

SECTION I Listening

(25 minutes)

1.W'hat does the man want to do?

A.Interview the manager.

B.Apply for a job.

C.Visit a wonan.


2.What does the mother wani the boy to do?

A.Rcad a bonk.

B.Climb the mountain。

C.Wait for her.

D.Wash the clothes

3.W hat are the speakers talking abosut?


B.The Internet.

C.Their jobhs.

D.Their friends

4.What is the man going to do?

A.Look for a job.

B.Watch movie:

C.Give up his job.

D.Go shopping.

5.Why did the woman fail to come tn class?

A.She didn't eatch the bus.

B.'The class hegan too early.

C.She didn"t find the carmpus.

D.She is ill with heada-he,

6.What do we know about Sheila?

A.She talks a lot.

B.People are persuaded in her speethes,

C.She stops talking to people.

D.She likes to make friends.

7.What's the probable relationship between the speakers.?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Boss and secrefary.

C.Host and guest.

D.Teacher annd staderat.

8.What dnes the woman mean?

A.Be quick.

B.Run for a while.


D.Take the next bus.

9.What is the woman unhappy about?

A.Her neighbour"s keeping a cat.

B.Her neighbour's walking on her grass,

C.Her neighbour's not keeping her word.

D.Her neighbour's walking on her slreet.

10.Why does the man like that ty pe of music?

A.Because he likes the instruments.

B.Because Rock interests him.

C.Because the music is wonderful.

D.Becsause the music is terrible.


(50 minutes)

Part A


Read the folloxcing tuo texts.Anscer the questions on each text hy choosing A,B.Cor D.Markyour anseers on your ANSWER SHEET.

Text 1

Whole life is permanent insurance protection that protects you for your whole life,from the dayyou purchase the poliey until you die,as long as you pay the premiums(保险费).

Whole life can be a solid foundation.Upon this foundation you can build a long-term financialplan,because it guarantees lifetime protection for your family or business.

Whole life insurance provides basic insurance prolection,plus Mortgage protection,Estate pres-ervation,Retirement funding,Charitable giving,Business needs...

A life insurance agent will help you delermine an amount of insurance needed to protect your…………


(45 minutes)


You should urite your responses to buth Pant A and Part B of this section on your A.NSW ER.SHEFT.

Part A

56.You have made an appointrnent with Prof.W'ang,but failed to kecp it.Write a lelter toyour teacher.Your leller should include:

1)apologize for your failure to kerp the apposintment

2)explain your reason to your teacher

3)express your wish to make ansther appointment

You should write alout 100 wordls.Do not sign your namre al the end of your letter.Lise"Wa-ng Lir instead.You do not need lo write the address.


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