
at large 逃遁的,没有被控制的

--The thief is still at large.

at large 详细地(=in detail)

--I need talk to you at large.

at large 总体来讲(=as a whole)

--The students at large are hungry for English.


•Puma /‘pju:mə/n. 美洲狮

•spot/spɔt/v. 看出,发现

•evidence/‘evidəns/n. 证据

•accumulate/ə‘kju:mjuleit/v. 积累,积聚

•oblige/ə‘blaɪdʒ/v. 强迫

•hunt/hʌnt/n. 追猎;寻找

•blackberry/'blækbəri/n. 黑莓

•humanbeing 人类

•corner/'kɔːnə/v.使陷入困境•trail/treil/n. 一串,一系列

•print/prɪnt/n. 印痕•cling/klɪŋ/v. 粘

•convince/kən‘vɪns/v. 使……信服

•somehow/‘sʌmhaʊ/adv. 不知怎么地


•spot/spɔt/ [vt] 发现

A tall man is easy to spot in the crowd

He has good eye for spotting mistakes.

[C]地点[C]斑点There is a white spot on the shirt.

•on the spot


1.立刻,马上(atonce, immediately)

Anyone breaking the rules will be asked to leave on the spot.

2.在现场 (atthe place of the action)

•Evidence/’evidəns/ 证据

evidence = proof

When the police arrived, he had already destroyed the evidence.

1. further/strong evidence

2. a piece of evidence 一则证据

3. evident adj.明显的,显然的

4.evidently adv.明显地,显然

•accumulate/ə'kju:mjuleit/[vt] 积累

accumulate wealth

accumulate experience

accumulate knowledg

accumulate information

accumulate evidence


oblige sb. to do something 迫使某人做某事

feel/be obliged to do something


-- I feel obliged to say sorry to him.

•hunt/hʌnt/ 狩猎;搜寻(n.)

1. deer hunt

2. the hunt forthe missing child

•hunt/hʌnt/ [vt]

to chase animals or to search forsomeone or something very carefully


--The police are still hunting the killer.

•hunt/hʌnt/ [vi] to look for something carefully打猎;搜寻

--The kids were hunting for shells on the beach.


berry n.浆果





Becornered= be trapped (by)


The dog cornered the rat

The rat was cornered by the dog.


a long line or a series of marksthat have been left by someone or something一串,踪迹

-- a trail of footprints/ paw prints

a rough path across countryside orthrough a forest. 小径

[v] to follow by looking for signs 跟踪,追踪

--The police trailed the criminal to theplace where he was hiding.


writing that has been printed in books or newspapers印痕;印记

1. be in print已出版;在销售中

--After fifty years, the book is stillin print.

2. beout of print已绝版;已售完

•cling/klɪŋ/ [vi]

to stick to someone or something, or seem to surround them坚持;紧贴;附着;粘

(clung, clung, clinging)

1. cling to the hope/belief/idea (that) …

--He clung to the hope that she would becured.

2. cling to sth.

--She is always clinging to her mother.

•convince/kən'vɪns/ [vt]

to make someone feel certain that something is true使确信,使信服

1. convince sb. (that)

-- I am convinced that she is an honest girl.

2. convince sb. of sth. =persuade sb of sth


--The officials were eager to convince us of the safety of the nuclear reactors.

convince sb. of sth.

•More evidence convinced people of apuma at large.

=They were convinced that apuma was at large.

=They were convinced by the convincing evidence.


Make your ariticle more convincing.


in some way, or by some means, although you do not know how


-- I’ll get the book back somehow.

-- I got lost somehow.

他原本能按预定进度做完这件事的, 但不知怎地却落后了。

He could have finished it on schedule,but somehow he fell behind.

•disturb/dɪ'stɜːb/ [vt]

to interrupt someone so that they cannot continue what they are doing 打扰;妨碍

--Sorry to disturbyou,but I have an urgent message.

[vt] to make someone feel worried or upset


--What disturbs you most about this latest news?








Pumas are large, cat-like animals which are found in America. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spotted forty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously.However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.

Giant pandas are large, bear-like animals which are found in Sichuan province, China.Whenreports came into Shantou zoo that a wild panda had been spotted forty-fivemiles south of Shantou, they were taken seriously.•

1. cat-like 猫一样的,偷偷摸摸的

dog-like 狗一样的

life-like 栩栩如生的



2. that引导同位语从句(不作成分)和定语从句(作成分)的区别

(1) The news that we will have no classes tomorrow istrue. 解释说明(同从相当于名词)

(2) The news that he told you is true.

翻译为“的 ” 修饰限定 (定从相当于形容词)

3. When reports came into London Zoo that a wild puma had been spottedforty-five miles south of London, they were not taken seriously. Come to+人 Come into+地点

Reports came into London Zoo.

The hair style came into fashion.

A good idea came into my mind.

Teaching took Jane to China.

4. take sth.seriously

= deal with sth.seriously 认真地对待某事

--I always take your suggestions seriously.

5.thedescriptions givenbypeople过去分词做定语

= the descriptions which were given by people.

The book written by Luxunis famous.

=The book which was written by Luxunis famous.

As the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged toinvestigate, for the descriptions given by people who claimed to have seen the puma were extraordinarily similar.

The hunt for the puma began in a small village wherea woman picking blackberries saw ‘a large cat’ only five yards away from her. It immediately ran away when she saw it, and experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. The search proved difficult, for the puma was often observed at one place in the morning and at another place twenty miles away in the evening. Wherever it went, it left behind its trail of dead deer and small animals like rabbits.

The hunt for the puma began in a small village where a woman picking blackberries saw ‘a large cat’ only fiveyards away from her.

A woman picking blackberries saw…

=A woman who was picking blackberries saw…


6. confirm [vt]确定

= be sure / be certain

7. unlessit is cornered [conj]如果不,除非

= if it is not cornered

--He will accept the job unless the salaryis too low. = ?

8. leave behind把某物留在后面

Paw prints were seen in a number of places and puma fur was found clinging to bushes. Several people complained of‘cat-like noises’ at night and abusinessman on a fishing trip saw the puma up a tree. The experts were now fully convinced that the animal was a puma, but where had it come from?

9.complain of/about sth 抱怨某事


-- on the rise 在上升

--on the increase 在增加

--on the match 在比赛中

-- on the fishing trip 在钓鱼的途中

-- on holiday 在度假

11. Fully adv.充分地,完全

=completely= entirely

As no pumas had been reported missingfrom any zoo in the country, this one must have been in the possession of a private collector and somehow managed to escape. The hunt went on for several weeks, but the puma was not caught. It is disturbing to think that a dangerous wild animal is still at large in the quiet countryside.

12. sth be in the possession of sb某物归某人所有

sth be in sb'spossession

--The car is in the possession of me.

The car is in my possession.

sb be in possession of sth某人拥有某物

-- I am in possession of the car.

13.managed to do 设法、努力完成某事

14.went on = lasted

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