
O(log n)(n为保存元素个数).
















public class BalancedBinaryTree<T> {private int size;private Node root;@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")private Comparator comparator;public BalancedBinaryTree() {}@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes")public BalancedBinaryTree(Comparator comparator) {this.comparator = comparator;}public void add(T data) {Node node = new Node(data);Node p = findNode(node);if (p == null) {this.root = node;} else if (p.compare(node) > 0) {p.left = node;node.parent = p;} else if (p.compare(node) < 0) {p.right = node;node.parent = p;} else {p.data = data;return;}size++;handleImBalance4Add(node);}public boolean remove(T data) {if (root == null) {return false;}Node node = new Node(data);Node res = findNode(node);if (node.compare(res) != 0) {throw new NoSuchElementException();}Node checkPoint;if (res.left == null && res.right == null) {checkPoint = removeLeafNode(res);} else if (res.left == null || res.right == null) {checkPoint = removeNodeWithOneChild(res);} else {checkPoint = removeNodeWithTwoChild(res);}if (checkPoint != null) {handleImbalance4Remove(checkPoint);}size--;return true;}public int size() {return size;}private void handleImbalance4Remove(Node checkPoint) {Node tmp = checkPoint;boolean leftRemoved = false;if (tmp.left == null && tmp.right == null) {tmp.factor = 0;if (tmp.parent != null) {leftRemoved = tmp.parent.left == tmp;}tmp = tmp.parent;} else if (tmp.factor == 0) {tmp.factor = tmp.left == null ? 1 : -1;return;} else {leftRemoved = tmp.left == null;}int f;while (tmp != null) {f = tmp.factor;if (leftRemoved) {f = f + 1;} else {f = f - 1;}tmp.factor = f;if (f == -2 || f == 2) {tmp = handleImbalance(tmp);} else if (f == 1 || f == -1) {break;}leftRemoved = tmp.parent != null && tmp.parent.left == tmp;tmp = tmp.parent;}}private Node removeNodeWithTwoChild(Node node) {if (node.left == null || node.right == null) {throw new IllegalStateException("only use of two child node removing");}Node target = findDeepestAndClosestNodeOfCurrentNode(node);node.data = target.data;Node p = null;if (target.left == null && target.right == null) {p = removeLeafNode(target);} else if (target.left == null || target.right == null) {p = removeNodeWithOneChild(target);} else {//impossiblethrow new IllegalStateException("method of findDeepestAndClosestNodeOfCurrentNode work not right!");}return p;}private Node removeNodeWithOneChild(Node node) {Node parent = node.parent;Node child;if (node.left == null && node.right != null) {child = node.right;} else if (node.right == null && node.left != null) {child = node.left;} else {throw new IllegalStateException("only use of one child node removing");}child.parent = parent;if (parent == null) {root = child;} else if (parent.left == node) {parent.left = child;} else {parent.right = child;}return child;}private Node removeLeafNode(Node node) {if (node.left != null || node.right != null) {throw new IllegalStateException("only use of leaf child node removing");}Node parent = node.parent;if (parent != null) {if (parent.left == node) {parent.left = null;} else {parent.right = null;}} else {root = null;}return parent;}private Node findDeepestAndClosestNodeOfCurrentNode(Node node) {Node left = node.left;Node right = node.right;int i = 0, j = 0;Node targetLeft = left, targetRight = right;boolean bottom = false;for (; ; i++) {if (left.right != null) {left = left.right;} else {if (!bottom) {targetLeft = left;bottom = true;}if (left.left != null) {left = left.left;} else {break;}}}bottom = false;for (; ; j++) {if (right.left != null) {right = right.left;} else {if (!bottom) {targetRight = right;bottom = true;}if (right.right != null) {right = right.right;} else {break;}}}if (i >= j) {return targetLeft;} else {return targetRight;}}private void handleImBalance4Add(Node checkPoint) {Node tmp = checkPoint;Node p = tmp.parent;boolean tmpLeftFlag;int k;while (p != null) {tmpLeftFlag = p.left == tmp;if (tmpLeftFlag) {k = p.factor - 1;} else {k = p.factor + 1;}p.factor = k;if (k == 2 || k == -2) {handleImbalance(p);break;} else if (k == 0) {break;}tmp = p;p = p.parent;}}private Node handleImbalance(Node node) {Node res;int rotateType;int k = 0;if (node.factor == -2 && node.left.factor == -1) {res = RRR(node);rotateType = 1;} else if (node.factor == 2 && node.right.factor == 1) {res = LLR(node);rotateType = 2;} else if (node.factor == -2 && node.left.factor == 1) {k = node.left.right.factor;res = LRR(node);rotateType = 3;} else if (node.factor == 2 && node.right.factor == -1) {k = node.right.left.factor;res = RLR(node);rotateType = 4;} else {throw new RuntimeException("平衡因子计算错误");}handleFactorAfterReBalance(res, rotateType, k);return res;}private void handleFactorAfterReBalance(Node node, int rotateType, int originFactor) {node.factor = 0;if (rotateType == 1) {node.right.factor = 0;} else if (rotateType == 2) {node.left.factor = 0;} else if (rotateType == 3 || rotateType == 4) {if (originFactor == 1) {node.left.factor = -1;node.right.factor = 0;} else if (originFactor == -1) {node.left.factor = 0;node.right.factor = 1;} else {node.left.factor = 0;node.right.factor = 0;}}}private Node RRR(Node node) {Node parent = node.parent;Node child = node.left;child.parent = parent;node.parent = child;node.left = child.right;if (node.left != null) {node.left.parent = node;}child.right = node;if (parent == null) {root = child;} else if (parent.right == node) {parent.right = child;} else {parent.left = child;}return child;}private Node LLR(Node node) {Node parent = node.parent;Node child = node.right;child.parent = parent;node.parent = child;node.right = child.left;if (node.right != null) {node.right.parent = node;}child.left = node;if (parent == null) {root = child;} else if (parent.left == node) {parent.left = child;} else {parent.right = child;}return child;}private Node LRR(Node node) {LLR(node.left);return RRR(node);}private Node RLR(Node node) {RRR(node.right);return LLR(node);}private Node findNode(Node node) {Node p = null;Node tmp = root;while (tmp != null) {p = tmp;if (tmp.compare(node) > 0) {tmp = tmp.left;} else if (tmp.compare(node) < 0) {tmp = tmp.right;} else {break;}}return p;}private void traverse(Node node, Consumer<Node> consumer) {if (node == null) {return;}Deque<Node> nodeDeque = new ArrayDeque<>();node.height = 1;nodeDeque.add(node);while (nodeDeque.size() > 0) {Node first = nodeDeque.pollFirst();consumer.accept(first);Node right = first.right;if (right != null) {right.height = first.height + 1;nodeDeque.addFirst(right);}Node left = first.left;if (left != null) {left.height = first.height + 1;nodeDeque.addFirst(left);}}}@Overridepublic String toString() {StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder();traverse(root, n -> {for (int i = 0; i < n.height; i++) {res.append("----------");}res.append(':');res.append(n.data);res.append('(');res.append(n.factor);res.append(')');res.append('\n');});return res.toString();}private int getMaxHeight(Node node){int[] height = new int[1];traverse(node,n->{if(n.left == null && n.right == null && n.height > height[0]){height[0] = n.height;}});return height[0];}//查询public boolean contains(Comparable<T> data) {if (this.size == 0) {                                 // 没有数据return false ;                                       // 结束查询}return this.root.containsNode(data) ;                   // Node类查询}class Node {private Node parent;private Node left;private Node right;private int factor;private int height;private T data;public Node(T data) {Objects.requireNonNull(data);this.data = data;}public int compare(Node target) {if (comparator != null) {return comparator.compare(this.data, target.data);} else {return ((Comparable) this.data).compareTo(target.data);}}@Overridepublic String toString() {return data.toString();}public boolean containsNode(Comparable<T> data) {if (data.compareTo((T) this.data) == 0) {          // 数据匹配return true;                                     // 查找到了} else if (data.compareTo((T) this.data) < 0) {   // 左子节点查询if (this.left != null) {                      // 左子节点存在return this.left.containsNode(data);       // 递归调用} else {                                     // 没有左子节点return false;                              // 无法找到}} else {                                            // 右子节点查询if (this.right != null) {                     // 右子节点存在return this.right.containsNode(data);      // 递归调用} else {                                     // 没有右子节点return false;                              // 无法找到}}}}static BalancedBinaryTree<Integer> buildTestTree() {BalancedBinaryTree<Integer> binaryTree = new BalancedBinaryTree();binaryTree.add(8);binaryTree.add(3);binaryTree.add(13);binaryTree.add(1);binaryTree.add(5);binaryTree.add(10);binaryTree.add(16);binaryTree.add(2);binaryTree.add(4);binaryTree.add(7);binaryTree.add(9);binaryTree.add(12);binaryTree.add(15);binaryTree.add(18);binaryTree.add(6);binaryTree.add(11);binaryTree.add(14);binaryTree.add(17);binaryTree.add(19);binaryTree.add(20);return binaryTree;}


public class Binary {public static void main(String args[]) {BalancedBinaryTree<Integer> bbt = new BalancedBinaryTree<>();bbt.add(100);bbt.add(10);bbt.add(40);bbt.add(34);bbt.add(210);System.out.println(bbt);}



public class Emp implements Comparable<Emp>{private String ename ;private String job ;private Double salary ;private Integer age ;private Date hiredate ; private String dept ;public String getEname() {return ename;}public void setEname(String ename) {this.ename = ename;}public String getJob() {return job;}public void setJob(String job) {this.job = job;}public Double getSalary() {return salary;}public void setSalary(Double salary) {this.salary = salary;}public Integer getAge() {return age;}public void setAge(Integer age) {this.age = age;}public Date getHiredate() {return hiredate;}public void setHiredate(Date hiredate) {this.hiredate = hiredate;}public String getDept() {return dept;}public void setDept(String dept) {this.dept = dept;}@Overridepublic int compareTo(Emp emp) {return this.age - emp.age;}
@Overridepublic String toString() {return "Emp [ename=" + ename + ", job=" + job + ", salary=" + salary + ", age=" + age + ", hiredate=" + hiredate+ ", dept=" + dept + "]";}


public class Binary {public static void main(String args[]) {System.out.println("使用自定义数据");BalancedBinaryTree<Emp> b = new BalancedBinaryTree<>();String value = "ename:Smith|job:Clerk|salary:8960.00|age:30|hiredate:2003-10-15|"+ "dept.dname:财务部|dept.loc:MLDN|dept.company.name:SMD" ;String value2 = "ename:231213|job:Clerk|salary:8960.00|age:24|hiredate:2003-10-15|"+ "dept.dname:财务部|dept.loc:MLDN|dept.company.name:SMD" ;Emp emp = ClassInstanceFactory.create(Emp.class, value) ;  // 工具类自动设置Emp emp2 = ClassInstanceFactory.create(Emp.class, value2) ;  // 工具类自动设置String value3 = "ename:23|job:Clerk|salary:8960.00|age:43|hiredate:2003-10-15|"+ "dept.dname:财务部|dept.loc:MLDN|dept.company.name:Alibaba" ;Emp emp3 = ClassInstanceFactory.create(Emp.class, value3) ; // 工具类自动设置String value4 = "ename:23|job:Clerk|salary:8960.00|age:43|hiredate:2003-10-15|"+ "dept.dname:财务部|dept.loc:MLDN|dept.company.name:Alibaba" ;Emp emp4 = ClassInstanceFactory.create(Emp.class, value4) ; // 工具类自动设置b.add(emp);b.add(emp2);b.add(emp3);System.out.println(b);System.out.println(b.contains(emp4));//寻找存不存在和emp4一个属性的对象}



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