1. 函数创建与使用


function name {                                     name() {

commands                或                         commands

}                                                             }

调用:  直接写函数名就可以调用

 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test2.sh
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 func1() {
 4     lss
 5     echo "hello"
 6 }
 7 func1
 8 echo $?
 9 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test2.sh
10 test2.sh: line 3: lss: command not found
11 hello
12 0
13 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$

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可以有两种办法来改进:return 和使用函数输出



 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test1.sh
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 function f1 {
 4     read -p "Please enter a value:" value
 5     echo "double the value"
 6     return $[ $value*2 ]
 7 }
 9 f1
11 echo "The new value is $?"
12 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test1.sh
13 Please enter a value:3
14 double the value
15 The new value is 6
16 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test1.sh
17 Please enter a value:200
18 double the value
19 The new value is 144
20 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$
21 #这种情况函数的返回值作为$?的值,但是任何大于256的值都会产生一个错误的值,函数的返回值不可以大于256.因为退出状态码的值必须是0-255.

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 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test1.sh
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 function f1 {
 4     read -p "Please enter a value:" value
 5     echo "double the value"
 6     return $[ $value*2 ]
 7 }
 9 f1
10 echo "hello"
11 echo "The new value is $?"
12 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test1.sh
13 Please enter a value:3
14 double the value
15 hello
16 The new value is 0
17 #这种情况是函数的返回值并没有在$?显示出来

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 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test2.sh
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 function f2 {
 4      read -p "Pleas enter a value: "  value
 5      echo $[ $value*2 ]
 6 }
 7 result=$(f2)
 8 echo "The reuslt is $result"
 9 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test2.sh
10 Pleas enter a value: 3
11 The reuslt is 6
12 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$

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2.  在函数中使用变量



 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test1.sh
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 function f1 {
 4     echo $1
 5 }
 6 #value=$(f1 $1)
 7 value=$(f1)
 8 echo "the new value is $value"
11 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test1.sh
12 the new value is
13 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test1.sh 3
14 the new value is
15 #脚本中在调用函数时没有使用$1

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 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test1.sh
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 function f1 {
 4     echo $1
 5 }
 6 value=$(f1 $1)
 7 #value=$(f1)
 8 echo "the new value is $value"
11 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test1.sh
12 the new value is
13 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test1.sh 3
14 the new value is 3
15 #在函数调用时采用了$1传入参数

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 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat htest.sh
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 function f1{
 4 temp=$[ $value + 5 ]
 5 result=$[ $temp * 2 ]
 6 }
 7 temp=4
 8 value=6
 9 f1
10 echo "The result is $result"
11 if [ $temp -gt $value ]
12 then
13     echo "temp is larger"
14 else
15     echo "temp is smaller"
16 fi
19 ./htest.sh
20 The result is 22
21 temp is larger
22 如果在temp前面加了local,输出为:
23 The result is 22
24 temp is smaller

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3. 数组变量和函数



 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test1.sh
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 function f1 {
 4    local newarry
 5    newarry=(echo $@)
 6    echo "The new arry value is:  ${newarry[*]}"
 7 }
 8 myarry=(1 2 3 4 5)
 9 echo "The original array is ${myarry[*]}"
10 #f1 ${myarry[*]}
11 f1 $myarry
12 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test1.sh
13 The original array is 1 2 3 4 5
14 The new arry value is:  echo 1
15 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 

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 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test1.sh
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 function f1 {
 4    local newarry
 5    newarry=(echo $@)
 6    echo "The new arry value is:  ${newarry[*]}"
 7 }
 8 myarry=(1 2 3 4 5)
 9 echo "The original array is ${myarry[*]}"
10 f1 ${myarry[*]}
11 #f1 $myarry
12 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test1.sh
13 The original array is 1 2 3 4 5
14 The new arry value is:  echo 1 2 3 4 5
15 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 

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参考博客: https://blog.csdn.net/guizaijianchic/article/details/78012179

 4. 函数递归

比如计算4的阶乘    x!=x*(x-1)!

 1 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ cat test1.sh
 2 #!/bin/bash
 3 function f {
 4      if [ $1 -eq 1 ]
 5      then
 6          echo 1
 7      else
 8          local temp=$[ $1-1 ]
 9          local result=$(f $temp)
10          echo $[ $result*$1 ]
11      fi
12 }
13 read -p "Please enter a value:  " value
14 result=$(f $value)
15 echo "The final result is: $result"
16 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ bash test1.sh
17 Please enter a value:  4
18 The final result is: 24
19 [Hermioner@localhost Documents]$ 

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5. 创建库


1 [Hermioner@localhost ~]$ bash testfile
2 the result is 25
3 [Hermioner@localhost ~]$ cat testfile
4 #!/bin/bash
5 source /home/Hermioner/Documents/myfuncs
6 result=$(addem 10 15)
7 echo "the result is $result"

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