frida 挂钩

pre-commit hooks are a mechanism of the version control system git. They let you execute code right before the commit. Confusingly, there is also a Python package called pre-commit which allows you to create and use pre-commit hooks with a way simpler interface. The Python package has a plugin-system to create git pre-commit hooks automatically. It’s not only for Python projects but for any project.

预提交挂钩是版本控制系统git的一种机制。 它们使您可以在提交之前立即执行代码。 令人困惑的是,还有一个名为pre-commit的Python包,它允许您使用更简单的界面来创建和使用pre-commit挂钩。 Python软件包具有一个插件系统,可自动创建git pre-commit挂钩。 它不仅适用于Python项目,而且适用于任何项目。

After reading this article, you will know my favorite plugins for professional software development. Let’s get started!

阅读本文之后,您将了解我最喜欢的专业软件开发插件。 让我们开始吧!

提交前的基础知识 (pre-commit basics)

Install pre-commit via


pip install pre-commit

Create a .pre-commit-config.yaml file within your project. This file contains the pre-commit hooks you want to run every time before you commit. It looks like this:

在您的项目中创建一个.pre-commit-config.yaml文件。 该文件包含您要在提交之前每次运行的提交前挂钩。 看起来像这样:

repos:-   repo:    rev: v3.2.0    hooks:    -   id: trailing-whitespace    -   id: mixed-line-ending-   repo:    rev: 20.8b1    hooks:    -   id: black

pre-commit will look in those two repositories with the specified git tags for a file called .pre-commit-hooks.yaml. Within that file can be arbitrary many hooks defined. They all need an id so that you can choose which ones you want to use. The above git-commit config would use 3 hooks.

pre-commit将在这两个具有指定git标签的存储库中查找名为.pre-commit-hooks.yaml的文件。 在该文件中可以任意定义许多钩子。 它们都需要一个id以便您可以选择要使用的id 。 上面的git-commit配置将使用3个钩子。

Finally, you need to run pre-commit install to tell pre-commit to always run for this repository.

最后,您需要运行pre-commit install来告诉pre-commit始终为此存储库运行。

Before I used it, I was worried about losing control. I want to know exactly which changes I commit. pre-commit will abort the commit if it changes anything. So you can still have a look at the code and check if the changes are reasonable. You can also choose not to run pre-commit by

在使用它之前,我担心会失去控制。 我想确切知道我所做的更改。 如果进行任何更改, pre-commit将中止提交。 因此,您仍然可以查看代码并检查更改是否合理。 您还可以选择不通过以下方式运行预提交

git commit --no-verify
geek-and-poke under CC-BY-3.0怪胎

文件格式 (File formatting)

Formatting files in a similar way helps readability by improving consistency and keeps git commits clean. For example, you usually don’t want trailing spaces. You want the text files to end with exactly one newline character so that some of the Linux command-line tools behave well. You want consistent newline characters between Linux ( \n ), Mac ( \r — Mac changed to \n

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