



Room 212 Building 343

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084



To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis in software design and development.


1997.9-2000.6 Dept.of Automation,Graduate School of Tsinghua University, M.E.

1993.9-1997.7 Dept.of Automation,Beijing Insititute of Technology,B.E.

Academic Main Courses


Advanced Mathematics Probability and Statistics Linear Algebra

Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm

Functional Analysis Linear and Nonlinear Programming

Electronics and Computer

Circuit Principal Data Structures Digital Electronics

Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network

Computer Abilitees

Skilledin use of MS Frontpage, Win 95/NT, Sun, javabeans, HTML, CGI, , Perl, Visual Interdev, Distributed Objects, CORBA, C, C++, Project 98, Office 97, Rational RequisitePro, Process,Pascal, PL/I and SQL software

English Skills

Have a good command of both spoken and written English .Past CET-6, TOEFL:623;GRE:2213

Scholarships and Awards

1999.3 Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate

1998.11 Metal Machining Practice Award

1997.4 Academic Progress Award


General business knowledge relating to financial, healthcare

Have a passion for the Internet, and an abundance of common sense



Sex: Male Age: 21

National: Han origin: Handan in Hebei

Date of birth: September 10,

Address are: Beijing Huilongguan

Education: high school professional: a computer

Graduate institutions: high school WU School of Handan in Hebei

Mobile phone: 13xxxxxxxxxx

E-mail: ****@****.cn

So far the working hours: 2 years


Position: J2EE Software Engineer (Java / WEB)

Individual professional skills:

1. Familiar with the Java-based language, html, JavaScript;

2. Familiar with J2EE, as well as the core of Jsp, Servlet, JavaBean, xml, ajax, for I have some knowledge about css;

3. Be able to use the database Oracle, MySql, SqlServler management and configuration data and the use of PowerDesigner modeling tool;

4. Familiar with the JDBC database connectivity;

5. Familiar with the WEB server Jboss, Tomcat, WebLogic, such as the installation and configuration;

6. Familiar with Eclipse, Jbuilder, and other development tools;

7. MVC have layered software design and hierarchical design, skilled use of Struts, Spring, Hibernate, and other lightweight framework;

8. Object-Oriented Analysis and Design System.

9. Understanding of SOA

Project experience:

● Handan Kairui company service hotline Network

Time: September 2006 -07 in March

Development Environment: Win2000, tomcat, SqlServer, JDK1.4.2_10;

Tools: Eclipse 3.2




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