




import java.net.URLEncoder;

import com.baidu.aip.util.Base64Util;

import com.xiaoshuai.baidu.util.FileUtil;

import com.xiaoshuai.baidu.util.HttpUtil;


* @author 小帅丶

* @类名称 HandWriteTest

* @remark 手写文字接口示例代码 只返回中英文及部分符合正则的内容

* @date 2018-1-26


public class HandWriteTest {

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {

String url = "https://aip.baidubce.com/rest/2.0/ocr/v1/handwriting";

String accessToken = "自己的accestoken";

byte[] imageData = FileUtil.readFileByBytes("C:/Users/Administrator/Desktop/xs2.jpg");

String img64 = Base64Util.encode(imageData);

String param ="image="+URLEncoder.encode(img64,"UTF-8");

String object = HttpUtil.post(url, accessToken, param);

HandWriteBean bean = JSONObject.parseObject(object, HandWriteBean.class);

String regex = "^[..,,。!a-zA-Z0-9_\u4e00-\u9fa5]*$";

Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(regex);

Matcher matcher = null;

String text ="";

List list = bean.getWords_result();

for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) {

matcher = pattern.matcher(list.get(i).getWords());

while (matcher.find()) {

text +=matcher.group();







package com.xiaoshuai.baidu.ocr;

import java.util.List;


* @author 小帅丶

* @类名称 HandWriteBean

* @remark

* @date 2018-1-27


public class HandWriteBean {

private long log_id;

private int words_result_num;

private List words_result;


* @return the log_id


public long getLog_id() {

return log_id;



* @param log_id

* log_id


public void setLog_id(long log_id) {

this.log_id = log_id;



* @return the words_result_num


public int getWords_result_num() {

return words_result_num;



* @param words_result_num

* words_result_num


public void setWords_result_num(int words_result_num) {

this.words_result_num = words_result_num;



* @return the words_result


public List getWords_result() {

return words_result;



* @param words_result

* words_result


public void setWords_result(List words_result) {

this.words_result = words_result;


public static class Words_result{

private Location location;

private String words;


* @return the location


public Location getLocation() {

return location;



* @param location

* location


public void setLocation(Location location) {

this.location = location;



* @return the words


public String getWords() {

return words;



* @param words

* words


public void setWords(String words) {

this.words = words;



public static class Location{

private int width;

private int top;

private int left;

private int height;


* @return the width


public int getWidth() {

return width;



* @param width

* width


public void setWidth(int width) {

this.width = width;



* @return the top


public int getTop() {

return top;



* @param top

* top


public void setTop(int top) {

this.top = top;



* @return the left


public int getLeft() {

return left;



* @param left

* left


public void setLeft(int left) {

this.left = left;



* @return the height


public int getHeight() {

return height;



* @param height

* height


public void setHeight(int height) {

this.height = height;






{"log_id": 8502255431261249697, "words_result_num": 11, "words_result": [{"location": {"width": 323, "top": 20, "left": 5, "height": 18}, "words": "………………….…………………………………………"}, {"location": {"width": 1041, "top": 25, "left": 347, "height": 41}, "words": "……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………"}, {"location": {"width": 944, "top": 159, "left": 2, "height": 39}, "words": "………………………"}, {"location": {"width": 438, "top": 176, "left": 981, "height": 25}, "words": "…………………………………:*"}, {"location": {"width": 243, "top": 298, "left": 2, "height": 23}, "words": "…………………………………………………………."}, {"location": {"width": 436, "top": 309, "left": 266, "height": 20}, "words": "……………………………………"}, {"location": {"width": 729, "top": 314, "left": 698, "height": 23}, "words": "………………………………………………"}, {"location": {"width": 233, "top": 588, "left": 5, "height": 22}, "words": "…………"}, {"location": {"width": 692, "top": 454, "left": 366, "height": 198}, "words": "开发者小帅"}, {"location": {"width": 398, "top": 732, "left": 423, "height": 15}, "words": "………………,………………………………………………………………………………"}, {"location": {"width": 596, "top": 862, "left": 840, "height": 19}, "words": "……………………………………"}]}



"log_id": 8502255431261250000,

"words_result_num": 11,

"words_result": [


"location": {

"width": 692,

"top": 454,

"left": 366,

"height": 198


"words": "开发者小帅"









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