
Given a binary tree, find its minimum depth.

The minimum depth is the number of nodes along the shortest path from the root node down to the nearest leaf node.


/*** Definition for a binary tree node.* struct TreeNode {*     int val;*     TreeNode *left;*     TreeNode *right;*     TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}* };*/
class Solution {
public:int minDepth(TreeNode* root) {if (!root) return 0;if ( !root->left && !root->right) return 1;if ( root->left && root->right ) return std::min( Solution::minDepth(root->left)+1, Solution::minDepth(root->right)+1);if ( root->left ) return Solution::minDepth(root->left)+1;if (root->right ) return Solution::minDepth(root->right)+1;}



1. 如果root是NULL,返回0

2. 如果root不是NULL,且left和right都是NULL,则到达叶子节点返回1(代表算上叶子节点的那一层)

3. 如果root->left和root->right都不为NULL,则继续往两边深搜

4. 如果root不是NULL,但root->left或root->right哪一方为NULL,则为NULL的一端不会再有叶子节点出现,不能再往下走了。



第二次过这道题,上来没有把终止条件想完全。终止条件应该是达到叶子简单root->left root->right都为空。


/*** Definition for a binary tree node.* struct TreeNode {*     int val;*     TreeNode *left;*     TreeNode *right;*     TreeNode(int x) : val(x), left(NULL), right(NULL) {}* };*/
class Solution {
public:int minDepth(TreeNode* root){if ( !root ) return 0;int min_depth = INT_MAX;Solution::depth(root, min_depth, 1);return min_depth;}static void depth(TreeNode* root, int& min_depth, int dep){if ( !root->left && !root->right ) min_depth = min(min_depth,dep);            if ( root->left ) Solution::depth(root->left, min_depth, dep+1);if ( root->right ) Solution::depth(root->right, min_depth, dep+1);}


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