
So you’ve purchased a monitor that offers a 120Hz or 144Hz refresh rate and plugged it in–great! But don’t stop there. Your monitor may not actually run at its advertised refresh rate until you change some settings and sort out your hardware.

因此,您购买了可提供120Hz或144Hz刷新率的显示器,并将其很好地插入了电源! 但是不要停在那里。 在您更改某些设置并整理硬件之前,您的监视器可能实际上未以其宣传的刷新率运行。

在Windows中设置刷新率 (Set Your Refresh Rate in Windows)

Most importantly, you’ll want to ensure Windows is actually set at the advertised refresh rate and not a lower refresh rate, like 60Hz.


On Windows 10, head to Settings > System > Display > Advanced Display Settings > Display Adapter Properties. Click the “Monitor” tab, choose your monitor’s advertised refresh rate from the “Screen Refresh Rate” list, and click “OK”.

在Windows 10上,转到设置>系统>显示>高级显示设置>显示适配器属性。 单击“显示器”选项卡,从“屏幕刷新率”列表中选择显示器的广告刷新率,然后单击“确定”。

On Windows 7 or 8, right-click the desktop and select “Screen Resolution”. Select your monitor (if you have multiple monitors) and then click the “Advanced Settings” link. Click the “Monitor” tab and choose the refresh rate from the “Screen Refresh Rate” box.

在Windows 7或8上,右键单击桌面,然后选择“屏幕分辨率”。 选择您的显示器(如果有多台显示器),然后单击“高级设置”链接。 单击“监视器”选项卡,然后从“屏幕刷新率”框中选择刷新率。

If you don’t see your monitor’s advertised refresh rate in this list—or if you can’t seem to get your monitor to stay configured at the advertised refresh rate—there’s more you need to do.


检查电缆 (Check Your Cables)

You can’t just use any old cable and expect a high refresh rate. Some monitors may have both HDMI and DisplayPort connections, but may be limited to a 60Hz refresh rate when connected via HDMI. In this case, you’d need to use a DisplayPort cable. Check your monitor’s specifications or setup guide for more information.

您不能只使用任何旧电缆并期望高刷新率。 某些显示器可能同时具有HDMI和DisplayPort连接,但是通过HDMI连接时,刷新率可能会限制为60Hz。 在这种情况下,您需要使用DisplayPort电缆。 检查显示器的规格或设置指南以获取更多信息。

You don’t just have to worry about the type of cable, either–you have to worry about the cable itself.


If you’re using DisplayPort, be sure you have a properly certified cable that’s built to the DisplayPort specification. A properly manufactured, certified cable built for DisplayPort 1.2 should work perfectly fine with DisplayPort 1.4. Unfortunately, there are a lot of poor quality cables out there, so a cable built and sold for DisplayPort 1.2 may not work with DisplayPort 1.4. There are also a few Reduced Bit Rate (RBR) DisplayPort cables on the market that will only support 1080p—just make sure you don’t have one of those. Visit the official DisplayPort website for more information.

如果您使用的是DisplayPort,请确保您已按照DisplayPort规范构建了经过正确认证的电缆。 为DisplayPort 1.2制造的经正确制造,认证的电缆应与DisplayPort 1.4完美配合。 不幸的是,那里有很多劣质电缆,因此为DisplayPort 1.2建造和销售的电缆可能不适用于DisplayPort 1.4。 市场上还有几条仅支持1080p的降低比特率(RBR)DisplayPort电缆-请确保您没有其中一根。 请访问DisplayPort官方网站以获取更多信息。

If you’re using HDMI, you’ll want to ensure you’re using a “high speed” HDMI cable and not an older “standard” HDMI cable. However, you don’t need an HDMI cable with Ethernet included. Visit the official HDMI website for more information.

如果您使用的是HDMI,则需要确保使用的是“高速” HDMI电缆,而不是较旧的“标准” HDMI电缆。 但是,您不需要包含以太网的HDMI电缆。 请访问HDMI官方网站以获取更多信息。

When in doubt, use the cable your monitor came with. It should work–in theory. Unfortunately, cheap, low-quality cables can also cause problems. Your monitor’s included cable might not even be good enough. We recently found that the included cable with an ASUS monitor couldn’t provide a stable signal at 144Hz. Instead, the screen would occasionally flicker and the refresh rate would drop down to 60Hz until we rebooted the computer. We replaced the cable with a higher-quality Accell DisplayPort cable and the monitor operated fine at 144Hz without any flickering or refresh rate drops.

如有疑问,请使用显示器随附的电缆。 从理论上讲,它应该起作用。 不幸的是,廉价,劣质的电缆也会引起问题。 显示器随附的电缆甚至可能不够好。 最近,我们发现附带的ASUS显示器电缆无法提供144Hz的稳定信号。 取而代之的是,屏幕有时会闪烁,并且刷新率会降至60Hz,直到我们重新启动计算机。 我们用高质量的Accell DisplayPort电缆代替了电缆,并且显示器在144Hz时运行良好,没有任何闪烁或刷新率下降。

As always, make sure your cables are securely connected. If you’re experiencing a problem, try unplugging the cable and plugging it back in to ensure a solid connection. A loose cable connection could cause problems.

与往常一样,请确保电缆连接牢固。 如果遇到问题,请尝试拔下电缆,然后重新插入以确保连接牢固。 电缆连接松动可能会引起问题。

更多故障排除提示 (More Troubleshooting Tips)

Lots of other issues could cause your monitor to not function at its advertised refresh rate:


  • Your computer’s GPU isn’t good enough. Integrated graphics or older discrete graphics might not support your monitor’s refresh rate. Be sure your graphics card supports the monitor’s resolution and refresh rate.您计算机的GPU不够好。 集成图形或较早的离散图形可能不支持显示器的刷新率。 确保您的图形卡支持显示器的分辨率和刷新率。
  • You need to update your graphics drivers. Be sure to install the latest available version from NVIDIA or AMD’s website.

    您需要更新图形驱动程序 。 确保从NVIDIA或AMD网站安装最新的可用版本。

  • You’re attempting to run your monitor at a lower resolution. Select your monitor’s native resolution–it may only support the higher refresh rate at its native resolution and be limited to 60Hz at lower resolutions.您正在尝试以较低的分辨率运行显示器。 选择显示器的本机分辨率-它可能仅在其本机分辨率下支持较高的刷新率,而在较低的分辨率下只能支持60Hz。
  • You’re playing a game and that game has its own integrated graphics settings. You may need to select your monitor’s native resolution and the refresh rate of 120Hz or 144Hz in each game’s graphics options menu or that game may use a lower refresh rate.您正在玩一个游戏,该游戏具有自己的集成图形设置。 您可能需要在每个游戏的图形选项菜单中选择显示器的原始分辨率和120Hz或144Hz的刷新率,否则该游戏可能会使用较低的刷新率。

Hopefully, after going through these steps, you’ll find that your monitor runs in its butter-smooth high refresh rate.


Image Credit: Lalneema

图片来源: Lalneema

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/267650/how-to-make-your-120hz-or-144hz-monitor-use-its-advertised-refresh-rate/



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