
Are you looking for the best keyword research tools for SEO?


Keyword research is vital for growing traffic to your site. It helps you write the perfect content to increase your organic search traffic.

关键字研究对于增加网站访问量至关重要。 它可以帮助您编写完美的内容以增加自然搜索流量。

The challenge is that finding the right keyword research tool can be tricky, especially if you’re fairly new to SEO (Search Engine Optimization).


In this article, we’ll share the very best keyword research tools that experts use to grow their website traffic.


什么是关键字研究工具? (What is a Keyword Research Tool?)

A keyword research tool helps you find topic ideas that people are searching for on search engines like Google.


This helps you find content ideas that your customers are looking for. You can then plan your content strategy to cover those topics in your blog posts and landing pages.

这可以帮助您找到客户正在寻找的内容创意。 然后,您可以计划内容策略以涵盖博客文章和登录页面中的那些主题。

Keyword research tools also help you unlock the keywords where your competitors are ranking on the top. You can then improve your content to target those keywords and steal their traffic.

关键字研究工具还可以帮助您解锁竞争对手排名最高的关键字。 然后,您可以改善内容以定位这些关键字并窃取它们的流量。

That being said, let’s take a look at the best keyword research tools for SEO that you can use.


1. SEMrush (1. SEMrush)

SEMrush is a complete SEO suite with all the tools you need to carry out keyword research.


Using the Keyword Overview tool, you can type in a keyword and get a full picture of everything you need to know. This includes how many people search for the keyword, whether it’s growing in popularity or becoming less popular (the Trend), and much more.

使用“ 关键字概述”工具,您可以输入关键字并获得所需知识的全貌。 这包括有多少人搜索该关键字,无论它是越来越受欢迎还是越来越不受欢迎(趋势),等等。

After scrolling down, you can also see a handy list of other similar keywords you might want to use, along with a list of organic search results, so you can find out where your competitors rank for the keyword. You can also check out Google Ads that use that keyword.

向下滚动后,您还可以看到您可能想使用的其他类似关键字的方便列表,以及自然搜索结果的列表,因此您可以找出竞争对手在该关键字上的排名。 您还可以签出使用该关键字的Google Ads。

2. AnswerThePublic (2. AnswerThePublic)

AnswerThePublic works a bit differently from most other keyword research tools, presenting results in a nice visual format (though you can also see them in a list and download a .csv file of results).


If you’re just getting started with SEO and keyword research, then this is a great tool to try, because you don’t even need to create an account to use it. Just type in your keyword and take a look at what comes up.

如果您刚刚开始使用SEO和关键字研究,那么这是个不错的工具,因为您甚至不需要创建帐户就可以使用它。 只需输入您的关键字,然后看看会发生什么。

The keyword results from AnswerThePublic are based on Google and Bing’s auto-suggest features. You can click on any of these keywords to search for it in Google, and it’ll open up in a new tab.

AnswerThePublic的关键字结果基于Google和Bing的自动建议功能。 您可以单击任何这些关键字在Google中进行搜索,然后它将在新标签页中打开。

This will show what content is ranking for those terms and whether there’s a featured snippet on it.

这将显示这些术语在哪些内容上排名,以及是否有特色片段 。

3. Ubersuggest (3. Ubersuggest)

Ubersuggest is a free tool from Neil Patel that offers search volume data, keyword suggestions, an idea of how difficult your keyword will be to rank for, and more.

Ubersuggest是Neil Patel提供的免费工具,可提供搜索量数据,关键字建议,关键字排名难度的想法等等。

As well as seeing lots of suggestions for related keywords, you can view a table of the top 100 Google results for that keyword, with estimated visits, number of backlinks, a domain score, and a total number of social shares.


Under Content Ideas, it also shows content related to your keyword, listing estimated monthly visits, backlinks, and number of shares on Facebook and Pinterest.


If you sign into Ubersuggest with your Google account, then you’ll be able to get more keyword suggestions, daily rank tracking, and personalized SEO suggestions.


4. Ahrefs (4. Ahrefs)

Ahrefs offers similar features to SEMrush, and makes a great alternative to it. Using Ahrefs, you can come up with keyword ideas simply by typing a keyword into the search box. You’ll then see a whole list of keyword suggestions.

Ahrefs提供与SEMrush类似的功能,并且是SEMrush的绝佳替代品。 使用Ahrefs,您只需在搜索框中输入关键字即可提出关键字提示。 然后,您会看到完整的关键字建议列表。

You can also use Ahrefs to see content your competitors are ranking for (but that you’re not), so you can create new pieces targeting keywords related to those subjects.


Both SEMrush and Ahrefs offer a bunch of other useful tools too, like reports that find broken links on your site.

SEMrush和Ahrefs都还提供了许多其他有用的工具,例如在您的网站上找到损坏链接的报告 。

5. Google关键字规划师 (5. Google Keyword Planner)

Google’s Keyword Planner is really designed for use by advertisers who want to run their ads on Google. However it’s still a useful tool for SEO, and it’s free to use.

Google的关键字规划师实际上是为希望在Google上投放广告的广告客户设计的。 但是,它仍然是SEO的有用工具,并且可以免费使用。

To access it, you’ll need a Google Ads account. If you don’t already have one, then you’ll need to create one and enter your payment details, but you don’t need to run an active campaign or pay for anything.

要访问它,您需要一个Google Ads帐户。 如果您还没有,则需要创建一个并输入付款明细,但是您无需运行有效的广告系列或支付任何费用。

Once you’ve got access to the Keyword Planner through your Google Ads account, you can type in any keyword and view data for (very approximately) how many monthly searches it has. You’ll also see a long list of related keywords ideas, which you scroll through or download.

通过您的Google Ads帐户访问关键字计划器后,您可以输入任何关键字并查看(几乎)每月搜索次数的数据。 您还将看到一长串相关的关键字提示,您可以滚动或下载。

6.长尾巴专业版 (6. Long Tail Pro)

Like most premium keyword tools, Long Tail Pro shows an overview of data about your keyword, with a particular focus on how you rank against your competitors.

与大多数高级关键字工具一样, Long Tail Pro会显示有关您的关键字数据的概述,尤其着重于您如何与竞争对手相比。

You can use it to take a look at the top results in search engines for your keyword, so you can figure out where you rank against your competition.


You can also enter specific keywords that you want to track, so you can see how your content is ranking for those keywords changes over time.


7. Serpstat (7. Serpstat)

Serpstat is another excellent keyword research tool.


With Serpstat, you can easily view the top Google results for your keyword. These results include the site that appears in the featured snippet (if any) as the first result, which is why the post from IsItWP is featured in both first and second place in the screenshot below.

使用Serpstat,您可以轻松查看关键字的Google最佳搜索结果。 这些结果包括显示在精选摘要 (如果有)中的网站作为第一个结果,这就是为什么IsItWP的帖子在下面的屏幕快照中同时显示在第一和第二位的原因。

You can also view lots of details about your competitors for that keyword, with an indication of how visible they are (the higher the number here, the more visitors they likely receive).


8. SpyFu (8. SpyFu)

SpyFu is designed to let you learn from your competitors by digging into their most profitable keywords (and their ads too).


You can try it out for free, without even logging in. Just type the URL of the site you want to check into the search bar and you’ll see the results straight away. If you want to take a look at more than one site, then you’ll need to create a free account and log in.

您可以免费试用它,甚至无需登录。只需在搜索栏中输入要检查的站点的URL,即可立即看到结果。 如果您想浏览多个站点,则需要创建一个免费帐户并登录。

SpyFu collects past data, so you can see how your own site or your competitor’s site has fallen or risen in the rankings for particular keywords. You can also compare your site against other sites in your industry. Here’s a look at Moz’s website versus some other sites on similar topics.

SpyFu收集过去的数据,因此您可以查看自己的网站或竞争对手的网站在特定关键字的排名中是下降还是上升。 您还可以将您的网站与行业中的其他网站进行比较。 这是Moz网站与其他类似主题网站的对比。

We hope this article helped you find the best keyword research tools for SEO. You may also want to check out our guide on doing keyword research for tips on how best to carry out your research and put the results into practice.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到最佳的SEO关键字研究工具。 您可能还需要查看我们的关键字研究指南,以获取有关如何最好地进行研究并将结果付诸实践的提示。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。




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