Route -> service -> upstream -> target
Route -> service
upstream 是对上游服务器的抽象;target 代表了一个物理服务,是 ip + port 的抽象;service 是抽象层面的服务,他可以直接映射到一个物理服务(host 指向 ip + port),也可以指向一个 upstream 来做到负载均衡;route 是路由的抽象,他负责将实际的 request 映射到 service。 他们的关系如下 upstream 和 target :1 对 n service 和 upstream :1 对 1 或 1 对 0 (service 也可以直接指向具体的 target,相当于不做负载均衡) service 和 route:1 对 n

Route 路由

“id”: “51e77dc2-8f3e-4afa-9d0e-0e3bbbcfd515”,
“created_at”: 1422386534,
“updated_at”: 1422386534,
“name”: “my-route”,路由名字
“protocols”: [“http”, “https”], 此路由允许的协议,取值http或https
“methods”: [“GET”, “POST”], 此路由允许的方法
“hosts”: [“example.com”, “foo.test”], 此路由允许的域名
“paths”: ["/foo", “/bar”],匹配的路径
“https_redirect_status_code”: 426,
“regex_priority”: 0, 匹配优先级。优先级一样使用最新的
“strip_path”: true, 当通过其中一个路径匹配路由时,从上游请求URL中除去匹配前缀。匹配到path时,是否删除匹配到的前缀。
“preserve_host”: false, Route将请求代理给Service时,默认将请求头中的host修改为Route中配置的host,如果不希望这样,可以设置preserve_host,使用原始请求头中的host。
“tags”: [“user-level”, “low-priority”],
“service”: {“id”:“fc73f2af-890d-4f9b-8363-af8945001f7f”}}

Service 服务
服务,如果不需要负载均衡可以直接指定路径和url即可。可以不是Upstream的名字,可以是一个外部的域名,做DNS平衡(里面有坑,转发会在后面加主机名,导致转发不成功,具体参考官方文档DNS-based loadbalancing),这样请求直接被转发给外部。
在服务对象中,能组合起来成为上游服务也是唯一的,也就是说,在一个服务中无法同时存在 http和https,如果上游提供http和https服务,同时也需要Kong代理它们的话,那必须要设置两个服务。

“id”: “9748f662-7711-4a90-8186-dc02f10eb0f5”,
“created_at”: 1422386534,
“updated_at”: 1422386534,
“name”: “my-service”,如果在创建服务的时候没有指定name,那么Kong并不会自动创建name,但是会创建UUID形式的ID,Kong在调用、匹配等等的操作都是可以基于这个ID,所以这个ID绝对是全局唯一的。

"retries": 5, 代理失败时要执行的重试次数

“protocol”: “http”,和上游通讯的协议取值http或https
“host”: “example.com”,上游服务器的主机
“port”: 80, 上游服务器的端口
“path”: “/some_api”,上游服务器请求中的路径,必须以/开头
“connect_timeout”: 60000, 与上游连接的超时时间,单位毫秒
“write_timeout”: 60000, 向上游发送请求两次连续写操作的超时时间 ,单位毫秒
“read_timeout”: 60000, 用于向上游服务器发送请求的两次连续读取操作之间的超时 ,单位毫秒
“tags”: [“user-level”, “low-priority”]}

Upstream 负载均衡
Target可以通过admin api进行增加、删除,变更target的开销很小,upstream变更的开销比较大,因为涉及到slot的重新分配。
负载均衡算法默认是带有权重的轮询(weighted-round-robin ),除此之外还可使用hash的方式,hash的输入可以是:none(不使用hash的方式), consumer, ip, header, cookie。

“id”: “91020192-062d-416f-a275-9addeeaffaf2”,
“created_at”: 1422386534,
“name”: “my-upstream”,
“hash_on”: “none”,
“hash_fallback”: “none”,
“hash_on_cookie_path”: “/”,
“slots”: 10000,
“healthchecks”: {
“active”: {
“https_verify_certificate”: true,
“unhealthy”: {
“http_statuses”: [429, 404, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505],
“tcp_failures”: 0,
“timeouts”: 0,秒,默认1秒
“http_failures”: 0,
“interval”: 0 秒。默认0.
“http_path”: “/”,
“timeout”: 1, 秒
“healthy”: {
“http_statuses”: [200, 302],
“interval”: 0,
“successes”: 0
“https_sni”: “example.com”,
“concurrency”: 10,
“type”: “http”
“passive”: {
“unhealthy”: {
“http_failures”: 0,
“http_statuses”: [429, 500, 503],
“tcp_failures”: 0,
“timeouts”: 0
“type”: “http”,
“healthy”: {
“successes”: 0,默认为0,
“http_statuses”: [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308]
“tags”: [“user-level”, “low-priority”]}
Target 后端服务器

“id”: “a3ad71a8-6685-4b03-a101-980a953544f6”,
“created_at”: 1422386534,
“upstream”: {“id”:“b87eb55d-69a1-41d2-8653-8d706eecefc0”},
“target”: “example.com:8000”,
“weight”: 100,
“tags”: [“user-level”, “low-priority”]}
Consumer 消费者
“id”: “127dfc88-ed57-45bf-b77a-a9d3a152ad31”,
“created_at”: 1422386534,
“username”: “my-username”,
“custom_id”: “my-custom-id”,
“tags”: [“user-level”, “low-priority”]

Certificate 证书
“id”: “ce44eef5-41ed-47f6-baab-f725cecf98c7”,
“created_at”: 1422386534,
“cert”: “-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----…”,
“key”: “-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----…”,
“tags”: [“user-level”, “low-priority”]
“id”: “7fca84d6-7d37-4a74-a7b0-93e576089a41”,
“name”: “my-sni”,
“created_at”: 1422386534,
“tags”: [“user-level”, “low-priority”],
“certificate”: {“id”:“d044b7d4-3dc2-4bbc-8e9f-6b7a69416df6”}

修改使用 PATCH
创建使用 POST方法.添加
删除使用 DELETE 方法
Delete 永远是204,不管是否成功。删完注意检查一下路由。
/status 获取系统状态信息
/services?tags=example,admin 查询服务tags同时为example和admin
/services?tags=example/admin 查询服务tags为example或admin。

List All Tags
List Entity Ids by Tag

Service Object

Request Body
optional The Service name.
optional The number of retries to execute upon failure to proxy. Defaults to 5.
protocol The protocol used to communicate with the upstream. It can be one of http or https. Defaults to “http”.
host The host of the upstream server.
port The upstream server port. Defaults to 80.
optional The path to be used in requests to the upstream server.
optional The timeout in milliseconds for establishing a connection to the upstream server. Defaults to 60000.
optional The timeout in milliseconds between two successive write operations for transmitting a request to the upstream server. Defaults to 60000.
optional The timeout in milliseconds between two successive read operations for transmitting a request to the upstream server. Defaults to 60000.
optional An optional set of strings associated with the Service, for grouping and filtering.
shorthand-attribute Shorthand attribute to set protocol, host, port and path at once. This attribute is write-only (the Admin API never “returns” the url).
Inserts (or replaces) the Service under the requested resource with the definition specified in the body. The Service will be identified via the name or id attribute.
When the name or id attribute has the structure of a UUID, the Service being inserted/replaced will be identified by its id. Otherwise it will be identified by its name.
When creating a new Service without specifying id (neither in the URL nor in the body), then it will be auto-generated.
Notice that specifying a name in the URL and a different one in the request body is not allowed.
HTTP 201 Created or HTTP 200 OK

List All Services
Retrieve Service
/services/{name or id}
/routes/{route name or id}/service
/plugins/{plugin id}/service
Create Service
Update Service
/services/{name or id}
/routes/{route name or id}/service
/plugins/{plugin id}/service
Delete Service
/services/{name or id}
/routes/{route name or id}/service
/plugins/{plugin id}/service

Update Or Create Service
/services/{name or id}
/routes/{route name or id}/service
/plugins/{plugin id}/service

/services/{name or id}
name or id
required The unique identifier or the name of the Service to create or update

Create Or Update Service Associated to a Specific Route
/routes/{route name or id}/service
route name or id
required The unique identifier or the name of the Route associated to the Service to be created or updated

Create Or Update Service Associated to a Specific Plugin
/plugins/{plugin id}/service
plugin id
required The unique identifier of the Plugin a

Route Object
Request Body
optional The name of the Route.
protocols A list of the protocols this Route should allow. When set to [“https”], HTTP requests are answered with a request to upgrade to HTTPS. Defaults to [“http”, “https”].
semi-optional A list of HTTP methods that match this Route. When using http or httpsprotocols, at least one of hosts, paths, or methods must be set.
semi-optional A list of domain names that match this Route. When using http or httpsprotocols, at least one of hosts, paths, or methods must be set. With form-encoded, the notation is hosts[]=example.com&hosts[]=foo.test. With JSON, use an Array.
semi-optional A list of paths that match this Route. When using http or https protocols, at least one of hosts, paths, or methods must be set. With form-encoded, the notation is paths[]=/foo&paths[]=/bar. With JSON, use an Array.
https_redirect_status_code The status code Kong responds with when all properties of a Route match except the protocol i.e. if the protocol of the request is HTTP instead of HTTPS. Location header is injected by Kong if the field is set to 301, 302, 307 or 308. Defaults to 426.
optional A number used to choose which route resolves a given request when several routes match it using regexes simultaneously. When two routes match the path and have the same regex_priority, the older one (lowest created_at) is used. Note that the priority for non-regex routes is different (longer non-regex routes are matched before shorter ones). Defaults to 0.
optional When matching a Route via one of the paths, strip the matching prefix from the upstream request URL. Defaults to true.
optional When matching a Route via one of the hosts domain names, use the request Host header in the upstream request headers. If set to false, the upstream Host header will be that of the Service’s host.
semi-optional A list of SNIs that match this Route when using stream routing. When using tcp or tls protocols, at least one of snis, sources, or destinations must be set.
semi-optional A list of IP sources of incoming connections that match this Route when using stream routing. Each entry is an object with fields “ip” (optionally in CIDR range notation) and/or “port”. When using tcp or tls protocols, at least one of snis, sources, or destinations must be set.
semi-optional A list of IP destinations of incoming connections that match this Route when using stream routing. Each entry is an object with fields “ip” (optionally in CIDR range notation) and/or “port”. When using tcp or tls protocols, at least one of snis, sources, or destinations must be set.
optional An optional set of strings associated with the Route, for grouping and filtering.
optional The Service this Route is associated to. This is where the Route proxies traffic to. With form-encoded, the notation is service.id=<service_id>. With JSON, use “service”:{“id”:"<service_id>"}.
Inserts (or replaces) the Route under the requested resource with the definition specified in the body. The Route will be identified via the name or id attribute.
When the name or id attribute has the structure of a UUID, the Route being inserted/replaced will be identified by its id. Otherwise it will be identified by its name.
When creating a new Route without specifying id (neither in the URL nor in the body), then it will be auto-generated.
Notice that specifying a name in the URL and a different one in the request body is not allowed.

List Routes
/services/{service name or id}/routes
Retrieve Route
/routes/{name or id}
/plugins/{plugin id}/route
Add Route
/routes/{name or id}
/plugins/{plugin id}/route

Update Route
/routes/{name or id}
/plugins/{plugin id}/route

Delete Route
/routes/{name or id}
/plugins/{plugin id}/route

Update Or Create Route
/routes/{name or id}
/plugins/{plugin id}/route

Consumer Object
Request Body
semi-optional The unique username of the consumer. You must send either this field or custom_id with the request.
semi-optional Field for storing an existing unique ID for the consumer - useful for mapping Kong with users in your existing database. You must send either this field or username with the request.
optional An optional set of strings associated with the Consumer, for grouping and filtering.
Inserts (or replaces) the Consumer under the requested resource with the definition specified in the body. The Consumer will be identified via the username or id attribute.
When the username or id attribute has the structure of a UUID, the Consumer being inserted/replaced will be identified by its id. Otherwise it will be identified by its username.
When creating a new Consumer without specifying id (neither in the URL nor in the body), then it will be auto-generated.
Notice that specifying a username in the URL and a different one in the request body is not allowed.

List Consumers
Retrieve Consumer
/consumers/{username or id}
/plugins/{plugin id}/consumer
Add Consumer
Update Consumer
/consumers/{username or id}
/plugins/{plugin id}/consumer

Delete Consumer
/consumers/{username or id}

Update Or Create Consumer
/consumers/{username or id}
/plugins/{plugin id}/consumer

Target Object
Request Body
target The target address (ip or hostname) and port. If the hostname resolves to an SRV record, the portvalue will be overridden by the value from the DNS record.
optional The weight this target gets within the upstream loadbalancer (0-1000). If the hostname resolves to an SRV record, the weight value will be overridden by the value from the DNS record. Defaults to 100.
optional An optional set of strings associated with the Target, for grouping and filtering.
List All Targets
/upstreams/{name or id}/targets/all/
List Targets
/upstreams/{upstream host:port or id}/targets
Add Target
/upstreams/{upstream host:port or id}/targets
Delete Target
/upstreams/{upstream name or id}/targets/{host:port or id}
Set Target As Healthy
/upstreams/{upstream name or id}/targets/{target or id}/healthy
Set Target As Unhealthy
/upstreams/{upstream name or id}/targets/{target or id}/unhealthy
Upstream Object
Request Body
name This is a hostname, which must be equal to the host of a Service.
optional What to use as hashing input: none (resulting in a weighted-round-robin scheme with no hashing), consumer, ip, header, or cookie. Defaults to “none”.
optional What to use as hashing input if the primary hash_on does not return a hash (eg. header is missing, or no consumer identified). One of: none, consumer, ip, header, or cookie. Not available if hash_on is set to cookie. Defaults to “none”.
semi-optional The header name to take the value from as hash input. Only required when hash_on is set to header.
semi-optional The header name to take the value from as hash input. Only required when hash_fallback is set to header.
semi-optional The cookie name to take the value from as hash input. Only required when hash_on or hash_fallback is set to cookie. If the specified cookie is not in the request, Kong will generate a value and set the cookie in the response.
semi-optional The cookie path to set in the response headers. Only required when hash_on or hash_fallback is set to cookie. Defaults to “/”.
optional The number of slots in the loadbalancer algorithm (10-65536). Defaults to 10000.
optional Whether to check the validity of the SSL certificate of the remote host when performing active health checks using HTTPS. Defaults to true.
optional An array of HTTP statuses to consider a failure, indicating unhealthiness, when returned by a probe in active health checks. Defaults to [429, 404, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505]. With form-encoded, the notation is http_statuses[]=429&http_statuses[]=404. With JSON, use an Array.
optional Number of TCP failures in active probes to consider a target unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
optional Number of timeouts in active probes to consider a target unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
optional Number of HTTP failures in active probes (as defined by healthchecks.active.unhealthy.http_statuses) to consider a target unhealthy. Defaults to 0.
optional Interval between active health checks for unhealthy targets (in seconds). A value of zero indicates that active probes for unhealthy targets should not be performed. Defaults to 0.
optional Path to use in GET HTTP request to run as a probe on active health checks. Defaults to “/”.
optional Socket timeout for active health checks (in seconds). Defaults to 1.
optional An array of HTTP statuses to consider a success, indicating healthiness, when returned by a probe in active health checks. Defaults to [200, 302]. With form-encoded, the notation is http_statuses[]=200&http_statuses[]=302. With JSON, use an Array.
optional Interval between active health checks for healthy targets (in seconds). A value of zero indicates that active probes for healthy targets should not be performed. Defaults to 0.
optional Number of successes in active probes (as defined by healthchecks.active.healthy.http_statuses) to consider a target healthy. Defaults to 0.
optional The hostname to use as an SNI (Server Name Identification) when performing active health checks using HTTPS. This is particularly useful when Targets are configured using IPs, so that the target host’s certificate can be verified with the proper SNI.
optional Number of targets to check concurrently in active health checks. Defaults to 10.
optional Whether to perform active health checks using HTTP or HTTPS, or just attempt a TCP connection. Possible values are tcp, http or https. Defaults to “http”.
optional Number of HTTP failures in proxied traffic (as defined by healthchecks.passive.unhealthy.http_statuses) to consider a target unhealthy, as observed by passive health checks. Defaults to 0.
optional An array of HTTP statuses which represent unhealthiness when produced by proxied traffic, as observed by passive health checks. Defaults to [429, 500, 503]. With form-encoded, the notation is http_statuses[]=429&http_statuses[]=500. With JSON, use an Array.
optional Number of TCP failures in proxied traffic to consider a target unhealthy, as observed by passive health checks. Defaults to 0.
optional Number of timeouts in proxied traffic to consider a target unhealthy, as observed by passive health checks. Defaults to 0.
optional Whether to perform passive health checks interpreting HTTP/HTTPS statuses, or just check for TCP connection success. Possible values are tcp, http or https (in passive checks, http and https options are equivalent.). Defaults to “http”.
optional Number of successes in proxied traffic (as defined by healthchecks.passive.healthy.http_statuses) to consider a target healthy, as observed by passive health checks. Defaults to 0.
optional An array of HTTP statuses which represent healthiness when produced by proxied traffic, as observed by passive health checks. Defaults to [200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 226, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308]. With form-encoded, the notation is http_statuses[]=200&http_statuses[]=201. With JSON, use an Array.
optional An optional set of strings associated with the Upstream, for grouping and filtering.
Inserts (or replaces) the Upstream under the requested resource with the definition specified in the body. The Upstream will be identified via the name or id attribute.
When the name or id attribute has the structure of a UUID, the Upstream being inserted/replaced will be identified by its id. Otherwise it will be identified by its name.
When creating a new Upstream without specifying id (neither in the URL nor in the body), then it will be auto-generated.
Notice that specifying a name in the URL and a different one in the request body is not allowed.
List Upstreams
Retrieve Upstream
/upstreams/{name or id}
/targets/{target host:port or id}/upstream
Add Upstream
Update Upstream
/upstreams/{name or id}
/targets/{target host:port or id}/upstream
Delete Upstream
/upstreams/{name or id}
/targets/{target host:port or id}/upstream
Update Or Create Upstream
/upstreams/{name or id}
/targets/{target host:port or id}/upstream

Show Upstream Health for Node
/upstreams/{name or id}/health/

Plugin Object
Request Body
name The name of the Plugin that’s going to be added. Currently the Plugin must be installed in every Kong instance separately.
optional If set, the plugin will only activate when receiving requests via the specified route. Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the Route being used. Defaults to null. With form-encoded, the notation is route.id=<route_id>. With JSON, use “route”:{“id”:"<route_id>"}.
optional If set, the plugin will only activate when receiving requests via one of the routes belonging to the specified Service. Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the Service being matched. Defaults to null. With form-encoded, the notation is service.id=<service_id>. With JSON, use “service”:{“id”:"<service_id>"}.
optional If set, the plugin will activate only for requests where the specified has been authenticated. (Note that some plugins can not be restricted to consumers this way.). Leave unset for the plugin to activate regardless of the authenticated consumer. Defaults to null. With form-encoded, the notation is consumer.id=<consumer_id>. With JSON, use “consumer”:{“id”:"<consumer_id>"}.
optional The configuration properties for the Plugin which can be found on the plugins documentation page in the Kong Hub.

run_on Control on which Kong nodes this plugin will run, given a Service Mesh scenario. Accepted values are: * first, meaning “run on the first Kong node that is encountered by the request”. On an API Getaway scenario, this is the usual operation, since there is only one Kong node in between source and destination. In a sidecar-to-sidecar Service Mesh scenario, this means running the plugin only on the Kong sidecar of the outbound connection. * second, meaning “run on the second node that is encountered by the request”. This option is only relevant for sidecar-to-sidecar Service Mesh scenarios: this means running the plugin only on the Kong sidecar of the inbound connection. * all means “run on all nodes”, meaning both sidecars in a sidecar-to-sidecar scenario. This is useful for tracing/logging plugins. Defaults to “first”.
protocols A list of the request protocols that will trigger this plugin. Possible values are “http”, “https”, “tcp”, and “tls”. The default value, as well as the possible values allowed on this field, may change depending on the plugin type. For example, plugins that only work in stream mode will may only support “tcp” and “tls”. Defaults to [“http”, “https”].
optional Whether the plugin is applied. Defaults to true.
optional An optional set of strings associated with the Plugin
List Plugins
/routes/{route id}/plugins
/services/{service id}/plugins
/consumers/{consumer id}/plugins
Retrieve Plugin
/plugins/{plugin id}
Add Plugin
/routes/{route id}/plugins
/services/{service id}/plugins
/consumers/{consumer id}/plugins
Update Plugin
/plugins/{plugin id}
Delete Plugin
/plugins/{plugin id}
Update Or Create Plugin
/plugins/{plugin id}
Retrieve Enabled Plugins
Retrieve Plugin Schema
/plugins/schema/{plugin name}

Certificate Object
Request Body
cert PEM-encoded public certificate of the SSL key pair.
key PEM-encoded private key of the SSL key pair.
optional An optional set of strings associated with the Certificate, for grouping and filtering.
shorthand-attribute An array of zero or more hostnames to associate with this certificate as SNIs. This is a sugar parameter that will, under the hood, create an SNI object and associate it with this certificate for your convenience.

List Certificates
Add Certificate
Retrieve Certificate
/certificates/{certificate id}
Update Certificate
/certificates/{certificate id}
Delete Certificate
/certificates/{certificate id}

Update Or Create Certificate
/certificates/{certificate id}
SNI Object
Request Body
name The SNI name to associate with the given certificate.
optional An optional set of strings associated with the SNIs, for grouping and filtering.
certificate The id (a UUID) of the certificate with which to associate the SNI hostname With form-encoded, the notation is certificate.id=<certificate_id>. With JSON, use “certificate”:{“id”:"<certificate_id>"}.

/certificates/{certificate name or id}/snis
List SNIs
/certificates/{certificate name or id}/snis
Retrieve SNI
/snis/{name or id}
Update SNI
/snis/{name or id}
Update Or Create SNI
/snis/{name or id}
Delete SNI
/snis/{name or id}


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    全栈工程师开发手册 (作者:栾鹏) 架构系列文章 为什么使用API-Gateway 1. 方便客户端维护-- 每个请求方不用管理多个api url,统一访问api-gateway即可 2. 接口重构时 ...

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