GDB watch的使用
rtoax 2021年3月


1. 准备工作

先看一眼gdb watch帮助信息:

Set a watchpoint for an expression.
Usage: watch [-l|-location] EXPRESSION
A watchpoint stops execution of your program whenever the value of
an expression changes.
If -l or -location is given, this evaluates EXPRESSION and watches
the memory to which it refers.

为了详细表述GDB watch的使用,首先给出一个简单的demo(为清晰,删除log部分代码,完整代码见文末):

#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>#define NR_CELLS 8
#define NR_VTY  NR_CELLSstruct cell_struct {int id;char name[60];
};struct vty_struct {int id;int task_id;int sock_id;char name[60];
};static struct cell_struct *my_cells = NULL;
static struct vty_struct *my_vty = NULL;void* test_task_fn(void* unused)
{struct cell_struct *new_cells = malloc(sizeof(struct cell_struct)*NR_CELLS);struct vty_struct *new_vtys = malloc(sizeof(struct vty_struct)*NR_VTY);my_cells = new_cells;    //保存内存引用my_vty = new_vtys;       //保存内存引用pthread_exit(NULL);
}int main ()
{pthread_t thread_id;pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, test_task_fn, NULL);pthread_join(thread_id, NULL);/* `my_cells` 将越界,写坏 `my_vty` */memset(&my_cells[NR_CELLS], 0x0, sizeof(struct cell_struct)*4);memset(&my_vty[0], 0xff, sizeof(struct vty_struct));return 0;


gcc clobber.c  -pthread -g -o clobber.out




    /* `my_cells` 将越界,写坏 `my_vty` */memset(&my_cells[NR_CELLS], 0x0, sizeof(struct cell_struct)*4);

但是,这在程序运行过程中是不显示任何错误信息。接下来使用gdb watch对这个程序进行调试。

2. gdb watch


$ gdb --quiet clobber.out


(gdb) break test_task_fn


(gdb) run
Breakpoint 1, test_task_fn (unused=0x0) at clobber.c:28
28      struct cell_struct *new_cells = malloc(sizeof(struct cell_struct)*NR_CELLS);
(gdb) step
29      struct vty_struct *new_vtys = malloc(sizeof(struct vty_struct)*NR_VTY);
31      my_cells = new_cells;    //保存内存引用
32      my_vty = new_vtys;       //保存内存引用
33      pthread_exit(NULL);


(gdb) p my_vty[0].task_id
$1 = 0
(gdb) p &my_vty[0].task_id
$2 = (int *) 0x7ffff0000ad4


(gdb) watch *0x7ffff0000ad4
Hardware watchpoint 2: *0x7ffff0000ad4


(gdb) c
Old value = 65332
New value = 0
0x00007ffff788098a in __memset_sse2 () from /usr/lib64/
Missing separate debuginfos, use: debuginfo-install libgcc-4.8.5-39.el7.x86_64


(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff788098a in __memset_sse2 () from /usr/lib64/
#1  0x0000000000400b54 in main () at clobber.c:89


    /* 将 越界,写坏 `my_vty` */memset(&my_cells[NR_CELLS], 0x0, sizeof(struct cell_struct)*4);


    memset(&my_vty[0], 0xff, sizeof(struct vty_struct));

不过也会被gdb watch捕获:

(gdb) c
Hardware watchpoint 2: *0x7ffff0000ad4Old value = 0
New value = -1
0x00007ffff7880979 in __memset_sse2 () from /usr/lib64/
(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007ffff7880979 in __memset_sse2 () from /usr/lib64/
#1  0x0000000000400b77 in main () at clobber.c:94
(gdb) c

3. 完成代码

/*** 测试 gdb watch 调试* * (gdb) watch * [addr]* * 作者:荣涛* 日期:2021年3月30日*/
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <string.h>#define NR_CELLS 8
#define NR_VTY  NR_CELLSstruct cell_struct {int id;char name[60];
};struct vty_struct {int id;int task_id;int sock_id;char name[60];
};static struct cell_struct *my_cells = NULL;
static struct vty_struct *my_vty = NULL;static void set_cell(struct cell_struct *cell, int id, char *name) {assert(cell && "set_cell: Cell is NULL.");cell->id = id;snprintf(cell->name, sizeof(cell->name), "%s:%d", name, id);
static void set_vty(struct vty_struct *vty, int id, char *name) {assert(vty && "set_vty: VTY is NULL.");vty->id = id;vty->task_id = 0xff33 + id;  //创建进程vty->sock_id = 0xee44 + id;  //创建 socketsnprintf(vty->name, sizeof(vty->name), "%s:%d", name, id);
void show_cells() {assert(my_cells && "show_cells: Cell is NULL.");int i;for(i=0; i< 8; i++) { printf("%4d - %s\n", my_cells[i].id, my_cells[i].name);}
void show_vtys() {printf("--------------------------------\n");assert(my_vty && "show_vtys: VTY is NULL.");int i;for(i=0; i< 8; i++) { printf("%4d - %s, %x, %x\n", my_vty[i].id, my_vty[i].name, my_vty[i].task_id, my_vty[i].sock_id);}
}void* test_task_fn(void* unused)
{printf("new thread.\n"); struct cell_struct *new_cells = malloc(sizeof(struct cell_struct)*NR_CELLS);struct vty_struct *new_vtys = malloc(sizeof(struct vty_struct)*NR_VTY);int i;for(i=0; i<NR_CELLS; i++) {set_cell(&new_cells[i], i+1, "cell");}my_cells = new_cells;for(i=0; i<NR_VTY; i++) {set_vty(&new_vtys[i], i+1, "vty");}my_vty = new_vtys;pthread_exit(NULL);
}/* The main program. */
int main ()
{pthread_t thread_id;pthread_create(&thread_id, NULL, test_task_fn, NULL);pthread_join(thread_id, NULL);printf("task exit.\n");show_vtys();/* 将 越界,写坏 `my_vty` */memset(&my_cells[NR_CELLS], 0x0, sizeof(struct cell_struct)*4);//    show_cells();show_vtys();memset(&my_vty[0], 0xff, sizeof(struct vty_struct));show_vtys();printf("Exit program.\n");return 0;

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