

1 什么是VBA,它有什么作用

2 VBA在哪里存放的?怎么运行的






二 、VBA方法




























'1 表示一个单元格(a1)

'2 表示相邻单元格区域

'3 表示不相邻的单元格区域

'4 表示行

'5 表示列

'6 重置坐标下的单元格表示方法

'7 表示正在选取的单元格区域


'1 已使用的单元格区域

'2 某单元格所在的单元格区域

'3 两个单元格区域共同的区域

'4 调用定位条件选取特殊单元格

'5 端点单元格



'1 单元格的值

'2 单元格的地址

'3 单元格的行列信息



'6 单元格的位置信息

'7 单元格的上级信息

'8 内容判断

'9 单元格数据类型(另讲)





































'1 什么是VBA字典?

'2 即然有数组,为什么还要学字典?

'3 字典有什么局限?

'4 字典在哪里?如何创建字典?

























'一 FileDialog 对象简介








序号    求和类型        对比规则


一 正则表达式

'二 使用方法

'三 常用属性


第38集  正则表达式2


























第51 txt 读写














1 什么是VBA,它有什么作用

A 实现Excel中没有提供的功能

B 提高运行速度

C 编写自定义函数

D 实现自动化功能

F 通过插入窗体做小型管理软件

2 VBA在哪里存放的?怎么运行的









Sub ttt()

Range("a1").Value = 100

End Sub

Sub ttt1()

Sheets(1).Name = "工作表改名了"

End Sub

Sub ttt2()

Sheets("Sheet2").Range("a1").Value = "abcd"

End Sub

Sub ttt3()

Range("A2").Interior.ColorIndex = 3

End Sub

二 、VBA方法



Sub ttt4()

牛排.做 熟的程度:=七成熟

Range("A1").Copy Range("A2")

End Sub

Sub ttt5()

Sheet1.Move before:=Sheets("Sheet3")

End Sub





Workbooks 代表工作簿集合,所有的工作簿,Workbooks(N),表示已打开的第N个工作簿

Workbooks ("工作簿名称")

ActiveWorkbook 正在操作的工作簿

ThisWorkBook 代码所在的工作簿



Sheet1 表示第一个插入的工作表,Sheet2表示第二个插入的工作表....

Sheets(n) 表示按排列顺序,第n个工作表

ActiveSheet 表示活动工作表,光标所在工作表

worksheet 也表示工作表,但不包括图表工作表、宏工作表等。


cells 所有单元格

Range ("单元格地址")


Activecell 正在选中或编辑的单元格

Selection 正被选中或选取的单元格或单元格区域





Sub test()  开始语句

Range("a1") = 100

End Sub   结束语句



Function shcount()

shcount = Sheets.Count

End Function


Sub test2()

Call test

End Sub

Sub test3()

For x = 1 To 100   for next 循环语句

Cells(x, 1) = x

Next x

End Sub



Sub 判断1() '单条件判断

If Range("a1").Value > 0 Then

Range("b1") = "正数"


Range("b1") = "负数或0"

End If

End Sub

Sub 判断2() '多条件判断

If Range("a1").Value > 0 Then

Range("b1") = "正数"

ElseIf Range("a1") = 0 Then

Range("b1") = "等于0"

ElseIf Range("B1") <= 0 Then

Range("b1") = "负数"

End If

End Sub

Sub 多条件判断2()

If Range("a1") <> "" And Range("a2") <> "" Then

Range("a3") = Range("a1") * Range("a2")

End If

End Sub


Sub 判断1() '单条件判断

Select Case Range("a1").Value

Case Is > 0

Range("b1") = "正数"

Case Else

Range("b1") = "负数或0"

End Select

End Sub

Sub 判断2() '多条件判断

Select Case Range("a1").Value

Case Is > 0

Range("b1") = "正数"

Case Is = 0

Range("b1") = "0"

Case Else

Range("b1") = "负数"

End Select

End Sub

Sub 判断3()

If Range("a3") < "G" Then

MsgBox "A-G"

End If

End Sub


Sub if区间判断()

If Range("a2") <= 1000 Then

Range("b2") = 0.01

ElseIf Range("a2") <= 3000 Then

Range("b2") = 0.03

ElseIf Range("a2") > 3000 Then

Range("b2") = 0.05

End If

End Sub

Sub select区间判断()

Select Case Range("a2").Value

Case 0 To 1000

Range("b2") = 0.01

Case 1001 To 3000

Range("b2") = 0.03

Case Is > 3000

Range("b2") = 0.05

End Select

End Sub


Sub s1()

Dim rg As Range

For Each rg In Range("a1:b7,d5:e9")

If rg = "" Then

rg = 0

End If

Next rg

End Sub

Sub s2()

Dim x As Integer


x = x + 1

If Cells(x + 1, 1) <> Cells(x, 1) + 1 Then

Cells(x, 2) = "断点"

Exit Do

End If

Loop Until x = 14

End Sub

Sub t1()

Range("d2") = Range("b2") * Range("c2")

Range("d3") = Range("b3") * Range("c3")

Range("d4") = Range("b4") * Range("c4")

Range("d5") = Range("b5") * Range("c5")

Range("d6") = Range("b6") * Range("c6")

End Sub

Sub t2()

Dim x As Integer

For x = 10000 To 2 Step -3

Range("d" & x) = Range("b" & x) * Range("c" & x)

Next x

End Sub

Sub t3()

Dim rg As Range

For Each rg In Range("d2:d18")

rg = rg.Offset(0, -1) * rg.Offset(0, -2)

Next rg

End Sub

Sub t4()

Dim x As Integer

x = 1


x = x + 1

Cells(x, 4) = Cells(x, 2) * Cells(x, 3)

Loop Until x = 18

End Sub

Sub t5()

x = 1

Do While x < 18

x = x + 1

Cells(x, 4) = Cells(x, 2) * Cells(x, 3)


End Sub


Dim m As Integer




Sub t1()

Dim X As Integer 'x就是一个变量

For X = 1 To 10

Cells(X, 1) = X

Next X

End Sub


'1 放数字


'2 放文本

Sub t2()

Dim st As String

Dim X As Integer

For X = 1 To 10

st = st & "Excel精英培训"

Next X

End Sub

'3 放对象

Sub t3()

Dim rg As Range

Set rg = Range("a1")

rg = 100

End Sub

'4 放数组

Sub t4()

Dim arr(1 To 10) As Integer, X As Integer

For X = 1 To 10

arr(X) = X

Next X

End Sub


'1 变量的类型


'2 为什么要声明变量

'3 声明变量

'dim public


'1 过程级变量:过程结束,变量值释放


'2 模块级变量:变量的值只在本模块中保持,工作簿关闭时随时释放


Sub t6()

m = 1

End Sub

Sub t5()

MsgBox m

m = 7

End Sub

'3 全局级变量: 在所有的模块中都可以调用,值会保存到EXCEL关闭时才会被释放。

' public 变量

Sub t7()

MsgBox qq

End Sub

'五 变量的释放

'一般情况下,过程级变量在过程运行结束后就会自动从内存中释放,而只有一些从外部借用的对象变量才需要使用set 变量=nothing进行释放。


Option Explicit



Sub t1()

Range("d2") = "=b2*c2"

End Sub

Sub t2()

Dim x As Integer

For x = 2 To 6

Cells(x, 4) = "=b" & x & "*c" & x

Next x

End Sub


Sub t3()

Range("c16") = "=SUMIF(A2:A6,""b"",B2:B6)" '遇到单引号就把单引号加倍

End Sub


Sub t4()

Range("c9").FormulaArray = "=SUM(B2:B6*C2:C6)"

End Sub


Sub t5()

Range("d16") = Evaluate("=SUMIF(A2:A6,""b"",B2:B6)")

Range("d9") = Evaluate("=SUM(B2:B6*C2:C6)")

End Sub


Sub t6()

Range("d8") = Application.WorksheeFunction.CountIf(Range("A1:A10"), "B")

End Sub


Sub t7()

Range("C20") = VBA.InStr(Range("a20"), "E")

End Sub


Function wn()

wn = Application.Caller.Parent.Name

End Function


Option Explicit





'1、Exit Sub

Sub e1()

Dim x As Integer

For x = 1 To 100

Cells(1, 1) = x

If x = 5 Then

Exit Sub

End If

Next x

Range("b1") = 100

End Sub

'2、Exit function

Function ff()

Dim x As Integer

For x = 1 To 100

If x = 5 Then

Exit Function

End If

Next x

ff = 100

End Function

'3、Exit for

Sub e2()

Dim x As Integer

For x = 1 To 100

Cells(1, 1) = x

If x = 5 Then

Exit For

End If

Next x

Range("b1") = 100

End Sub

'4、Exit do

Sub e3()

Dim x As Integer


x = x + 1

Cells(1, 1) = x

If x = 5 Then

Exit Do

End If

Loop Until x = 100

Range("b1") = 100

End Sub

Option Explicit


Sub t1()

Dim x As Integer

Dim sr


sr = Application.InputBox("请输入数字", "输入提示")

If Len(sr) = 0 Or Len(sr) = 5 Then GoTo 100

End Sub

'gosub..return ,跳过去,再跳回来

Sub t2()

Dim x As Integer

For x = 1 To 10

If Cells(x, 1) Mod 2 = 0 Then GoSub 100

Next x

Exit Sub


Cells(x, 1) = "偶数"

Return          '跳到gosub 100 这一句

End Sub


'on error resume next '遇到错误,跳过继续执行下一句

Sub t3()

On Error Resume Next

Dim x As Integer

For x = 1 To 10

Cells(x, 3) = Cells(x, 2) * Cells(x, 1)

Next x

End Sub

'on error goto  '出错时跳到指定的行数

Sub t4()

On Error GoTo 100

Dim x As Integer

For x = 1 To 10

Cells(x, 3) = Cells(x, 2) * Cells(x, 1)

Next x

Exit Sub


MsgBox "在第" & x & "行出错了"

End Sub

'on error goto 0 '取消错误跳转

Sub t5()

On Error Resume Next

Dim x As Integer

For x = 1 To 10

If x > 5 Then On Error GoTo 0

Cells(x, 3) = Cells(x, 2) * Cells(x, 1)

Next x

Exit Sub

End Sub





'A 显示工作簿工作表对象

'B 窗体

'C 模块

'D 类模块




'A 注释文字的设置

'B 代码缩进的设置

'C 代码强制转行的设置

'D 代码运行和调试



'E 对象列表框和过程列表框



Sub d()

Dim x As Integer, st As String

For x = 1 To 10

st = st & Cells(x, 1)

Debug.Print "第" & x & "次运行结果:" & st

Next x

End Sub



Sub d1()

Dim x As Integer, k As Integer

For x = 1 To 10

k = k + Cells(x, 1)

Next x

End Sub



'1 判断A.Xls文件是否存在

Sub W1()

If Len(Dir("d:/A.xls")) = 0 Then

MsgBox "A文件不存在"


MsgBox "A文件存在"

End If

End Sub

'2 判断A.Xls文件是否打开

Sub W2()

Dim X As Integer

For X = 1 To Windows.Count

If Windows(X).Caption = "A.XLS" Then

MsgBox "A文件打开了"

Exit Sub

End If


End Sub

'3 excel文件新建和保存

Sub W3()

Dim wb As Workbook

Set wb = Workbooks.Add

wb.Sheets("sheet1").Range("a1") = "abcd"

wb.SaveAs "D:/B.xls"

End Sub

'4 excel文件打开和关闭

Sub w4()

Dim wb As Workbook

Set wb = Workbooks.Open("D:/B.xls")

MsgBox wb.Sheets("sheet1").Range("a1").Value

wb.Close False

End Sub

'5 excel文件保存和备份

Sub w5()

Dim wb As Workbook

Set wb = ThisWorkbook


wb.SaveCopyAs "D:/ABC.xls"

End Sub

'6 excel文件复制和删除

Sub W6()

FileCopy "D:/ABC.XLS", "E:/ABCd.XLS"

Kill "D:/ABC.XLS"

End Sub




'Workbooks  工作簿集合,泛指excel文件或工作簿


Sub t1()

Workbooks("A.xls").Sheets(1).Range("a1") = 100

End Sub


Sub t2()

Workbooks(2).Sheets(2).Range("a1") = 200

End Sub

'ActiveWorkbook ,当打开多个excel工作簿时,你正在操作的那个就是ActiveWorkbook(活动工作簿)




Sub t3()

Windows("A.xls").Visible = False

End Sub

Sub t4()

Windows(2).Visible = True

End Sub



'1 判断A工作表文件是否存在

Sub s1()

Dim X As Integer

For X = 1 To Sheets.Count

If Sheets(X).Name = "A" Then

MsgBox "A工作表存在"

Exit Sub

End If


MsgBox "A工作表不存在"

End Sub

'2 excel工作表的插入

Sub s2()

Dim sh As Worksheet

Set sh = Sheets.Add

sh.Name = "模板"

sh.Range("a1") = 100

End Sub

'3 excel工作表隐藏和取消隐藏

Sub s3()

Sheets(2).Visible = True

End Sub

'4 excel工作表的移动

Sub s4()

Sheets("Sheet2").Move before:=Sheets("sheet1") 'sheet2移动到sheet1前面

Sheets("Sheet1").Move after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) 'sheet1移动到所有工作表的最后面

End Sub

'6 excel工作表的复制

Sub s5() '在本工作簿中

Dim sh As Worksheet

Sheets("模板").Copy before:=Sheets(1)

Set sh = ActiveSheet

sh.Name = "1日"

sh.Range("a1") = "测试"

End Sub

Sub s6() '另存为新工作簿

Dim wb As Workbook


Set wb = ActiveWorkbook

wb.SaveAs ThisWorkbook.Path & "/1日.xls"

wb.Sheets(1).Range("b1") = "测试"

wb.Close True

End Sub

'7 保护工作表

Sub s7()

Sheets("sheet2").Protect "123"

End Sub

Sub s8() '判断工作表是否添加了保护密码

If Sheets("sheet2").ProtectContents = True Then

MsgBox "工作簿保护了"


MsgBox "工作簿没有添加保护"

End If

End Sub

'8 工作表删除

Sub s9()

Application.DisplayAlerts = False


Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

'9 工作表的选取

Sub s10()


End Sub



'sheets  工作表集合,泛指excel各种工作表


Sub t1()

Sheets("A").Range("a1") = 100

End Sub


Sub t2()

Sheets(2).Range("a1") = 200

End Sub

'ActiveSheet ,当打开多个excel工作簿时,你正在操作的那个就是ActiveSheet


'1 表示一个单元格(a1)

Sub s()


Cells(1, 1).Select

Range("A" & 1).Select

Cells(1, "A").Select



End Sub

'2 表示相邻单元格区域

Sub d() '选取单元格a1:c5

'     Range("a1:c5").Select

'     Range("A1", "C5").Select

'     Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(5, 3)).Select

'Range("a1:a10").Offset(0, 1).Select

Range("a1").Resize(5, 3).Select

End Sub

'3 表示不相邻的单元格区域

Sub d1()


'Union(Range("a1"), Range("c1:f4"), Range("a7")).Select

End Sub

Sub dd() 'union示例

Dim rg As Range, x As Integer

For x = 2 To 10 Step 2

If x = 2 Then Set rg = Cells(x, 1)

Set rg = Union(rg, Cells(x, 1))

Next x


End Sub

'4 表示行

Sub h()





End Sub

'5 表示列

Sub L()

' Columns(1).Select

' Columns("A:B").Select

' Range("A:B,D:E").Select

Range("c4:f5").EntireColumn.Select '选取c4:f5所在的行

End Sub

'6 重置坐标下的单元格表示方法

Sub cc()

Range("b2").Range("a1") = 100

End Sub

'7 表示正在选取的单元格区域

Sub d2()

Selection.Value = 100

End Sub


'1 已使用的单元格区域

Sub d1()


'wb.Sheets(1).Range("a1:a10").Copy Range("i1")

End Sub

'2 某单元格所在的单元格区域

Sub d2()


End Sub

'3 两个单元格区域共同的区域

Sub d3()

Intersect(Columns("b:c"), Rows("3:5")).Select

End Sub

'4 调用定位条件选取特殊单元格

Sub d4()


End Sub

'5 端点单元格

Sub d5()

Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0) = 1000

End Sub

Sub d6()

Range(Range("b6"), Range("b6").End(xlToRight)).Select

End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub t()

Dim x As Integer

For x = 2 To 6

If Cells(x, 2) > 0 Then

Cells(x, "N") = "1月"


Cells(x, "N") = Range("b" & x).End(xlToRight).Column - 1 & "月"

End If

Next x

End Sub


Option Explicit

'1 单元格的值

Sub x1()

Range("b10") = Range("c2").Value

Range("b11") = Range("c2").Text

Range("c10") = "'" & Range("I3").Formula

End Sub

'2 单元格的地址

Sub x2()

With Range("b2").CurrentRegion

[b12] = .Address

[c12] = .Address(0, 0)

[d12] = .Address(1, 0)

[e12] = .Address(0, 1)

[f12] = .Address(1, 1)

End With

End Sub

'3 单元格的行列信息

Sub x3()

With Range("b2").CurrentRegion

[b13] = .Row

[b14] = .Rows.Count

[b15] = .Column

[b16] = .Columns.Count

[b17] = .Range("a1").Address

End With

End Sub


Sub x4()

With Range("b2")

[b19] = .Font.Size

[b20] = .Font.ColorIndex

[b21] = .Interior.ColorIndex

[b22] = .Borders.LineStyle

End With

End Sub


Sub x5()

[B24] = Range("I2").Comment.Text

End Sub

'6 单元格的位置信息

Sub x6()

With Range("b3")

[b26] = .Top

[b27] = .Left

[b28] = .Height

[b29] = .Width

End With

End Sub

'7 单元格的上级信息

Sub x7()

With Range("b3")

[b31] = .Parent.Name

[b32] = .Parent.Parent.Name

End With

End Sub

'8 内容判断

Sub x8()

With Range("i3")

[b34] = .HasFormula

[b35] = .Hyperlinks.Count

End With

End Sub

'9 单元格数据类型(另讲)




'1 判断是否为空单元格

Sub d1()

[b1] = ""

'If Range("a1") = "" Then

'If Len([a1]) = 0 Then

If VBA.IsEmpty([a1]) Then

[b1] = "空值"

End If

End Sub

'2 判断是否为数字

Sub d2()

[b2] = ""

'If VBA.IsNumeric([a2]) And [a2] <> "" Then

'If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsNumber([a2]) Then

[b2] = "数字"

End If

End Sub

'3 判断是否为文本

Sub d3()

[b3] = ""

'If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsText([A3]) Then

If VBA.TypeName([a3].Value) = "String" Then

[b3] = "文本"

End If

End Sub

'4 判断是否为汉字

Sub d4()

[b4] = ""

If [a4] > "z" Then

[b4] = "汉字"

End If

End Sub

'5 判断错误值

Sub d10()

[b5] = ""

'If VBA.IsError([a5]) Then

If Application.WorksheetFunction.IsError([a5]) Then

[b5] = "错误值"

End If

End Sub

Sub d11()

[b6] = ""

If VBA.IsDate([a6]) Then

[b6] = "日期"

End If

End Sub


Sub d30()

Range("d1:d8").NumberFormatLocal = "0.00"

End Sub





Option Explicit



Sub y1()

Dim x As Integer


For x = 1 To 56

Range("a" & x) = x

Range("b" & x).Font.ColorIndex = 3

Next x

End Sub

Sub y2()

Dim x As Integer

For x = 0 To 15

Range("d" & x + 1) = x

Range("e" & x + 1).Interior.Color = QBColor(x)

Next x

End Sub

Sub y3()

Dim 红 As Integer, 绿 As Integer, 蓝 As Integer

红 = 255

绿 = 123

蓝 = 100

Range("g1").Interior.Color = RGB(红, 绿, 蓝)

End Sub


Sub h1()


End Sub


Sub h2()

Range("e1") = Range("b3").MergeArea.Address '返回单元格所在的合并单元格区域

End Sub


Sub h3()

'MsgBox Range("b2").MergeCells

' MsgBox Range("A1:D7").MergeCells

Range("e2") = IsNull(Range("a1:d7").MergeCells)

Range("e3") = IsNull(Range("a9:d72").MergeCells)

End Sub



Sub h4()

Dim x As Integer

Dim rg As Range

Set rg = Range("h1")

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

For x = 1 To 13

If Range("h" & x + 1) = Range("h" & x) Then

Set rg = Union(rg, Range("h" & x + 1))



Set rg = Range("h" & x + 1)

End If

Next x

Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub



Option Explicit

Sub c1()


End Sub

Sub c2() '插入行并复制公式



Range("4:4").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants) = ""

End Sub

Sub c3()

Dim x As Integer

For x = 2 To 20

If Cells(x, 3) <> Cells(x + 1, 3) Then

Rows(x + 1).Insert

x = x + 1

End If

Next x

End Sub

Sub c4()

Dim x As Integer, m1 As Integer, m2 As Integer

Dim k As Integer

m1 = 2

For x = 2 To 1000

If Cells(x, 1) = "" Then Exit Sub

If Cells(x, 3) <> Cells(x + 1, 3) Then

m2 = x

Rows(x + 1).Insert

Cells(x + 1, "c") = Cells(x, "c") & " 小计"

Cells(x + 1, "h") = "=sum(h" & m1 & ":h" & m2 & ")"

Cells(x + 1, "h").Resize(1, 4).FillRight

Cells(x + 1, "i") = ""

x = x + 1

m1 = m2 + 2

End If

Next x

End Sub

Sub c44()


Dim x As Integer

Dim t As Integer

t = Range("c65536").End(xlUp).Row

For x = t To 2 Step -1

If Cells(x, 3) <> Cells(x - 1, 3) Then


Cells(Cells(x, "C").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown).Row + 1, "C") = Cells(Cells(x, "C").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown).Row, "C") & " 小计"

Cells(Cells(x, "H").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown).Row + 1, "H") = _

Application.Sum(Range(Cells(x, "h").Offset(1, 0), Cells(x, "H").Offset(1, 0).End(xlDown)))

End If

Next x

End Sub

Sub dd() '删除小计行


End Sub


Option Explicit

'1 单元格输入

Sub t1()

Range("a1") = "a" & "b"

Range("b1") = "a" & Chr(10) & "b" '换行答输入

End Sub

'2 单元格复制和剪切

Sub t2()

Range("a1:a10").Copy Range("c1") 'A1:A10的内容复制到C1

End Sub

Sub t3()


ActiveSheet.Paste Range("d1") '粘贴至D1

End Sub

Sub t4()


Range("e1").PasteSpecial (xlPasteValues) '只粘贴为数值

End Sub

Sub t5()


ActiveSheet.Paste Range("f1") '粘贴到f1

End Sub

Sub t6()


Range("a1:a10").PasteSpecial Operation:=xlAdd '选择粘贴-加

End Sub

Sub T7()

Range("G1:G10") = Range("A1:A10").Value

End Sub

'3 填充公式

Sub T8()

Range("b1") = "=a1*10"

Range("b1:b10").FillDown '向下填充公式

End Sub



Option Explicit

'1 使用循环查找 (在单元格中查找效率太低)

'2 调用工作表函数

Sub c1() '判断是否存在,并查找所在行数

Dim hao As Integer

Dim icount As Integer

icount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("库存明细表").[b:b], [g3])

If icount > 0 Then

MsgBox "该入库单号码已经存在,请不要重复录入"

MsgBox Application.WorksheetFunction.Match([g3], Sheets("库存明细表").[b:b], 0)

End If

End Sub

'3 使用Find方法

Sub c2()

Dim r As Integer, r1 As Integer

Dim icount As Integer

icount = Application.WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Sheets("库存明细表").[b:b], [g3])

If icount > 0 Then

r = Sheets("库存明细表").[b:b].Find(Range("G3"), Lookat:=xlWhole).Row '查找号码第一次出现的位置

r1 = Sheets("库存明细表").[b:b].Find([g3], , , , , xlPrevious).Row

MsgBox r & ":" & r1

End If

End Sub

Sub c3() '返回最下一行非空行的行数

MsgBox Sheets("库存明细表").Cells.Find("*", , , , , xlPrevious).Row

End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub 输入()

Dim c As Integer   '号码在库存表中的个数

Dim r As Integer   '入库单的数据行数

Dim cr As Integer  '库存明细表中第一个空行的行数

With Sheets("库存明细表")

c = Application.CountIf(.[b:b], Range("g3"))

If c > 0 Then

MsgBox "该单据号码已经存在!,请不要重复录入"

Exit Sub


r = Application.CountIf(Range("b6:b10"), "<>")

cr = .[b65536].End(xlUp).Row + 1

.Cells(cr, 1).Resize(r, 1) = Range("e3")

.Cells(cr, 2).Resize(r, 1) = Range("g3")

.Cells(cr, 3).Resize(r, 1) = Range("c3")

.Cells(cr, 4).Resize(r, 6) = Cells(6, 2).Resize(r, 6).Value

MsgBox "输入已完成"

End If

End With

End Sub

Sub 查找()

Dim c As Integer   '号码在库存表中的个数

Dim r As Integer   '入库单的数据行数

With Sheets("库存明细表")

c = Application.CountIf(.[b:b], Range("g3"))

If c = 0 Then

MsgBox "该单据号码不存在!"

Exit Sub


r = .[b:b].Find(Range("g3"), , , , , xlNext).Row

Range("c3") = .Cells(r, 3)

Range("e3") = .Cells(r, 1)

Cells(6, 2).Resize(c, 5) = .Cells(r, 4).Resize(c, 5).Value

MsgBox "查询已完成"

End If

End With

End Sub

Sub 删除()

Dim c As Integer   '号码在库存表中的个数

Dim r As Integer   '入库单的数据行数

With Sheets("库存明细表")

c = Application.CountIf(.[b:b], Range("g3"))

If c = 0 Then

MsgBox "该单据号码不存在!"

Exit Sub


r = .[b:b].Find(Range("g3"), , , , , xlNext).Row

.Range(r & ":" & c + r - 1).Delete

MsgBox "删除已完成"

End If

End With

End Sub

Sub 修改()

Call 删除

Call 输入

End Sub


Option Explicit

Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()

MsgBox "公式的值发生了改变"

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Deactivate()

MsgBox "谢谢使用sheet3"

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_FollowHyperlink(ByVal Target As Hyperlink)

MsgBox Target.Address

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableUpdate(ByVal Target As PivotTable)

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_BeforeDoubleClick(ByVal Target As Range, Cancel As Boolean)

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_PivotTableBeforeCommitChanges(ByVal TargetPivotTable As PivotTable, ByVal ValueChangeStart As Long, ByVal ValueChangeEnd As Long, Cancel As Boolean)

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

End Sub


Private Sub Workbook_Deactivate()

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Open()


End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)

'Cancel = True

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_SheetDeactivate(ByVal Sh As Object)

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_SheetSelectionChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

If Sh.name = "Sheet2" Then

MsgBox Target.Address

MsgBox Sh.name

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_NewSheet(ByVal Sh As Object)

MsgBox "本工作簿禁止插入新工作表"

Application.DisplayAlerts = False


Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforePrint(Cancel As Boolean)

MsgBox "此excel文件禁止打印,如需打印请与管理员联系"

Cancel = True

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Activate()

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeSave(ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

MsgBox "你点击保存按钮了"

End Sub


Public WithEvents app As Excel.Application

Private Sub app_NewWorkbook(ByVal Wb As Workbook)

End Sub

Private Sub app_SheetActivate(ByVal Sh As Object)

End Sub

Private Sub app_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook)

' a = Application.InputBox("请输入打开excel程序口令", "安全提示")

' If a <> 123 Then

'   Wb.Close False

' End If

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Set app = Excel.Application

End Sub

Option Explicit

Public WithEvents app As Excel.Application

Private Sub app_NewWorkbook(ByVal Wb As Workbook)

Wb.Close False

MsgBox "你没有新建工作簿的权限"

End Sub

Private Sub app_WorkbookBeforePrint(ByVal Wb As Workbook, Cancel As Boolean)

MsgBox "你没有打印本工作簿的权限!"

Cancel = True

End Sub

Private Sub app_WorkbookBeforeSave(ByVal Wb As Workbook, ByVal SaveAsUI As Boolean, Cancel As Boolean)

MsgBox "本工作簿不能保存修改!谢谢合作"

Cancel = True

End Sub

Private Sub app_WorkbookNewSheet(ByVal Wb As Workbook, ByVal Sh As Object)

Application.DisplayAlerts = False


Application.DisplayAlerts = True

End Sub

Private Sub app_WorkbookOpen(ByVal Wb As Workbook)

Dim a

If Wb.Name = "open.xla" Then Exit Sub

a = Application.InputBox("请输入打开excel程序口令", "安全提示")

If a <> 123 Then

Wb.Close False

MsgBox "很抱歉!你没有打开本机excel程序权限。"

End If

End Sub

Private Sub Workbook_Open()

Set app = Excel.Application

End Sub




'*                              VBA数组教程                                                         *

'*                                       --------excel精英培训网:兰色幻想                           *


Sub v4() '运行时间0.01秒

Dim t

t = Timer

For x = 1 To 100000

m = m + 1000 '真接调用内存中的值

Next x

MsgBox Timer - t

End Sub

Sub v5() '运行时间0.5秒

Dim t

t = Timer

For x = 1 To 100000

m = m + Cells(1, 1) '调用单元格中的值

Next x

MsgBox Timer - t

End Sub




'2 VBA数组存在形态

' VBA数组是以变量形式存放的一个空间,它也有行有列,也可以是三维空间。

'1) 常量数组



'2) 静态数组

'x(4) '有5个位置,编号从0~4

'arr(1 to 10) '有10个位置,编号1~10

'arr(1 to 10,1 to 2) '10行2列的空间,总共20个位置,这是二维数组

'arr(1 to 10,1 to 2,1 to 3) '三维数组,总10*2*3=60个位置。这是三维数组


'arr() '不知道有多少行多少列


Option Explicit



Sub t1() '写入一维数组

Dim x As Integer

Dim arr(1 To 10)

arr(2) = 190

arr(10) = 5

End Sub

Sub t2() '向二维数组写入数据和读取

Dim x As Integer, y As Integer

Dim arr(1 To 5, 1 To 4)

For x = 1 To 5

For y = 1 To 4

arr(x, y) = Cells(x, y)

Next y

Next x

MsgBox arr(3, 1)

End Sub


Sub t3()

Dim arr()

Dim row

row = Sheets("sheet2").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).row - 1

ReDim arr(1 To row)

For x = 1 To row

arr(x) = Cells(x, 1)

Next x


End Sub


Sub t4() '由常量数组导入

Dim arr

arr = Array(1, 2, 3, "a")


End Sub

Sub t5() '由单元格区域导入

Dim arr

arr = Range("a1:d5")


End Sub




'*                              VBA数组教程                                                         *

'*                                       --------excel精英培训网:兰色幻想                           *


Sub v4() '运行时间0.01秒

Dim t

t = Timer

For x = 1 To 100000

m = m + 1000 '真接调用内存中的值

Next x

MsgBox Timer - t

End Sub

Sub v5() '运行时间0.5秒

Dim t

t = Timer

For x = 1 To 100000

m = m + Cells(1, 1) '调用单元格中的值

Next x

MsgBox Timer - t

End Sub




'2 VBA数组存在形态

' VBA数组是以变量形式存放的一个空间,它也有行有列,也可以是三维空间。

'1) 常量数组



'2) 静态数组

'x(4) '有5个位置,编号从0~4

'arr(1 to 10) '有10个位置,编号1~10

'arr(1 to 10,1 to 2) '10行2列的空间,总共20个位置,这是二维数组

'arr(1 to 10,1 to 2,1 to 3) '三维数组,总10*2*3=60个位置。这是三维数组


'arr() '不知道有多少行多少列


Option Explicit



Sub t1() '写入一维数组

Dim x As Integer

Dim arr(1 To 10)

arr(2) = 190

arr(10) = 5

End Sub

Sub t2() '向二维数组写入数据和读取

Dim x As Integer, y As Integer

Dim arr(1 To 5, 1 To 4)

For x = 1 To 5

For y = 1 To 4

arr(x, y) = Cells(x, y)

Next y

Next x

MsgBox arr(3, 1)

End Sub


Sub t3()

Dim arr()

Dim row

row = Sheets("sheet2").Range("a65536").End(xlUp).row - 1

ReDim arr(1 To row)

For x = 1 To row

arr(x) = Cells(x, 1)

Next x


End Sub


Sub t4() '由常量数组导入

Dim arr

arr = Array(1, 2, 3, "a")


End Sub

Sub t5() '由单元格区域导入

Dim arr

arr = Range("a1:d5")


End Sub


Option Explicit







Sub d1()

Dim arr, arr1()

Dim x As Integer, k As Integer, m As Integer

arr = Range("a1:a10") '把单元格区域导入内存数组中

m = Application.CountIf(Range("a1:a10"), ">10") '计算大于10的个数

ReDim arr1(1 To m)

For x = 1 To 10

If arr(x, 1) > 10 Then

k = k + 1

arr1(k) = arr(x, 1)

MsgBox arr1(k)

End If

Next x


End Sub


Sub d2() '二维数组存入单元格

Dim arr, arr1(1 To 5, 1 To 1)

Dim x As Integer

arr = Range("b2:c6")

For x = 1 To 5

arr1(x, 1) = arr(x, 1) * arr(x, 2)

Next x

Range("d2").Resize(10) = arr1

End Sub

Sub vl()

Dim arr, arr1

Dim x, k As Integer

Dim tt As Long

Application.ScreenUpdating = False

arr = Range("I2:J1433")

arr1 = Range("f2:g1433")

For x = 1 To 1432

For k = 1 To 1432

If arr(k, 1) = arr1(x, 1) Then

arr1(x, 2) = arr(k, 2)

Exit For

End If

Range("g2").Resize(1432) = arr1(x, 2)

Next k

Next x

Application.ScreenUpdating = True

End Sub

Sub d3() '一维数组存入单元格

Dim arr, arr1(1 To 5)

Dim x As Integer

arr = Range("b2:c6")

For x = 1 To 5

arr1(x) = arr(x, 1) * arr(x, 2)

Next x

'Range("a13").Resize(1, 5) = arr1

Range("d2").Resize(5) = Application.Transpose(arr1)

End Sub

Sub d4() '数组部分存入

Dim arr, arr1(1 To 10000, 1 To 1)

Dim x As Integer

arr = Range("b2:c6")

For x = 1 To 5

arr1(x, 1) = arr(x, 1) * arr(x, 2)

Next x

Range("d2").Resize(5) = arr1

End Sub



Option Explicit



'Lbound(数组) 可以获取数组的最小下标(编号)

'Ubound(数组) 可以获取数组的最大上标(编号)

'Ubound(数组,1) 可以获得数组的行方面(第1维)最大上标

'Ubound(数组,2) 可以获得数组的列方向(第2维)的最大上标

Sub d6()

Dim arr

Dim k, m

arr = Range("a2:d5")

For x = 1 To UBound(arr, 1)

Next x

End Sub




'ReDim Preserve arr() 可以声明一个动态大小的数组,而且可以保留原来的数值,就相当于厂房小了,可以改扩建增大,但是它只能



Sub d7()

Dim arr, arr1()

arr = Range("a1:d6")

Dim x, k

For x = 1 To UBound(arr)

If arr(x, 1) = "B" Then

k = k + 1

ReDim Preserve arr1(1 To 4, 1 To k)

arr1(1, k) = arr(x, 1)

arr1(2, k) = arr(x, 2)

arr1(3, k) = arr(x, 3)

arr1(4, k) = arr(x, 4)

End If

Next x

Range("a8").Resize(k, 4) = Application.Transpose(arr1)

End Sub

Sub d8()

Dim arr, arr1(1 To 100000, 1 To 4)

arr = Range("a1:d6")

Dim x, k

For x = 1 To UBound(arr)

If arr(x, 1) = "B" Then

k = k + 1

arr1(k, 1) = arr(x, 1)

arr1(k, 2) = arr(x, 2)

arr1(k, 3) = arr(x, 3)

arr1(k, 4) = arr(x, 4)

End If

Next x

Range("a15").Resize(k, 4) = arr1

End Sub

'3 清空数组


Sub d9()

Dim arr, arr1(1 To 1000, 1 To 1)

Dim x, m, k

arr = Range("a1:a16")

For x = 1 To UBound(arr)

If arr(x, 1) <> "" Then

k = k + 1

arr1(k, 1) = arr(x, 1)


m = m + 1

Range("c1").Offset(0, m).Resize(k) = arr1

Erase arr1

k = 0

End If

Next x

End Sub



Option Explicit

' 1、split函数



Sub t1()

Dim sr, arr

sr = "A-BC-FGR-H"

arr = VBA.Split(sr, "-")

MsgBox Join(arr, ",")

End Sub

' 2、Filter函数:




Sub t2()

Dim arr, arr1, arr2

arr = Application.Transpose(Range("A2:A10"))

arr1 = VBA.Filter(arr, "W", True)

arr2 = VBA.Filter(arr, "W", False)

Range("B2").Resize(UBound(arr1) + 1) = Application.Transpose(arr1)

Range("C2").Resize(UBound(arr2) + 1) = Application.Transpose(arr2)

End Sub



' Application.Index(二维数组,0,列数)) 返回二维数组

' Application.Index(二维数组,行数,0)) 返回一维数组

Sub t3()

Dim arr, arr1, arr2

arr = Range("a2:d6")

arr1 = Application.Index(arr, , 1)

arr2 = Application.Index(arr, 4, 0)


End Sub



Sub t4()

Dim arr, arr1

arr = Range("a2:d6")

arr1 = Application.VLookup(Array("B", "C"), arr, 4, 0)

End Sub

'5 Sumif函数和Countif函数


Sub t5()

Dim T

T = Timer

Dim arr

arr = Application.SumIf(Range("a2:a10000"), Array("B", "C", "G", "R"), Range("B2:B10000"))

MsgBox Timer - T


End Sub

Sub t55()

Dim T

T = Timer

Dim arr, arr1(1 To 4, 1 To 2), x

arr1(1, 1) = "B"

arr1(2, 1) = "C"

arr1(3, 1) = "G"

arr1(4, 1) = "R"

' arr = Range("a1:d10000")

For x = 2 To 10000

Select Case Cells(x, 1)

Case "B"

arr1(1, 2) = arr1(1, 2) + Cells(x, 2)

Case "C"

arr1(2, 2) = arr1(2, 2) + Cells(x, 2)

Case "G"

arr1(3, 2) = arr1(3, 2) + Cells(x, 2)

Case "R"

arr1(4, 2) = arr1(4, 2) + Cells(x, 2)

End Select

Next x

MsgBox Timer - T

End Sub


Option Explicit

'1 数组的最值

Sub s()

Dim arr1()

arr1 = Array(1, 12, 4, 5, 19)

MsgBox "1, 12, 4, 5, 19最大值" & Application.Max(arr1)

MsgBox "1, 12, 4, 5, 19最小值:" & Application.Min(arr1)

MsgBox "1, 12, 4, 5, 19第二大值:" & Application.Large(arr1, 2)

MsgBox "1, 12, 4, 5, 19第二小值:" & Application.Small(arr1, 2)

End Sub


'用application.Sum (数组)

'3 统计个数


Sub s1()

Dim arr1, arr2(0 To 10), x

arr1 = Array("a", "3", "", 4, 6)

For x = 0 To 4

arr2(x) = arr1(x)

Next x

MsgBox "数组1的数字个数:" & Application.Count(arr2)

MsgBox "数组2的已填充数值的个数" & Application.CountA(arr2)

End Sub

'3 在数组里查找

Sub s2()

Dim arr

On Error Resume Next

arr = Array("a", "c", "b", "f", "d")

MsgBox Application.Match("f", arr, 0)

If Err.Number = 13 Then

MsgBox "查找不到"

End If

End Sub


Option Explicit





Sub 填充颜色()

Range("a2:d2,a7:d7,a10:d10").Interior.ColorIndex = 3

End Sub

Option Explicit

Sub 单元格循环()

Dim x As Integer

Dim t


t = Timer

For x = 2 To Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row

If Range("d" & x) > 500 Then

Range(Cells(x, 1), Cells(x, 4)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

End If

Next x

MsgBox Timer - t

End Sub

Sub 清除颜色()

Range("a:d").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

End Sub

Sub 数组方法()

Dim arr, t

Dim x As Integer

Dim sr As String, sr1 As String


t = Timer

arr = Range("d2:d" & Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row)

For x = 1 To UBound(arr)

If x = UBound(arr) And sr <> "" Then Range(Left(sr, Len(sr) - 1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

If arr(x, 1) > 500 Then

sr1 = sr

sr = sr & "A" & x + 1 & ":D" & x + 1 & ","

If Len(sr) > 255 Then

sr = sr1

Range(Left(sr, Len(sr) - 1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

sr = ""

End If

End If

Next x

MsgBox Timer - t

End Sub

Sub 数组方法2()

Dim arr, t

Dim x As Integer, x1 As Integer

Dim sr As String, sr1 As String


t = Timer

arr = Range("d2:d" & Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row)

For x = 1 To UBound(arr)

If x = UBound(arr) Then Range(Left(sr, Len(sr) - 1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

If arr(x, 1) > 500 Then

sr1 = sr

x1 = x + 1


x = x + 1

Loop Until arr(x, 1) <= 500

sr = sr & "A" & x1 & ":D" & x & ","

If Len(sr) > 255 Then

sr = sr1

x = x1 - 1

Range(Left(sr, Len(sr) - 1)).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

sr = ""

End If

x = x - 1

End If

Next x

MsgBox Timer - t

End Sub

Sub 数组方法3()

Dim arr, t

Dim x As Integer, x1 As Integer

Dim sr As String, sr1 As String


t = Timer

arr = Range("d2:d" & Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row)

For x = 1 To UBound(arr)

If x = UBound(arr) Then Application.Intersect(Range("a:d"), Range(Left(sr, Len(sr) - 1))).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

If arr(x, 1) > 500 Then

sr1 = sr

x1 = x + 1


x = x + 1

Loop Until arr(x, 1) <= 500

sr = sr & x1 & ":" & x & ","

If Len(sr) > 255 Then

sr = sr1

x = x1 - 1

Application.Intersect(Range("a:d"), Range(Left(sr, Len(sr) - 1))).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

sr = ""

End If

x = x - 1

End If

Next x

MsgBox Timer - t

End Sub



Sub 插入排序()

Dim arr, temp, x, y, t, iMax, k, k1, k2

t = Timer

arr = Range("a1:a10")

For x = 1 + 1 To UBound(arr)

temp = arr(x, 1) '记得要插入的值

For y = x - 1 To 1 Step -1

If arr(y, 1) <= temp Then Exit For

arr(y + 1, 1) = arr(y, 1)

'k1 = k1 + 1

Next y

arr(y + 1, 1) = temp

'k2 = k2 + 1


' Range("d3").Resize(UBound(arr)) = ""

' Range("d3").Resize(UBound(arr)) = arr

'Range("d2") = Timer - t

MsgBox k1

End Sub

Sub 插入排序单元格演示()

On Error Resume Next

Dim arr, temp, x, y, t, iMax, k

For x = 2 To 10

temp = Cells(x, 1) '记得要插入的值

Range("A" & x).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

For y = x - 1 To 1 Step -1

Range("A" & y).Interior.ColorIndex = 4

If Cells(y, 1) <= temp Then Exit For

Cells(y + 1, 1) = Cells(y, 1)

Range("A" & y).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Next y

Cells(y + 1, 1) = temp

Range("A" & y).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Range("A" & x).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone


End Sub


Sub dd()

Dim arr1(0 To 4999) As Long, arr, x, t

t = Timer

arr = Range("a1:a5000")

For x = 1 To 5000

arr1(x - 1) = arr(x, 1)

Next x

QuickSort arr1()

Range("f2") = Timer - t

End Sub

Public Sub QuickSort(ByRef lngArray() As Long)

Dim iLBound As Long

Dim iUBound As Long

Dim iTemp As Long

Dim iOuter As Long

Dim iMax As Long

iLBound = LBound(lngArray)

iUBound = UBound(lngArray)


If (iUBound - iLBound) Then

For iOuter = iLBound To iUBound

If lngArray(iOuter) > lngArray(iMax) Then iMax = iOuter

Next iOuter

iTemp = lngArray(iMax)

lngArray(iMax) = lngArray(iUBound)

lngArray(iUBound) = iTemp


InnerQuickSort lngArray, iLBound, iUBound

End If

Range("f3").Resize(5000) = Application.Transpose(lngArray)

End Sub

Private Sub InnerQuickSort(ByRef lngArray() As Long, ByVal iLeftEnd As Long, ByVal iRightEnd As Long)

Dim iLeftCur As Long

Dim iRightCur As Long

Dim iPivot As Long

Dim iTemp As Long

If iLeftEnd >= iRightEnd Then Exit Sub

iLeftCur = iLeftEnd

iRightCur = iRightEnd + 1

iPivot = lngArray(iLeftEnd)



iLeftCur = iLeftCur + 1

Loop While lngArray(iLeftCur) < iPivot


iRightCur = iRightCur - 1

Loop While lngArray(iRightCur) > iPivot

If iLeftCur >= iRightCur Then Exit Do


iTemp = lngArray(iLeftCur)

lngArray(iLeftCur) = lngArray(iRightCur)

lngArray(iRightCur) = iTemp



lngArray(iLeftEnd) = lngArray(iRightCur)

lngArray(iRightCur) = iPivot

InnerQuickSort lngArray, iLeftEnd, iRightCur - 1

InnerQuickSort lngArray, iRightCur + 1, iRightEnd

End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub 冒泡排序()

Dim arr, temp, x, y, t, k

t = Timer

arr = Range("a1:a10")

For x = 1 To UBound(arr) - 1

For y = x + 1 To UBound(arr) '只和当前数字下面的数进行比较

If arr(x, 1) > arr(y, 1) Then '如果它大于它下面某一个数字

temp = arr(x, 1)

arr(x, 1) = arr(y, 1)

arr(y, 1) = temp

End If

Next y

Next x

Range("b3").Resize(x) = ""

Range("b3").Resize(x) = arr

'Range("b2") = Timer - t

MsgBox k

End Sub

Sub 冒泡排序演示()

Dim arr, temp, x, y, t, k

For x = 1 To 9

Range("a" & x).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

For y = x + 1 To 10  '只和当前数字下面的数进行比较

Range("a" & y).Interior.ColorIndex = 4

If Cells(x, 1) > Cells(y, 1) Then '如果它大于它下面某一个数字

temp = Cells(x, 1)

Cells(x, 1) = Cells(y, 1)

Cells(y, 1) = temp

2     End If

Range("a" & y).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Next y

Range("a" & x).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Next x

End Sub



Sub 希尔排序()

Dim arr

Dim 总大小, 间隔, x, y, temp, t

t = Timer

arr = Range("a1:a30")

总大小 = UBound(arr) - LBound(arr) + 1

间隔 = 1

If 总大小 > 13 Then

Do While 间隔 < 总大小

间隔 = 间隔 * 3 + 1


间隔 = 间隔 \ 9

End If

'  Stop

Do While 间隔

For x = LBound(arr) + 间隔 To UBound(arr)

temp = arr(x, 1)

For y = x - 间隔 To LBound(arr) Step -间隔

If arr(y, 1) <= temp Then Exit For

arr(y + 间隔, 1) = arr(y, 1)

' k1 = k1 + 1

Next y

arr(y + 间隔, 1) = temp

Next x

间隔 = 间隔 \ 3


' MsgBox k1

'Range("e3").Resize(5000) = ""

Range("d1").Resize(UBound(arr)) = arr

'Range("e2") = Timer - t

End Sub

Sub 打乱顺序()

Dim arr, temp, x

arr = Range("a1:a" & Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row)

For x = 1 To UBound(arr)

num = Int(Rnd() * UBound(arr) + 1)

temp = arr(num, 1)

arr(num, 1) = arr(x, 1)

arr(x, 1) = temp

Next x

Range("a1").Resize(x - 1) = arr

End Sub

Sub 希尔排序单元格演示()

Dim arr

Dim 总大小, 间隔, x, y, temp, t

t = Timer

arr = Range("a1:a" & Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row)

总大小 = UBound(arr) - LBound(arr) + 1

间隔 = 1

If 总大小 > 13 Then

Do While 间隔 < 总大小

间隔 = 间隔 * 3 + 1


间隔 = 间隔 \ 9

End If

'  Stop

Do While 间隔

For x = LBound(arr) + 间隔 To UBound(arr)

temp = Cells(x, 1)

Range("a" & x).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

For y = x - 间隔 To LBound(arr) Step -间隔

Range("a" & y).Interior.ColorIndex = 6

If Cells(y, 1) <= temp Then Exit For

Cells(y + 间隔, 1) = Cells(y, 1)

' k1 = k1 + 1

Next y

Cells(y + 间隔, 1) = temp

Range("a1:a30").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Next x

间隔 = 间隔 \ 3


' MsgBox k1

'Range("e3").Resize(5000) = ""

' Range("d1").Resize(UBound(arr)) = arr

'Range("e2") = Timer - t

End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub 选择排序()

Dim arr, temp, x, y, t, iMax, k, k1, k2

t = Timer

arr = Range("a1:a10")

For x = UBound(arr) To 1 + 1 Step -1

iMax = 1 '最大的索引

For y = 1 To x

If arr(y, 1) > arr(iMax, 1) Then iMax = y

Next y

temp = arr(iMax, 1)

arr(iMax, 1) = arr(x, 1)

arr(x, 1) = temp

Next x

'Range("c3").Resize(UBound(arr)) = ""

'Range("c3").Resize(UBound(arr)) = arr

'Range("c2") = Timer - t

'MsgBox k1

End Sub

Sub 选择排序单元格演示()

Dim arr, temp, x, y, t, iMax, k, k1, k2

For x = 10 To 2 Step -1

iMax = 1

Range("a" & x).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

For y = 1 To x

Range("a" & y).Interior.ColorIndex = 4

If Cells(y, 1) > Cells(iMax, 1) Then

Range("a" & iMax).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

iMax = y

End If

Range("a" & y).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Range("a" & iMax).Interior.ColorIndex = 6

Next y

temp = Cells(iMax, 1)

Cells(iMax, 1) = Cells(x, 1)

Cells(x, 1) = temp

Range("a" & x).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Range("a" & iMax).Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Next x

End Sub



Option Explicit

'1 什么是VBA字典?


'第一列叫key , 不允许有重复的元素。


'Key   item

'A     10

'B     20

'C     30

'Z     10

'2 即然有数组,为什么还要学字典?


'1) A列只能装入非重复的元素,利用这个特点可以很方便的提取不重复的值

'2) 每一个key对应一个唯一的item,只要指点key的值,就可以马上返回其对应的item,利用字典可以实现快速的查找

'3 字典有什么局限?



'4 字典在哪里?如何创建字典?



'Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")




Option Explicit

'1 装入数据

Sub t1()

Dim D As New Dictionary

Dim x As Integer

For x = 2 To 4

D.Add Cells(x, 1).Value, Cells(x, 2).Value

Next x

MsgBox D.Keys(0)

MsgBox D.Keys(1)

MsgBox D.Keys(2)

MsgBox D.Items(0)


End Sub

'2 读取数据

Sub t2()

'      Dim D

Dim D As New Dictionary

Dim arr

Dim x As Integer

'      Set D = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")

For x = 2 To 4

D.Add Cells(x, 1).Value, Cells(x, 2).Value

Next x

MsgBox D("李四")

MsgBox D.Keys(2)

Range("d1").Resize(D.Count) = Application.Transpose(D.Keys)

Range("e1").Resize(D.Count) = Application.Transpose(D.Items)

arr = D.Items

End Sub

'3 修改数据

Sub t3()

Dim D As New Dictionary

Dim x As Integer

For x = 2 To 4

D.Add Cells(x, 1).Value, Cells(x, 2).Value

Next x

D("李四") = 78

MsgBox D("李四")

D("赵六") = 100

MsgBox D("赵六")

End Sub

'4 删除数据

Sub t4()

Dim D As New Dictionary

Dim x As Integer

For x = 2 To 4

D(Cells(x, 1).Value) = Cells(x, 2).Value

Next x

D.Remove "李四"

' MsgBox d.Exists("李四")


MsgBox D.Count

End Sub


Sub t5()

Dim D As New Dictionary

Dim x

For x = 1 To 5

D(Cells(x, 1).Value) = ""

Next x


End Sub

ub 求和问题()

Dim arr, D As Object, ar

Dim i As Integer, j As Byte

Set D = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")

arr = Sheet2.Range("a1").CurrentRegion '选定区域装入数组

Dim t$

For i = 1 To UBound(arr) '循环从数组第1行到数组的最后一行

t = arr(i, 1) & "|" & arr(i, 2)

If D.Exists(t) Then

D(t) = t & "|" & (--Split(D(t), "|")(2) + arr(i, 3))    '如果有相应的key,则提取对应item的的销售额与现有的相加,再组合后存入字典


D(t) = t & "|" & arr(i, 3)                              '如果没有相应的Key,则存入"日期|名称|销售额"

End If

Next i

Erase arr

ReDim arr(1 To D.Count, 1 To 3)

ar = D.Items

For i = 1 To UBound(ar) + 1

For j = 1 To 3

arr(i, j) = Split(ar(i - 1), "|")(j - 1)

Next j

Next i


Sheet3.Range("a1").Resize(UBound(arr), 3) = arr

End Sub



Option Explicit

Sub 多表双向查找()

Dim d As New Dictionary

Dim x, y

Dim arr

For x = 3 To 5

arr = Sheets(x).Range("a2").Resize(Sheets(x).Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row - 1, 2)

For y = 1 To UBound(arr)

d(arr(y, 1)) = arr(y, 2)

d(arr(y, 2)) = arr(y, 1)

Next y

Next x

MsgBox d("C1")

MsgBox d("吴情")

End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub 汇总()

Dim d As New Dictionary

Dim arr, x

arr = Range("a2:b10")

For x = 1 To UBound(arr)

d(arr(x, 1)) = d(arr(x, 1)) + arr(x, 2) 'key对应的item的值在原来的基础上加新的

Next x

Range("d2").Resize(d.Count) = Application.Transpose(d.Keys)

Range("e2").Resize(d.Count) = Application.Transpose(d.Items)

End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub 提取不重复的产品()

Dim d As New Dictionary

Dim arr, x

arr = Range("a2:a12")

For x = 1 To UBound(arr)

d(arr(x, 1)) = ""

Next x

Range("c2").Resize(d.Count) = Application.Transpose(d.Keys)

End Sub



Option Explicit

Sub 下棋法之多列汇总()

Dim 棋盘(1 To 10000, 1 To 3)

Dim 行数

Dim arr, x, k

Dim d As New Dictionary

arr = Range("a2:c" & Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row)

For x = 1 To UBound(arr)

If d.Exists(arr(x, 1)) Then

行数 = d(arr(x, 1))

棋盘(行数, 2) = 棋盘(行数, 2) + arr(x, 2)

棋盘(行数, 3) = 棋盘(行数, 3) + arr(x, 3)


k = k + 1

d(arr(x, 1)) = k

棋盘(k, 1) = arr(x, 1)

棋盘(k, 2) = arr(x, 2)

棋盘(k, 3) = arr(x, 3)

End If

Next x

Range("f2").Resize(k, 3) = 棋盘

End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub 下棋法之多条件多列汇总()

Dim 棋盘(1 To 10000, 1 To 4)

Dim 行数

Dim arr, x As Integer, sr As String, k As Integer

Dim d As New Dictionary

arr = Range("a2:d" & Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row)

For x = 1 To UBound(arr)

sr = arr(x, 1) & "-" & arr(x, 2)

If d.Exists(sr) Then

行数 = d(sr)

棋盘(行数, 3) = 棋盘(行数, 3) + arr(x, 3)

棋盘(行数, 4) = 棋盘(行数, 4) + arr(x, 4)


k = k + 1

d(sr) = k

棋盘(k, 1) = arr(x, 1)

棋盘(k, 2) = arr(x, 2)

棋盘(k, 3) = arr(x, 3)

棋盘(k, 4) = arr(x, 4)

End If

Next x

Range("g2").Resize(k, 4) = 棋盘

End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub 下棋法之数据透视表式汇总()

Dim d As New Dictionary

Dim 棋盘(1 To 10000, 1 To 7)

Dim 行数, 列数

Dim arr, x, k

arr = Range("a2:c" & Range("a65536").End(xlUp).Row)

For x = 1 To UBound(arr)

列数 = (InStr("1月2月3月4月5月6月", arr(x, 2)) + 1) / 2 + 1

If d.Exists(arr(x, 1)) Then

行数 = d(arr(x, 1))

棋盘(行数, 列数) = 棋盘(行数, 列数) + arr(x, 3)


k = k + 1

d(arr(x, 1)) = k

棋盘(k, 1) = arr(x, 1)

棋盘(k, 列数) = arr(x, 3)

End If

Next x

Range("f2").Resize(k, 7) = 棋盘

End Sub



Option Explicit

'1 什么是自定义函数?


'2 怎么编写自定义函数?


' Function 函数名称(参数1,参数2....)



' End Function


Option Explicit

'1 取得工作表总个数的自定义函数

Function shcount()

shcount = Sheets.Count

End Function

Sub dd()

MsgBox getv(Range("a7"))

End Sub

'2 取得单元格显示值的自定义函数

Function getv(rg As Range)

getv = rg.Text

End Function

'3 截取字符串的函数

Function jiequ(sr As String, fh As String, wz As Integer)

Dim Arr

Arr = Split(sr, fh)

jiequ = Arr(wz - 1)

End Function

'4 提取不重复值的个数

Function 不重复个数(rg As Range)

Dim d, Arr, ar

Arr = rg

Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")

For Each ar In Arr

d(ar) = ""

Next ar

不重复个数 = d.Count

End Function

Sub test()

MsgBox jiequ("A-BRT-C-EF", "-", 2)

End Sub


Option Explicit

'1 怎么让自定义函数在所有工作簿中使用?

'答: 把含有自定义函数的文件另存为加截宏,然后通过工具-加截宏-浏览找到这个文件-确定。

'2 怎么给自定义函数添加说明



Sub 分类()

Application.MacroOptions "不重复个数", Category:=4

End Sub


'0 是全部

'1 财务

'2 日期和时间

'3 数学和三角

'4 统计

'5 查找和引用

'6 数据库

'7 文本

'8 逻辑

'9 信息



Option Explicit

Function cheng(ParamArray n())

Dim num, k

k = 0

For Each num In n

k = k + num

Next num

cheng = k

End Function


Option Explicit

Function shuiji1(maxnum, geshu, Optional qo As Integer)

Dim d As New Dictionary

Dim num



num = Int(Rnd() * maxnum + 1)

If qo = 0 Then

d(num) = ""

ElseIf qo = 2 Then

If num Mod 2 = 0 Then d(num) = ""

ElseIf qo = 1 Then

If Not num Mod 2 = 0 Then d(num) = ""

End If

Loop Until d.Count = geshu

shuiji1 = Application.Transpose(d.Keys)

End Function

Function shuiji2(maxnum, geshu, Optional qo As Integer = 2)

Dim d As New Dictionary

Dim num, m


m = 1


num = Int(Rnd() * maxnum + 1)

If qo = 2 Then

If num Mod 2 = 0 Then d(num) = ""

ElseIf qo = 1 Then

If Not num Mod 2 = 0 Then d(num) = ""


Exit Function

End If

Loop Until d.Count = geshu

shuiji2 = Application.Transpose(d.Keys)

End Function


Option Explicit


Function shuiji(maxnum, geshu) 'maxnum是区间最大的数,geshu是返回多少个不重复的数

Dim d As New Dictionary

Dim num



num = Int(Rnd() * maxnum + 1)

d(num) = ""

Loop Until d.Count = geshu

shuiji = Application.Transpose(d.Keys)

End Function



Option Explicit




Sub test1()

MsgBox "大家好,我是msgbox窗口"

End Sub


'Msgbox (窗口中显示的内容,按钮和图示类别,窗口标题,相关的帮助文件,帮助文件上下文的编号)


Option Explicit



Sub test8()

MsgBox "test", vbYesNoCancel + vbExclamation + vbDefaultButton2 + vbMsgBoxHelpButton '显示确定和取消按钮并显示询问图标

End Sub

Sub test9()

MsgBox "mytest", vbExclamation + vbYesNo '显示危险图标和是否按钮

End Sub

Sub test10()

MsgBox "测试窗体结构", vbYesNoCancel + vbMsgBoxHelpButton + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton3, "测试四个按钮的窗口"

End Sub

Sub dd()

MsgBox "dd", vbYesNo + vbExclamation + vbMsgBoxHelpButton

End Sub


Option Explicit


'1) 基本显示:只需要给第一个参数设置一个字符串或生成字符串的表达式即或


Sub test2()

MsgBox "你好,欢迎你的使用"

MsgBox "你好!,欢迎你使用" & ThisWorkbook.Name

End Sub

'2) 换行显示。

'chr(10) 可以生成换行符

'chr(13) 可以生成回车符

'vbcrlf 换行符和回车符

'vbCr 等同于chr(10)

'vblf 等同于chr(13)


Sub test3()

MsgBox "我爱" & Chr(10) & "Excel精英培训"

' MsgBox "我爱你" & Chr(13) & "Excel"

' MsgBox "今天" & vbCrLf & "我是水王"

End Sub

'3) 表格显示

'chr(9) 制表符

Sub test4()

MsgBox "姓名" & Chr(9) & "职业" & Chr(10) & "张三" & Chr(9) & "工程师" _

& Chr(10) & "于上伟" & Chr(9) & "教师"

End Sub

Sub test5()

Dim sr, x, y

For x = 1 To 5

For y = 1 To 3

sr = sr & Cells(x, y) & Chr(9) & Chr(9)

Next y

sr = sr & Chr(13)

Next x

MsgBox sr

End Sub


' space(n) 可以产生N个空格

Sub test6()

Dim x, y, sr, k

For x = 1 To 5

For y = 1 To 3

If VBA.IsNumeric(Cells(x, y)) Then

k = 12 - Len(Cells(x, y))


k = 12 - Len(Cells(x, y)) * 2

End If

sr = sr & Cells(x, y) & Space(k)

Next y

sr = sr & Chr(13)

Next x

MsgBox sr

End Sub

'2  标题的显示文字

Sub test7()

MsgBox "核对关系出错了", , "系统提示"

End Sub


Option Explicit


Sub test11()

Dim k

k = MsgBox("测试返回值", vbYesNoCancel)

MsgBox "你点击了按钮:" & Choose(k, "确定", "取消", "终止", "重试", "忽略", "是", "否")

End Sub


Sub test12()

If MsgBox("你确定要删除第15行吗?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "删除提示") = vbYes Then


MsgBox "删除成功"


MsgBox "你取消了删除"

End If

End Sub


Option Explicit

'要添加帮助,需要设置msgbox 函数的第四和第五个参数



Sub test13()

Dim x

x = MsgBox("测试添加帮助的效果", vbOKCancel + vbMsgBoxHelpButton, "测试帮助!", "D:/a.chm", 0) '"C:\WINDOWS\Help\excel.chm", 0)

End Sub


Option Explicit

'1 自动定时关闭消息框,可以用其他消息框完成

Sub AA()

Dim WshShell As Object

Set WshShell = CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

WshShell.Popup "1秒后关闭!", 1, "提示!", 16

End Sub


常数            值           描述

vbOKOnly         0          只显示 确定 按钮

VbOKCancel      1          显示 确定 及 取消 按钮。

VbAbortRetryIgnore      2          显示 放弃、重试 及 忽略 按钮。

VbYesNoCancel 3          显示 是、否 及 取消 按钮。

VbYesNo           4          显示 是 及 否 按钮。

VbRetryCancel  5          显示 重试 及 取消 按钮。

VbCritical          16        危险图标

VbQuestion      32        询问图标

VbExclamation  48        警告图示

VbInformation  64        信息图标

vbDefaultButton1         0          第一个按钮是缺省值。

vbDefaultButton2         256      第二个按钮是缺省值。

vbDefaultButton3         512      第三个按钮是缺省值。

vbDefaultButton4         768      第四个按钮是缺省值。

vbApplicationModal      0          应用程序强制返回;应用程序一直被挂起,直到用户对消息框作出响应才继续工作。

vbSystemModal 4096     系统强制返回;全部应用程序都被挂起,直到用户对消息框作出响应才继续工作。

vbMsgBoxHelpButton   16384   将Help按钮添加到消息框

VbMsgBoxSetForeground          65536   指定消息框窗口作为前景窗口,就是显示在窗口的最上层

vbMsgBoxRight 524288 文本为右对齐

vbMsgBoxRtlReading     1048576           指定文本应为在希伯来和阿拉伯语系统中的从右到左显示

常数     值        说明

vbOK    1          确定

vbCancel2         取消

vbAbort            3          终止

vbRetry 4          重试

vbIgnore5         忽略

vbYes   6          是

vbNo    7          否



Option Explicit


'     值    含义

'0     公式

'1     数字

'2     文本 (字符串)

'4     逻辑值 (True 或 False)

'8     单元格引用,作为一个 Range 对象

'16    错误值,如 #N/A

'64    数值数组

' 1.引用单元格



Sub text5()

Dim rg As Range

Set rg = Application.InputBox("请选择单元格区域", "选取提示", , , , , , 8)

MsgBox rg.Parent.Name & "!" & rg.Address

End Sub

Sub text6()

Dim rg

rg = Application.InputBox("请选择单元格区域", "选取提示", , , , , , 8)

MsgBox rg(2, 1)

End Sub

'2 公式引用


Sub test7()

Dim r

r = Application.InputBox("请输入公式", "输入提示", , , , , , 0)

MsgBox r

End Sub

'3 限制输入返回的数值格式

Sub test8()

Dim r

r = Application.InputBox("请输入公式", "输入提示", , , , , , 1) '输入非数字则会提示无效的数字

MsgBox r

End Sub

Sub test9()

Dim r

r = Application.InputBox("请输入公式", "输入提示", , , , , , 2) '可以输入字符,当然,文字型数字也符字符

MsgBox TypeName(r)

End Sub



Sub test10()

Dim r

r = Application.InputBox("请输入公式", "输入提示", , , , , , 64) '可以输入字符,当然,文字型数字也符字符

MsgBox r(2, 1)

End Sub


Option Explicit








'     值    含义

'0     公式

'1     数字

'2     文本 (字符串)

'4     逻辑值 (True 或 False)

'8     单元格引用,作为一个 Range 对象

'16    错误值,如 #N/A

'64    数值数组





Option Explicit


'     值    含义

'0     公式

'1     数字

'2     文本 (字符串)

'4     逻辑值 (True 或 False)

'8     单元格引用,作为一个 Range 对象

'16    错误值,如 #N/A

'64    数值数组

' 1.引用单元格



Sub text5()

Dim rg As Range

Set rg = Application.InputBox("请选择单元格区域", "选取提示", , , , , , 8)

MsgBox rg.Parent.Name & "!" & rg.Address

End Sub

Sub text6()

Dim rg

rg = Application.InputBox("请选择单元格区域", "选取提示", , , , , , 8)

MsgBox rg(2, 1)

End Sub

'2 公式引用


Sub test7()

Dim r

r = Application.InputBox("请输入公式", "输入提示", , , , , , 0)

MsgBox r

End Sub

'3 限制输入返回的数值格式

Sub test8()

Dim r

r = Application.InputBox("请输入公式", "输入提示", , , , , , 1) '输入非数字则会提示无效的数字

MsgBox r

End Sub

Sub test9()

Dim r

r = Application.InputBox("请输入公式", "输入提示", , , , , , 2) '可以输入字符,当然,文字型数字也符字符

MsgBox TypeName(r)

End Sub



Sub test10()

Dim r

r = Application.InputBox("请输入公式", "输入提示", , , , , , 64) '可以输入字符,当然,文字型数字也符字符

MsgBox r(2, 1)

End Sub



Option Explicit

'一 FileDialog 对象简介

'提供文件对话框,功能与 Microsoft Office 应用程序中标准的“打开”和“保存”对话框类似。


'“打开”对话框:让用户选择一个或多个可以在主机应用程序中使用 Execute 方法打开的文件。

'“另存为”对话框:让用户选择一个可以使用 Execute 方法保存当前文件的文件。

'“文件选取器”对话框:让用户选择一个或多个文件。用户选择的文件路径将捕获到 FileDialogSelectedItems 集合。

'“文件夹选取器”对话框:让用户选择一个路径。用户选择的文件路径将捕获到 FileDialogSelectedItems 集合。

'二 属性和方法

'1 AllowMultiSelect 如果允许用户从文件对话框中选择多个文件,则返回 True。Boolean 类型,可读写

'2 SelectedItems 选取的多个文件集合

'3 InitialFileName 属性:设置初始路径和文件名称

'4 InitialView 属性 :可以设置初始文件的显示样多

'5 show 可以判断用户是否点击了取消按钮,如果点击取消会返回0,否则返回-1


Sub f1()

Dim f

Dim dig As Object

Set dig = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)

.AllowMultiSelect = True

.Filters.Add "Excel文件", "*.xls", 1

.InitialFileName = ThisWorkbook.FullName '"d:\"

.InitialView = msoFileDialogViewDetails

.Title = "对话框测试"


MsgBox .Show

For Each f In .SelectedItems

MsgBox f

Next f

End With

Set dig = Nothing

End Sub


Sub F2()

Dim dig As Object

Set dig = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFolderPicker)

With dig

.InitialFileName = "d:\"


MsgBox .SelectedItems(1)

End With

Set dig = Nothing

End Sub


Sub t10()

Dim f

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)

.AllowMultiSelect = True

.Filters = "Excel表格,*.xls"

.InitialFileName = "测试.xls"

.FilterIndex = 1

.Title = "测试"

End With

End Sub


Option Explicit

' 一、 概述基本语法





'1 打开类型只限excel文件



Sub t1()

Dim f

f = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel文件,*.xls")

MsgBox f

End Sub



Sub t2()

Dim f

f = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel2003文件,*.xls,Word文件,*.doc")

MsgBox f

End Sub

'3 打开多种文件类型,默认显示word文件

Sub t3()

Dim f

f = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel2003文件,*.xls,Word文件,*.doc,文本文件,*.txt", 2)

MsgBox f

End Sub

'4 设置对话框名称

Sub t4()

Dim f

f = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel2003文件,*.xls,Word文件,*.doc,文本文件,*.txt", 2, "选择要汇总的文件")

MsgBox f

End Sub

'5 选择多个文件,并以数组形式返回

Sub t5()

Dim f

ChDrive "E"

ChDir Application.Path

'ChDir ".."

f = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel2003文件,*.xls,Word文件,*.doc,文本文件,*.txt", 1, MultiSelect:=True)

MsgBox f(1)

End Sub



' GetSaveAsFilename(默认显示的文件名,筛选条件,多个筛选类型时显示第几个,标题)


Sub t1()

Dim f

f = Application.GetSaveAsFilename("示例.xls", "excel表格,*.xls", , "保存示例")

MsgBox f

End Sub


Option Explicit

'chdrive 盘符 可以改变默认驱动器

'chdir  路径  可以改变默认路径

Sub t6()

Dim f

ChDrive "E"

ChDir ThisWorkbook.Path

'ChDir ".."

f = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel2003文件,*.xls,Word文件,*.doc,文本文件,*.txt", 1, MultiSelect:=True)

' MsgBox f(1)

End Sub



Option Explicit



Sub z1()

Dim sr

sr = "Excel精英培训网"

Debug.Print Left(sr, 5)

Debug.Print Right(sr, 5)

Debug.Print Mid(sr, 3, 5)

Debug.Print Left(sr, Len(sr) - 1)

End Sub


Sub z2()

Dim sr, arr

sr = "Excel的精的英的培训网"

arr = Split(sr, "的")

Debug.Print UBound(arr)

End Sub


Sub z3()

Dim sr

sr = "89.90美元"

Debug.Print Val(sr)

End Sub



Sub a4()

Debug.Print "a" & "b"

End Sub


Sub a5()

Dim sr, arr

sr = "Excel-精英-培训网"

arr = Split(sr, "-")

Debug.Print Join(arr, "+")

End Sub


Option Explicit

'instr 从前向后查

Sub c1()

Dim sr

sr = "Excel精英培训"

Debug.Print InStr(sr, "精英") > 0

End Sub

'InStrRev 从后向前

Sub c2()

Dim sr

sr = "Excel精英培训培训论坛"

Debug.Print InStr(sr, "培")

End Sub


Sub c5()

Dim sr

sr = "Excel精英培训网"

sr = Replace(sr, "培训网", "论坛")

Debug.Print sr

End Sub


Sub c6()

Dim sr

sr = "Excel精英培训网"

Mid(sr, 8, 3) = "论坛"

Debug.Print sr

End Sub


Option Explicit

'LCase 转换成小写

Sub z1()

Debug.Print LCase("ABC")

End Sub

'UCcae 转换成大写

Sub z2()

Debug.Print UCase("Abc")

End Sub

'StrConv 函数

'常数 值 说明

'vbUpperCase 1 将字符串文字转成大写。

'vbLowerCase 2 将字符串文字转成小写。

'vbProperCase 3 将字符串中每个字的开头字母转成大写

Sub 转换()

Debug.Print VBA.StrConv("wHo ARE you?", vbProperCase)

End Sub

Sub 转换2()

Dim i As Long

Dim x() As Byte

x = StrConv("ABCDEFG", vbFromUnicode)    ' 转换字符串。

Debug.Print Application.Min(x)

For i = 0 To UBound(x)

Debug.Print x(i)


End Sub


'Ltrim 删除左边空格

'Rtrim 删除右边空格

Sub z3()

Dim sr

sr = " A B BC "

Debug.Print Trim(sr)

Debug.Print LTrim(sr)

Debug.Print RTrim(sr)

End Sub

'ASC 返回一个 Integer,代表字符串中首字母的字符代码,ANSI 字符集

'CHr 返回 String,其中包含有与指定的字符代码相关的字符

Sub z4()

Debug.Print Asc("Z")

Debug.Print Chr(90)

End Sub

'Space 和 string生成重复的字符

Sub z5()

Debug.Print "A" & Space(10) & "B"

Debug.Print "C" & String(10, "a") & "D"

End Sub



Option Explicit

'like "对比的字符串"

'Option Compare Text

' 字符串1 like 字符串2

Sub L1()

Debug.Print "ABC" Like "ABc"

End Sub



Sub L2()

Debug.Print "BA" Like "?A"

End Sub



Sub L3()

Debug.Print "Excel精英培训" Like "*cel*"

End Sub



Sub l4()

'Debug.Print "QAB" Like "Q?B"

Debug.Print "QaB" Like "Q?B"

'Debug.Print "Q?B" Like "Q[?]B"

'Debug.Print ""

End Sub



Sub l9()

Debug.Print 5 Like "#"

End Sub


Sub L10()


'Debug.Print "q" Like "[A-Za-z]"  ' 判断q是不是字母

' Debug.Print "H" Like "[A-GM-Z]"  ' 判断H是不是在A-G,M-Z区间

Debug.Print 8 Like "[!2-9]"

End Sub


Sub L11()

Debug.Print "A" Like "[!C-Z]"

End Sub


Sub L12()

Debug.Print "M" Like "[!ABCDEUE]"

End Sub


Sub L13()

Debug.Print "AEREM" Like "[A-C]*[L-P]"

Debug.Print "A334M" Like "[A-C]###[L-P]"

End Sub


Option Explicit

Sub 求和()

Dim x, y, k

For x = 2 To 11

For y = 2 To 12

If Cells(y, 1) Like Cells(x, "F") Then

k = k + Cells(y, 2)

Range("a" & y).Interior.ColorIndex = 3

End If

Next y

Cells(x, "g") = k

Cells(x, "f").Interior.ColorIndex = 3

k = 0


Cells(x, "f").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Range("a2:a12").Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone

Next x

End Sub

序号    求和类型        对比规则

1          包含A的数量  *A*

2          以A开头的数量          A*

3          以A~D开头的数量      [A-D]*

4          以A~D开头第2位是2的数量           [A-D]2*

5          以A~D开头第2位是7-9的数量        [A-D][7-9]*

6          第2位后全是数字的数量        ?#####

7          以E-G开头,m-x结尾的数量 [E-G]*[m-x]

8          第5位是字母的数量   ????[A-Za-z]?

9          包含?号的数量和       *[?]*

10        以非A~G的字符开始  [!A-G]*


一 正则表达式





'二 使用方法


'点击VBE编辑器菜单:工具 - 引用,选取: Microsoft VBScript Regular Expressions 5.5,引用后在程序开始进行如下声明

'Dim regex As New RegExp

Sub t1()

Dim reg As New RegExp

End Sub


'     代码引用 (后期绑定)

'     Dim regex As Object

'     Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp") '创建正则对象

Sub t2()

Dim reg As Object

Set reg = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")

End Sub

'三 常用属性

'1 Global属性:



'1 例:

Sub t3()

Dim reg As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "ABCEA"

With reg

.Global = True

.Pattern = "A"

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

'2 IgnoreCase 属性


'3 Pattern 属性

' 一个字符串,用来定义正则表达式。缺省值为空文本。

'4 Multiline 属性,字符串是不是使用了多行,如果是多行,$适用于每一行的最后一个

Sub t4()

Dim reg As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "AEA" & Chr(10) & "ABCA"

With reg

.Global = True

.MultiLine = True

'.Pattern = "A$"

.Pattern = "^A"

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

'5  Execute 方法

'返回一个 MatchCollection 对象,该对象包含每个成功匹配的 Match 对象,



'Length; 长度


Sub t5()

Dim reg As New RegExp

Dim sr, matc

sr = "A454BCEA5"

With reg

.Global = True

.Pattern = "A\d+"

Set matc = .Execute(sr)

End With


End Sub

Function ns(rg)

Dim reg As New RegExp

Dim sr, ma, s, m, x

With reg

.Global = True

.Pattern = "\d*\.?\d*"

Set ma = .Execute(rg)

For Each m In ma

s = s + Val(m)

Next m

End With

ns = s

' Stop

End Function



Sub t7()

Dim reg As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "BCR6EA"

With reg

.Global = True

.Pattern = "\d+"

If .test(sr) Then MsgBox "字符串中含有数字"

End With

End Sub


Function 提取中文(rg As String, k As Integer)

Dim regx As New RegExp

With regx

.Global = True

If k = 1 Then

.Pattern = "\D"

ElseIf k = 2 Then

.Pattern = "\w"

End If

提取中文 = .Replace(rg, "")

End With

End Function

第38集  正则表达式2

Option Explicit







'\d 0~9的数字

'\w 任意一个字母或数字或下划线,也就是 A~Z,a~z,0~9,_ 中任意一个

'\s 包括空格、制表符、换页符等空白字符的其中任意一个

'以上改为大写时,为相反的意思,如\D 表示非数字类型

Sub t1()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "AE45B646C"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "\d" '排除非数字

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub





Sub t11()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "A234CA7A"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "A\d+"

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub



'1 {n} 重复n次

Sub t16()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "A234CA7A67"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "\d{5}" '连续两个数字

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

'2  {m,n}最小重复m次,最多重复n次

Sub t22()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "A234CA7A6789"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "\d{4,5}" '连续两个数字或连续三个数字

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

'3 {m,} 最少重复m次,相当于+

Sub t23()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "A2348t6CA7A67"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "\d{2,}" '连续两个数字或连续三个数字

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

'* 可以出现0等任意次   相当于 {0,},比如:"\^*b"可以匹配 "b","^^^b"...

' ?

'1 匹配表达式0次或者1次,相当于 {0,1},比如:"a[cd]?"可以匹配 "a","ac","ad"

Sub t24()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "A23.48CA7A6..7"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "\d+\.?\d+" '最多连续1个

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

'2 利用+?的格式可以分段匹配

Sub t87()

Dim regex As New RegExp

Dim sr, mat, m

sr = "<td><p>aa</p></td> <td><p>bb</p></td>"

With regex

.Global = True

.Pattern = "<td>.*?</td>"

Set mat = .Execute(sr)

For Each m In mat

Debug.Print m

Next m

End With

End Sub

Sub t88()

Dim regex As New RegExp

Dim sr, mat, m

sr = " aba  aca  ada "

With regex

.Global = True

.Pattern = "\s.+?\s"

Set mat = .Execute(sr)

For Each m In mat

Debug.Print m

Next m

End With

End Sub



Option Explicit


Sub T34()

Dim regex As New RegExp

Dim sr, mat, m

sr = "d234我345d43"

With regex

.Global = True

.Pattern = "^\d*"

Set mat = .Execute(sr)

For Each m In mat

Debug.Print m

Next m

End With

End Sub

'$符号:限制的字符在最后面,如 A$表示最后一个字符是A

Sub T3433()

Dim regex As New RegExp

Dim sr, mat, m

sr = "R243r"

With regex

.Global = True

.Pattern = "^\D.*\D$"

Set mat = .Execute(sr)

For Each m In mat

Debug.Print m

Next m

End With

End Sub



Sub t26()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "A12dA56 A4"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "\bA\d+"

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

Sub T272()

Dim regex As New RegExp

Dim sr, mat, m

sr = "ad bf cr de ee"

With regex

.Global = True

.Pattern = ".+?\b"

Set mat = .Execute(sr)

For Each m In mat

If m <> " " Then Debug.Print m

Next m

End With

End Sub



Sub t27()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "A12DA56 A4B34D"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "A\d+|B\d+"

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

'\un 匹配 n,其中 n 是以四位十六进制数表示的 Unicode 字符。


Sub t2722()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "A12d我A爱56你 A4"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "[\u4e00-\u9fa5]"

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub


Option Explicit



Sub t29()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "A3A3QA3A37BDFE87A8"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "((A3){2})" '相当于A3A3

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

'取匹配结果的时候,括号中的表达式可以用 \数字引用

Sub t30()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "A3A3QA3A37BDFE87A8"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "((A3){2})Q\1"

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

Sub t31()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "A3A3B4B4QB4B47BDFE87A8"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "((A3){2})((B4){2})Q\4"

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

'用(?=字符)可以先进行预测查找,到一个匹配项后,将在匹配文本之前开始搜索下一个匹配项。 不会保存匹配项以备将来之用。


Sub t343()

Dim regex As New RegExp

Dim sr, mat, m

sr = "100元8000元57元"

With regex

.Global = True

.Pattern = "\d+(?=元)" '查找任意多数字后的元,查找到后从元以前开始查找(因为元前的数字已被使用,

'所以只能从元开始查找)匹配 ()后面的,因为后面没有设置,所以只显示前面的数字,元不再显示

Set mat = .Execute(sr)

For Each m In mat

Debug.Print m

Next m

End With

End Sub


Sub t355()

Dim regex As New RegExp

Dim sr, mat, m

sr = "A8ayaa"

With regex

.Global = True

.Pattern = "^(?=.*\d).{4,8}$"

Set mat = .Execute(sr)

For Each m In mat

Debug.Print m

Next m

End With

End Sub

'用(?!字符)可以先进行负预测查找,到一个匹配项后,将在匹配文本之前开始搜索下一个匹配项。 不会保存匹配项以备将来之用。

Sub t356()

Dim regex As New RegExp

Dim sr, mat, m

sr = "中国建筑集团公司"

With regex

.Global = True

.Pattern = "^(?!中国).*"

Set mat = .Execute(sr)

For Each m In mat

Debug.Print m

Next m

End With

End Sub


Sub t344()

Dim regex As New RegExp

Dim sr, mat, m

sr = "100元800块7元"

With regex

.Global = True

.Pattern = "\d+(元|块)"

'.Pattern = "\d+(?=元|块)"

Set mat = .Execute(sr)

For Each m In mat

Debug.Print m

Next m

End With

End Sub


Option Explicit


'使用方括号 [ ] 包含一系列字符,能够匹配其中任意一个字符。用 [^ ] 不包含一系列字符,


'1 和括号内的其中一个匹配

Sub t29()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "ABDC"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "[BC]"

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

'2 非括号内的字符

Sub T35()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "ABCDBDC"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "[^BC]"

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

'3 在一个区间

Sub t38()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr


With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "[a-h]"

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With

End Sub

Sub t40()

Dim regx As New RegExp

Dim sr

sr = "124325436789"

With regx

.Global = True

.Pattern = "[1-47-9]"

Debug.Print .Replace(sr, "")

End With



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