
A close-up look at Friday’s design process.


WORDS IN THE WILD IS A BAY-AREA NONPROFIT that uses kids’ interest in science and the outdoors to help them become better readers — an approach that’s especially helpful for those who struggle in the typical classroom setting. When the founder decided to expand her efforts from a small summer camp and after-school program to include teacher trainings and pre-packaged curricula, she asked Friday to create a sophisticated brand that would appeal to her many audiences. Here are some of the critical steps along that journey, for anyone considering partnering with Friday, or for design lovers who just want to peek behind the curtain.

词语的WILD是BAY-AREA非营利使用孩子们对科学的兴趣和户外活动,以帮助他们成为更好的读者-的做法,是非常有用的那些谁在典型的课堂环境的斗争。 当创始人决定从一个小型的夏令营和课后计划中扩展其工作范围,以包括教师培训和预包装的课程时,她要求星期五创立一个精致的品牌,以吸引许多观众。 对于那些考虑与Friday合作的人,或者对于只想在幕后窥视的设计爱好者来说,这是旅途中的一些关键步骤。

Phase 1: Understand


Friday’s projects always begin with background research and a kick-off call with the client to make sure we all agree on the challenge we’re tackling. In that first meeting, we share our expectations, clarify the items to be delivered by the end of the project, and identify key dates along the timeline. Then we ask questions — lots of questions. Here are a few things we asked Executive Director Alexis Filippini and her team at Words in the Wild:

星期五的项目总是从背景研究和与客户的启动电话开始,以确保我们都同意我们要应对的挑战。 在第一次会议上,我们分享了我们的期望,阐明了在项目结束时要交付的项目,并确定了时间表上的关键日期。 然后,我们提出问题-很多问题。 我们问执行董事Alexis Filippini及其团队在Words in the Wild中的一些事情:

  • Describe Words in the Wild in 2–3 sentences.用2-3个句子描述野外单词。
  • What makes your organization unique?是什么使您的组织与众不同?
  • Tell us a few stories that illustrate what Words in the Wild is all about.告诉我们一些故事,这些故事说明了《野外之言》的全部含义。
  • Where do you see Words in the Wild going in the next 5 years? 10 years?在接下来的五年中,您如何看待野外话语? 10年?
  • To achieve your organizational goals, who do you need to persuade, and what do they want?为了实现您的组织目标,您需要说服谁,他们想要什么?
  • What does success look like? In 6–12 months, how will you know if we’ve done our job well?成功是什么样的? 在6到12个月内,您如何知道我们是否做得很好?
  • Who will approve all of the creative work?谁将批准所有创意作品?
  • What parts of this process make you nervous?这个过程的哪些部分使您感到紧张?

From that conversation and several follow-up calls, a few items stood out:


  • Words in the Wild (WITW) is a teaching approach based in linguistics that shows kids how words can be broken into their component parts — like the connection between sign and signature — rather than traditional approaches that focus on spelling and rhyming words like rat, cat, and hat.

    野外词汇(WITW)是一种基于语言学的教学方法,向孩子们展示了如何将单词分解为它们的组成部分(例如符号签名之间的联系),而不是传统的方法侧重于拼写和押韵诸如大鼠等单词 帽子

  • WITW takes a cerebral activity and turns into a whole-body activity to be experienced in the outdoors, where kids investigate words in the same ways they investigate plants or insects.WITW在户外进行大脑活动并变成一种全身活动,在那里孩子们以研究植物或昆虫的相同方式研究单词。
  • Words in the Wild makes learning fun — but that fun is based in serious research that came out of the founder’s own experience earning a BA in linguistics and a PhD in special education.荒野的话语使学习变得有趣-但这种乐趣是基于认真的研究而得出的,该发现来自创始人自身的经验,他们获得了语言学学士学位和特殊教育博士学位。

The next step in our process helps us explore language and visuals. We ask clients to identify 5–6 key words that express their organization; Words in the Wild chose: Discovery, Curiosity, Playfulness, Revolutionary, Expert, and Connected. Then we presented the team with dozens of existing logos and asked them to pick those that were consistent with their brand personality. That process establishes tangible preferences for colors, type, and illustration style — and the conversation around those choices reveals nearly as much as the selections themselves. WITW’s favorites, below, included natural elements, bold lines, and muted colors; we’d only included one or two logos with human figures, and that absence led the team to suggest children be part of the mark as well.

过程的下一步将帮助我们探索语言和视觉效果。 我们要求客户确定表达其组织的5-6个关键字; 荒野之词选择:发现,好奇,嬉戏,革命,专家和人脉。 然后,我们为团队提供了数十个现有徽标,并要求他们选择与他们的品牌个性相符的徽标。 这个过程建立了对颜色,类型和插图风格的明显偏好,围绕这些选择的对话几乎揭示了选择本身。 WITW在下面的收藏夹包括自然元素,粗线和柔和的颜色; 我们只添加了一个或两个带有人物形象的徽标,由于缺少徽标,团队建议孩子也加入徽标。

Collection of logos that illustrates the flavor of the Words in the Wild brand, as chosen by the client team.

The client team told us they wanted a typeface that was clearly legible, so children could easily read the words, and they wanted a logo that didn’t feel too masculine or too feminine, given their students’ gender mix. We also collected logos from “competitive” organizations, below, to be sure the new mark stands apart from other organizations.

客户团队告诉我们,他们想要一个清晰易读的字体,以便孩子们可以轻松地阅读这些单词,并且他们想要一个徽标,该徽标考虑到学生的性别混合感而没有太男性化或太女性化。 我们还从下面的“竞争”组织中收集徽标,以确保新商标与其他组织脱颖而出。

Logos representing Words in the Wild’s competitive landscape.

Phase 2: ExploreBy combining the key words from the client team and the visuals that spoke to them, I worked with our designer, Hillary Celebi, to create a series of “mood boards,” each of which represented a different approach. The idea is never to copy anyone else’s work, but to gather symbols and styles that speak to the emotions we’re trying to convey. Here are two of the mood boards we created, one that represents Adventure and another that represents the theme of Letterpress Printing (which uses wooden blocks to create words, in the same way that trees and nature play a role in WITW’s outdoor activities).

阶段2:探索通过结合客户团队的关键词和与他们交谈的视觉效果,我与我们的设计师希拉里·西里皮(Hillary Celebi)一起创建了一系列“情绪板”,每个样板都代表着不同的方法。 这个想法绝不是要复制别人的作品,而是要收集能够表达我们试图传达的情感的符号和样式。 这是我们创建的两个情绪板,一个代表冒险,另一个代表凸版印刷的主题(使用木块创建单词,就像树木和自然在WITW的户外活动中发挥作用一样)。

Two of the six mood boards that inspired the logos we presented to the client.

Phase 3: CreateWe created six mood boards that inspired six marks (below), which, in retrospect, was too many — we’ve since recognized the need to cull some of the work before the client even sees it. The WITW team reviewed all six logos, and in time, one emerged as the clear front-runner — Explorers, bottom left.

第3阶段:创建我们创建了六个情绪板,启发了六个标记(如下所示),回想起来,这六个标记太多了-从那时起,我们意识到有必要在客户看到之前删除一些工作。 WITW团队审核了所有六个徽标,并及时出现了一个明显的领先者-左下角的Explorers。

From there, Hillary explored options with one child vs. two (incorporating both a girl and a boy), and played with slight variations on the typeface and the way the words are stacked.


Three final options for the Words in the Wild logo, playing with the location of the figure and the way the words are stacked.

As you can see, we landed on a single figure that’s androgynous rather than representing both genders. From here, the client selected Option C, with the child about to leap over the words, representing the beginning of a challenge — a solution that’s more unexpected than the centered options. The final logo represents Discovery, Curiosity and Playfulness, three of our six key words, leaving the copywriting to convey Revolutionary, Expert and Connectedness. That just left the color palette which includes hues found in nature, for obvious reasons.

如您所见,我们只使用了一个雌雄同体的人物,而不是代表两个性别。 从这里,客户选择了选项C,孩子将跳过单词,代表挑战的开始-比居中的选项更令人意外的解决方案。 最终徽标代表发现,好奇心和嬉戏性,这是我们六个关键词中的三个,而广告文案则传达了革命性,专家性和联系性。 出于明显的原因,刚刚剩下的调色板中包含了自然界发现的色相。

Final Words in the Wild logo and color palette.

Phase 4: Launch


From the website header, which shows kids in “hands-on” mode, to the back of the business card, which illustrates exactly how children break words into their component parts, the new brand captures the essence of the Words in the Wild approach, and we’re excited to see where they take it.


Get stories like this one, along with inspiration from the world of social-impact strategy and graphic design, by subscribing to Friday’s monthly newsletter.

订阅 星期五每月的时事通讯 ,获取类似的故事以及社会影响力策略和图形设计领域的灵感

翻译自: https://medium.com/swlh/case-study-words-in-the-wild-brand-identity-4c1559bf8f54




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