


[root@localhost ~]# yum install httpd -y
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl start httpd
[root@localhost ~]# netstat -antlupe | grep 80
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      0          36254      2133/httpd
[root@localhost ~]# netstat -antlupe | grep httpd
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      0          36254      2133/httpd
[root@localhost ~]# cd /var/www/html/     ##目录/var/www/html是默认访问目录
[root@localhost html]# systemctl stop firewalld
[root@localhost html]# vim index.html     ##index.html文件是默认访问文件
[root@localhost html]# cat index.html
<h1>/var/www/html/index's page<h1>        ##<h1>内容<h1> 这是html的写法,表示的格式是标题一
[root@localhost html]# vim tutu.html      ##tutu.html不是默认访问文件,所以在访问时,需访问http://ip/tutu.html
[root@localhost html]# cat tutu.html
<h1>/var/www/html/tutu's page<h1>
[root@localhost html]#
  • 浏览器查看——

  • 浏览器查看——



[root@localhost html]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf     ##httpd的配置文件
Listen 80 ——> Listen 8080     ##修改第42行
[root@localhost html]# systemctl restart httpd
[root@localhost html]# netstat -antlupe | grep httpd
tcp6       0      0 :::8080                 :::*                    LISTEN      0          110156     9396/httpd
  • 浏览器访问——

[root@localhost html]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
Listen 8080 ——> Listen 80    ##修改第42行
[root@localhost html]# systemctl restart httpd
[root@localhost html]# netstat -antlupe | grep httpd
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      0          111224     9449/httpd
  • 浏览器访问——


[root@localhost html]# pwd
[root@localhost html]# mkdir /westos/html -p
[root@localhost html]# cd /westos/html/
[root@localhost html]# pwd
[root@localhost html]# vim index.html
[root@localhost html]# cat index.html
<h1>/westos/html/index's page</h1>
  • 浏览器访问——

[root@localhost html]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf      ##注释掉第119行,添加120——123行内容如下
119 #DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
120 DocumentRoot "/westos/html"
121 <Directory "/westos">
122         require all granted
123 </Directory>
[root@localhost html]# systemctl restart httpd
  • 浏览器访问——默认目录)

[root@localhost html]# ls
[root@localhost html]# vim test.html
[root@localhost html]# cat test.html
<h1>/westos/html/test's page</h1>
[root@localhost html]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf    ##添加第123行,设置默认访问文件为test.html
120 DocumentRoot "/westos/html"
121 <Directory "/westos">
122         require all granted
123         DirectoryIndex test.html
124 </Directory>
[root@localhost html]# systemctl restart httpd
  • 浏览器访问——默认文件)

[root@localhost html]# pwd
[root@localhost html]# ls
index.html  test.html
[root@localhost html]# mkdir linux
[root@localhost html]# cd linux/
[root@localhost linux]# vim index.html
[root@localhost linux]# cat index.html
<h1>/westos/html/linux/index's page<h1>
[root@localhost linux]# vim test.html
[root@localhost linux]# cat test.html
<h1>/westos/html/linux/test's page<h1>
  • 浏览器访问——

[root@localhost linux]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf    ##添加121——123行,使得访问linux目录时,默认文件是index.html
120 DocumentRoot "/westos/html"
121 <Directory "/westos/html/linux">
122         DirectoryIndex index.html
123 </Directory>
124 <Directory "/westos">
125         require all granted
126         DirectoryIndex test.html
127 </Directory>
[root@localhost linux]# systemctl restart httpd


[root@localhost html]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf    ##恢复原配置,即删除120——127行或者注释掉,这里是删除了
[root@localhost html]# systemctl restart httpd
[root@localhost html]# pwd
[root@localhost html]# cd /var/www/html/
[root@localhost html]# ls
index.html  tutu.html
[root@localhost html]# mkdir westos
[root@localhost html]# ls
index.html  tutu.html  westos
[root@localhost html]# cd westos/
[root@localhost westos]# ls
[root@localhost westos]# vim index.html
[root@localhost westos]# cat index.html
<h1>/var/www/html/westos/index's page</h1>

[root@localhost westos]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
119 DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
120 <Directory "/var/www/html/westos">
121         Order Allow,Deny           ##先读Allow,再读Deny
122         Allow from All             ##允许所有ip访问
123         Deny from    ##禁止172.25.254.50访问
124 </Directory>
[root@localhost westos]# systemctl restart httpd
  • ip为172.25.254.127的主机进行访问

  • ip为172.25.254.50的主机进行访问

[root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
119 DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
120 #DocumentRoot "/westos/html"
121 <Directory "/var/www/html/westos">
122         Order Deny,Allow            ##先读Deny,再读Allow
123         Allow from    ##允许172.25.254.50访问
124         Deny from All               ##禁止所有ip访问
125 </Directory>
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl restart httpd
  • ip为172.25.254.127的主机进行访问

  • ip为172.25.254.50的主机进行访问

  • 4、基于用户的身份认证

[root@localhost westos]# cd /etc/httpd/
[root@localhost httpd]# ls
conf  conf.d  conf.modules.d  logs  modules  run
[root@localhost httpd]# htpasswd -cm apacheuser admin
##htpasswd [-cimBdpsDv] [-C cost] passwordfile username
##-c  Create a new file.
##-m  Force MD5 encryption of the password (default).
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user admin
[root@localhost httpd]# cat apacheuser
[root@localhost httpd]# htpasswd -cm apacheuser tom
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user tom
[root@localhost httpd]# cat apacheuser
[root@localhost httpd]# htpasswd -m apacheuser admin
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user admin
[root@localhost httpd]# cat apacheuser
[root@localhost httpd]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
119 DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
120 <Directory "/var/www/html/westos">
121         AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/apacheuser
122         AuthName "Please input user and password !!"
123         AuthType basic
124         Require user admin
125 </Directory>
[root@localhost httpd]# systemctl restart httpd 

  • 登陆成功后

  • 因为只允许用户admin登陆,所以用户tom登陆时,不能成功,会再次回到登陆页面

[root@localhost httpd]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
119 DocumentRoot "/var/www/html"
120 <Directory "/var/www/html/westos">
121         AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/apacheuser
122         AuthName "Please input user and password !!"
123         AuthType basic
124 #       Require user admin      ##注释掉
125         Require valid-user
126 </Directory>
[root@localhost httpd]# systemctl restart httpd



  • 测试主机设置(使用浏览器进行访问的主机)
[root@foundation50 Desktop]# vim /etc/hosts www.westos.com news.westos.com music.westos.com login.westos.com
[root@foundation50 Desktop]#
  • Apache主机设置
[root@localhost httpd]# pwd
[root@localhost httpd]# ls
apacheuser  conf  conf.d  conf.modules.d  logs  modules  run
[root@localhost httpd]# cd conf.d/
[root@localhost conf.d]# ls
autoindex.conf  README  userdir.conf  welcome.conf
[root@localhost conf.d]# vim default.conf
[root@localhost conf.d]# cat default.conf
<VirtualHost _default_:80>DocumentRoot /var/www/htmlCustomLog "logs/default.log" combined
[root@localhost conf.d]# mkdir /var/www/virtual/westos.com/news -p
[root@localhost conf.d]# mkdir /var/www/virtual/westos.com/music -p
[root@localhost conf.d]# vim /var/www/virtual/westos.com/news/index.html
[root@localhost conf.d]# cat /var/www/virtual/westos.com/news/index.html
<h1>/var/www/virtual/westos.com/news/index's page<h1>
[root@localhost conf.d]# vim /var/www/virtual/westos.com/music/index.html
[root@localhost conf.d]# cat /var/www/virtual/westos.com/music/index.html
<h1>/var/www/virtual/westos.com/music/index's page<h1>
[root@localhost conf.d]# vim news.conf
[root@localhost conf.d]# cat news.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>ServerName news.westos.comDocumentRoot "/var/www/virtual/westos.com/news/"CustomLog "logs/default.log" combined
<Directory "/var/www/virtual/westos.com/news/">Require all granted
[root@localhost conf.d]# cp news.conf music.conf
[root@localhost conf.d]# vim music.conf
[root@localhost conf.d]# cat music.conf
<VirtualHost *:80>ServerName music.westos.comDocumentRoot "/var/www/virtual/westos.com/music/"CustomLog "logs/default.log" combined
<Directory "/var/www/virtual/westos.com/music/">Require all granted
[root@localhost conf.d]# systemctl restart httpd
  • 访问——www.westos.com

  • 访问——news.westos.com

  • 访问——music.westos.com


[root@localhost ~]# yum install mod_ssl -y
[root@localhost ~]# cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/
[root@localhost conf.d]# ls /etc/httpd/conf.d/
autoindex.conf  music.conf  README    userdir.conf
default.conf    news.conf   ssl.conf  welcome.conf
[root@localhost conf.d]# systemctl restart httpd

[root@localhost conf.d]# yum install crypto-utils -y
[root@localhost conf.d]# genkey www.westos.com
output will be written to /etc/pki/tls/certs/www.westos.com.crt
output key written to /etc/pki/tls/private/www.westos.com.key


[root@localhost conf.d]# vim ssl.conf
101 SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/www.westos.com.crt
108 SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/private/www.westos.com.key
[root@localhost conf.d]# systemctl restart httpd


[root@localhost conf.d]# ls
autoindex.conf  music.conf  README    tmprequest    welcome.conf
default.conf    news.conf   ssl.conf  userdir.conf
[root@localhost conf.d]# vim login.conf
[root@localhost conf.d]# cat login.conf
<VirtualHost *:443>ServerName login.westos.comDocumentRoot "/var/www/virtual/westos.com/login/"CustomLog "logs/login.log" combinedSSLEngine onSSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/www.westos.com.crtSSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/www.westos.com.key
<Directory "/var/www/virtual/westos.com/login/">Require all granted
<VirtualHost *:80>ServerName login.westos.comRewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^(/.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}$1 [redirect=301]
[root@localhost conf.d]# mkdir -p /var/www/virtual/westos.com/login/
[root@localhost conf.d]# vim /var/www/virtual/westos.com/login/index.html
[root@localhost conf.d]# cat /var/www/virtual/westos.com/login/index.html
<h1>/var/www/virtual/westos.com/login/index's page<h1>
[root@localhost conf.d]# systemctl restart httpd

四、集成PHP 和 CGI

[root@localhost conf.d]# yum install httpd-manual -y    ##安装此软件,可以访问ip/manual——php等的说明
[root@localhost conf.d]# systemctl restart httpd

  • PHP

[root@localhost conf.d]# cd /var/www/html/
[root@localhost html]# ls
index.html  tutu.html  westos
[root@localhost html]# vim index.php
[root@localhost html]# cat index.php
[root@localhost html]# yum install php -y
[root@localhost html]# vim /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
169 <IfModule dir_module>
170     DirectoryIndex index.php index.html
171 </IfModule>
[root@localhost html]# systemctl restart httpd

  • CGI

[root@localhost html]# pwd
[root@localhost html]# mkdir cgi
[root@localhost html]# ls
cgi  index.html  index.php  tutu.html  westos
[root@localhost html]# vim cgi/index.cgi
[root@localhost html]# cat cgi/index.cgi
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print `date`;
[root@localhost html]# chmod +x cgi/index.cgi
[root@localhost html]# ./cgi/index.cgi
Content-type: text/htmlWed May 30 08:14:48 EDT 2018
[root@localhost html]# ./cgi/index.cgi
Content-type: text/htmlWed May 30 08:14:57 EDT 2018
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
print `date`;

[root@localhost html]# ls
cgi  index.html  index.php  tutu.html  westos
[root@localhost html]# cd /etc/httpd/conf.d/
[root@localhost conf.d]# ls
autoindex.conf  login.conf   music.conf  php.conf  ssl.conf    userdir.conf
default.conf    manual.conf  news.conf   README    tmprequest  welcome.conf
[root@localhost conf.d]# vim default.conf
[root@localhost conf.d]# cat default.conf | tail -n 5
<Directory "/var/www/html/cgi">Options +ExecCGIAddHandler cgi-script .cgiDirectoryIndex index.cgi
[root@localhost conf.d]# systemctl restart httpd
Wed May 30 08:19:21 EDT 2018


[root@localhost ~]# systemctl start httpd
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl start mariadb
[root@localhost ~]# cd /var/www/html/
[root@localhost html]# ls
cgi  Discuz_X3.2_SC_UTF8.zip  index.html  index.php  tutu.html  westos
[root@localhost html]# unzip Discuz_X3.2_SC_UTF8.zip
[root@localhost html]# ls
cgi                      index.html  readme     upload   westos
Discuz_X3.2_SC_UTF8.zip  index.php   tutu.html  utility
[root@localhost html]# chmod 777 /var/www/html/upload/ -R
[root@localhost html]# php -m
##参数: -m               Show compiled in modules
【root@localhost html]# yum install php-mysql.x86_64 -y
[root@localhost html]# systemctl restart httpd


  • 可以上网的主机设置

[root@localhost ~]# yum install squid -y
[root@localhost ~]# vim /etc/squid/squid.conf
56 http_access allow all
62 cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256
[root@localhost ~]# systemctl start squid
  • 不能上网的主机设置代理


  • IP为172.25.254.50的设置——Apache(距离较远)

[root@shenzhen squid]# yum install squid -y
[root@shenzhen squid]# systemctl start squid
[root@shenzhen squid]# cd /usr/share/doc/squid-3.3.8/
[root@shenzhen squid-3.3.8]# ls
ChangeLog  COPYRIGHT   README    rredir.pl              url-normalizer.pl
COPYING    QUICKSTART  rredir.c  squid.conf.documented  user-agents.pl
[root@shenzhen squid]# systemctl stop firewalld
[root@shenzhen squid]# cd /var/www/html/
[root@shenzhen html]# vim index.html
[root@shenzhen html]# cat index.html
[root@shenzhen squid-3.3.8]# systemctl start httpd

  • IP为172.25.254.227的设置——Squid(距离较近)

[root@xian ~]# yum install squid -y
[root@xian ~]# vim /etc/squid/squid.conf56 http_access allow all59 http_port 80 vhost vport60 cache_peer parent 80 0 proxy-only62 cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid 100 16 256
[root@xian ~]# systemctl start squid
[root@xian ~]# systemctl stop firewalld


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