

  1. Lunar reconnaissance orbiter camera(LROC)
  2. Lunar Orbiter Laser altimeter(LOLA)
  3. Lunar Exploration Neutron Detector(LEND)
  4. Diviner Lunar Radiometer Experiment(DLRE)
  5. Lyman-Alpha Mapping Project(LAMP)
  6. Cosmic Ray Telescope for the Effects of Radiation(CRaTER)
  7. Mini-RF

这里只讲第一种 LROC, 它被设计用来解决两个问题:

Landing site certification(找到潜在降落点)

  • Polar illumination(找到可能的永久照明区或永久阴影区)


  • Meter-scale mapping of regions of permanent or near-permanent illumination of polar massifs
  • Multiple coregistered observations of portions of potential landing sites and elsewhere for derivation of high-resolution topography through stereogrammetric and photometric stereo analyses
  • A global multispectral data set in 7 wavelengths (300-680 nm) to characterize lunar resources, in particular ilmenite
  • A global 100- m/pixel basemap with incidence angles (60-80Á) favorable for morphologic interpretations
  • Sub-meter imaging of a variety of geologic units to characterize physical properties and variability of the regolith
  • Meter-scale coverage overlapping with Apollo era Panoramic images (1-2 m/pixel) to document the number of small impacts since 1971-1972, to ascertain hazards for future surface operations and interplanetary travel.

LROC组成(a common Sequence and Compressor System (SCS)压缩),相机参数网站:http://lroc.sese.asu.edu/EPO/LROC/lroc.php?pg=specifications

  • 2个窄交镜头(narrow angle camera heads, NACs),提供0.5m级别的相片, 刈幅5Km宽,全色波段影像。
  • 1个广角镜头(wide angle camera, WAC), 100m像素,60Km刈幅,7波段。



LROC  Products: http://ode.rsl.wustl.edu/moon/pagehelp/quickstartguide/index.html?diviner.htm

  • EDR-Experimental Data Record
  • CDR-Calibrated Data Record
  • BDR-Binned Data Record
  • MDR-Mosaic Data Record (Part of LROC RDR Data)
  • RDR-Reduced Data Record (Diviner  Products)


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