
Uninformed Search Strategies

  • Breadth-First Search (BFS)
  • Depth-First Search (DFS)

Sometimes better than BFS: Uniform-Cost Search
Safer DFS: Depth-Limited Search
Best of both: Iterative-Deepening Search

Breadth-First search (BFS) 广度优先搜索 02a


First-in First-out!
(FIFO) Queue

Depth-First search (DFS) 深度优先搜索 02a

python -DFS-graph

Last-In First-Out
Stack (LIFO Queue)

Depth-Limited Search (DLS) 深度限制搜索 02b

DLS 是一种折衷方案,提供了广度优先搜索的一些好处,同时减少了内存成本
从level 0 开始计数。

Iterative Deepening Search (IDS) 迭代深化搜索 02b

Iterative Deepening Depth First Search(IDDFS)

Uniform-Cost Search (UCS) 统一成本搜索 02b


比较 03a

Difference between Informed and Uninformed Search

How to formalise a problem for search

  1. Determine the relevant problem-solving knowledge
  2. Find a suitable state representation
  3. Define the initial state and the goal state(s)
  4. Define a transition model (also called successor function, or operators)

How to search

  • Starting from the initial state, apply the successor function to reveal successor states
  • Generate a search tree by expanding these states, and discovering their respective
    successors, etc.
  • Perform a goal test for every node expanded
  • Keep track of nodes waiting to get expanded (open list), and nodes already
    expanded along the current path (the prospective solution).
    In graph search, we also keep a separate record of nodes already visited.

heuristic 03b


  • Abstract from solution details
  • Find a common property that can be quantified (not necessarily exact)
  • Relax constraints (e.g., time needed, or accuracy of a solution)
  • Keep the goal(s) in mind
  • Not too complex – a heuristic should be cheap to compute and add little overhead


  • Admissibility

它不会高估沿当前路径通过 n 到达目标状态的实际成本。
it does not overestimate the true path cost from any given node.
An admissible heuristic will ensure optimality when we use tree search.
The heuristic given here is admissible because it does not overestimate the true path cost from any given node.

  • Consistency

从 n 达到目标的估计成本不大于步骤成本 n
A consistent heuristic will ensure optimality when we use graph search.
The heuristic given here is admissible because it does not overestimate the true path cost from any given node.
However, it is not consistent, because the heuristic overestimates at node B, because the step cost from B to C plus the estimated cost from C to the goal is less than the estimate from B.


Greedy Best-First Search

In greedy best-first search, the evaluation function contains a simple heuristic f(n) = h(n) that estimates the cost of the
cheapest path from the state at the current node to the node that has the goal state (straight-line distance).

Tree vs. Graph Search 03b

A*启发式算法 04a

use an evaluation function f(n) = g(n) + h(n)

Lowest Evaluation Result First: g(n) + h(n)
Corresponding ADT: Priority Queue优先队列

 Complete for finite spaces & positive path cost
 Optimal: will always expand the currently best path
 Optimally efficient (There is no other search algorithm that is guaranteed to expand fewer nodes and still find an optimal solution)
 Space and time complexity depend on the heuristic chosen but can still be high in worst case, similar to BFS: bd

minimax 05ab

Adversarial Search

  • MAX: The player who starts (plays to win, pursues the path of highest utility)
  • MIN: Player who follows (plays to minimise the other player’s result)

High utility function results serve MAX, low values are good for MIN

alpha beta 06ab



Epistemology 知识 07a


  • Explicit knowledge
    that which is expressed in language
  • Implicit knowledge
    that which can be expressed in language but is often not
  • Tacit knowledge
    that which cannot be expressed in language because it is personal / embodied

经验主义:Acquired by learning from sensory stimulation: Empiricism(Connectionist AI)
理论主义: Acquired by reasoning: Rationalism(classic AI)

Deduction 07a

 A premise in relation to a well-defined domain, class, or condition.
 A premise about a concrete instance, hypothesis, or condition.
 A conclusion based on the premises, i.e. the instance belonging to the domain, inheriting the characteristics defined for the class, or satisfying the condition.

向前推理和向后推理 07a

 Forward reasoning:
Search connects initial fact(s) with desired conclusion(s).
States are combinations of facts and each rule is a method for generating a single successor (i.e., it defines a single transition).
 Backward reasoning:
Search connects a final conclusion with one or more initial facts.
States are combinations of required conclusions and the transitions are defined by the rules. Each rule is a method for generating further `required conclusions’ from existing required conclusions.

What are the states?
→Forward reasoning: Facts
→Backward reasoning: Goal facts (Antecedents of conditions)

How does the successor function work?
→Forward reasoning: Application of rules to yield more facts
→Backward reasoning: Application of rules to yield more sub-goals

通常来说,搜索树在向前推理中是OR树,因为each node in a search tree branches according to the alternative transitions for a given state 。但是,in backwards reasoning, each node branches in two different ways because
we are usually compounding sub-goals that all need to be fulfilled for a solution.The branches from any node in a backward reasoning tree divide up into groups of logical AND branches, and each group presents an alternative chain (OR sub-tree).因此,反向推理中的搜索树是一个 AND/OR 树。

  • Forward Reasoning 应用
    Computational scientific discovery(e.g., chemical synthesis, simulating scientific discoveries from the past)
  • Backward Reasoning 应用
    Repair assistance systems, Medical diagnosis support, Disaster recovery systems

Knowledge-based Systems / Expert Systems 07b

The combination of rule base and inference method can be viewed as a representation of knowledge for the domain, called a knowledge base.

A system which employs knowledge represented in this way is called a knowledge-based system or expert system.

An ideal knowledge representation

  • Is expressive and concise
  • Is unambiguous and context-independent
  • Supports the creation of new knowledge from that which already exists

Propositional Logic 命题逻辑 07b

Formal methods of knowledge representation are also known as logics.

A formal logic is a system (often: symbols, grammar) for representing and analyzing statements in a precise, unambiguous way.

A logic usually has

  • Sentences in a language, are expressions constructed according to formal rules.
  • A semantics that identifies the formal meaning of the sentences.
  • An inference method allows new sentences to be generated from existing sentences.

Propositions: P, Q, R, S, etc.
Connectives: AND ( ∧), OR ( ∨), NOT ( ¬ ), IMPLIES ( ⇒)
Constants: True ( T ), False ( F )
Others: parentheses for grouping expressions together


This is called a referential semantics. The way one fact follows another should be mirrored by the way one sentence is entailed by another.

Predicate calculus / First-Order Logic (FOL) 谓词逻辑 07b

Move from simple propositions to predicates
Representation of properties, e.g., mortal(person)
Representation of relationships, e.g., likes(fred, sausages)
Existentially quantified variables, e.g., ∃x (There exists an x such that…)存在量化的变量
Universally quantified variables, e.g., ∀x (For all x we can say that…)普通量化的变量

∧ Conjunction (AND)
∀ Universal quantifier (“For all elements X…”)
∃ Existential quantifier (“Some X…”, “There is at least one X…”)

I wear a hat if it’s sunny:
sunny→ hat
I wear a hat only if it’s sunny:
hat → sunny
p only if q: p→ q
关于if和only if

other logics 07b


  • Fuzzy logic: 模糊逻辑
    Evaluation in terms of degree of set membership.
  • Modal logic: 模态逻辑
    Evaluation in terms of a propositional attitude, such as belief.
    Good for representing sentences containing “should”, “must”, etc.
  • Temporal logic: 时间逻辑
    Evaluation in terms of truth at a particular moment in time. (“before”, “after”, etc.).

The Frame Problem 07b

Technical solutions:
For a complete state representation, we would have to specify not only the effects of an action on the environment, but also the non-effects of that action (everything that does not change) in so-called frame axioms

Semantic Networks语义网 08a

传播激活搜索(如 BFS)效率低下,不受知识指导



frame 08a

Elements of a frame

  • Unique identifier
  • Relationships to other frames (e.g., conceptual inheritance)
  • Requirements (Properties that must be true for this frame to apply to some thing)
  • Procedural instructions (How we might use the thing described here, if applicable)
  • Default properties of instances (established upon creation)
  • Special properties of instances (elicited upon creation)


  • Allows easy and straightforward notation of abstraction in typical situations
  • Descriptions can consider context: assumptions, expectations, or exceptions
  • Instances can be distinguished from classes (instance_of, subclass_of)
  • Less ambiguous than network diagrams as the structure is well-defined
  • However, for the same reason, other relationships cannot be represented as easily
  • Representation of time can be difficult

script 08a


  • Effective representation of procedural knowledge in stereotypical situations
  • Capture contextual knowledge for natural language understanding
  • Enable a system to resolve ambiguity in language
  • Very similar to frames, but time-ordered
  • Transitions between script-frames supposed to resemble mental and physical
    transitions in real life situations

Elements of a Script

  • Entry conditions determine the activation of a script
  • Results are facts that become true when a script has finished running
  • Props are things that are needed to run the script – they illustrate the context to
    which the script applies
  • Roles are the individual behaviours of the actors involved in a situation
  • Scenes are used to decompose a script into different temporal episodes

Ontologies本体论 08b

formal categorisation and description of a body of knowledge

Ontology Components组件

  • Classes (abstract or specific concepts)
  • Individuals are Instances
  • Properties of classes and individuals
  • Relations between concepts
  • Functions (computation of values)
  • Axioms (logical restrictions)

Ontology Mapping映射

  • Different domains or tasks usually have different ontologies (vocabulary, structure)
  • Aligning ontologies allows communication between different systems
  • Matching ontologies may even allow us to reason over one thing considering the vocabulary and structure of another (analogical reasoning)
  • potentially awesome!
  • New challenges: Matching ontologies not just within the same but in between different languages

Ontology Problems

  • There is no single correct way of describing something! Consider different languages/cultures/concepts
  • Languages are not static (new/old words & meanings)
  • Hence, there is always a chance to have inconsistencies or limitations
  • Not all knowledge can be represented as classes and relations; and some knowledge is extremely difficult to communicate:
  • Knowledge Acquisition Bottleneck
  • Finding the balance between clarity and extensibility is a challenge

How to specify Ontologies

  • Conceptual data model: Resource Description Framework (RDF)
    Set of W3C specifications
    Based around resources (identifiable data / knowledge)
  • Any of the available languages, like
    RDF-Schema (simple, extension of RDF vocabulary)
    Web Ontology language (RDF-compatible, suited for reasoning)
    and more…

Ontology Specification 规范

  • Resource Description Framework (RDF)
    A family of specifications, issued by the W3C consortium.
    Triple-notation (Subject-Predicate-Object)主谓宾
    Serialisable data (e.g., XML, JSON, etc.)
    Data can be queried (SPARQL)
  • Web Ontology Language (OWL)
    Family of specification languages for building ontologies (feed into RDF)
    Stronger suited for reasoning
    OWL comes in different flavours:
    OWL Lite: Frame-based, supports related reasoning
    OWL DL: Predicate-Logic-based, also known as Description Logics
    OWL Full: Extension of RDF to support additional abstraction

Perspectives on Uncertainty对不确定性的看法 09a

不确定性对模糊/不精确知识 Related to vague or imprecise knowledge


Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic 模糊集和模糊逻辑 09a

  • Fuzzy sets are non-probabilistic representations of uncertainty
  • Fuzzy sets present an extension of classical set theory (classical sets are called crisp sets in Fuzzy set theory)
  • Fuzzy logic describes operations over fuzzy sets
  • Fuzzy logic is a superset of Boolean logic. Whereas the latter only knows True and False, in fuzzy logic everything is expressed to “a matter of degree”.

Membership functions specify the degree to which something belongs to a fuzzy set,它们代表可能性的分布而不是概率

 Antilock Braking system (ABS)
 Washing machines (weight / intensity)
 Expert Systems

Information Theory ,Bayesian 09b

In Bayesian reasoning, probabilities can help establish an agent’s state of belief

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