
Greetings Unity developers!


I’m thrilled to join the Unity team as the new Developer Relations Director focused on our Union business unit. My enviable job is to work with our great developers to find and deliver games to emerging and existing markets through the technical, business and marketing services of Union.

我很高兴加入Unity团队,因为新的开发人员关系总监专注于我们的Union业务部门。 我令人羡慕的工作是与伟大的开发商合作,以通过Union的技术,业务和营销服务找到游戏并向新兴和现有市场提供游戏。

In case you missed the big news this week, Sony Ericsson has announced an amazing gaming-centric Android phone called Xperia PLAY. Unity played a key role in their announcement, and you’ll hear more technical details around this partnership at the upcoming Game Developer Conference. As a brief overview, Unity worked with Sony Ericsson to expose their unique PlayStation style gaming controls through Unity’s Android support. Unity developers interested in learning more about our support for the Xperia PLAY in Unity can contact us at union@unity3d.com. You can also read more about our partnership at the Sony Ericsson’s Developer Blog.

万一您错过了本周的重大新闻,索尼爱立信将发布一款出色的以游戏为中心的Android手机,名为Xperia PLAY。 Unity在他们的公告中扮演了关键角色,在即将举行的游戏开发者大会上,您将听到有关此合作伙伴关系的更多技术细节。 简要概述一下,Unity与索尼爱立信合作,通过Unity的Android支持来展示其独特的PlayStation风格的游戏控件。 有兴趣了解有关我们对Unity中Xperia PLAY支持的更多知识的Unity开发人员可以通过union@unity3d.com与我们联系。 您还可以在Sony Ericsson的开发人员博客上了解有关我们合作关系的更多信息。

Three of our hard working developers jumped at the chance to update their games with these controls and were previewed at the launch event. Our hearty thanks to Angry Mob Games, Luma Arcade and Art In Games for their quick and impressive efforts.

我们三位辛勤工作的开发人员抓住机会使用这些控件更新了他们的游戏,并在发布会上进行了预览。 我们衷心感谢愤怒的暴民游戏,Luma Arcade和Art In Games的出色努力。

Union plays a unique role in this Sony Ericsson announcement. While all Android games built with Unity will work well with the Xperia PLAY, Sony Ericsson wants to see enhanced and differentiated games. Our developers participating in Union are the perfect targets, as they want their content to be best suited for new devices and platforms. Through the business and marketing strength of Union, we’re able to offer Sony Ericsson a steady stream of optimized games. These Union games will be highlighted to Xperia PLAY owners. And as we all know, titles which get visibility are much more likely to reach game players. It’s a true win-win for Union developers and Sony Ericsson.

联合会在索尼爱立信的这一声明中扮演着独特的角色。 尽管所有使用Unity构建的Android游戏都可以在Xperia PLAY上正常运行,但索尼爱立信希望看到增强型和差异化的游戏。 参加Union的开发人员是理想的目标,因为他们希望其内容最适合新设备和平台。 通过联合会的业务和营销实力,我们能够为索尼爱立信提供稳定的优化游戏源。 这些Union游戏将向Xperia PLAY所有者突出显示。 众所周知,获得知名度的游戏更容易吸引玩家。 对于联盟开发人员和索尼爱立信而言,这是一次真正的双赢。

The Union team will be attending the upcoming Game Developer Conference in San Francisco, Feb 28 – Mar 4, 2011. Please send us a meeting request at union@unity3d.com, or just stop by our tradeshow booth for a chat. And as always, drop us an email if you want to learn more and get involved with Union. We have many more exciting opportunities coming.

工会团队将参加即将于2011年2月28日至3月4日在旧金山举行的游戏开发者大会。请通过union@unity3d.com向我们发送会议要求,或在我们的展位前停下来聊天。 与往常一样,如果您想了解更多信息并加入Union,请给我们发送电子邮件。 我们还有更多令人兴奋的机会。

I look forward to seeing what you create with Unity!


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2011/02/16/union-sony-ericsson-xperia-play/



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