The road to success is not crowded, and many people get rid of it halfway.

1. 变得优秀,活出精彩。  --- TroyChina

Promise me, 答应我

Never look back, 往事不回头

Never settle down, 今后不讲究

It will stop raining,鱼会停

It will be sunny, 雨会晴

Nothing is gonna be so terrible 没有什么事会如此糟糕

You have to force yourself to be excellent, 你必须要让自己变得优秀

and then be proud of your life. 为自己的人生感到骄傲。

Your future is in your hands. 你的未来在你自己手中。

2. 祝福诗歌  --- TroyChina

May you keep warm in winter, 愿你三冬暖

May you resist cold in spring, 愿你春不寒

May you have light in the dark. 愿你天黑有灯

and have umbrellas in rainy days. 下雨有伞。

May you have companions on your way. 愿你一路上有良人相伴。

3. 毕业季  --- TroyChina 歌曲《凤凰花开的路口》

Graduation is only a concept. 毕业只是一个抽象的概念

In real life, we graduate every day. 在现实生活中,我们每天都在毕业。

Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. 毕业是一个过程, 直到生命的最后一天。

If you can grasp that you'll make a difference. 如果你能领会其中的含义,你将会有不一样的人生。

4. 简单幸福的五大原则。 --- TroyChina

Five simple guidelines for happiness.

a. 心中无恨。Free your heart from hate.

b. 脑中无忧。Free your mind from worry.

c. 生活简单。Live simply.

d. 多些付出。Give more.

e. 少些期待。Expect less.

5. 励志诗歌 --- TroyChina

No one cares about how much efforts you have made, 没有人会关心你付出过多少努力

how tired you are,你撑得累不累

how painfully you fall, 你摔得疼不疼

They just look at where you stand at the end,他们只会看你最后站在什么位置

and envy you. 然后羡慕嫉妒恨。

In order to have a beautiful future, 为了有个美好的未来,

you must try your best now. 你现在必须要全力以赴。

6. 我支持你。 --- TroyChina

I'm on your side. 仅仅是口头上的支持

7. 祝贺,恭喜。 --- TroyChina


I'm so glad to hear you've got the acceptance by Peking university. Congratulations. I'm proud of you.

8. 听起来很棒。 --- TroyChina

It sounds great.

Would you like to have dinner with me tonight? Sounds great, I'd like to.

9. 你自己决定吧。 --- TroyChina


It's very important to learn English, whether you do it or not, it's up to you.

10. 说来话长。 --- TroyChina

It's a long story.

11. 谢谢不敷衍的说法。 --- TroyChina

Thank you for coming / helping me. 谢谢你 的带来 / 抽出时间 / 帮助我。

Thnks for your time / having time to see me. 感谢你 抽出时间 / 有时间来看我。

12. 我的手麻了。 --- TroyChina

I can't feel my hands.

13. 一切都会好起来。 --- TroyChina

Everything will be fine.

14. 管好你自己的事。 --- TroyChina

Mind your own business.

15. 祝你旅途愉快。 --- TroyChina

Have a good trip.

16. 你想要一杯咖啡吗? --- TroyChina

Would you like a cup of coffee?

17. 我想再次见到你。 --- TroyChina

I hope to see you again, soon.

18. 欣喜若狂,高兴极了。 --- TroyChina

Jenny just had a babay. She felt she was on top of the word.

19. 你最喜欢的电影是什么? --- TroyChina

What's your favoriate movie?

20. 我的工作压力很大。 --- TroyChina

My job is very stressful.

21. 不要忘记我。 --- TroyChina

Don't forget me.

22. 不要害怕。 --- TroyChina

Don't be scared.

23. 我会保护你。 --- TroyChina

I can protect you.

24. 请系好安全带。 --- TroyChina

Please fasten your seatbelt.

25. 照顾好你自己,保持健康。 --- TroyChina

Look after yourself, and keep healthy.

26. 先生,我能看一下你的驾驶执照吗? --- TroyChina

Sir, can I see your driving license, please?

27. 我不在乎。 --- TroyChina

I don't care.

28. 给我一个拥抱。 --- TroyChina

Give me a hub.

29. 不要人我失望。 --- TroyChina
Don't let me down.

30. 一团糟 --- Eileen. fan

Look at the room! What a mess. 看看这房间,真是一团糟。

31. 以貌取人 --- TroyChina

we all know that we should never judge a book by its cover, but in reality people always do like that.


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