测试于MATLAB 2012a/2014b和Octave。


%% Optimize Resistance Dividers
%  K.O.Carnivist
%  2015.6.18%% Input: the only cell to defined by users
%  Define devider ratio values to solve and corresponding error limits.
%  For each row, [Devider ratio, Max error].
input_list = ...[5.0 / 0.8 - 1,         0.02; ...1.0 / 0.6 - 1,         0.02; ...1.8 / 0.83 - 1,        0.02; ...2.5 / 0.6 - 1,         0.02; ...3.3 / 0.6 - 1,         0.02];%  Define fixed resistors included in the system.
fixed_list = ...[12];%  Resistor series.
%  Available values: 6, 12, 24, 48, 96, 192.
res_series_name = 48;%  Maximum number of iterations of the optimization loop
max_iter = 100000;%% Calculate resistor series
%  res_series stores the available values of resistors in a column.
if res_series_name >= 48res_series = floor(logspace(2, 3, res_series_name + 1) + 0.5)';res_series = res_series(1: end - 1);res_series(res_series == 919) = 920;
elseres_series = [100, 110, 120, 130, 150, 160, 180, 200, 220, 240, 270, 300, 330, 360, 390, 430, 470, 510, 560, 620, 680, 750, 820, 910]';res_series = res_series(1:24/res_series_name:24);
endclear res_series_name;%% Calculate resistance divider pairs
results = [];       % Each cell stores the available value pairs of a divider (two same values for fixed resistors).
errors = [];        % Each cell stores the corresponding relative error (zeros for fixed resistors).%  Find available value pairs of dividers.
for i = 1:size(input_list, 1)% These are temporary variables.divider_ratio = input_list(i, 1);max_error = input_list(i, 2);% R1 and R2 are vectors available values in the spedified series. Divider = R1 / R2.% Normalize R1 or R2 if the ratio is too small or too large.if (divider_ratio >= 1)R1 = kron(res_series, 10 .^ (floor(log10(divider_ratio)-1):floor(log10(divider_ratio)+1)));R1 = R1(:);R2 = res_series;elseR1 = res_series;R2 = kron(res_series, 10 .^ -(floor(log10(divider_ratio)-1):floor(log10(divider_ratio)+1)));R2 = R2(:);end% Build an array of all the available pairs in the resistor series.R1_temp = kron(R1, ones(size(R2)));R2 = kron(ones(size(R1)), R2);R1 = R1_temp;clear R1_temp;divider_array = R1 ./ R2;% Sort by error.[Y, I] = sort(abs(log(divider_array ./ divider_ratio)));% Add valid pairs and errors.disp_num = find(Y <= log(1 + max_error), 1, 'last');results{i} = uint32([R1(I(1:disp_num)), R2(I(1:disp_num))]);errors{i} = Y(1:disp_num);
clear res_series divider_ratio max_error R1 R2 divider_array Y I disp_num;%  For fixed resistors.
for i = 1:length(fixed_list)results{size(input_list, 1) + i} = [fixed_list(i), fixed_list(i)];errors{ size(input_list, 1) + i} = 0;
end%% Find the optimized selection of resistors
%  Initialize
num_of_pairs = uint32(size(results, 2));
num_of_input = uint32(zeros(1, num_of_pairs));
now_index = uint32(zeros(1, num_of_pairs));
R_output = uint32(zeros(num_of_pairs, 2));
error_output = zeros(num_of_pairs, 1);R_max = 0;
for i = 1:num_of_pairsR_max = max(R_max, max(max(results{i})));
for i = 1:num_of_pairsfor j = 1:size(results{i}, 1)results{i} = [results{i}; ...kron(double(results{i}(j, :)), ...10 .^ (1:floor(log10(double(R_max) / ...double(results{i}(j, 1)))))')];errors{i}  = [errors{i}; ...kron(errors{i}(j), ...ones(floor(log10(double(R_max) / ...double(results{i}(j, 1)))), 1))];end
clear R_max;for i = 1:num_of_pairsnum_of_input(i) = size(results{i}, 1);now_index(i) = randi(double(num_of_input(i)));R_output(i, :) = results{i}(now_index(i), :);error_output(i) = errors{i}(now_index(i));
endnow_num_of_res = num_of_pairs * 2 + 1;
now_max_error = inf;%  Loop
count = uint32(0);
count_to_disp = 1;
for count = 1:max_iter% Select one pair of resistors to changeindex_to_change = randi(double(num_of_pairs));% Randomnow_index(index_to_change) = randi(double(num_of_input(index_to_change)));R_output(index_to_change, :) = results{index_to_change}(now_index(index_to_change), :);error_output(index_to_change) = errors{index_to_change}(now_index(index_to_change));% Check if it is the optimized selectionif (length(unique(R_output)) <  now_num_of_res) || ...((length(unique(R_output)) == now_num_of_res) && (max(error_output) < now_max_error))now_num_of_res = length(unique(R_output));now_max_error = max(error_output);fprintf('Result of %g resistors in %g attempts:\n', now_num_of_res, count);for i = 1:num_of_pairsfprintf('%8d\t%8d\t%8.2f%%\n', R_output(i, 1), R_output(i, 2), error_output(i) * 100);endendif (count >= count_to_disp)fprintf('loop %g in %g seconds.\n', count, toc);count_to_disp = count_to_disp * 10;end
endclear i j;
clear num_of_pairs num_of_input;
clear now_index now_num_of_res now_max_error;
clear R_output error_output;
clear count count_to_disp max_iter;
clear index_to_change;
clear R_output error_output


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