

1. 下载代码和预训练模型,准备数据
2. 数据预处理:使用data_process的脚本进行自己标注的数据进行处理
3. 训练模型(需要修改train.py/cfg.py/dataset.py/以及tool中关于数据预处理的相关定义,请看代码去改)
4. 测试模型(修改test.py进行预测)
5. pytorch模型转onnx模型(修改pytorch2onnx.py)
6. onnx模型删减(修改dy_resize.py,删减不支持的算子)
7. onnx转om模型(atc命令如下)
8. 测试om模型(修改pyacl代码,本地代码没用等比例缩放,主要修改acl_dvpp.py的数据预处理)
9. 对比结果(把om模型的输出拿出来,放到test_onnx.py / test_om.py中测试,对比本地模型和atlas模型的检测结果)









# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time
import logging
import os, sys, math
import argparse
from collections import deque
import datetime
import copy
import cv2
from tqdm import tqdm
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
from torch import optim
from torch.nn import functional as F
from tensorboardX import SummaryWriter
from easydict import EasyDict as edictfrom dataset import Yolo_dataset
from cfg import Cfg
from models import Yolov4
from tool.darknet2pytorch import Darknetfrom tool.tv_reference.utils import collate_fn as val_collate
from tool.tv_reference.coco_utils import convert_to_coco_api
from tool.tv_reference.coco_eval import CocoEvaluatordef bboxes_iou(bboxes_a, bboxes_b, xyxy=True, GIoU=False, DIoU=False, CIoU=False):if bboxes_a.shape[1] != 4 or bboxes_b.shape[1] != 4:raise IndexErrorif xyxy:# intersection top lefttl = torch.max(bboxes_a[:, None, :2], bboxes_b[:, :2])# intersection bottom rightbr = torch.min(bboxes_a[:, None, 2:], bboxes_b[:, 2:])# convex (smallest enclosing box) top left and bottom rightcon_tl = torch.min(bboxes_a[:, None, :2], bboxes_b[:, :2])con_br = torch.max(bboxes_a[:, None, 2:], bboxes_b[:, 2:])# centerpoint distance squaredrho2 = ((bboxes_a[:, None, 0] + bboxes_a[:, None, 2]) - (bboxes_b[:, 0] + bboxes_b[:, 2])) ** 2 / 4 + ((bboxes_a[:, None, 1] + bboxes_a[:, None, 3]) - (bboxes_b[:, 1] + bboxes_b[:, 3])) ** 2 / 4w1 = bboxes_a[:, 2] - bboxes_a[:, 0]h1 = bboxes_a[:, 3] - bboxes_a[:, 1]w2 = bboxes_b[:, 2] - bboxes_b[:, 0]h2 = bboxes_b[:, 3] - bboxes_b[:, 1]area_a = torch.prod(bboxes_a[:, 2:] - bboxes_a[:, :2], 1)area_b = torch.prod(bboxes_b[:, 2:] - bboxes_b[:, :2], 1)else:# intersection top lefttl = torch.max((bboxes_a[:, None, :2] - bboxes_a[:, None, 2:] / 2),(bboxes_b[:, :2] - bboxes_b[:, 2:] / 2))# intersection bottom rightbr = torch.min((bboxes_a[:, None, :2] + bboxes_a[:, None, 2:] / 2),(bboxes_b[:, :2] + bboxes_b[:, 2:] / 2))# convex (smallest enclosing box) top left and bottom rightcon_tl = torch.min((bboxes_a[:, None, :2] - bboxes_a[:, None, 2:] / 2),(bboxes_b[:, :2] - bboxes_b[:, 2:] / 2))con_br = torch.max((bboxes_a[:, None, :2] + bboxes_a[:, None, 2:] / 2),(bboxes_b[:, :2] + bboxes_b[:, 2:] / 2))# centerpoint distance squaredrho2 = ((bboxes_a[:, None, :2] - bboxes_b[:, :2]) ** 2 / 4).sum(dim=-1)w1 = bboxes_a[:, 2]h1 = bboxes_a[:, 3]w2 = bboxes_b[:, 2]h2 = bboxes_b[:, 3]area_a = torch.prod(bboxes_a[:, 2:], 1)area_b = torch.prod(bboxes_b[:, 2:], 1)en = (tl < br).type(tl.type()).prod(dim=2)area_i = torch.prod(br - tl, 2) * en  # * ((tl < br).all())area_u = area_a[:, None] + area_b - area_iiou = area_i / area_uif GIoU or DIoU or CIoU:if GIoU:  # Generalized IoU https://arxiv.org/pdf/1902.09630.pdfarea_c = torch.prod(con_br - con_tl, 2)  # convex areareturn iou - (area_c - area_u) / area_c  # GIoUif DIoU or CIoU:  # Distance or Complete IoU https://arxiv.org/abs/1911.08287v1# convex diagonal squaredc2 = torch.pow(con_br - con_tl, 2).sum(dim=2) + 1e-16if DIoU:return iou - rho2 / c2  # DIoUelif CIoU:  # https://github.com/Zzh-tju/DIoU-SSD-pytorch/blob/master/utils/box/box_utils.py#L47v = (4 / math.pi ** 2) * torch.pow(torch.atan(w1 / h1).unsqueeze(1) - torch.atan(w2 / h2), 2)with torch.no_grad():alpha = v / (1 - iou + v)return iou - (rho2 / c2 + v * alpha)  # CIoUreturn iouclass Yolo_loss(nn.Module):def __init__(self, n_classes=18, n_anchors=3, device=None, batch=2):super(Yolo_loss, self).__init__()self.device = deviceself.strides = [8, 16, 32]image_size = 416self.n_classes = n_classesself.n_anchors = n_anchors# self.anchors = [[30,92], [45,88], [65,72], [76,150], [121,197], [144,109], [149,314], [279,217], [293,385]]self.anchors = [[12, 16], [19, 36], [40, 28], [36, 75], [76, 55], [72, 146], [142, 110], [192, 243], [459, 401]] #cocoself.anch_masks = [[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8]]self.ignore_thre = 0.5self.masked_anchors, self.ref_anchors, self.grid_x, self.grid_y, self.anchor_w, self.anchor_h = [], [], [], [], [], []for i in range(3):all_anchors_grid = [(w / self.strides[i], h / self.strides[i]) for w, h in self.anchors]masked_anchors = np.array([all_anchors_grid[j] for j in self.anch_masks[i]], dtype=np.float32)ref_anchors = np.zeros((len(all_anchors_grid), 4), dtype=np.float32)ref_anchors[:, 2:] = np.array(all_anchors_grid, dtype=np.float32)ref_anchors = torch.from_numpy(ref_anchors)# calculate pred - xywh obj clsfsize = image_size // self.strides[i]grid_x = torch.arange(fsize, dtype=torch.float).repeat(batch, 3, fsize, 1).to(device)grid_y = torch.arange(fsize, dtype=torch.float).repeat(batch, 3, fsize, 1).permute(0, 1, 3, 2).to(device)anchor_w = torch.from_numpy(masked_anchors[:, 0]).repeat(batch, fsize, fsize, 1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).to(device)anchor_h = torch.from_numpy(masked_anchors[:, 1]).repeat(batch, fsize, fsize, 1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).to(device)self.masked_anchors.append(masked_anchors)self.ref_anchors.append(ref_anchors)self.grid_x.append(grid_x)self.grid_y.append(grid_y)self.anchor_w.append(anchor_w)self.anchor_h.append(anchor_h)def build_target(self, pred, labels, batchsize, fsize, n_ch, output_id):# target assignmenttgt_mask = torch.zeros(batchsize, self.n_anchors, fsize, fsize, 4 + self.n_classes).to(device=self.device)obj_mask = torch.ones(batchsize, self.n_anchors, fsize, fsize).to(device=self.device)tgt_scale = torch.zeros(batchsize, self.n_anchors, fsize, fsize, 2).to(self.device)target = torch.zeros(batchsize, self.n_anchors, fsize, fsize, n_ch).to(self.device)# labels = labels.cpu().datanlabel = (labels.sum(dim=2) > 0).sum(dim=1)  # number of objectstruth_x_all = (labels[:, :, 2] + labels[:, :, 0]) / (self.strides[output_id] * 2)truth_y_all = (labels[:, :, 3] + labels[:, :, 1]) / (self.strides[output_id] * 2)truth_w_all = (labels[:, :, 2] - labels[:, :, 0]) / self.strides[output_id]truth_h_all = (labels[:, :, 3] - labels[:, :, 1]) / self.strides[output_id]truth_i_all = truth_x_all.to(torch.int16).cpu().numpy()truth_j_all = truth_y_all.to(torch.int16).cpu().numpy()for b in range(batchsize):n = int(nlabel[b])if n == 0:continuetruth_box = torch.zeros(n, 4).to(self.device)truth_box[:n, 2] = truth_w_all[b, :n]truth_box[:n, 3] = truth_h_all[b, :n]truth_i = truth_i_all[b, :n]truth_j = truth_j_all[b, :n]# calculate iou between truth and reference anchorsanchor_ious_all = bboxes_iou(truth_box.cpu(), self.ref_anchors[output_id], CIoU=True)# temp = bbox_iou(truth_box.cpu(), self.ref_anchors[output_id])best_n_all = anchor_ious_all.argmax(dim=1)best_n = best_n_all % 3best_n_mask = ((best_n_all == self.anch_masks[output_id][0]) |(best_n_all == self.anch_masks[output_id][1]) |(best_n_all == self.anch_masks[output_id][2]))if sum(best_n_mask) == 0:continuetruth_box[:n, 0] = truth_x_all[b, :n]truth_box[:n, 1] = truth_y_all[b, :n]pred_ious = bboxes_iou(pred[b].view(-1, 4), truth_box, xyxy=False)pred_best_iou, _ = pred_ious.max(dim=1)pred_best_iou = (pred_best_iou > self.ignore_thre)pred_best_iou = pred_best_iou.view(pred[b].shape[:3])# set mask to zero (ignore) if pred matches truthobj_mask[b] = ~ pred_best_ioufor ti in range(best_n.shape[0]):if best_n_mask[ti] == 1:i, j = truth_i[ti], truth_j[ti]a = best_n[ti]obj_mask[b, a, j, i] = 1tgt_mask[b, a, j, i, :] = 1target[b, a, j, i, 0] = truth_x_all[b, ti] - truth_x_all[b, ti].to(torch.int16).to(torch.float)target[b, a, j, i, 1] = truth_y_all[b, ti] - truth_y_all[b, ti].to(torch.int16).to(torch.float)target[b, a, j, i, 2] = torch.log(truth_w_all[b, ti] / torch.Tensor(self.masked_anchors[output_id])[best_n[ti], 0] + 1e-16)target[b, a, j, i, 3] = torch.log(truth_h_all[b, ti] / torch.Tensor(self.masked_anchors[output_id])[best_n[ti], 1] + 1e-16)target[b, a, j, i, 4] = 1target[b, a, j, i, 5 + labels[b, ti, 4].to(torch.int16).cpu().numpy()] = 1tgt_scale[b, a, j, i, :] = torch.sqrt(2 - truth_w_all[b, ti] * truth_h_all[b, ti] / fsize / fsize)return obj_mask, tgt_mask, tgt_scale, targetdef forward(self, xin, labels=None):loss, loss_xy, loss_wh, loss_obj, loss_cls, loss_l2 = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0for output_id, output in enumerate(xin):batchsize = output.shape[0]fsize = output.shape[2]n_ch = 5 + self.n_classesoutput = output.view(batchsize, self.n_anchors, n_ch, fsize, fsize)output = output.permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2)  # .contiguous()# logistic activation for xy, obj, clsoutput[..., np.r_[:2, 4:n_ch]] = torch.sigmoid(output[..., np.r_[:2, 4:n_ch]])pred = output[..., :4].clone()pred[..., 0] += self.grid_x[output_id]pred[..., 1] += self.grid_y[output_id]pred[..., 2] = torch.exp(pred[..., 2]) * self.anchor_w[output_id].contiguous()pred[..., 3] = torch.exp(pred[..., 3]) * self.anchor_h[output_id].contiguous()obj_mask, tgt_mask, tgt_scale, target = self.build_target(pred, labels, batchsize, fsize, n_ch, output_id)# loss calculationoutput[..., 4] *= obj_maskoutput[..., np.r_[0:4, 5:n_ch]] *= tgt_maskoutput[..., 2:4] *= tgt_scaletarget[..., 4] *= obj_masktarget[..., np.r_[0:4, 5:n_ch]] *= tgt_masktarget[..., 2:4] *= tgt_scaleloss_xy += F.binary_cross_entropy(input=output[..., :2], target=target[..., :2],weight=tgt_scale * tgt_scale, reduction='sum')loss_wh += F.mse_loss(input=output[..., 2:4], target=target[..., 2:4], reduction='sum') / 2loss_obj += F.binary_cross_entropy(input=output[..., 4], target=target[..., 4], reduction='sum')loss_cls += F.binary_cross_entropy(input=output[..., 5:], target=target[..., 5:], reduction='sum')loss_l2 += F.mse_loss(input=output, target=target, reduction='sum')loss = loss_xy + loss_wh + loss_obj + loss_clsreturn loss, loss_xy, loss_wh, loss_obj, loss_cls, loss_l2def collate(batch):images = []bboxes = []for img, box in batch:images.append([img])bboxes.append([box])images = np.concatenate(images, axis=0)images = images.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)images = torch.from_numpy(images).div(255.0)bboxes = np.concatenate(bboxes, axis=0)bboxes = torch.from_numpy(bboxes)return images, bboxesdef train(model, device, config, epochs=5, batch_size=1, save_cp=True, log_step=20, img_scale=0.5):train_dataset = Yolo_dataset(config.train_label, config, train=True)val_dataset = Yolo_dataset(config.val_label, config, train=False)n_train = len(train_dataset)n_val = len(val_dataset)train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=config.batch // config.subdivisions, shuffle=True,num_workers=8, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True, collate_fn=collate)val_loader = DataLoader(val_dataset, batch_size=config.batch // config.subdivisions, shuffle=True, num_workers=8, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True, collate_fn=val_collate)writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=config.TRAIN_TENSORBOARD_DIR,filename_suffix=f'OPT_{config.TRAIN_OPTIMIZER}_LR_{config.learning_rate}_BS_{config.batch}_Sub_{config.subdivisions}_Size_{config.width}',comment=f'OPT_{config.TRAIN_OPTIMIZER}_LR_{config.learning_rate}_BS_{config.batch}_Sub_{config.subdivisions}_Size_{config.width}')max_itr = config.TRAIN_EPOCHS * n_trainglobal_step = 0# learning rate setupdef burnin_schedule(i):if i < config.burn_in:factor = pow(i / config.burn_in, 4)elif i < config.steps[0]:factor = 1.0elif i < config.steps[1]:factor = 0.1else:factor = 0.01return factorif config.TRAIN_OPTIMIZER.lower() == 'adam':optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(),lr=config.learning_rate / config.batch,betas=(0.9, 0.999),eps=1e-08)elif config.TRAIN_OPTIMIZER.lower() == 'sgd':optimizer = optim.SGD(params=model.parameters(),lr=config.learning_rate / config.batch,momentum=config.momentum,weight_decay=config.decay)scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.LambdaLR(optimizer, burnin_schedule)# scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.ReduceLROnPlateau(optimizer, mode='max', verbose=False, patience=6, min_lr=1e-7)# scheduler = CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts(optimizer, 0.001, 1e-6, 20)#losscriterion = Yolo_loss(device=device, batch=config.batch // config.subdivisions, n_classes=config.classes)# trainsaved_models = deque()model.train()for epoch in range(epochs+1):# model.train()epoch_loss = 0epoch_step = 0with tqdm(total=n_train, desc=f'Epoch {epoch + 1}/{epochs}', unit='img', ncols=50) as pbar:for i, batch in enumerate(train_loader):global_step += 1epoch_step += 1images = batch[0]bboxes = batch[1]images = images.to(device=device, dtype=torch.float32)bboxes = bboxes.to(device=device)bboxes_pred = model(images)# lossloss, loss_xy, loss_wh, loss_obj, loss_cls, loss_l2 = criterion(bboxes_pred, bboxes)# loss = loss / config.subdivisionsloss.backward()epoch_loss += loss.item()if global_step % config.subdivisions == 0:optimizer.step()# scheduler.step()scheduler.step(loss)model.zero_grad()# logif global_step % (log_step * config.subdivisions) == 0:writer.add_scalar('train/Loss', loss.item(), global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/loss_xy', loss_xy.item(), global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/loss_wh', loss_wh.item(), global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/loss_obj', loss_obj.item(), global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/loss_cls', loss_cls.item(), global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/loss_l2', loss_l2.item(), global_step)# writer.add_scalar('lr', scheduler.get_lr()[0] * config.batch, global_step)pbar.set_postfix(**{'loss (batch)': loss.item(), 'loss_xy': loss_xy.item(),'loss_wh': loss_wh.item(),'loss_obj': loss_obj.item(),'loss_cls': loss_cls.item(),'loss_l2': loss_l2.item(),# 'lr': scheduler.get_lr()[0] * config.batch})logging.debug('Train step_{}: loss : {},loss xy : {},loss wh : {},''loss obj : {},loss cls : {},loss l2 : {},lr : {}'.format(global_step, loss.item(), loss_xy.item(),loss_wh.item(), loss_obj.item(),loss_cls.item(), loss_l2.item(),0.0001# scheduler.get_lr()[0] * config.batch))pbar.update(images.shape[0])if epoch%10==0:if cfg.use_darknet_cfg:eval_model = Darknet(cfg.cfgfile, inference=True)else:eval_model = Yolov4(cfg.pretrained, n_classes=cfg.classes, inference=True)if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:eval_model.load_state_dict(model.module.state_dict())else:eval_model.load_state_dict(model.state_dict())eval_model.to(device)evaluator = evaluate(eval_model, val_loader, config, device)del eval_modelstats = evaluator.coco_eval['bbox'].statswriter.add_scalar('train/AP', stats[0], global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/AP50', stats[1], global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/AP75', stats[2], global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/AP_small', stats[3], global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/AP_medium', stats[4], global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/AP_large', stats[5], global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/AR1', stats[6], global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/AR10', stats[7], global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/AR100', stats[8], global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/AR_small', stats[9], global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/AR_medium', stats[10], global_step)writer.add_scalar('train/AR_large', stats[11], global_step)if epoch%20==0:if not os.path.exists(config.save_path):os.makedirs(config.save_path)if not os.path.exists(config.save_path2):os.makedirs(config.save_path2)model_name = f'yolov4_{epoch}.pth'torch.save(model.state_dict(), config.save_path + model_name)torch.save(model, config.save_path2 + model_name)logging.info(f'yolov4_{epoch} saved !')writer.close()@torch.no_grad()
def evaluate(model, data_loader, cfg, device, logger=None, **kwargs):""" finished, tested"""# cpu_device = torch.device("cpu")model.eval()# header = 'Test:'coco = convert_to_coco_api(data_loader.dataset, bbox_fmt='coco')coco_evaluator = CocoEvaluator(coco, iou_types = ["bbox"], bbox_fmt='coco')for images, targets in data_loader:model_input = [[cv2.resize(img, (cfg.w, cfg.h))] for img in images]model_input = np.concatenate(model_input, axis=0)model_input = model_input.transpose(0, 3, 1, 2)model_input = torch.from_numpy(model_input).div(255.0)model_input = model_input.to(device)targets = [{k: v.to(device) for k, v in t.items()} for t in targets]if torch.cuda.is_available():torch.cuda.synchronize()model_time = time.time()outputs = model(model_input)# outputs = [{k: v.to(cpu_device) for k, v in t.items()} for t in outputs]model_time = time.time() - model_time# outputs = outputs.cpu().detach().numpy()res = {}# for img, target, output in zip(images, targets, outputs):for img, target, boxes, confs in zip(images, targets, outputs[0], outputs[1]):img_height, img_width = img.shape[:2]# boxes = output[...,:4].copy()  # output boxes in yolo formatboxes = boxes.squeeze(2).cpu().detach().numpy()boxes[...,2:] = boxes[...,2:] - boxes[...,:2] # Transform [x1, y1, x2, y2] to [x1, y1, w, h]boxes[...,0] = boxes[...,0]*img_widthboxes[...,1] = boxes[...,1]*img_heightboxes[...,2] = boxes[...,2]*img_widthboxes[...,3] = boxes[...,3]*img_heightboxes = torch.as_tensor(boxes, dtype=torch.float32)# confs = output[...,4:].copy()confs = confs.cpu().detach().numpy()labels = np.argmax(confs, axis=1).flatten()labels = torch.as_tensor(labels, dtype=torch.int64)scores = np.max(confs, axis=1).flatten()scores = torch.as_tensor(scores, dtype=torch.float32)res[target["image_id"].item()] = {"boxes": boxes,"scores": scores,"labels": labels,}evaluator_time = time.time()coco_evaluator.update(res)evaluator_time = time.time() - evaluator_time# gather the stats from all processescoco_evaluator.synchronize_between_processes()# accumulate predictions from all imagescoco_evaluator.accumulate()coco_evaluator.summarize()return coco_evaluatordef init_logger(log_file=None, log_dir=None, log_level=logging.INFO, mode='w', stdout=True):"""log_dir: 日志文件的文件夹路径mode: 'a', append; 'w', 覆盖原文件写入."""def get_date_str():now = datetime.datetime.now()return now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S')fmt = '%(asctime)s %(filename)s[line:%(lineno)d] %(levelname)s: %(message)s'if log_dir is None:log_dir = '~/log/'if log_file is None:log_file = 'log_' + get_date_str() + '.txt'if not os.path.exists(log_dir):os.makedirs(log_dir)log_file = os.path.join(log_dir, log_file)# 此处不能使用logging输出print('log file path:' + log_file)logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG,format=fmt,filename=log_file,filemode=mode)if stdout:console = logging.StreamHandler(stream=sys.stdout)console.setLevel(log_level)formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt)console.setFormatter(formatter)logging.getLogger('').addHandler(console)return loggingdef _get_date_str():now = datetime.datetime.now()return now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M')def get_args(**kwargs):cfg = kwargsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)parser.add_argument('-l', '--learning-rate', metavar='LR', type=float, nargs='?', default=0.001, dest='learning_rate')parser.add_argument('-f', '--load', dest='load', type=str, default='data/model/yolov4.pth', help='Load model from a .pth file')parser.add_argument('-g', '--gpu', metavar='G', type=str, default='-1',help='GPU', dest='gpu')parser.add_argument('-dir', '--data-dir', type=str, default='', help='dataset dir', dest='dataset_dir')parser.add_argument('-pretrained', type=str, default='data/model/yolov4.conv.137.pth', help='pretrained yolov4.conv.137')parser.add_argument('-classes', type=int, default=3, help='dataset classes')parser.add_argument('-train_label_path', dest='train_label', type=str, default='data/dataset/coins/train.txt')parser.add_argument('-val_label_path', dest='val_label', type=str, default='data/dataset/coins/train.txt')parser.add_argument('-optimizer', type=str, default='adam', help='training optimizer', dest='TRAIN_OPTIMIZER')parser.add_argument('-iou-type', type=str, default='iou', help='iou type (iou, giou, diou, ciou)', dest='iou_type')parser.add_argument('-TRAIN_EPOCHS', type=int, default=200)args = vars(parser.parse_args())# for k in args.keys():#     cfg[k] = args.get(k)cfg.update(args)return edict(cfg)if __name__ == "__main__":cfg = get_args(**Cfg)os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = cfg.gpulogging = init_logger(log_dir='data/log')if cfg.use_darknet_cfg:model = Darknet(cfg.cfgfile)else:model = Yolov4(cfg.pretrained, n_classes=cfg.classes)if torch.cuda.device_count() > 1:model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)device = torch.device('cuda' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu')model.to(device=device)# for param in model.backbone.parameters():#     param.requires_grad = Truetrain(model=model, config=cfg, epochs=cfg.TRAIN_EPOCHS, device=device)


import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from tool.torch_utils import *
from tool.yolo_layer import YoloLayer
import sys
import cv2class Mish(torch.nn.Module):def __init__(self):super().__init__()def forward(self, x):x = x * (torch.tanh(torch.nn.functional.softplus(x)))return xclass Upsample(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super(Upsample, self).__init__()def forward(self, x, target_size, inference=False):assert (x.data.dim() == 4)# _, _, tH, tW = target_sizeif inference:#B = x.data.size(0)#C = x.data.size(1)#H = x.data.size(2)#W = x.data.size(3)return x.view(x.size(0), x.size(1), x.size(2), 1, x.size(3), 1).\expand(x.size(0), x.size(1), x.size(2), target_size[2] // x.size(2), x.size(3), target_size[3] // x.size(3)).\contiguous().view(x.size(0), x.size(1), target_size[2], target_size[3])else:return F.interpolate(x, size=(target_size[2], target_size[3]), mode='nearest')class Conv_Bn_Activation(nn.Module):def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, activation, bn=True, bias=False):super().__init__()pad = (kernel_size - 1) // 2self.conv = nn.ModuleList()if bias:self.conv.append(nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, pad))else:self.conv.append(nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, pad, bias=False))if bn:self.conv.append(nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels))if activation == "mish":self.conv.append(Mish())elif activation == "relu":self.conv.append(nn.ReLU(inplace=True))elif activation == "leaky":self.conv.append(nn.LeakyReLU(0.1, inplace=True))elif activation == "linear":passelse:print("activate error !!! {} {} {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename,sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, sys._getframe().f_lineno))def forward(self, x):for l in self.conv:x = l(x)return xclass ResBlock(nn.Module):"""Sequential residual blocks each of which consists of \two convolution layers.Args:ch (int): number of input and output channels.nblocks (int): number of residual blocks.shortcut (bool): if True, residual tensor addition is enabled."""def __init__(self, ch, nblocks=1, shortcut=True):super().__init__()self.shortcut = shortcutself.module_list = nn.ModuleList()for i in range(nblocks):resblock_one = nn.ModuleList()resblock_one.append(Conv_Bn_Activation(ch, ch, 1, 1, 'mish'))resblock_one.append(Conv_Bn_Activation(ch, ch, 3, 1, 'mish'))self.module_list.append(resblock_one)def forward(self, x):for module in self.module_list:h = xfor res in module:h = res(h)x = x + h if self.shortcut else hreturn xclass DownSample1(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super().__init__()self.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(3, 32, 3, 1, 'mish')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(32, 64, 3, 2, 'mish')self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(64, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')# [route]# layers = -2self.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(64, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(64, 32, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv6 = Conv_Bn_Activation(32, 64, 3, 1, 'mish')# [shortcut]# from=-3# activation = linearself.conv7 = Conv_Bn_Activation(64, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')# [route]# layers = -1, -7self.conv8 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')def forward(self, input):x1 = self.conv1(input)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(x2)# route -2x4 = self.conv4(x2)x5 = self.conv5(x4)x6 = self.conv6(x5)# shortcut -3x6 = x6 + x4x7 = self.conv7(x6)# [route]# layers = -1, -7x7 = torch.cat([x7, x3], dim=1)x8 = self.conv8(x7)return x8class DownSample2(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super().__init__()self.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(64, 128, 3, 2, 'mish')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')# r -2self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')self.resblock = ResBlock(ch=64, nblocks=2)# s -3self.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(64, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')# r -1 -10self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 128, 1, 1, 'mish')def forward(self, input):x1 = self.conv1(input)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(x1)r = self.resblock(x3)x4 = self.conv4(r)x4 = torch.cat([x4, x2], dim=1)x5 = self.conv5(x4)return x5class DownSample3(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super().__init__()self.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 256, 3, 2, 'mish')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'mish')self.resblock = ResBlock(ch=128, nblocks=8)self.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 128, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 256, 1, 1, 'mish')def forward(self, input):x1 = self.conv1(input)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(x1)r = self.resblock(x3)x4 = self.conv4(r)x4 = torch.cat([x4, x2], dim=1)x5 = self.conv5(x4)return x5class DownSample4(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super().__init__()self.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 2, 'mish')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'mish')self.resblock = ResBlock(ch=256, nblocks=8)self.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 256, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 512, 1, 1, 'mish')def forward(self, input):x1 = self.conv1(input)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(x1)r = self.resblock(x3)x4 = self.conv4(r)x4 = torch.cat([x4, x2], dim=1)x5 = self.conv5(x4)return x5class DownSample5(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super().__init__()self.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 1024, 3, 2, 'mish')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'mish')self.resblock = ResBlock(ch=512, nblocks=4)self.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 512, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 1024, 1, 1, 'mish')def forward(self, input):x1 = self.conv1(input)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(x1)r = self.resblock(x3)x4 = self.conv4(r)x4 = torch.cat([x4, x2], dim=1)x5 = self.conv5(x4)return x5class Neck(nn.Module):def __init__(self, inference=False):super().__init__()self.inference = inferenceself.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 1024, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')# SPPself.maxpool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=5 // 2)self.maxpool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=9, stride=1, padding=9 // 2)self.maxpool3 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=13, stride=1, padding=13 // 2)# R -1 -3 -5 -6# SPPself.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(2048, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 1024, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv6 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv7 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')# UPself.upsample1 = Upsample()# R 85self.conv8 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')# R -1 -3self.conv9 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv10 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv11 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv12 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv13 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv14 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'leaky')# UPself.upsample2 = Upsample()# R 54self.conv15 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'leaky')# R -1 -3self.conv16 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv17 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 256, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv18 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv19 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 256, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv20 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'leaky')def forward(self, input, downsample4, downsample3, inference=False):x1 = self.conv1(input)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(x2)# SPPm1 = self.maxpool1(x3)m2 = self.maxpool2(x3)m3 = self.maxpool3(x3)spp = torch.cat([m3, m2, m1, x3], dim=1)# SPP endx4 = self.conv4(spp)x5 = self.conv5(x4)x6 = self.conv6(x5)x7 = self.conv7(x6)# UPup = self.upsample1(x7, downsample4.size(), self.inference)# R 85x8 = self.conv8(downsample4)# R -1 -3x8 = torch.cat([x8, up], dim=1)x9 = self.conv9(x8)x10 = self.conv10(x9)x11 = self.conv11(x10)x12 = self.conv12(x11)x13 = self.conv13(x12)x14 = self.conv14(x13)# UPup = self.upsample2(x14, downsample3.size(), self.inference)# R 54x15 = self.conv15(downsample3)# R -1 -3x15 = torch.cat([x15, up], dim=1)x16 = self.conv16(x15)x17 = self.conv17(x16)x18 = self.conv18(x17)x19 = self.conv19(x18)x20 = self.conv20(x19)return x20, x13, x6class Yolov4Head(nn.Module):def __init__(self, output_ch, n_classes, inference=False):super().__init__()self.inference = inferenceself.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 256, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, output_ch, 1, 1, 'linear', bn=False, bias=True)self.yolo1 = YoloLayer(anchor_mask=[0, 1, 2], num_classes=n_classes,anchors=[12, 16, 19, 36, 40, 28, 36, 75, 76, 55, 72, 146, 142, 110, 192, 243, 459, 401],num_anchors=9, stride=8)# R -4self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 256, 3, 2, 'leaky')# R -1 -16self.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv6 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv7 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv8 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv9 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv10 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, output_ch, 1, 1, 'linear', bn=False, bias=True)self.yolo2 = YoloLayer(anchor_mask=[3, 4, 5], num_classes=n_classes,anchors=[12, 16, 19, 36, 40, 28, 36, 75, 76, 55, 72, 146, 142, 110, 192, 243, 459, 401],num_anchors=9, stride=16)# R -4self.conv11 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 2, 'leaky')# R -1 -37self.conv12 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv13 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 1024, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv14 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv15 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 1024, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv16 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv17 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 1024, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv18 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, output_ch, 1, 1, 'linear', bn=False, bias=True)self.yolo3 = YoloLayer(anchor_mask=[6, 7, 8], num_classes=n_classes,anchors=[12, 16, 19, 36, 40, 28, 36, 75, 76, 55, 72, 146, 142, 110, 192, 243, 459, 401],num_anchors=9, stride=32)def forward(self, input1, input2, input3):x1 = self.conv1(input1)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(input1)# R -1 -16x3 = torch.cat([x3, input2], dim=1)x4 = self.conv4(x3)x5 = self.conv5(x4)x6 = self.conv6(x5)x7 = self.conv7(x6)x8 = self.conv8(x7)x9 = self.conv9(x8)x10 = self.conv10(x9)# R -4x11 = self.conv11(x8)# R -1 -37x11 = torch.cat([x11, input3], dim=1)x12 = self.conv12(x11)x13 = self.conv13(x12)x14 = self.conv14(x13)x15 = self.conv15(x14)x16 = self.conv16(x15)x17 = self.conv17(x16)x18 = self.conv18(x17)if self.inference:y1 = self.yolo1(x2)y2 = self.yolo2(x10)y3 = self.yolo3(x18)return get_region_boxes([y1, y2, y3])else:return [x2, x10, x18]class Yolov4(nn.Module):def __init__(self, yolov4conv137weight=None, n_classes=80, inference=False):super().__init__()output_ch = (4 + 1 + n_classes) * 3# backboneself.down1 = DownSample1()self.down2 = DownSample2()self.down3 = DownSample3()self.down4 = DownSample4()self.down5 = DownSample5()# neckself.neek = Neck(inference)# yolov4conv137if yolov4conv137weight:_model = nn.Sequential(self.down1, self.down2, self.down3, self.down4, self.down5, self.neek)pretrained_dict = torch.load(yolov4conv137weight)model_dict = _model.state_dict()# 1. filter out unnecessary keyspretrained_dict = {k1: v for (k, v), k1 in zip(pretrained_dict.items(), model_dict)}# 2. overwrite entries in the existing state dictmodel_dict.update(pretrained_dict)_model.load_state_dict(model_dict)# headself.head = Yolov4Head(output_ch, n_classes, inference)def forward(self, input):d1 = self.down1(input)d2 = self.down2(d1)d3 = self.down3(d2)d4 = self.down4(d3)d5 = self.down5(d4)x20, x13, x6 = self.neek(d5, d4, d3)output = self.head(x20, x13, x6)return outputif __name__ == "__main__":from tool.utils import load_class_names, plot_boxes_cv2from tool.torch_utils import do_detect# 参数width=416height=416n_classes=3imgfile="data/test/test.jpg"weightfile="data/model1/yolov4_200.pth"namesfile="data/dataset/coins.names"# weightfile='data/model/yolov4.pth'# namesfile="data/dataset/coco.names"model = Yolov4(yolov4conv137weight=None, n_classes=n_classes, inference=True)pretrained_dict = torch.load(weightfile, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))model.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict)img = cv2.imread(imgfile)input_img = cv2.resize(img, (width, height))input_img = cv2.cvtColor(input_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)boxes = do_detect(model, input_img, 0.4, 0.6, use_cuda=False)if namesfile == None:if n_classes == 20:namesfile = 'data/voc.names'elif n_classes == 80:namesfile = 'data/coco.names'else:print("please give namefile")class_names = load_class_names(namesfile)plot_boxes_cv2(img, boxes[0], 'result/predictions.jpg', class_names)


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import os
from easydict import EasyDictCfg = EasyDict()Cfg.use_darknet_cfg = False
Cfg.cfgfile = 'cfg/yolov4.cfg'Cfg.width = 416
Cfg.height = 416
Cfg.classes = 3
Cfg.train_label = 'data/dataset/coins/train.txt'
Cfg.val_label = 'data/dataset/coins/train.txt'
Cfg.TRAIN_OPTIMIZER = 'adam'Cfg.save_path = 'data/model1/'
Cfg.save_path2 = 'data/model2/'
Cfg.TRAIN_TENSORBOARD_DIR = 'data/log'Cfg.batch = 1
Cfg.subdivisions = 1
Cfg.channels = 3
Cfg.momentum = 0.949
Cfg.decay = 0.0005
Cfg.angle = 0
Cfg.saturation = 1.5
Cfg.exposure = 1.5
Cfg.hue = .1Cfg.learning_rate = 0.00261
Cfg.burn_in = 1000
Cfg.max_batches = 500500
Cfg.steps = [400000, 450000]
Cfg.policy = Cfg.steps
Cfg.scales = .1, .1
Cfg.cutmix = 0
Cfg.mosaic = 1Cfg.letter_box = 0
Cfg.jitter = 0.2
Cfg.track = 0
Cfg.w = Cfg.width
Cfg.h = Cfg.height
Cfg.flip = 1
Cfg.blur = 0
Cfg.gaussian = 0
Cfg.boxes = 60  # box numCfg.iou_type = 'iou'  # 'giou', 'diou', 'ciou'
if Cfg.mosaic and Cfg.cutmix:Cfg.mixup = 4
elif Cfg.cutmix:Cfg.mixup = 2
elif Cfg.mosaic:Cfg.mixup = 3Cfg.keep_checkpoint_max = 10


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
@Time          : 2020/05/06 21:09
@Author        : Tianxiaomo
@File          : dataset.py
@Noice         :
@Modificattion :@Author    :@Time      :@Detail    :'''
import os
import random
import sysimport cv2
import numpy as npimport torch
from torch.utils.data.dataset import Datasetdef rand_uniform_strong(min, max):if min > max:swap = minmin = maxmax = swapreturn random.random() * (max - min) + mindef rand_scale(s):scale = rand_uniform_strong(1, s)if random.randint(0, 1) % 2:return scalereturn 1. / scaledef rand_precalc_random(min, max, random_part):if max < min:swap = minmin = maxmax = swapreturn (random_part * (max - min)) + mindef fill_truth_detection(bboxes, num_boxes, classes, flip, dx, dy, sx, sy, net_w, net_h):if bboxes.shape[0] == 0:return bboxes, 10000np.random.shuffle(bboxes)bboxes[:, 0] -= dxbboxes[:, 2] -= dxbboxes[:, 1] -= dybboxes[:, 3] -= dybboxes[:, 0] = np.clip(bboxes[:, 0], 0, sx)bboxes[:, 2] = np.clip(bboxes[:, 2], 0, sx)bboxes[:, 1] = np.clip(bboxes[:, 1], 0, sy)bboxes[:, 3] = np.clip(bboxes[:, 3], 0, sy)out_box = list(np.where(((bboxes[:, 1] == sy) & (bboxes[:, 3] == sy)) |((bboxes[:, 0] == sx) & (bboxes[:, 2] == sx)) |((bboxes[:, 1] == 0) & (bboxes[:, 3] == 0)) |((bboxes[:, 0] == 0) & (bboxes[:, 2] == 0)))[0])list_box = list(range(bboxes.shape[0]))for i in out_box:list_box.remove(i)bboxes = bboxes[list_box]if bboxes.shape[0] == 0:return bboxes, 10000bboxes = bboxes[np.where((bboxes[:, 4] < classes) & (bboxes[:, 4] >= 0))[0]]if bboxes.shape[0] > num_boxes:bboxes = bboxes[:num_boxes]min_w_h = np.array([bboxes[:, 2] - bboxes[:, 0], bboxes[:, 3] - bboxes[:, 1]]).min()bboxes[:, 0] *= (net_w / sx)bboxes[:, 2] *= (net_w / sx)bboxes[:, 1] *= (net_h / sy)bboxes[:, 3] *= (net_h / sy)if flip:temp = net_w - bboxes[:, 0]bboxes[:, 0] = net_w - bboxes[:, 2]bboxes[:, 2] = tempreturn bboxes, min_w_hdef rect_intersection(a, b):minx = max(a[0], b[0])miny = max(a[1], b[1])maxx = min(a[2], b[2])maxy = min(a[3], b[3])return [minx, miny, maxx, maxy]def image_data_augmentation(mat, w, h, pleft, ptop, swidth, sheight, flip, dhue, dsat, dexp, gaussian_noise, blur, truth):try:img = matoh, ow, _ = img.shapepleft, ptop, swidth, sheight = int(pleft), int(ptop), int(swidth), int(sheight)# cropsrc_rect = [pleft, ptop, swidth + pleft, sheight + ptop]  # x1,y1,x2,y2img_rect = [0, 0, ow, oh]new_src_rect = rect_intersection(src_rect, img_rect)  # 交集dst_rect = [max(0, -pleft), max(0, -ptop), max(0, -pleft) + new_src_rect[2] - new_src_rect[0],max(0, -ptop) + new_src_rect[3] - new_src_rect[1]]# cv2.Mat sizedif (src_rect[0] == 0 and src_rect[1] == 0 and src_rect[2] == img.shape[0] and src_rect[3] == img.shape[1]):sized = cv2.resize(img, (w, h), cv2.INTER_LINEAR)else:cropped = np.zeros([sheight, swidth, 3])cropped[:, :, ] = np.mean(img, axis=(0, 1))cropped[dst_rect[1]:dst_rect[3], dst_rect[0]:dst_rect[2]] = \img[new_src_rect[1]:new_src_rect[3], new_src_rect[0]:new_src_rect[2]]# resizesized = cv2.resize(cropped, (w, h), cv2.INTER_LINEAR)# flipif flip:# cv2.Mat croppedsized = cv2.flip(sized, 1)  # 0 - x-axis, 1 - y-axis, -1 - both axes (x & y)# HSV augmentation# cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV, cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR, cv2.COLOR_HSV2RGBif dsat != 1 or dexp != 1 or dhue != 0:if img.shape[2] >= 3:hsv_src = cv2.cvtColor(sized.astype(np.float32), cv2.COLOR_RGB2HSV)  # RGB to HSVhsv = cv2.split(hsv_src)hsv[1] *= dsathsv[2] *= dexphsv[0] += 179 * dhuehsv_src = cv2.merge(hsv)sized = np.clip(cv2.cvtColor(hsv_src, cv2.COLOR_HSV2RGB), 0, 255)  # HSV to RGB (the same as previous)else:sized *= dexpif blur:if blur == 1:dst = cv2.GaussianBlur(sized, (17, 17), 0)# cv2.bilateralFilter(sized, dst, 17, 75, 75)else:ksize = (blur / 2) * 2 + 1dst = cv2.GaussianBlur(sized, (ksize, ksize), 0)if blur == 1:img_rect = [0, 0, sized.cols, sized.rows]for b in truth:left = (b.x - b.w / 2.) * sized.shape[1]width = b.w * sized.shape[1]top = (b.y - b.h / 2.) * sized.shape[0]height = b.h * sized.shape[0]roi(left, top, width, height)roi = roi & img_rectdst[roi[0]:roi[0] + roi[2], roi[1]:roi[1] + roi[3]] = sized[roi[0]:roi[0] + roi[2],roi[1]:roi[1] + roi[3]]sized = dstif gaussian_noise:noise = np.array(sized.shape)gaussian_noise = min(gaussian_noise, 127)gaussian_noise = max(gaussian_noise, 0)cv2.randn(noise, 0, gaussian_noise)  # mean and variancesized = sized + noiseexcept:print("OpenCV can't augment image: " + str(w) + " x " + str(h))sized = matreturn sizeddef filter_truth(bboxes, dx, dy, sx, sy, xd, yd):bboxes[:, 0] -= dxbboxes[:, 2] -= dxbboxes[:, 1] -= dybboxes[:, 3] -= dybboxes[:, 0] = np.clip(bboxes[:, 0], 0, sx)bboxes[:, 2] = np.clip(bboxes[:, 2], 0, sx)bboxes[:, 1] = np.clip(bboxes[:, 1], 0, sy)bboxes[:, 3] = np.clip(bboxes[:, 3], 0, sy)out_box = list(np.where(((bboxes[:, 1] == sy) & (bboxes[:, 3] == sy)) |((bboxes[:, 0] == sx) & (bboxes[:, 2] == sx)) |((bboxes[:, 1] == 0) & (bboxes[:, 3] == 0)) |((bboxes[:, 0] == 0) & (bboxes[:, 2] == 0)))[0])list_box = list(range(bboxes.shape[0]))for i in out_box:list_box.remove(i)bboxes = bboxes[list_box]bboxes[:, 0] += xdbboxes[:, 2] += xdbboxes[:, 1] += ydbboxes[:, 3] += ydreturn bboxesdef blend_truth_mosaic(out_img, img, bboxes, w, h, cut_x, cut_y, i_mixup, left_shift, right_shift, top_shift, bot_shift):left_shift = min(left_shift, w - cut_x)top_shift = min(top_shift, h - cut_y)right_shift = min(right_shift, cut_x)bot_shift = min(bot_shift, cut_y)if i_mixup == 0:bboxes = filter_truth(bboxes, left_shift, top_shift, cut_x, cut_y, 0, 0)out_img[:cut_y, :cut_x] = img[top_shift:top_shift + cut_y, left_shift:left_shift + cut_x]if i_mixup == 1:bboxes = filter_truth(bboxes, cut_x - right_shift, top_shift, w - cut_x, cut_y, cut_x, 0)out_img[:cut_y, cut_x:] = img[top_shift:top_shift + cut_y, cut_x - right_shift:w - right_shift]if i_mixup == 2:bboxes = filter_truth(bboxes, left_shift, cut_y - bot_shift, cut_x, h - cut_y, 0, cut_y)out_img[cut_y:, :cut_x] = img[cut_y - bot_shift:h - bot_shift, left_shift:left_shift + cut_x]if i_mixup == 3:bboxes = filter_truth(bboxes, cut_x - right_shift, cut_y - bot_shift, w - cut_x, h - cut_y, cut_x, cut_y)out_img[cut_y:, cut_x:] = img[cut_y - bot_shift:h - bot_shift, cut_x - right_shift:w - right_shift]return out_img, bboxesdef draw_box(img, bboxes):for b in bboxes:img = cv2.rectangle(img, (b[0], b[1]), (b[2], b[3]), (0, 255, 0), 2)return imgclass Yolo_dataset(Dataset):def __init__(self, lable_path, cfg, train=True):super(Yolo_dataset, self).__init__()if cfg.mixup == 2:print("cutmix=1 - isn't supported for Detector")raiseelif cfg.mixup == 2 and cfg.letter_box:print("Combination: letter_box=1 & mosaic=1 - isn't supported, use only 1 of these parameters")raiseself.cfg = cfgself.train = traintruth = {}f = open(lable_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8')for line in f.readlines():data = line.split(" ")truth[data[0]] = []for i in data[1:]:truth[data[0]].append([int(float(j)) for j in i.split(',')])self.truth = truthself.imgs = list(self.truth.keys())def __len__(self):return len(self.truth.keys())def __getitem__(self, index):if not self.train:return self._get_val_item(index)img_path = self.imgs[index]bboxes = np.array(self.truth.get(img_path), dtype=np.float)img_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.dataset_dir, img_path)use_mixup = self.cfg.mixupif random.randint(0, 1):use_mixup = 0if use_mixup == 3:min_offset = 0.2cut_x = random.randint(int(self.cfg.w * min_offset), int(self.cfg.w * (1 - min_offset)))cut_y = random.randint(int(self.cfg.h * min_offset), int(self.cfg.h * (1 - min_offset)))r1, r2, r3, r4, r_scale = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0dhue, dsat, dexp, flip, blur = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0gaussian_noise = 0out_img = np.zeros([self.cfg.h, self.cfg.w, 3])out_bboxes = []for i in range(use_mixup + 1):if i != 0:img_path = random.choice(list(self.truth.keys()))bboxes = np.array(self.truth.get(img_path), dtype=np.float)img_path = os.path.join(self.cfg.dataset_dir, img_path)img = cv2.imread(img_path)img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)if img is None:continueoh, ow, oc = img.shapedh, dw, dc = np.array(np.array([oh, ow, oc]) * self.cfg.jitter, dtype=np.int)dhue = rand_uniform_strong(-self.cfg.hue, self.cfg.hue)dsat = rand_scale(self.cfg.saturation)dexp = rand_scale(self.cfg.exposure)pleft = random.randint(-dw, dw)pright = random.randint(-dw, dw)ptop = random.randint(-dh, dh)pbot = random.randint(-dh, dh)flip = random.randint(0, 1) if self.cfg.flip else 0if (self.cfg.blur):tmp_blur = random.randint(0, 2)  # 0 - disable, 1 - blur background, 2 - blur the whole imageif tmp_blur == 0:blur = 0elif tmp_blur == 1:blur = 1else:blur = self.cfg.blurif self.cfg.gaussian and random.randint(0, 1):gaussian_noise = self.cfg.gaussianelse:gaussian_noise = 0if self.cfg.letter_box:img_ar = ow / ohnet_ar = self.cfg.w / self.cfg.hresult_ar = img_ar / net_ar# print(" ow = %d, oh = %d, w = %d, h = %d, img_ar = %f, net_ar = %f, result_ar = %f \n", ow, oh, w, h, img_ar, net_ar, result_ar);if result_ar > 1:  # sheight - should be increasedoh_tmp = ow / net_ardelta_h = (oh_tmp - oh) / 2ptop = ptop - delta_hpbot = pbot - delta_h# print(" result_ar = %f, oh_tmp = %f, delta_h = %d, ptop = %f, pbot = %f \n", result_ar, oh_tmp, delta_h, ptop, pbot);else:  # swidth - should be increasedow_tmp = oh * net_ardelta_w = (ow_tmp - ow) / 2pleft = pleft - delta_wpright = pright - delta_w# printf(" result_ar = %f, ow_tmp = %f, delta_w = %d, pleft = %f, pright = %f \n", result_ar, ow_tmp, delta_w, pleft, pright);swidth = ow - pleft - prightsheight = oh - ptop - pbottruth, min_w_h = fill_truth_detection(bboxes, self.cfg.boxes, self.cfg.classes, flip, pleft, ptop, swidth,sheight, self.cfg.w, self.cfg.h)if (min_w_h / 8) < blur and blur > 1:  # disable blur if one of the objects is too smallblur = min_w_h / 8ai = image_data_augmentation(img, self.cfg.w, self.cfg.h, pleft, ptop, swidth, sheight, flip,dhue, dsat, dexp, gaussian_noise, blur, truth)if use_mixup == 0:out_img = aiout_bboxes = truthif use_mixup == 1:if i == 0:old_img = ai.copy()old_truth = truth.copy()elif i == 1:out_img = cv2.addWeighted(ai, 0.5, old_img, 0.5)out_bboxes = np.concatenate([old_truth, truth], axis=0)elif use_mixup == 3:if flip:tmp = pleftpleft = prightpright = tmpleft_shift = int(min(cut_x, max(0, (-int(pleft) * self.cfg.w / swidth))))top_shift = int(min(cut_y, max(0, (-int(ptop) * self.cfg.h / sheight))))right_shift = int(min((self.cfg.w - cut_x), max(0, (-int(pright) * self.cfg.w / swidth))))bot_shift = int(min(self.cfg.h - cut_y, max(0, (-int(pbot) * self.cfg.h / sheight))))out_img, out_bbox = blend_truth_mosaic(out_img, ai, truth.copy(), self.cfg.w, self.cfg.h, cut_x,cut_y, i, left_shift, right_shift, top_shift, bot_shift)out_bboxes.append(out_bbox)if use_mixup == 3:out_bboxes = np.concatenate(out_bboxes, axis=0)out_bboxes1 = np.zeros([self.cfg.boxes, 5])out_bboxes1[:min(out_bboxes.shape[0], self.cfg.boxes)] = out_bboxes[:min(out_bboxes.shape[0], self.cfg.boxes)]# print(out_bboxes1[:min(out_bboxes.shape[0], self.cfg.boxes)])return out_img, out_bboxes1def _get_val_item(self, index):img_path = self.imgs[index]bboxes_with_cls_id = np.array(self.truth.get(img_path), dtype=np.float)img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.cfg.dataset_dir, img_path))# img_height, img_width = img.shape[:2]img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)# img = cv2.resize(img, (self.cfg.w, self.cfg.h))# img = torch.from_numpy(img.transpose(2, 0, 1)).float().div(255.0).unsqueeze(0)num_objs = len(bboxes_with_cls_id)target = {}# boxes to coco formatboxes = bboxes_with_cls_id[...,:4]boxes[..., 2:] = boxes[..., 2:] - boxes[..., :2]  # box width, box heighttarget['boxes'] = torch.as_tensor(boxes, dtype=torch.float32)target['labels'] = torch.as_tensor(bboxes_with_cls_id[...,-1].flatten(), dtype=torch.int64)target['image_id'] = torch.tensor([get_image_id(img_path)])target['area'] = (target['boxes'][:,3])*(target['boxes'][:,2])target['iscrowd'] = torch.zeros((num_objs,), dtype=torch.int64)return img, targetdef get_image_id(filename):img_id=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(filename))[0].split('-')[-1]return int(img_id)if __name__ == "__main__":from cfg import Cfgimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltrandom.seed(2020)np.random.seed(2020)Cfg.dataset_dir = '/mnt/e/Dataset'dataset = Yolo_dataset(Cfg.train_label, Cfg)for i in range(100):out_img, out_bboxes = dataset.__getitem__(i)a = draw_box(out_img.copy(), out_bboxes.astype(np.int32))plt.imshow(a.astype(np.int32))plt.show()


import torch
from torch import nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from tool.torch_utils import *
from tool.yolo_layer import YoloLayer
import sys
import cv2class Mish(torch.nn.Module):def __init__(self):super().__init__()def forward(self, x):x = x * (torch.tanh(torch.nn.functional.softplus(x)))return xclass Upsample(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super(Upsample, self).__init__()def forward(self, x, target_size, inference=False):assert (x.data.dim() == 4)# _, _, tH, tW = target_sizeif inference:#B = x.data.size(0)#C = x.data.size(1)#H = x.data.size(2)#W = x.data.size(3)return x.view(x.size(0), x.size(1), x.size(2), 1, x.size(3), 1).\expand(x.size(0), x.size(1), x.size(2), target_size[2] // x.size(2), x.size(3), target_size[3] // x.size(3)).\contiguous().view(x.size(0), x.size(1), target_size[2], target_size[3])else:return F.interpolate(x, size=(target_size[2], target_size[3]), mode='nearest')class Conv_Bn_Activation(nn.Module):def __init__(self, in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, activation, bn=True, bias=False):super().__init__()pad = (kernel_size - 1) // 2self.conv = nn.ModuleList()if bias:self.conv.append(nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, pad))else:self.conv.append(nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size, stride, pad, bias=False))if bn:self.conv.append(nn.BatchNorm2d(out_channels))if activation == "mish":self.conv.append(Mish())elif activation == "relu":self.conv.append(nn.ReLU(inplace=True))elif activation == "leaky":self.conv.append(nn.LeakyReLU(0.1, inplace=True))elif activation == "linear":passelse:print("activate error !!! {} {} {}".format(sys._getframe().f_code.co_filename,sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, sys._getframe().f_lineno))def forward(self, x):for l in self.conv:x = l(x)return xclass ResBlock(nn.Module):"""Sequential residual blocks each of which consists of \two convolution layers.Args:ch (int): number of input and output channels.nblocks (int): number of residual blocks.shortcut (bool): if True, residual tensor addition is enabled."""def __init__(self, ch, nblocks=1, shortcut=True):super().__init__()self.shortcut = shortcutself.module_list = nn.ModuleList()for i in range(nblocks):resblock_one = nn.ModuleList()resblock_one.append(Conv_Bn_Activation(ch, ch, 1, 1, 'mish'))resblock_one.append(Conv_Bn_Activation(ch, ch, 3, 1, 'mish'))self.module_list.append(resblock_one)def forward(self, x):for module in self.module_list:h = xfor res in module:h = res(h)x = x + h if self.shortcut else hreturn xclass DownSample1(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super().__init__()self.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(3, 32, 3, 1, 'mish')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(32, 64, 3, 2, 'mish')self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(64, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')# [route]# layers = -2self.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(64, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(64, 32, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv6 = Conv_Bn_Activation(32, 64, 3, 1, 'mish')# [shortcut]# from=-3# activation = linearself.conv7 = Conv_Bn_Activation(64, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')# [route]# layers = -1, -7self.conv8 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')def forward(self, input):x1 = self.conv1(input)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(x2)# route -2x4 = self.conv4(x2)x5 = self.conv5(x4)x6 = self.conv6(x5)# shortcut -3x6 = x6 + x4x7 = self.conv7(x6)# [route]# layers = -1, -7x7 = torch.cat([x7, x3], dim=1)x8 = self.conv8(x7)return x8class DownSample2(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super().__init__()self.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(64, 128, 3, 2, 'mish')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')# r -2self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')self.resblock = ResBlock(ch=64, nblocks=2)# s -3self.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(64, 64, 1, 1, 'mish')# r -1 -10self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 128, 1, 1, 'mish')def forward(self, input):x1 = self.conv1(input)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(x1)r = self.resblock(x3)x4 = self.conv4(r)x4 = torch.cat([x4, x2], dim=1)x5 = self.conv5(x4)return x5class DownSample3(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super().__init__()self.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 256, 3, 2, 'mish')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'mish')self.resblock = ResBlock(ch=128, nblocks=8)self.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 128, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 256, 1, 1, 'mish')def forward(self, input):x1 = self.conv1(input)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(x1)r = self.resblock(x3)x4 = self.conv4(r)x4 = torch.cat([x4, x2], dim=1)x5 = self.conv5(x4)return x5class DownSample4(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super().__init__()self.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 2, 'mish')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'mish')self.resblock = ResBlock(ch=256, nblocks=8)self.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 256, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 512, 1, 1, 'mish')def forward(self, input):x1 = self.conv1(input)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(x1)r = self.resblock(x3)x4 = self.conv4(r)x4 = torch.cat([x4, x2], dim=1)x5 = self.conv5(x4)return x5class DownSample5(nn.Module):def __init__(self):super().__init__()self.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 1024, 3, 2, 'mish')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'mish')self.resblock = ResBlock(ch=512, nblocks=4)self.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 512, 1, 1, 'mish')self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 1024, 1, 1, 'mish')def forward(self, input):x1 = self.conv1(input)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(x1)r = self.resblock(x3)x4 = self.conv4(r)x4 = torch.cat([x4, x2], dim=1)x5 = self.conv5(x4)return x5class Neck(nn.Module):def __init__(self, inference=False):super().__init__()self.inference = inferenceself.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 1024, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')# SPPself.maxpool1 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=5, stride=1, padding=5 // 2)self.maxpool2 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=9, stride=1, padding=9 // 2)self.maxpool3 = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=13, stride=1, padding=13 // 2)# R -1 -3 -5 -6# SPPself.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(2048, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 1024, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv6 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv7 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')# UPself.upsample1 = Upsample()# R 85self.conv8 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')# R -1 -3self.conv9 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv10 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv11 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv12 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv13 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv14 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'leaky')# UPself.upsample2 = Upsample()# R 54self.conv15 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'leaky')# R -1 -3self.conv16 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv17 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 256, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv18 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv19 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 256, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv20 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 128, 1, 1, 'leaky')def forward(self, input, downsample4, downsample3, inference=False):x1 = self.conv1(input)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(x2)# SPPm1 = self.maxpool1(x3)m2 = self.maxpool2(x3)m3 = self.maxpool3(x3)spp = torch.cat([m3, m2, m1, x3], dim=1)# SPP endx4 = self.conv4(spp)x5 = self.conv5(x4)x6 = self.conv6(x5)x7 = self.conv7(x6)# UPup = self.upsample1(x7, downsample4.size(), self.inference)print(downsample4.size())print(downsample3.size())# R 85x8 = self.conv8(downsample4)# R -1 -3x8 = torch.cat([x8, up], dim=1)x9 = self.conv9(x8)x10 = self.conv10(x9)x11 = self.conv11(x10)x12 = self.conv12(x11)x13 = self.conv13(x12)x14 = self.conv14(x13)# UPup = self.upsample2(x14, downsample3.size(), self.inference)# R 54x15 = self.conv15(downsample3)# R -1 -3x15 = torch.cat([x15, up], dim=1)x16 = self.conv16(x15)x17 = self.conv17(x16)x18 = self.conv18(x17)x19 = self.conv19(x18)x20 = self.conv20(x19)return x20, x13, x6class Yolov4Head(nn.Module):def __init__(self, output_ch, n_classes, inference=False):super().__init__()self.inference = inferenceself.conv1 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 256, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv2 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, output_ch, 1, 1, 'linear', bn=False, bias=True)self.yolo1 = YoloLayer(anchor_mask=[0, 1, 2], num_classes=n_classes,anchors=[12, 16, 19, 36, 40, 28, 36, 75, 76, 55, 72, 146, 142, 110, 192, 243, 459, 401],num_anchors=9, stride=8)# R -4self.conv3 = Conv_Bn_Activation(128, 256, 3, 2, 'leaky')# R -1 -16self.conv4 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv5 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv6 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv7 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv8 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 256, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv9 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv10 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, output_ch, 1, 1, 'linear', bn=False, bias=True)self.yolo2 = YoloLayer(anchor_mask=[3, 4, 5], num_classes=n_classes,anchors=[12, 16, 19, 36, 40, 28, 36, 75, 76, 55, 72, 146, 142, 110, 192, 243, 459, 401],num_anchors=9, stride=16)# R -4self.conv11 = Conv_Bn_Activation(256, 512, 3, 2, 'leaky')# R -1 -37self.conv12 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv13 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 1024, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv14 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv15 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 1024, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv16 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, 512, 1, 1, 'leaky')self.conv17 = Conv_Bn_Activation(512, 1024, 3, 1, 'leaky')self.conv18 = Conv_Bn_Activation(1024, output_ch, 1, 1, 'linear', bn=False, bias=True)self.yolo3 = YoloLayer(anchor_mask=[6, 7, 8], num_classes=n_classes,anchors=[12, 16, 19, 36, 40, 28, 36, 75, 76, 55, 72, 146, 142, 110, 192, 243, 459, 401],num_anchors=9, stride=32)def forward(self, input1, input2, input3):x1 = self.conv1(input1)x2 = self.conv2(x1)x3 = self.conv3(input1)# R -1 -16x3 = torch.cat([x3, input2], dim=1)x4 = self.conv4(x3)x5 = self.conv5(x4)x6 = self.conv6(x5)x7 = self.conv7(x6)x8 = self.conv8(x7)x9 = self.conv9(x8)x10 = self.conv10(x9)# R -4x11 = self.conv11(x8)# R -1 -37x11 = torch.cat([x11, input3], dim=1)x12 = self.conv12(x11)x13 = self.conv13(x12)x14 = self.conv14(x13)x15 = self.conv15(x14)x16 = self.conv16(x15)x17 = self.conv17(x16)x18 = self.conv18(x17)if self.inference:y1 = self.yolo1(x2)y2 = self.yolo2(x10)y3 = self.yolo3(x18)return get_region_boxes([y1, y2, y3])else:return [x2, x10, x18]class Yolov4(nn.Module):def __init__(self, yolov4conv137weight=None, n_classes=80, inference=False):super().__init__()output_ch = (4 + 1 + n_classes) * 3# backboneself.down1 = DownSample1()self.down2 = DownSample2()self.down3 = DownSample3()self.down4 = DownSample4()self.down5 = DownSample5()# neckself.neek = Neck(inference)# yolov4conv137if yolov4conv137weight:_model = nn.Sequential(self.down1, self.down2, self.down3, self.down4, self.down5, self.neek)pretrained_dict = torch.load(yolov4conv137weight)model_dict = _model.state_dict()# 1. filter out unnecessary keyspretrained_dict = {k1: v for (k, v), k1 in zip(pretrained_dict.items(), model_dict)}# 2. overwrite entries in the existing state dictmodel_dict.update(pretrained_dict)_model.load_state_dict(model_dict)# headself.head = Yolov4Head(output_ch, n_classes, inference)def forward(self, input):d1 = self.down1(input)d2 = self.down2(d1)d3 = self.down3(d2)d4 = self.down4(d3)d5 = self.down5(d4)x20, x13, x6 = self.neek(d5, d4, d3)output = self.head(x20, x13, x6)return outputif __name__ == "__main__":from tool.utils import load_class_names, plot_boxes_cv2from tool.torch_utils import do_detect# 参数width=608height=608n_classes=80imgfile="data/test/dog.jpg"# weightfile="data/model1/yolov4_150.pth"# namesfile="data/dataset/mydata/new_classes.names"weightfile='data/model/yolov4.pth'namesfile="data/dataset/coco.names"model = Yolov4(yolov4conv137weight=None, n_classes=n_classes, inference=True)pretrained_dict = torch.load(weightfile, map_location=torch.device('cpu'))model.load_state_dict(pretrained_dict)img = cv2.imread(imgfile)input_img = cv2.resize(img, (width, height))input_img = cv2.cvtColor(input_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)for i in range(2):boxes = do_detect(model, input_img, 0.4, 0.6, use_cuda=False)# if namesfile == None:#     if n_classes == 20:#         namesfile = 'data/voc.names'#     elif n_classes == 80:#         namesfile = 'data/coco.names'#     else:#         print("please give namefile")# class_names = load_class_names(namesfile)# plot_boxes_cv2(img, boxes[0], 'result/predictions.jpg', class_names)


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