
<?phpclass FormatDate
{var $theTime;function FormatDate($string){//Set constructor$this->theTime = $string;}//Returns numerical dayfunction Day()     {   return date("j", $this->theTime); }//Returns weekdayfunction WeekDay()     {   return date("l", $this->theTime); }//Returns full monthfunction Month()    {   return date("F", $this->theTime); }//Returns short-hand monthfunction MonthShort()     {   return date("M", $this->theTime); }//Numeric for monthfunction MonthNum()  {   return date("n", $this->theTime); }//Full 4 digit yearfunction YearFull()  {   return date("Y", $this->theTime); }//Short 2 digit yearfunction Year()     {   return date("y", $this->theTime); }//24 Hr with Secondsfunction MilitaryFull() {   return date("G:i:s", $this->theTime); }//24 Hr without Secondsfunction Military()  {   return date("G:i", $this->theTime); }//Standard with secondsfunction StandardFull()    {   return date("g:i:s a", $this->theTime); }//Standard without secondsfunction Standard() {   return date("g:i a", $this->theTime); }//Date & Month & Year Fullfunction TextDate()   {   $string = $this->Month()." ".$this->Day()." ".$this->YearFull();return $string;}//Date & Month & Year Shorthandfunction TextDateShort(){  $string = $this->MonthShort()." ".$this->Day()." ".$this->Year();return $string;}//Numerical Date & Month & Yearfunction NumDate()    {   $string = $this->MonthNum()."/".$this->Day()."/".$this->YearFull();return $string;}//Numerical Date & Month & Year Shorthandfunction NumDateShort()   {   $string = $this->MonthNum()."/".$this->Day()."/".$this->Year();return $string;}//Month & Day Fullfunction MonthDay()  {   $string = $this->Month()." ".$this->Day();return $string;}//Month & Day Shortfunction MonthDayShort(){ $string = $this->MonthShort()." ".$this->Day();return $string;}function TimeSince($old_stamp) {$difference = $this->theTime - $old_stamp;$loop = true;while($loop) {if(round($difference/3153600, 2) >= 1) { return "Over a year..."; }elseif(round($difference/2592000, 2) >= 2) { return "Over ".round($difference/2592000,0)." months ago..."; } elseif(round($difference/2592000, 2) >= 1.20) { return "Over a month ago..."; }elseif(round($difference/604800, 2) >= 2) { return "Over ".round($difference/604800,0)." weeks ago.."; }elseif(round($difference/604800, 2) >= 1.20) { return "Over a week ago.."; }elseif(round($difference/86400, 2) >= 1.9) { return "Over a few days ago...";}elseif(round($difference/3600, 2) >= 3) { return "Just a few hours ago.."; }elseif(round($difference/3600, 2) >= 8) { return "About half a day ago..."; }elseif(round($difference/3600, 2) < 1) { return "Less than an hour ago..."; }elseif(round($difference/86400, 2) < 1.9) { return "About a day ago..."; }elseif(round($difference/86400, 2) < 6 ) { return "Less than a week ago..."; }elseif(round($difference/604800, 2) < 1.20) { return "About a week ago.."; }elseif(round($difference/2592000, 2) < 1.20) { return "About a month ago..."; }else{ return "Error"; }$loop = false;}      }


$date = new FormatDate(time());echo $date->Day().'<br>';
// 2echo $date->WeekDay().'<br>';
// Tuesdayecho $date->Month().'<br>';
// Augustecho $date->MonthShort().'<br>';
// Augecho $date->MonthNum().'<br>';
// 8echo $date->YearFull().'<br>';
// 2011echo $date->Year().'<br>';
// 11echo $date->MilitaryFull().'<br>';
// 9:08:40echo $date->Military().'<br>';
// 9:08echo $date->StandardFull().'<br>';
// 9:08:40 amecho $date->Standard().'<br>';
// 9:08 amecho $date->TextDate().'<br>';
// August 2 2011echo $date->TextDateShort().'<br>';
// Aug 2 11echo $date->NumDate().'<br>';
// 8/2/2011echo $date->NumDateShort().'<br>';
// 8/2/11echo $date->MonthDay().'<br>';
// August 2echo $date->MonthDayShort().'<br>';
// Aug 2echo $date->TimeSince(time()).'<br>';
// Less than an hour ago...

DateFormat Class Documentation

Initialize Class
$date = new FormatDate(time());

Numerical Day

Text Day

Month (Full)

Month (Short)

Month (Numerical)

Year (Full)

Year (Short)

Military (Seconds)

Military (No seconds)

Standard (Full)


Text Date (Full)

Text Date (Short)

Numerical Date (Full)

Numerical Date (Short)

Month and Day (Full)

Month and Day (Short)

Time Since

格式: http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php

format character Description Example returned values
Day --- ---
d Day of the month, 2 digits with leading zeros 01 to 31
D A textual representation of a day, three letters Mon through Sun
j Day of the month without leading zeros 1 to 31
l (lowercase 'L') A full textual representation of the day of the week Sunday through Saturday
N ISO-8601 numeric representation of the day of the week (added in PHP 5.1.0) 1 (for Monday) through 7 (for Sunday)
S English ordinal suffix for the day of the month, 2 characters st , nd , rd or th . Works well with j
w Numeric representation of the day of the week 0 (for Sunday) through 6 (for Saturday)
z The day of the year (starting from 0) 0 through 365
Week --- ---
W ISO-8601 week number of year, weeks starting on Monday (added in PHP 4.1.0) Example: 42 (the 42nd week in the year)
Month --- ---
F A full textual representation of a month, such as January or March January through December
m Numeric representation of a month, with leading zeros 01 through 12
M A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jan through Dec
n Numeric representation of a month, without leading zeros 1 through 12
t Number of days in the given month 28 through 31
Year --- ---
L Whether it's a leap year 1 if it is a leap year, 0 otherwise.
o ISO-8601 year number. This has the same value as Y , except that if the ISO week number (W ) belongs to the previous or next year, that year is used instead. (added in PHP 5.1.0) Examples: 1999 or 2003
Y A full numeric representation of a year, 4 digits Examples: 1999 or 2003
y A two digit representation of a year Examples: 99 or 03
Time --- ---
a Lowercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem am or pm
A Uppercase Ante meridiem and Post meridiem AM or PM
B Swatch Internet time 000 through 999
g 12-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 1 through 12
G 24-hour format of an hour without leading zeros 0 through 23
h 12-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 01 through 12
H 24-hour format of an hour with leading zeros 00 through 23
i Minutes with leading zeros 00 to 59
s Seconds, with leading zeros 00 through 59
u Microseconds (added in PHP 5.2.2) Example: 654321
Timezone --- ---
e Timezone identifier (added in PHP 5.1.0) Examples: UTC , GMT , Atlantic/Azores
I (capital i) Whether or not the date is in daylight saving time 1 if Daylight Saving Time, 0 otherwise.
O Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) in hours Example: +0200
P Difference to Greenwich time (GMT) with colon between hours and minutes (added in PHP 5.1.3) Example: +02:00
T Timezone abbreviation Examples: EST , MDT ...
Z Timezone offset in seconds. The offset for timezones west of UTC is always negative, and for those east of UTC is always positive. -43200 through 50400
Full Date/Time --- ---
c ISO 8601 date (added in PHP 5) 2004-02-12T15:19:21+00:00
r » RFC 2822 formatted date Example: Thu, 21 Dec 2000 16:01:07 +0200
U Seconds since the Unix Epoch (January 1 1970 00:00:00 GMT) See also time()

Unrecognized characters in the format string will be printed as-is. The Z format will always return 0 when using gmdate() .

Note :

Since this function only accepts integer timestamps the u format character is only useful when using the date_format() function with user based timestamps created with date_create() .


The optional timestamp parameter is an integer Unix timestamp that defaults to the current local time if a timestamp is not given. In other words, it defaults to the value of time() .

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