
utils 定时器 (一) 多级时间轮
utils 定时器 (二) 链表
utils 定时器 (三) 最小堆
utils 定时器 (四) 红黑树


时间轮算法(Timing-Wheel):类比时钟的24时 60分 60秒的3个度量,游戏里的32位Tick可以分为 6 6 6 6 8五个度量

1 1 1 1 1 1 |1 1 1 1 1 1 |1 1 1 1 1 1 |1 1 1 1 1 1 |1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1|
5级          |4           |3          |2           |1

随着时间的推进,tick会变化,00000001 - 11111111 即从1 到 255,经历了256个tick,其中每个tick都会有对应的事件发生。至于1s 等于多少个tick是可以人为设定的,一般游戏1s=50tick,即服务器每20ms完成一次主循环。

相比红黑树、最小堆、链表等实现,时间轮定时器的操作粒度非常小,o(1),删除的话lazy delete可以达到o(1)


* per-CPU timer vector definitions:
#define TVR_BITS (8)                  //1级时间轮8位
#define TVN_BITS (6)                  //n级时间轮6位
#define TVR_SIZE (1 << TVR_BITS)   //1级时间轮的刻度256格
#define TVN_SIZE (1 << TVN_BITS)   //n级时间轮的刻度64格
#define TVR_MASK (TVR_SIZE - 1)    //1级掩码:11111111
#define TVN_MASK (TVN_SIZE - 1)    //n级掩码:111111typedef unsigned long long mid_t;
typedef std::list<mid_t> timer_list;
typedef std::list<mid_t>::iterator timer_list_itr;struct TVEC_TOOR_T
{timer_list vec[TVR_SIZE]; //256条链表
};struct TVEC_T
{timer_list vec[TVN_SIZE]; //64


1      do1-->do2-->do3-->      XX00000001tick要做的事
2      doa-->dob-->doc-->      XX00000010tick要做的事
...                            当前tick
255    doA-->doB-->doC-->
1      do1-->do2-->do3-->      当前tick的256-256*2个tick后需要做的事
2      doa-->dob-->doc-->
63     doA-->doB-->doC-->


/* 定义时间轮类
* 在此先明确两个概念
* [自然时间]:外部系统的时间,通过time()获得
* [服务器时间]:服务器维护的系统时间,通过配置文件调整
{int32 cur_tick;        // 当前时钟节拍,若小于get_current_tick(),则++,每加一次查找对应hash项s64 start_sec;          // 服务器启动的[自然时间](单位秒)s64 deviation_sec;      // 服务器启动的[服务器时间]和[自然时间]之间的差值(单位秒)s64 time_sec;           // 当前[自然时间](单位秒)s64 time_usec;          // 当前[自然时间](单位微秒)TVEC_TOOR_T tv1;     // 5级hash表TVEC_T tv2;TVEC_T tv3;TVEC_T tv4;TVEC_T tv5;s32 num;                // 当前定时器数目TIMEOUTFUNC timeout_funs[TIMEOUT_END] = { nullptr };
}//list存放回调函数的节点 | 即tick时间后,要做的事情,需要该节点告诉我们
typedef void(*TIMEOUTFUNC)(void *data, size_t data_len); // 回调函数
{tick_t expires;     // 超时ticks32 interval;       // 间隔时间s32 repeats;        // 执行次数bool forever;       // 是否永久执行s32 funcid;         // 回调函数id//std::string timeout_func_name;  //  回调函数名TIMEOUTFUNC timeout_func;         //  回调函数指针char cb_data[TIMER_CB_DATA_MAX_LEN];s32 data_len;s32 list_index[2];  // 存放list信息,记录出于时间轮位置timer_list *_list;      // 回指指针,用于删除mid_t this_mid;     // mempool id号bool isrunning;     // 是否正在被处理,防止超时处理中删除自己


static TIMER_VEC_BASE g_timer_base;
int timer_init(int max_timer_num)
{int deviation_sec = 0; //偏移时间,服务器时间快一分钟即60struct timeval tv;gettimeofday(&tv, 0);//c库函数,返回微妙级别的时间g_timer_base.start_sec        = tv.tv_sec;g_timer_base.deviation_sec    = deviation_sec;g_timer_base.time_sec         = tv.tv_sec;g_timer_base.time_usec        = tv.tv_sec * 1000000 + tv.tv_usec;g_timer_base.cur_tick         = sec_to_tick(deviation_sec); //服务器时钟tick 从0开始算// 把1-5级时间轮上的的256+64*4条链表统统清零_init_tvr (&g_timer_base.tv1);_init_tvn (&g_timer_base.tv2);_init_tvn (&g_timer_base.tv3);_init_tvn (&g_timer_base.tv4);_init_tvn (&g_timer_base.tv5);g_timer_base.num = 0;return 0;


掩码其实时利用了 x%(2 ^n)=x&(2 ^n -1)的性质,与运算要比取余快很多,所以tick的长度也大多为64 256 等指数

@brief 加入定时器
@param[in] interval -- 间隔时间(以毫秒为单位)
@param[in] handler_func -- 回调函数指针
@param[in] cb_data -- 回调参数数据
@param[in] cb_len -- 回调参数数据长度 (最长不能超过TIME_CB_DATA_MAX_LEN)
@param[in] repeats -- 执行次数,TIMER_RUN_FOREVER(0)-永久执行
@retval INVALID_MID -- 失败
@retval 其他-- timer id,用于今后删除
mid_t _add_timer_navi(int interval, s32 repeats, TIMEOUTFUNC handler_func, void *data, s32 data_len)
{START_FUNC_PROFILER(_type_add_timer);mid_t id;TIMER_HANDLE *handle = nullptr;if (!_add_timer_valid(interval, repeats, handler_func, data, data_len, TIMER_CB_DATA_MAX_LEN)) //检验有效性return INVALID_MID;// 从内存池分配TIMER_HANDLE,因为使用list存放回调函数的节点,list只记录一个内存池中的idid = memunit_alloc(MEM_DATA_TYPE_TIMER_HDNLE);handle = (TIMER_HANDLE *)memunit_get(id);if (nullptr == handle){ADD_TIMER_LOG(error_log, "timer handle alloc failed");return INVALID_MID;}++(g_timer_base.num);// 初始化// 考虑是使用cur_tick还是使用get_tick_by_timehandle->expires = _get_expires_time(interval); //时钟当前tick + interval对应的tickhandle->interval = interval;handle->repeats = repeats;handle->forever = (repeats == TIMER_RUN_FOREVER);handle->funcid = 0;handle->timeout_func = handler_func;if (data != nullptr) memcpy(handle->cb_data, (char *)data, data_len);handle->data_len = data_len;handle->this_mid = id;handle->isrunning = false;int ret = _internal_add_timer(handle);if (ret != 0){ADD_TIMER_LOG(error_log, "internal add timer failed");memunit_free(id);return INVALID_MID;}return id;
}// 根据超时tick-当前tick得到时间间隔,判断时间轮级别
// 超时tick通过位操作确定是对应时间轮的第几条链表(位操作+取掩码)
static int _internal_add_timer(struct TIMER_HANDLE *handle)
{if (handle->expires < g_timer_base.cur_tick){error_log("timer %d expires %d invalid,cur_tick %d,interval %d",handle->funcid, handle->expires, g_timer_base.cur_tick, handle->interval);assert_retval(0, BGERR_INVALID_ARG);}s32 tv, pos_in_tv;_get_timer_list_index(handle->expires, pos_in_tv, tv);/** Timers are FIFO:*/handle->list_index[0] = tv;handle->list_index[1] = pos_in_tv;_timer_set_list(handle);handle->_list->push_back(handle->this_mid); //最末尾加入  //do1-->do2-->do3-->do? (下1个tick要做的)return 0;
}static void _get_timer_list_index(tick_t expires, int& i, int& j)
{assert_retnone(expires>=g_timer_base.cur_tick);u64 idx = expires - g_timer_base.cur_tick;// 当前tick的后idx个tickif (idx < TVR_SIZE){i = expires & TVR_MASK;//取1--7位,判断是1-255中的哪条链表j = 1;}else if (idx < 1 << (TVR_BITS + TVN_BITS)){i = (expires >> TVR_BITS) & TVN_MASK;//取8--13位j = 2;}else if (idx < 1 << (TVR_BITS + 2 * TVN_BITS)){i = (expires >> (TVR_BITS + TVN_BITS)) & TVN_MASK;//取14--19位j = 3;}else if (idx < 1 << (TVR_BITS + 3 * TVN_BITS)){i = (expires >> (TVR_BITS + 2 * TVN_BITS)) & TVN_MASK;//取20-25位j = 4;}else{/* If the timeout is larger than (1 << (TVR_BITS + 3 * TVN_BITS) on 64-bit* architectures then we use the maximum timeout:*/i = (expires >> (TVR_BITS + 3 * TVN_BITS)) & TVN_MASK;//取26-31位j = 5;}
}static int _timer_set_list(struct TIMER_HANDLE *handle)
{switch (handle->list_index[0]) {case 1 :    handle->_list = g_timer_base.tv1.vec + handle->list_index[1];   break;case 2 :    handle->_list = g_timer_base.tv2.vec + handle->list_index[1];   break;case 3 :    handle->_list = g_timer_base.tv3.vec + handle->list_index[1];   break;case 4 :    handle->_list = g_timer_base.tv4.vec + handle->list_index[1];   break;case 5 :    handle->_list = g_timer_base.tv5.vec + handle->list_index[1];   break;default :   assert_retval(0, BGERR_ASSERT_DEFAULT);}return 0;


int del_timer(mid_t timerid)
{TIMER_HANDLE *handle;handle = (TIMER_HANDLE *)memunit_get(timerid);if (nullptr == handle){debug_log ("invalid id %llu", mid_to_u64(timerid));return BGERR_NOT_FOUND;}// 如果正在处理,则处理完后删除if (handle->isrunning){handle->repeats = 0;handle->forever = false;return 0;}// 定时器解链,list remove效率很低,需要注意handle->_list->remove(handle->this_mid);// 释放资源memunit_free(handle->this_mid);--g_timer_base.num;return 0;






PS: 19tick时的任何定时任务无法添加到二级时间轮的1号链表中,因为10tick< 时间间隔 <100tick时,tick>19至少也是2x,只能添加到2号链表中了



void run_timer()
{while (get_tick_by_time() >= g_timer_base.cur_tick){u32 cur_tick_prev = g_timer_base.cur_tick;__run_timers();u32 cur_tick_next = g_timer_base.cur_tick;assert_noeffect(cur_tick_prev < cur_tick_next);}
}static inline void __run_timers()
{struct TIMER_HANDLE *handle;mid_t id;timer_list *list;s32 entry_index;TIMEOUTFUNC func;/*** Cascade timers:**/entry_index = g_timer_base.cur_tick & TVR_MASK;if ( !entry_index                               &&(!_cascade(&g_timer_base.tv2, INDEX(0))) &&(!_cascade(&g_timer_base.tv3, INDEX(1))) &&!_cascade(&g_timer_base.tv4, INDEX(2)))_cascade(&g_timer_base.tv5, INDEX(3));// 执行超时定时器链表list = g_timer_base.tv1.vec + entry_index;timer_list_itr itr;while (1){if (list->empty()){break;}itr = list->begin();id = *itr;assert_retnone(mid_is_valid(id));handle = (TIMER_HANDLE *)memunit_get(id);assert_retnone(handle);assert_retnone(handle->_list == list);// 运行定时器func = handle->timeout_func;assert_retnone(func);if (handle->repeats > 0){handle->repeats--;}if (!handle->isrunning){handle->isrunning = true;{__run_one_timer(func, handle);}}handle->isrunning = false;// 根据策略,是否继续设置定时器if (handle->repeats > 0 || handle->forever){// 定时器解链,先删除在加到对应的时间轮节点里面handle->_list->erase(itr);// 重新加入handle->expires = _get_expires_time(handle->interval);int ret = _internal_add_timer(handle);assert_noeffect(ret == 0);}else{del_timer(handle->this_mid);}}// 看下一个单位有没有超时++g_timer_base.cur_tick;
}// 进位操作
static s32 _cascade(TVEC_T *tv, s32 entry_index)
{/* cascade all the timers from tv up one level */timer_list *list;struct TIMER_HANDLE *handle;list = tv->vec + entry_index;std::list<mid_t>::iterator itr = list->begin();// 链表搬迁for (; itr != list->end(); ){handle = (struct TIMER_HANDLE *)memunit_get(*itr);if(handle==nullptr){assert_noeffect(0);}else{// 节点搬迁// 节点搬迁时一般都是往低级的时间轮搬,如果时间间隔特别大的tick,有可能还会添在同一链表,所以添加定时器最好用头插法,int ret = _internal_add_timer(handle); assert_retval(ret == 0, ret);}itr = list.earse(itr);}return entry_index;



#define TIME_WHEEL_TIMER#include <time.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <stdio.h>#define BUFFER_SIZE 64
class tw_timer;
struct client_data
{sockaddr_in address;int sockfd;char buf[ BUFFER_SIZE ];tw_timer* timer;
};// 定时器类
class tw_timer
public:tw_timer( int rot, int ts ) : next( NULL ), prev( NULL ), rotation( rot ), time_slot( ts ){}public:int rotation; //记录定时器在时间轮转多少圈后生效int time_slot;//记录定时器属于时间轮上的哪个槽void (*cb_func)( client_data* ); //cb_funcclient_data* user_data;          //cb_datatw_timer* next;                  //便于删除,链表的节点tw_timer* prev;
};// 定时器容器类:单级时间轮
class time_wheel
public:time_wheel() : cur_slot( 0 ){for( int i = 0; i < N; ++i ){slots[i] = NULL; // 初始化每个槽的头结点}}~time_wheel(){for( int i = 0; i < N; ++i ){tw_timer* tmp = slots[i];while( tmp ){slots[i] = tmp->next;delete tmp;tmp = slots[i];}}}tw_timer* add_timer( int timeout ) // timeout是时间间隔{if( timeout < 0 ){return NULL;}int ticks = 0;if( timeout < TI ){ticks = 1;}else{ticks = timeout / TI;}int rotation = ticks / N;                  // 待插入的定时器 在 时间轮转动多少圈后触发int ts = ( cur_slot + ( ticks % N ) ) % N; // 应该被插入到哪个槽中  时间间隔+cur_slot取得类自然时间 判断放入那个槽位 // 时间轮并没有走,走的是cur_slot, 在不同的链表间步进tw_timer* timer = new tw_timer( rotation, ts );if( !slots[ts] ){printf( "add timer, rotation is %d, ts is %d, cur_slot is %d\n", rotation, ts, cur_slot );slots[ts] = timer;}else{timer->next = slots[ts];slots[ts]->prev = timer;slots[ts] = timer;}return timer;}void del_timer( tw_timer* timer ){if( !timer ){return;}int ts = timer->time_slot;if( timer == slots[ts] ){slots[ts] = slots[ts]->next;if( slots[ts] ){slots[ts]->prev = NULL;}delete timer;}else{timer->prev->next = timer->next;if( timer->next ){timer->next->prev = timer->prev;}delete timer;}}void tick(){tw_timer* tmp = slots[cur_slot];printf( "current slot is %d\n", cur_slot );while( tmp ){printf( "tick the timer once\n" );// 定时器的rotation>0 在这一轮不会起作用if( tmp->rotation > 0 ){tmp->rotation--; // 相当于1点1分,2点1分,3点1分 rotation是更高的层级tmp = tmp->next;}else // {tmp->cb_func( tmp->user_data );// 执行完毕定时任务后删除定时器, 可以直接调用delif( tmp == slots[cur_slot] ){printf( "delete header in cur_slot\n" );slots[cur_slot] = tmp->next;delete tmp;if( slots[cur_slot] ){slots[cur_slot]->prev = NULL;}tmp = slots[cur_slot];}else{tmp->prev->next = tmp->next;if( tmp->next ){tmp->next->prev = tmp->prev;}tw_timer* tmp2 = tmp->next;delete tmp;tmp = tmp2;}}}cur_slot = ++cur_slot % N; // 下次循环看哪个槽}private:static const int N = 60;static const int TI = 1; tw_timer* slots[N];int cur_slot;

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