(共15张PPT) (写作指导课) 牛津译林版五年级上册 black /red white white green &yellow *big eyes *big bodies *no legs or arms *big tails *four legs *a short tail *big ears *red eyes *long ears *four legs *a short tail *two legs *two wings *a big mouth *a long tail swim run & jump run talk& fly Colours What colour are they? What do they have ? What can they do? It is…/They are… It has/They have… It can/They can… It's/ they are ... It has/They have... It can/They can... 组内练说,用下面的句型描述自己的动物朋友 My animal friend By Nancy It is brown. It has two legs and arms. It has a long tail. It can run and jump. My animal friend By Mike It is brown. It has strong legs and short arms. It has a long tail. It has a bag in front of its body. It can run fast and jump far. Tip1:在介绍动物朋友时,要抓住它们的主要特征,才能描述准确。 My animal friend By LiuTao I have an animal friend.It's a kangaroo. It is brown. It has strong legs and short arms. It has a long tail. It has a bag in front of its body. It can run and jump high. I like it very much. Tip2:一篇完整的作文要有开头、正文、和结尾。 My animal friend By SuHai My animal friend is a kangaroo. It is brown. It has strong legs and short arms. It has a long tail. It has a bag in front of its body. It can run and jump high. It likes eating vegetables and fruit. You can see it in Australia. I like it very much. Tip3:描写要生动具体,才能给人留下深刻的印象。 beginning(开头) body (正文) ending (结尾) My animal friend is... colours abilities home ... I like it very much. body parts food My animal friend Writing tips: 1.注意写作结构,三段式(开头、正文、结尾)。 2.抓住主要特征,生动描写。 3.段首顶格写,注意大小写,标点,书写要工整。 Ticking tips: 结构合理,三段式★ 抓住主要特征★ 描写生动具体★ 书写格式正确★ 无语法错误 ★ How many stars: ★ 按照以下标准,同桌互评打星 1.Continue to finish the writing . 继续完成未写完的写作任务。 2.Read and share with others. 把你的作文分享给他人。 谢谢 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) 中小学教育资源网站 有大把高质量资料?一线教师?一线教研员? 欢迎加入21世纪教育网教师合作团队!!月薪过万不是梦!! 详情请看: https://www.21cnjy.com/help/help_extract.php 中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Writing guidance:Our animal friends 牛津译林版五年级上册 Unit3 Our animal friends写作教学 1、教学目标 1.能够以“My animal friend”为题写一篇短文。 2.能够初步掌握写作的三段式结构“总-分-总”。 3.了解一定的写作技能,能够抓住动物的主要特征描写,使文章语言更加生动形象。 3、教学重难点 1.能够初步掌握文章的三段式结构“总-分-总”。 2.能够抓住动物的主要特征去描写,使文章语言更加生动形象。 四、教学过程 1. Retell the story(What to write) What can we write about our animal friends?First,let’s see the four children’s animal friends. Eg:Nancy has... It is... It has... It can... What colours are they?We can write about their colours.(贴板书)Eg:It’s/They are... What do they have? We can write about their body parts.(贴板书) Eg:It has/They have... What can they do?We can write about their abilities.(贴板书)Eg:It can/They can... 2.Try to say Now please take out the pictures of your animal friend and try to say sth about it like this.Ok? 3.Read and guess Great!After watching the video, the four children write about their another animal friend. What is it?First,let’s read Nancy’s writing and guess. 4.Read and guess Maybe you are right.What is their animal friend?Let’s read Mike’s writing.读完提问(学生回答袋鼠)老师追问:Are you sure?How do you know that? 总结:We should learn from Mike,To describe clearly,we should catch the key point 5.Compare and think What about LiuTao’s writing?Let’s read. Whose writing is better? LiuTao’s writing is better.Why do you think so?How many parts are there? 总结:Yes,a whole writing should have 3 parts:begining,body,ending. 6.Compare and think The last one is SH’s writing.What can we learn from her writing?Let’s read.What do you find? 总结:Except colours、body parts、and abilities,we can also write more about animal friends.Eg:food、home and so on,right? 7.Have a summary Ok,boys and girls,now do you know how to write about our animal friends? A whole writing should have 3 parts. 1st part,we can introduce our animal friend like this:My animal friend is... 2nd part,we can write about its key features and living habits 3rd part,we can summarize the topic,like this:I like it very much. 8.Let’s write Boys and girls,we know what to write and how to write about our animal friends. Now please stick your animal friend here and write about it.Don’t forget these writing forms. 9.Revise and share Have you finished?Now I want to tick stars for this writing.If you can follow these rules ,you will get 5 stars. This writing is from xxx.Let’s read it.(学生读,老师批改) 10.Let’s tick Now please change your writing paper and try to tick stars for your partner like this.Ok? How many stars can your partner get? Change your writing paper again. 提问一学生:How many stars have you got?Come in front and share your writing. 11.Homework If you haven’t finished your writing,please continue to improve it and share with others.This is today’s homework.Around us,there are so many lovely animals.They are our friends,we should protect them and live with them in harmony.Love animals.love ourselves. 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) " 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)




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