#include <stdio.h>  #define N 501int rescue[N] = {1,2,1,5,3};
int startP,endP;
int res[N] = {0};
int dist[N];//距离值
int path[N]={0};
int size=0;
int vex[N][N]={0};
int visit[N]={0};
int max[N]={0};  void DFS(int start, int end){   int j,i = start;if(start == end){//找到或没找到return;} else {for(j=0;j<size;j++){if(vex[i][j] != 0 && visit[j] == 0){visit[j] = 1;
//              path[j] = path[i];if(dist[j] == dist[i] + vex[i][j]){path[j]++;res[j] = res[i] + rescue[j];if(res[j] > max[j]) {max[j] = res[j];} else{res[j] = max[j];}}if(dist[j] > dist[i] + vex[i][j]){dist[j] = dist[i] + vex[i][j];path[j] = 1;res[j] = res[i] + rescue[j];max[j] = res[j];}DFS(j, end);visit[j] = 0;//res[end] +=rescue[i];}}}
void init(){ int n,pCount; int i; scanf("%d %d %d %d",&n, &pCount, &startP, &endP); size = n; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ scanf("%d", &rescue[i]); } int r,c,value; for(i=0;i<pCount;i++){ scanf("%d %d %d", &r, &c, &value); vex[r][c] = vex[c][r] = value; }for(i=0;i<N;i++){dist[i] = 1000000;}visit[startP] = 1;  dist[startP] = 0;  path[startP] = 1;max[startP] = res[startP] = rescue[startP];DFS(startP, endP);
*/void init(){  int i,n,pCount;startP=0;endP=4;n=5;  size = n;  pCount=7;
//  rescue[size] = {1,2,1,5,3};  vex[0][1] = vex[1][0] = 1;  vex[0][2] = vex[2][0] = 2;  vex[0][3] = vex[3][0] = 1;  vex[1][2] = vex[2][1] = 1;vex[2][4] = vex[4][2] = 1;  vex[3][4] = vex[4][3] = 2;  for(i=0;i<N;i++){dist[i] = 1000000;}visit[startP] = 1;  dist[startP] = 0;  path[startP] = 1;max[startP] = res[startP] = rescue[startP];DFS(startP, endP);
}  int main(){  init();  //  printf("%d", vex[399][499]);  printf("%d %d", path[endP], max[endP]);return 0;


#include <stdio.h>  #define N 501  int rescue[N];
int res[N]={0};
int dist[N]={0};//距离值
int pred[N]={-1};//前驱
int path[N]={0};
int size=0;
int queue[N+1]={-1};
int vex[N][N]={0};
int visit[N]={0};  void updateRes(int pre){
//  printf("hello1---[%d]\n", pre);int i;if(pre != -1){for(i=0;i<size;i++){if(pred[i] == pre && i != pre){printf("hello");res[i] = res[pre] + rescue[i];updateRes(i);}}if(i == size) updateRes(-1);} else {return;}
}void BFS(int start, int end){  //队列头尾指针  int front=0,rear=0;  queue[++rear]=start;  visit[start] = 1;dist[start] = 0;path[start] = 1;res[start] = rescue[start];int i,j;  while(front!=rear){  i = queue[++front];  for(j=0;j<size;j++){  if(vex[i][j] != 0){  if(visit[j] == 0){  queue[++rear] = j;  dist[j] = dist[i] + vex[i][j];  path[j] = path[i];res[j] = res[i] + rescue[j];visit[j] = 1;  pred[j] = i;  }else { if(j!=start && j != pred[j]){  if(dist[j] == dist[i] + vex[i][j]){if(res[j] < res[i] + rescue[j]){res[j] = res[i] + rescue[j];pred[j] = i;updateRes(j);}path[j]++;}if(dist[j] > dist[i] + vex[i][j]) {  dist[j] = dist[i] + vex[i][j];  res[j] = res[i] + rescue[j];  pred[j] = i;  path[j] = 1;  updateRes(j);}    }  }  }  }  }
}  void init(){ int n,pCount,startP,endP; int i; scanf("%d %d %d %d",&n, &pCount, &startP, &endP); size = n; for(i=0;i<n;i++){ scanf("%d", &rescue[i]); } int r,c,value; for(i=0;i<pCount;i++){ scanf("%d %d %d", &r, &c, &value); vex[r][c] = vex[c][r] = value; } BFS(startP, endP); printf("%d %d", path[endP], res[endP]);
} void init(){  int n,pCount,startP=0,endP=5;  int i;  n=6;  size = n;  pCount=6;
//  rescue[size] = {1,2,1,5,3};  int r,c,value;  vex[0][1] = vex[1][0] = 1;  vex[0][2] = vex[2][0] = 3;  vex[2][3] = vex[3][2] = 1;  vex[1][2] = vex[2][1] = 1;  vex[2][4] = vex[4][2] = 1;  vex[4][5] = vex[5][4] = 1;  BFS(startP, endP);  printf("%d %d", path[endP], res[endP]);
}  int main(){  init();  return 0;


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