
  • 使用方法
    • 环境配置
    • 用例配置
    • Mockito使用
  • 常用Mockito功能参考
  • Mockito使用错误记录
    • 参数检验时原始参数与检验参数混用
  • 参考




使用的是springboot版本为2.3.3.RELEASE,spring-boot-starter-test自带了 mockito-core,因此只需要在pom.xml中引入spring-boot-starter-test,即可使用junit5(即Junit Jupiter):







import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ExtendWith;
import org.mockito.InjectMocks;
import org.mockito.Mock;
import org.mockito.junit.jupiter.MockitoExtension;import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.*;
import static org.mockito.Mockito.*;@ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class)
class ServiceImplTest {@Mockprivate IOtherService otherService;@InjectMocksprivate ServiceImpl service;@Testpublic void xxxTest() {//使用when对depdService方法进行模拟,使用eq、anyString对参数进行检验,使用threnReturn返回结果when(otherService.doSomething(eq("参数"), anyString())).thenReturn("xxxx");assertEquals("xxxx", service.doSomething("参数"));verify(otherService).doSomething(eq("参数"), anyString());//直接使用原始值when(otherService.doSomething("参数1", "参数1aaa")).thenReturn("xxxx1");assertEquals("xxxx1", service.doSomething("参数1"));verify(otherService).doSomething("参数1", "参数1aaa");clearInvocations(otherService);//清除之前的调用assertNull(service.doSomething(""));//检测未被调用verifyNoInteractions(otherService);}}


import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;public class ServiceImpl {@Autowiredprivate IOtherService otherService;public String doSomething(String param) {if (param.isEmpty()) {return null;}return otherService.doSomething(param, param + "aaa");}
}public interface IOtherService {String doSomething(String param1, String param2);


功能 参考文档
模拟方法(行为打桩) 2. How about some stubbing?
参数匹配 3. Argument matchers?
调用次数验证 4. Verifying exact number of invocations / at least x / never
模拟void方法的异常 5. Stubbing void methods with exceptions
按顺序验证 6. Verification in order
验证未被调用 7. Making sure interaction(s) never happened on mock
验证多余的调用 8. Finding redundant invocations
@Mock注解创建模拟对象 - 9. Shorthand for mocks creation - @Mock annotation
链式模拟 10. Stubbing consecutive calls (iterator-style stubbing)
doReturn() doThrow()
真实对象部分mock 13. Spying on real objects
更改未存根调用的默认返回值 14. Changing default return values of unstubbed invocations (Since 1.7)
捕获参数后再断言 15. Capturing arguments for further assertions (Since 1.8.0)
真正的部分模拟(模拟对象调用真实对象) 16. Real partial mocks (Since 1.8.0)
可序列化模拟 20. Serializable mocks (Since 1.8.1)
新注解:@Captor, @Spy, @InjectMocks 21. New annotations: @Captor, @Spy, @InjectMocks (Since 1.8.3)
超时验证 22. Verification with timeout (Since 1.8.5)
@Spies和@InjectMocks注解 23. Automatic instantiation of @Spies, @InjectMocks and constructor injection goodness (Since 1.9.0)
一行代码同时创建与模拟 24. One-liner stubs (Since 1.9.0)
忽略验证 25. Verification ignoring stubs (Since 1.9.0)
将调用委托给真实实例 27. Delegate calls to real instance (Since 1.9.5)
监视或模拟抽象类 30. Spying or mocking abstract classes (Since 1.10.12, further enhanced in 2.7.13 and 2.7.14)
Mockito 模拟可以跨类加载器序列化/反序列化 31. Mockito mocks can be serialized / deserialized across classloaders (Since 1.10.0)
更好的泛型支持 32. Better generic support with deep stubs (Since 1.10.0)
Mockito JUnit 规则 33. Mockito JUnit rule (Since 1.10.17)
自定义验证失败消息 35. Custom verification failure message (Since 2.1.0)
Java 8 Lambda 匹配器支持 36. Java 8 Lambda Matcher Support (Since 2.1.0)
Java 8 自定义答案支持 37. Java 8 Custom Answer Support (Since 2.1.0)
元数据和泛型类型保留 38. Meta data and generic type retention (Since 2.1.0)
模拟final类、枚举和final方法 39. Mocking final types, enums and final methods (Since 2.1.0)
新的 JUnit Jupiter (JUnit5+) 扩展 45. New JUnit Jupiter (JUnit5+) extension
新的Mockito.lenient()和MockSettings.lenient()方法 46. New Mockito.lenient() and MockSettings.lenient() methods (Since 2.20.0)
用于模拟静态方法的新 API 48. New API for mocking static methods (Since 3.4.0)
用于模拟对象构造的新 API 49. New API for mocking object construction (Since 3.5.0)
避免代码生成将模拟限制为接口时 50. Avoiding code generation when restricting mocks to interfaces (Since 3.12.2)




when(otherService.doSomething("参数", anyString())).thenReturn("xxxx1");


This exception may occur if matchers are combined with raw values://incorrect:someMethod(anyObject(), "raw String");


when(otherService.doSomething(eq("参数"), anyString())).thenReturn("xxxx1");


  • Mockito文档
  • SpringBoot 单元测试详解
  • JUnit 5中扩展模型的深入理解


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