

  CC2541有21个数字输入/输出引脚, 可以配置为通用数字I/O或外设I/O信号, 配置为连接到ADC、 定时器或 USART外设。这些 I/O 口的用途可以通过一系列寄存器配置,由用户软件加以实现。
  对于 USART 和定时器 I/O,在一个数字 I/O 引脚上选择外设 I/O 功能,需要设置对应的 PxSEL 位为 1。
  外设 I/O 引脚映射如下图所示:


  对于每个 USART,有 5 个如下的寄存器(x 是 USART 的编号,为 0 或者1):
  ● UxCSR: USARTx 控制和状态;
  ● UxUCR: USARTx UART 控制;
  ● UxGCR: USARTx 通用控制
  ● UxBUF: USART x 接收/发送数据缓冲
  ● UxBAUD: USART x 波特率控

  CC2541 配置串口的一般步骤:
  1、 配置 IO,使用外部设备功能。
  2、 配置相应串口的控制和状态寄存器。
  3、 配置串口工作的波特率。

#include <ioCC2540.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "uart.h"
串口0,应用的IO口为:RX P0.2               TX P0.3
#define Uart0_SIZE       40
int8 Rx_Flag0=0;
uint8 Rx_length0=0;
uint8 RxData0[Uart0_SIZE];        //存储接收字符串/****************************************************************************
* 名    称: InitUart()
* 功    能: 串口初始化函数
* 入口参数: 无
* 出口参数: 无
void Uart0_Init(void)
{ PERCFG &= ~0x01;        //外设控制寄存器 USART 0的IO位置:0为P0口位置1 P0SEL = 0x0c;            //P0_2,P0_3用作串口(外设功能)P2DIR &= ~0xC0;          //P0优先作为UART0U0CSR |= 0x80;           //设置为UART方式U0GCR |= 11;                      U0BAUD |= 216;           //波特率设为115200UTX0IF = 0;              //UART0 TX中断标志初始置位0U0CSR |= 0x40;           //允许接收 IEN0 |= 0x84;            //开总中断允许接收中断
* 名    称: UartSendString()
* 功    能: 串口发送函数
* 入口参数: Data:发送缓冲区   len:发送长度
* 出口参数: 无
void Uart0_Send(uint8 *Data, uint8 len)
{uint8 i;U0CSR &= ~0x40;                    //禁止接收 for(i=0; i<len; i++){U0DBUF = *Data++;while(UTX0IF == 0);UTX0IF = 0;}U0CSR |= 0x40;                     //允许接收
* 名    称: UART0_ISR(void) 串口中断处理函数
* 描    述: 当串口0产生接收中断,将收到的数据保存在RxBuf中
uint8 ptrdata=0;#pragma vector = URX0_VECTOR
__interrupt void UART0_ISR(void)
{ URX0IF = 0;       // 清中断标志 ptrdata=U0DBUF;if(ptrdata!=0x00)/* 因为工程特殊性,过滤掉0X00 */{if(Rx_length0<Uart0_SIZE)RxData0[Rx_length0] = ptrdata;     Rx_length0++;}}uint8 Uart0_Read(uint8 *Data)
{if(Rx_length0==0)//接收数据bit为零{return 0;}else{if(Rx_Flag0==0)//接收数据长度为零,(此时正在接收数据){Rx_Flag0=Rx_length0;return 0;}else{if(Rx_Flag0!=Rx_length0)//接收长度数据有变化,认为数据接收没有收完{Rx_Flag0=Rx_length0;return 0;}else//接收数据长度在一个隔离周期(10ms)后没有变化,认为接收完成{uint8 length=Rx_Flag0;for(uint8 i=0;i<Rx_Flag0;i++){Data[i]=RxData0[i];}Rx_length0=0;Rx_Flag0=0;return length;}}}


1.3.1、IAR 设置中添加宏定义




/******************************************************************************** @fn          NPI_InitTransport** @brief       This routine initializes the transport layer and opens the port*              of the device. Note that based on project defines, either the*              UART, USB (CDC), or SPI driver can be used.** input parameters** @param       npiCback - User callback function when data is available.** output parameters** @param       None.** @return      None.*/
void NPI_InitTransport( npiCBack_t npiCBack )
{halUARTCfg_t uartConfig;// configure UARTuartConfig.configured           = TRUE;uartConfig.baudRate             = NPI_UART_BR;uartConfig.flowControl          = NPI_UART_FC;uartConfig.flowControlThreshold = NPI_UART_FC_THRESHOLD;uartConfig.rx.maxBufSize        = NPI_UART_RX_BUF_SIZE;uartConfig.tx.maxBufSize        = NPI_UART_TX_BUF_SIZE;uartConfig.idleTimeout          = NPI_UART_IDLE_TIMEOUT;uartConfig.intEnable            = NPI_UART_INT_ENABLE;uartConfig.callBackFunc         = (halUARTCBack_t)npiCBack;// start UART// Note: Assumes no issue opening UART port.(void)HalUARTOpen( NPI_UART_PORT, &uartConfig );return;


void My_NPI_InitTransport( npiCBack_t npiCBack, uint8 baudrate, uint8 parity, uint8 stopbit)
{halUARTCfg_t uartConfig;// configure UARTuartConfig.configured           = TRUE;uartConfig.baudRate             = baudrate;//NPI_UART_BR;uartConfig.parity              = parity;uartConfig.stopbit              = stopbit;uartConfig.flowControl          = NPI_UART_FC;uartConfig.flowControlThreshold = NPI_UART_FC_THRESHOLD;uartConfig.rx.maxBufSize        = NPI_UART_RX_BUF_SIZE;uartConfig.tx.maxBufSize        = NPI_UART_TX_BUF_SIZE;uartConfig.idleTimeout          = NPI_UART_IDLE_TIMEOUT;uartConfig.intEnable            = NPI_UART_INT_ENABLE;uartConfig.callBackFunc         = (halUARTCBack_t)npiCBack;// start UART// Note: Assumes no issue opening UART port.(void)HalUARTOpen( NPI_UART_PORT, &uartConfig );return;



static void NpiSerialCallback( uint8 port, uint8 events )
{(void)port;//加个 (void),是未了避免编译告警,明确告诉缓冲区不用理会这个变量if (events & (HAL_UART_RX_TIMEOUT | HAL_UART_RX_FULL)) //串口有数据{uint8 numBytes = 0;numBytes = NPI_RxBufLen(); //读出串口缓冲区有多少字节if(numBytes == 0){return;}else{uint8 *buffer = osal_mem_alloc(numBytes);//申请缓冲区 bufferif(buffer){        NPI_ReadTransport(buffer,numBytes);//读取读取串口缓冲区数据,释放串口数据/*......//    数据处理    //蓝牙串口透传时,可以在此处调用BLE发送数据的方法.......*/osal_mem_free(buffer);//释放申请的缓冲区}}}



/******************************************************************************** @fn          NPI_WriteTransport** @brief       This routine writes data from the buffer to the transport layer.** input parameters** @param       buf - Pointer to buffer to write data from.* @param       len - Number of bytes to write.** output parameters** @param       None.** @return      Returns the number of bytes written to transport.*/
uint16 NPI_WriteTransport( uint8 *buf, uint16 len )
{return( HalUARTWrite( NPI_UART_PORT, buf, len ) );


   本章节参考了【BLE】CC2541之添加特征值 要实现透传, 我们有个前提, 就是需要建立连接后,需要对某个特征值进行写和通知。

2.1、添加 char6 的宏定义

  在simpleGATTprofile.h 文件中增加:

// Profile Parameters
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR1                   0  // RW uint8 - Profile Characteristic 1 value
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR2                   1  // RW uint8 - Profile Characteristic 2 value
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR3                   2  // RW uint8 - Profile Characteristic 3 value
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR4                   3  // RW uint8 - Profile Characteristic 4 value
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5                   4  // RW uint8 - Profile Characteristic 4 value
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6                   5  // RW uint8 - Profile Characteristic 5 value// Simple Profile Service UUID
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_SERV_UUID               0xFFE0// Key Pressed UUID
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR1_UUID            0xFFE6
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR2_UUID            0xFFE5
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR3_UUID            0xFFE4
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR4_UUID            0xFFE3
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_UUID            0xFFE2
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_UUID            0xFFE1// Simple Keys Profile Services bit fields
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_SERVICE               0x00000001// Length of Characteristic 5 in bytes
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_LEN          5
#define SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_LEN          20

  首先, 增加 CHAR6 的 profile 参数。
  然后, 增加该特征值的 UUID。
  最后, 增加该特征值的长度

2.2、添加 char6 的 UUID

  在simpleGATTprofile.c 文件中增加:

// Characteristic 6 UUID: 0xFFE1
CONST uint8 simpleProfilechar6UUID[ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE] =

  将 16 位的 UUID 拆成 2 个字节放到数组里

2.3、添加 char6 的 的配置属性

  在simpleGATTprofile.c 文件中增加:

// Simple Profile Characteristic 6 Properties
static uint8 simpleProfileChar6Props = GATT_PROP_READ | GATT_PROP_WRITE_NO_RSP | GATT_PROP_NOTIFY;// Characteristic 6 Value
static uint8 simpleProfileChar6[SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_LEN] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
static uint8 simpleProfileChar6Len = 0;// Simple Profile Characteristic 6 Configuration Each client has its own
// instantiation of the Client Characteristic Configuration. Reads of the
// Client Characteristic Configuration only shows the configuration for
// that client and writes only affect the configuration of that client.
static gattCharCfg_t simpleProfileChar6Config[GATT_MAX_NUM_CONN];// Simple Profile Characteristic 6 User Description
static uint8 simpleProfileChar6UserDesp[17] = "Characteristic 6\0";



  增加上面定义的 char6 的 4 个属性变量。



    // Characteristic 6 Declaration{ { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, characterUUID },GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0,&simpleProfileChar6Props },// Characteristic Value 6{ { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, simpleProfilechar6UUID },GATT_PERMIT_READ | GATT_PERMIT_WRITE,0, simpleProfileChar6 },// Characteristic 6 configuration{ { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, clientCharCfgUUID },GATT_PERMIT_READ | GATT_PERMIT_WRITE, 0, (uint8 *)simpleProfileChar6Config },// Characteristic 6 User Description{ { ATT_BT_UUID_SIZE, charUserDescUUID },GATT_PERMIT_READ, 0, simpleProfileChar6UserDesp },


2.5.1、增加 char6 的数值可设置的处理

  在simpleGATTprofile.c 的 SimpleProfile_SetParameter函数中

    case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6:if ( len <= SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_LEN ) {VOID osal_memcpy( simpleProfileChar6, value, len );simpleProfileChar6Len = len;// See if Notification has been enabledGATTServApp_ProcessCharCfg( simpleProfileChar6Config, simpleProfileChar6, FALSE,simpleProfileAttrTbl, GATT_NUM_ATTRS( simpleProfileAttrTbl ),INVALID_TASK_ID );}else{ret = bleInvalidRange;}break;

2.5.2、增加 char6 的数值可获取的处理

  在simpleGATTprofile.c 文件的 SimpleProfile_GetParameter函数中

    case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6:VOID osal_memcpy( value, simpleProfileChar6, simpleProfileChar6Len );*returnBytes = simpleProfileChar6Len;break;


2.6.1、增加 char6 的数值读取的处理

  在simpleGATTprofile.c文件 的 simpleProfile_ReadAttrCB函数中

      case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_UUID://*Len = SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_LEN;//VOID osal_memcpy( pValue, pAttr->pValue, SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_LEN );LCD_WRITE_STRING_VALUE( "ReadAttrCB 6 len=", simpleProfileChar6Len, 10, HAL_LCD_LINE_1 );*pLen = simpleProfileChar6Len;VOID osal_memcpy( pValue, pAttr->pValue, simpleProfileChar6Len );{// 这个变量用于表明上一次写数据到从机已经成功, 可用于判断写数据时的判断, 以确保数据的完整性extern bool simpleBLEChar6DoWrite2;simpleBLEChar6DoWrite2 = TRUE;}break;

2.6.2、增加 char6 的数值写入的处理

  在simpleGATTprofile.c文件 的 simpleProfile_WriteAttrCB函数中

      case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_UUID://Validate the value// Make sure it's not a blob operLCD_WRITE_STRING_VALUE( "WriteAttrCB 6 len=", len, 10, HAL_LCD_LINE_1 );LCD_WRITE_STRING_VALUE( "WriteAttrCB 6 len2=", simpleProfileChar6Len, 10, HAL_LCD_LINE_1 );if ( offset == 0 ){//if ( len != SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_LEN )if ( len > SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_LEN ){status = ATT_ERR_INVALID_VALUE_SIZE;}}else{status = ATT_ERR_ATTR_NOT_LONG;}//Write the valueif ( status == SUCCESS ){//VOID osal_memcpy( pAttr->pValue, pValue, SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_LEN );VOID osal_memcpy( pAttr->pValue, pValue, len );simpleProfileChar6Len = len;notifyApp = SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6;}break;


  替换 simpleGATTprofile.c文件 的 simpleProfile_WriteAttrCB 函数中的 GATT_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG_UUID 部分

case GATT_CLIENT_CHAR_CFG_UUID:status = GATTServApp_ProcessCCCWriteReq( connHandle, pAttr, pValue, len,offset, GATT_CLIENT_CFG_NOTIFY );break;

2.7、增加 char6 的通知开关初始化

  替换 simpleGATTprofile.c文件中 的 SimpleProfile_AddService函数

/********************************************************************** @fn      SimpleProfile_AddService** @brief   Initializes the Simple Profile service by registering*          GATT attributes with the GATT server.** @param   services - services to add. This is a bit map and can*                     contain more than one service.** @return  Success or Failure*/
bStatus_t SimpleProfile_AddService( uint32 services )
{uint8 status = SUCCESS;// Initialize Client Characteristic Configuration attributesGATTServApp_InitCharCfg( INVALID_CONNHANDLE, simpleProfileChar4Config );GATTServApp_InitCharCfg( INVALID_CONNHANDLE, simpleProfileChar6Config );//GATTServApp_InitCharCfg( INVALID_CONNHANDLE, simpleProfileChar7Config );// Register with Link DB to receive link status change callbackVOID linkDB_Register( simpleProfile_HandleConnStatusCB );  if ( services & SIMPLEPROFILE_SERVICE ){// Register GATT attribute list and CBs with GATT Server Appstatus = GATTServApp_RegisterService( simpleProfileAttrTbl, GATT_NUM_ATTRS( simpleProfileAttrTbl ),&simpleProfileCBs );}return ( status );

2.8 、 增 加 char6 的 通 知 开 关 初 始 化 的 实 时 更 新

   替 换 simpleGATTprofile.c文件中 的simpleProfile_HandleConnStatusCB 函数

/********************************************************************** @fn          simpleProfile_HandleConnStatusCB** @brief       Simple Profile link status change handler function.** @param       connHandle - connection handle* @param       changeType - type of change** @return      none*/
static void simpleProfile_HandleConnStatusCB( uint16 connHandle, uint8 changeType )
{ // Make sure this is not loopback connectionif ( connHandle != LOOPBACK_CONNHANDLE ){// Reset Client Char Config if connection has droppedif ( ( changeType == LINKDB_STATUS_UPDATE_REMOVED )      ||( ( changeType == LINKDB_STATUS_UPDATE_STATEFLAGS ) && ( !linkDB_Up( connHandle ) ) ) ){ GATTServApp_InitCharCfg( connHandle/*INVALID_CONNHANDLE*/, simpleProfileChar4Config );GATTServApp_InitCharCfg( connHandle/*INVALID_CONNHANDLE*/, simpleProfileChar6Config );//GATTServApp_InitCharCfg( connHandle/*INVALID_CONNHANDLE*/, simpleProfileChar7Config );}}



  在 simpleBLEPeripheral.c文件 的 SimpleBLEPeripheral_Init 函数

  // Setup the SimpleProfile Characteristic Values{uint8 charValue1 = 1;uint8 charValue2 = 2;uint8 charValue3 = 3;uint8 charValue4 = 4;uint8 charValue5[SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_LEN] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };uint8 charValue6[SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_LEN] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };SimpleProfile_SetParameter( SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR1, sizeof ( uint8 ), &charValue1 );SimpleProfile_SetParameter( SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR2, sizeof ( uint8 ), &charValue2 );SimpleProfile_SetParameter( SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR3, sizeof ( uint8 ), &charValue3 );SimpleProfile_SetParameter( SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR4, sizeof ( uint8 ), &charValue4 );SimpleProfile_SetParameter( SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5, SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR5_LEN, charValue5 );SimpleProfile_SetParameter( SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6, SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_LEN, charValue6 );}


  在 simpleBLEPeripheral.c文件的 的 simpleProfileChangeCB 函数中

/********************************************************************** @fn      simpleProfileChangeCB** @brief   Callback from SimpleBLEProfile indicating a value change** @param   paramID - parameter ID of the value that was changed.** @return  none*/
static void simpleProfileChangeCB( uint8 paramID )
{uint8 newValue;uint8 newChar6Value[SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6_LEN];uint8 returnBytes;switch( paramID ){case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR1:SimpleProfile_GetParameter( SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR1, &newValue, &returnBytes );#if (defined HAL_LCD) && (HAL_LCD == TRUE)HalLcdWriteStringValue( "Char 1:", (uint16)(newValue), 10,  HAL_LCD_LINE_3 );#endif // (defined HAL_LCD) && (HAL_LCD == TRUE)break;case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR3:SimpleProfile_GetParameter( SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR3, &newValue, &returnBytes );#if (defined HAL_LCD) && (HAL_LCD == TRUE)HalLcdWriteStringValue( "Char 3:", (uint16)(newValue), 10,  HAL_LCD_LINE_3 );#endif // (defined HAL_LCD) && (HAL_LCD == TRUE)break;case SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6:SimpleProfile_GetParameter( SIMPLEPROFILE_CHAR6, newChar6Value, &returnBytes );if(returnBytes > 0){/*//此处处理BLE接收的数据*/}break;default:// should not reach here!break;}




// 处理: 串口发送过来的数据, 通过无线发送出去
void simpleBLE_Send_Data(uint8 *buf, uint8 numBytes)
{if(simpleBLEChar6DoWrite2)               //写入成功后再写入{      static attHandleValueNoti_t pReport;pReport.len = numBytes;pReport.handle = 0x0035;osal_memcpy(pReport.value, buf, numBytes);GATT_Notification( 0, &pReport, FALSE );                   }




4.1、在IAR 设置中添加宏定义




/* UART port */
#if !defined NPI_UART_PORT
#if ((defined HAL_UART_SPI) && (HAL_UART_SPI != 0))
#define NPI_UART_PORT                  HAL_UART_PORT_1
#define NPI_UART_PORT                  HAL_UART_PORT_0
*/#if !defined NPI_UART_PORT
#if ((defined HAL_UART_SPI) && (HAL_UART_SPI != 0))
#define NPI_UART_PORT                  HAL_UART_PORT_1
#else#if (defined ZAPP_P1)
#define NPI_UART_PORT                  HAL_UART_PORT_0#elif (defined ZAPP_P2)
#define NPI_UART_PORT                  HAL_UART_PORT_1#else
#define NPI_UART_PORT                  HAL_UART_PORT_0#endif



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