前言:由CJ大哥以官方文档,对Carla Scenario Runner的探索,通过ros-bridge搭起的;如果不走ros-bridge可以尝试leaderboard那边。但其实如果真的做商业的算法测试,建议使用商业仿真的平台,以小钱钱能够搞定的事,就别 人继续探索了,Carla我觉得还是适合个人学习使用,采采数据 用用ground truth做初步验证,没有实车的时候 开开车啥的。

Scenario Runner是Carla仿真器里自带的一些场景测试,主要用来测试自身的算法,可以进行单元测试,也可以进行整体的测试等,以下为参考官方的文档,CJ大哥探索后写的中文版

1. 安装

1.1 下载:注意需要下载对应carla版本的Scenario Runner (SR)

Releases · carla-simulator/scenario_runner

1.2 安装依赖: 建议使用conda环境

cd xxx/scenario_runner-0.9.11#Python 2.x
sudo apt remove python-networkx #if installed, remove old version of networkx
pip2 install --user -r requirements.txt
#Python 3.x
sudo apt remove python3-networkx #if installed, remove old version of networkx
pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

1.3 添加环境变量

export CARLA_ROOT=/path/to/your/carla/installation
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:${CARLA_ROOT}/PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-<VERSION>.egg:${CARLA_ROOT}/PythonAPI/carla/agents:${CARLA_ROOT}/PythonAPI/carla
export SCENARIO_RUNNER_PATH=<path_to_scenario_runner>

2. 运行 SR example

python scenario_runner.py --scenario FollowLeadingVehicle_1 --reloadWorld
python manual_control.py

这只是相当于生成了world环境,车辆控制还需要运行自己的程序调用carla pythonAPI 进行控制

python scenario_runner.py --list


python scenario_runner.py --scenario group:FollowLeadingVehicle


  • List of scenarios

    The scenario realizes a common driving behavior, in which the user-controlled ego vehicle follows a leading car driving down a given road in Town01. At some point the leading car slows down and finally stops. The ego vehicle has to react accordingly to avoid a collision. The scenario ends either via a timeout, or if the ego vehicle stopped close enough to the leading vehicle

    This scenario is very similar to ‘FollowLeadingVehicle’. The only difference is, that in front of the leading vehicle is a (hidden) obstacle that blocks the way.

    In this scenario the ego vehicle takes a right turn from an intersection where a cyclist suddenly drives into the way of the ego vehicle,which has to stop accordingly. After some time, the cyclist clears the road, such that ego vehicle can continue driving.

    This scenario is similar to ‘VehicleTurningRight’. The difference is that the ego vehicle takes a left turn from an intersection.

    In this scenario an illegal behavior at an intersection is tested. An other vehicle waits at an intersection, but illegally runs a red traffic light. The approaching ego vehicle has to handle this situation correctly, i.e. despite of a green traffic light, it has to stop and wait until the intersection is clear again. Afterwards, it should continue driving.

    In this scenario a cyclist is stationary waiting in the middle of the road and blocking the way for the ego vehicle. Hence, the ego vehicle has to stop in front of the cyclist.

    This is similar to ‘StationaryObjectCrossing’, but with the difference that the cyclist is dynamic. It suddenly drives into the way of the ego vehicle, which has to stop accordingly. After some time, the cyclist will clear the road, such that the ego vehicle can continue driving.

    This scenario tests negotiation between two vehicles crossing cross each other through a junction without signal. The ego vehicle is passing through a junction without traffic lights And encounters another vehicle passing across the junction. The ego vehicle has to avoid collision and navigate across the junction to succeed.

    In this scenario control loss of a vehicle is tested due to bad road conditions, etc and it checks whether the vehicle is regained its control and corrected its course.

    In this scenario vehicle is passing another vehicle in a rural area, in daylight, under clear weather conditions, at a non-junction and encroaches into another vehicle traveling in the opposite direction.

    The scenario realizes a common driving behavior, in which the user-controlled ego vehicle follows a leading car driving down a given road. At some point the leading car has to decelerate. The ego vehicle has to react accordingly by changing lane to avoid a collision and follow the leading car in other lane. The scenario ends via timeout, or if the ego vehicle drives certain distance.

    In this scenario right turn of hero actor without collision at signalized intersection is tested. Hero Vehicle is turning right in an urban area, at a signalized intersection and turns into the same direction of another vehicle crossing straight initially from a lateral direction.

    In this scenario hero vehicle is turning left in an urban area, at a signalized intersection and cuts across the path of another vehicle coming straight crossing from an opposite direction.


python scenario_runner.py --scenario <scenario_name> --record <path/to/save/the/recorder/file>
client.replay_file("recording01.log", start, duration, camera)

3. 场景设置

SR 有两种模式,一种是继承基类自己写脚本,还没试过,详见官方doc

Create a new scenario - CARLA ScenarioRunner


OpenSCENARIO support - CARLA ScenarioRunner

4. 使用carla ros_bridge启动 SR



运行demo (跟车场景)

roslaunch carla_ad_demo carla_ad_demo_with_scenario.launch

点击左下角的 Excute 就会开始场景

不想用carla的demo agent的话可以参考上面的launch文件,将agent改成自己的程序

5. 已知问题

  1. ros_bridge里通过process在新进程里启动SR,导致新进程貌似不会自动activate conda的环境,我是自己在系统python里也装了依赖才能正常启动,更好的解决方法有待探索

    update: 好像发现了原因, 但是还需看看怎么添加conda的环境变量

  2. unicode错误,已在master分支解决,旧版本需要自己改一下

  3. xosc文件里 ScenarioObject的name需要和carla设置的一致, 比如你是ego_vehicle 就需要改成ego_vehicle

  4. ros_bridge目前貌似只支持了OpenSCENARIO的文件格式,python方式有待日后更新

    Support python scenario in carla_ros_scenario_runner by jeonghoahn42 · Pull Request #396 · carla-simulator/ros-bridge

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