instrument 概述

Instruments is a powerful and flexible performance-analysis and testing tool that’s part of the Xcode tool set. It’s designed to help you profile your iOS, watchOS, tvOS, and macOS apps, processes, and devices in order to better understand and optimize their behavior and performance. Incorporating Instruments into your workflow from the beginning of the app development process can save you time later by helping you find issues early in the development cycle.

In Instruments, you use specialized tools, known as instruments, to trace different aspects of your apps, processes, and devices over time. Instruments collects data as it profiles, and presents the results to you in detail for analysis.
Unlike other performance and debugging tools, Instruments allows you to gather widely disparate types of data and view them side by side. This makes it easier to identify trends that might otherwise be overlooked. For example, your app may exhibit large memory growth caused by multiple open network connections. By using the Allocations and Connections instruments together, you can identify connections that are not closing and thus resulting in rapid memory growth.
By using Instruments effectively, you can:

  • Examine the behavior of one or more apps or processes
  • Examine device-specific features, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
  • Perform profiling in a simulator or on a physical device
  • Track down problems in your source code
  • Conduct performance analysis on your app
  • Find memory problems in your app, such as leaks, abandoned memory, and zombies
  • Identify ways to optimize your app for greater power efficiency
  • Perform general system-level troubleshooting
  • Save instrument configurations as templates
    Although it’s embedded within and may be used with Xcode, Instruments is a separate app, which may be used independently as needed.

About the trace document

A trace document is used to organize and configure instruments for profiling, initiate data collection, and view and analyze the results. You create a new trace document by launching Instruments and choosing a profiling template or by initiating profiling from Xcode, the Dock, or the command line. You can also save and reopen trace documents in which you’ve configured instruments and collected data. A trace document can contain a lot of extremely detailed information, and this information is presented to you through a number of panes and areas.

The trace document includes the following main areas:
Toolbar: Allows you to start, pause, and stop data profiling, add instruments, hide and show panes, and more. See About the trace document toolbar.
Timeline pane: Displays a graphical summary of the data recorded for a given trace. See About the trace document timeline pane.
Detail pane: Shows detailed information about the data collected by the instruments in your trace document. See About the trace document detail pane.
Inspector pane: Contains summary information about the current data record and instrument specific extended detail. See About the trace document inspector pane.

About the trace document toolbar

The toolbar of the trace document lets you start, pause, and stop data profiling, add instruments, hide and show panes, and more.
The toolbar includes the following main elements:

  • Profiling controls: Allow you to record, pause, and stop data collection.
  • Target device list: Allows you to select the device on which you wish to profile.
  • Target process list: Allows you to select the process or processes to profile.
  • Activity viewer: Shows the number of runs for the trace document and the elapsed time of the current trace.
  • Add Instrument button (+): Shows or hides the instruments Library palette, which contains a complete list of available instruments. From here, you can select individual instruments and add them to your trace document.
  • View buttons (): Hide or show the detail pane and inspector.

About the trace document timeline pane

The timeline pane displays a graphical summary of the data recorded for a given trace. In this pane, each instrument, CPU core, or thread has its own “track,” which provides a graphical chart of the data collected.
Although this pane’s information is read-only, you can scroll through data, select specific areas for closer examination, and insert flags to highlight points of interest. You can change how graphical information is displayed here by adjusting the zoom level or by changing the display settings of individual instruments using the display configuration popover. An optional filter bar provides controls for filtering the data displayed by an instrument. For example, the Sampler instrument can filter the data by thread.
You can pin timelines to the bottom of the pane to keep important information visible as you investigate issues. For example, you can pin the Leaks instrument to the bottom of the pane, and then scroll through the other instruments to find the possible causes for a leak. Pinned instruments are not preserved between runs.

Strategy views
Click the strategy buttons in the filter bar to display instruments, CPU core, thread data, or all three items in the timeline.
** All** : Show data for instruments, threads, and CPUs in the timeline.
CPUs: Displays a list of CPU cores, along with their usage over time, in the timeline pane. Only available when a trace document contains instruments that record CPU data.

Instruments: Displays a list of instruments and their corresponding data in the timeline pane.
If you select an instrument in the list, you can delete it or configure it in the inspector pane. The instruments list is visible by default when you create a trace document.

Threads: Displays a list of threads and their utilization data in the timeline pane. Only available when a trace document contains instruments that record thread data.

About the display configuration popover

Use the display configuration popover to configure what data is displayed in the timeline and to configure the format of the displayed data.
The settings available in the display configuration popover vary, depending on the instrument. These settings can help you:
Control the data that appears in the timeline. For example, the Activity instrument allows you to toggle the display of total threads, VM size, and several other system statistics.
控制时间线中显示的数据。例如,Activity instrument允许您切换总线程、VM大小和其他几个系统统计信息的显示。
Adjust how recorded information is represented in the timeline view. For example, an instrument may allow you to switch between a peak graph and a block graph.
To open the popover, click the instrument icon in the trace document timeline pane. Instruments that support a display configuration popover show an indicator when the pointer is moved over the icon.

About the trace document detail pane

The detail pane shows detailed information about the data collected by the instruments in your trace document. Select an individual instrument in the timeline pane to see the data it collected while profiling.
The detail pane consists of three main areas, the navigation bar, the collected data area, and the filter and configuration bar.

Navigation bar
The navigation bar at the top of the detail pane helps you browse through collected data.
You can use the navigation bar to switch between types of data and to navigate through different levels of data.

  • Instrument: Icon of the currently selected instrument in the timeline pane. Click this to view the console for the instrument.
  • Detail type list: Allows you to navigate between different types of data. The options displayed here vary, depending on the actively selected instrument. For many instruments, the list includes things like a summary of data, a call tree, and a console.
    Detail tree: Keep track of where you are in the hierarchy as you navigate through the data in the detail pane. Click a branch of the tree to move back up the hierarchy to the corresponding data.

Collected data area
The collected data area shows you all of the data for the selected instrument, typically in tabular format. The content displayed here varies significantly from instrument to instrument. For example, the Activity Monitor instrument displays process, CPU, and thread information, and much more.
Collected data area

Often, individual symbols and data points within this area contain navigation buttons (), which appear when you move your pointer over them. You can click these buttons to move deeper into the data. As you do, the detail tree in the navigation bar updates to reflect where you are in the hierarchy.

Filter and configuration bar
The filter and configuration bar at the bottom of the detail pane helps you filter the collected data and configure how that data is displayed.

  • Filter field: Allows you to filter collected data for a specific term. Click the filter field’s menu for some additional filtering options. You can also filter collected data more extensively by adjusting display settings in the display configuration popover.
  • Display configuration controls: Refine the displayed results by filtering, sorting, and data mining. The controls vary from instrument to instrument and can include menus for selecting different views of the results, and popovers for constraining the data that is shown.

About the trace document inspector pane

The inspector pane contains information about the run that’s currently displayed in the detail pane. It includes information about the recording and, for some instruments, additional details about the selected data.

Run information area
The run information area shows information about the run displayed in the detail pane including the target, recording time, and the settings used for the recording.

Extended detail area
The extended detail area is used to display additional instrument-specific information about selected data in the detail pane, such as a complete stack trace.

About the Library palette

The Library palette provides a complete list of available instruments and lets you add them to your trace documents. Here, you can browse instrument descriptions and filter for a specific instrument.
To display the Library palette, choose Window > Library, press Command-L, or click the Add Instrument button (+) in the trace document toolbar.

About the Flags palette

The Flags palette displays a list of any flags you may have applied in the timeline pane of the active trace document.
In the Flags palette, you can select a flag to quickly navigate to it in the timeline. You can also filter through a large list of flags for a specific one, show and hide your flags, and view timestamp information about your flags.

About profiling templates

In Instruments, you use profiling templates to analyze your app. A profiling template is a trace document that has been preconfigured with instruments and settings for performing a common type of trace.
Profiling templates are available when you launch Instruments, create a new document, or initiate a trace from Xcode. You can also create your own templates if you have more advanced or custom needs.关于分析模板

About the profiling template selection dialog

When Instruments launches, you’re presented with a list of profiling templates—files containing sets of preconfigured instruments—from which to choose. This list includes a set of standard templates as well as any custom templates you may have created.
The profiling template selection dialog consists of the following primary elements.

  • Target device list: Click this to select the device on which you wish to profile.
  • Target process list: Click this to select the process or processes to profile.
  • Filter buttons: Click these to filter down the list of templates to display just the standard templates, custom templates, or recently used templates.
  • Search field: Enter some text to quickly find the template you need. This searches template titles and descriptions.
  • Template list: The list of profiling templates, which may be filtered if you clicked a filter button or entered search criteria.
  • Template description: A short description of the currently selected profiling template, which can be helpful for determining whether the selected template meets your needs.
  • Choose button: Click this to create a new profile document, based on the currently selected template.
  • This button changes to Profile when you press the Option key. Click the Profile button to create a new document based on the currently selected template and immediately begin profiling the target process.
  • Open button: Click this to open a previously saved profile document, rather than starting with a fresh template.
  • Cancel button: Click this to close the template selection dialog.
    Note: You can display profiling template selection dialog at any time by choosing File > New (or pressing Command-N).

About the Preferences window

The preferences window is used to control various settings related to the behavior of Instruments.
In the preferences window, you can adjust general settings that pertain to startup, saving, and more. You can also adjust recording settings, CPU settings, and symbol preferences.


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