中的元素全部取了出来,实际用途很广。



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