title: 【财经期刊FM-Radio|2021年03月13日】

微信公众号: 张良信息咨询服务工作室

















欧股:欧洲STOXX 600指数收跌0.26%,全周累涨3.52%。德国DAX 30指数收跌0.46%,此前连续四个交易日创收盘历史新高,全周累涨4.18%。法国CAC 40指数收涨0.21%。英国富时100指数收涨0.36%。


黄金:COMEX 4月黄金期货收跌0.2%,报1719.80美元/盎司,本周累涨1.3%。

原油:WTI 4月原油期货收跌0.41美元,跌幅0.62%,报65.61美元/桶,本周累计上涨2.79%。布伦特5月原油期货收跌0.41美元,跌幅0.59%,报69.22美元/桶,本周累涨3.71%。


ETF:标普500 SPY收涨0.13%,纳斯达克100 QQQ收跌0.81%,黄金GLD收跌0.02%,金矿GDX收涨0.24%,白银SLV收跌0.91%,美国原油基金USO收跌0.56%,中国科技ETF-Guggenheim CQQQ收跌4.09%。





A股三大股指收涨 顺周期板块全面爆发 机构抱团股显著分化
The three major A-share indexesclosed up in the pro cyclical sector, with significant differentiation ofinstitutional conglomerates
Carbon neutral, electricity, cement andother sectors led the day. Stimulated by the rumors of Jingdong’s acquisition,the trading limit of Guojin securities rose, and the stocks of securitiescompanies rose.

百度在香港启动首日招股:超额认购21倍 募资额或超过40亿美元
Baidu’s IPO in Hong Kong: 21times over subscription or more than US $4 billion
As of March 12, Huili, yaocai, futu, etc.lent nearly HK $31.0425 billion to them, exceeding their purchase by more than21 times.

Kangdexin delisting in securitiesregulatory talks: there is no evidence that big shareholders occupy fundsunilaterally, and individual investors take the lead in making trouble andslandering regulatory authorities
In the next step, the CSRC will strengthenthe supervision of delisting, adhere to the principle of withdrawing as much aspossible, resolutely clear the companies that seriously violate the law andregulations and seriously disrupt the order of the capital market, crack downon the financial fraud, interest transfer, market manipulation and otherillegal behaviors accompanying the delisting process, and increase theaccountability of relevant institutions and individuals.

腾讯、百度、苏宁等十起互联网收购案违反反垄断法 被市场监管总局点名处罚
Ten Internet acquisitions byTencent, Baidu and Suning were punished by the State Administration of marketsupervision for violating the anti monopoly law
The General Administration of marketsupervision believes that ten cases, including Tencent’s acquisition of apecoaching equity, Baidu’s acquisition of Xiaoyu equity and tal education’sacquisition of dada equity, violate the anti-monopoly law.

The sword points to the licenseof securities companies? Media: Jingdong is negotiating to acquire part or allof Guojin securities
In response, Guojin Securities said thatthe company’s actual controllers, controlling shareholders and their concertedactors have not contacted or discussed with Jingdong about the sale of part orall of the company’s equity, and have not planned any equity transfer relatedmatters; the company does not have any undisclosed information that should bedisclosed.

旷视科技冲刺科创板:上市申请已获受理 拟募资60亿
Kuangshi technology’sbreakthrough in science and Technology Innovation Board: the listingapplication has been accepted, and the proposed fund raising is 6 billion yuan
The raised investment project will focus onthe existing main business, and will be used for basic R & D centerconstruction project, AI vision Internet of things solution and productdevelopment and upgrading project, intelligent robot R & D andupgrading construction project, sensor research and design project, andsupplementary working capital. Kuangshi’s revenue has a compound annual growthrate of 104%, but it is still far away from profitability.

Tianliang US debt selling!Brokers don’t believe the Fed will give SLR a green light
In the week ending March 3, primarybrokers’ positions in US Treasury bonds fell by $64.7 billion, the highestdecline in a single week. The US Federal Reserve’s policy to loosen the SLR ofbanks’ supplementary leverage ratio expired at the end of March. The commentarysaid that because it was more uncertain whether the loosening could bepostponed, brokers aggressively sold us bonds.

The strongest left wing in 50years! 1.9 trillion is just the beginning, Biden’s next step is trillions ofinfrastructure!
The Democratic Party hopes that through theeconomic recovery package, the core is to revive the infrastructure, and thescale may be the largest since Roosevelt’s new deal. The United States may thusrepeat the super infrastructure cycle of the 1950s.

In March, the initial value ofconsumer confidence at the University of Michigan was the highest in a year,and inflation expectations fell from a six-and-a-half-year high
The new crown vaccine distribution andBiden administration’s $1.9 trillion stimulus plan boosted the economic outlookof American consumers to a new high in a year. The one-year inflationexpectation, which has attracted much attention, was 3.1% at the beginning ofMarch, and 3.3% before February, the highest since July 2014. However, in March2020, the figure was only 2.2%, and inflation expectations remained high.

美国2月PPI同比增长2.8% 高于预期 创2018年10月来最大涨幅
Us PPI in February increased by2.8% year on year, higher than expected, the biggest increase since October2018
The US PPI in February was 2.8% year-on-year,expected to be 2.7% and the previous value was 1.7%; the February PPI was 0.5%month on month, in line with the expectation of 0.5% and lower than theprevious value of 1.3%.

违反与美国SEC协议 马斯克和特斯拉董事会被起诉
Board of directors of musk andTesla sued for breach of SEC agreement
The boards of musk and Tesla have beencharged with breaching a twitter agreement with the sec. On Friday, Tesla’sshare price fell 0.84%, mainly due to the overall decline of technology stocks.

Supervision and investigation ofcurrency security derivatives trading, digital currency fell, bitcoin once fellbelow $56000
According to media reports, the CFTC isinvestigating whether coin an, the world’s largest cryptocurrency tradingplatform, illegally allows Americans to buy related derivatives. But U.S. stocksmidday, bitcoin back above the 57000 U.S. dollar mark, the day turned up. Thesource said that coin an has not been charged with misconduct and theinvestigation may not lead to law enforcement action.

6900万美元落锤 天价NFT艺术品花落加密货币投资者
$69 million falling hammer, skyhigh price NFT works of art spend on cryptocurrency investors
This is the first time Christie has everauctioned a pure digital work in the form of non homogeneous tokens (NFT) andhas received payment in cryptocurrency. NFT effectively ensures theauthenticity of art by using blockchain technology. The media said the buyerwas the co-founder of metapure, the NFT Collection Museum.




Author: Zhang information consulting services studio
链接:https://www.zzw868.cn/ https://www.zzw868.com/
The copyright belongs to the author. For commercial reprints, please contact the author for authorization. For non-commercial reprints, please indicate the source.
Risk Warning: The opinions mentioned in this article only represent personal opinions, and the subject matter involved is not recommended. Buy and sell accordingly at your own risk.
Source: Wall Street

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