

Limit increase request 1 Service: SES Sending Limits Region: US East (Northern Virginia) Limit name: Desired Daily Sending Quota New limit value: 200 ------------ Use case description: I use sendemai to notify my customer and recevie Verification Code. Mail Type: System Notifications Website URL:    My email-sending complies with the AWS Service Terms and AUP: Yes I only send to recipients who have specifically requested my mail: No I have a process to handle bounces and complaints:

Hello, Thank you for submitting your request for a sending quota increase and a maximum sending rate increase. We are unable to grant your request at this time because we do not have enough information about your use case. If you can provide additional information about how you plan to use Amazon SES, we may be able to grant your request. You can provide this information by replying to this message. In your response, include as much detail as you can about your email-sending processes and procedures. For example, tell us how often you send email, how you maintain your recipient lists, and how you manage bounces, complaints, and unsubscribe requests. It is also helpful to provide examples of the email you plan to send so we can ensure that you are sending high-quality content. Thank you for contacting Amazon SES. Sincerely, Yashovardhan C. AWS Messaging ===================================================

Hello, Thank you for the information. We are unable to grant your request at this time because we do not have enough information about your use case. You indicated that you are not solely sending to recipients who have specifically requested your mail. You did not indicate that you have a process in place to handle bounces and complaints. It is an SES requirement to have a bounce and complaint handling process. If you do not already have one in place, please implement one immediately or review your current process to ensure it is functioning. For some examples that work directly with Amazon SNS notifications, please see our blog  ) or Developer Guide . If you made a mistake when you filled out the form, please respond to this case and explain how you ensure that you only send mail to recipients who have specifically requested it. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, MANAV KUMAR .. AWS Messaging =================================================== 第二次,改了选择,终于过了

Limit increase request 1 Service: SES Sending Limits Region: US East (Northern Virginia) Limit name: Desired Daily Sending Quota New limit value: 200 ------------ Use case description: Just send mail to registered users,I only send to recipients who have specifically requested my mail 。 If the user logs in abnormally, an email will be sent; if the password is forgotten, the verification code will be sent; if the user orders are automatically filled, a reminder will be sent; these reminders are sent automatically by the system and will not send other irrelevant emails. this is somple template: 1.您好userName,您正在执行重置密码操作,验证码code,2分钟内有效,如非本人操作,请无视这封电邮。 2.您好,请核实您在exchange的注册,本次验证码为code,2分钟内有效,如非本人操作,请忽略本邮件。 3.您好userName,请核实您在exchange的实名认证已经通过。 1. Hello username, you are performing the reset password operation, the code of the verification code is valid within 2 minutes. If you are not operating, please ignore this email. 2. Hello, please verify your registration in exchange, this verification code is code, valid within 2 minutes, if you are not operating, please ignore this email. 3. Hello username, please verify that your real-name certification in the exchange has been passed. Mail Type: System Notifications Website URL:  My email-sending complies with the AWS Service Terms and AUP: Yes I only send to recipients who have specifically requested my mail: Yes I have a process to handle bounces and complaints: Yes

Hello, Thank you for submitting your request to increase your sending limits. Your new sending quota is 50,000 messages per day. Your maximum send rate is now 14 messages per second. We have also moved your account out of the Amazon SES sandbox. This takes effect immediately in the US East (N. Virginia) region. You can view the current sending rate and sending quota for your account on the Sending Statistics page of the Amazon SES console, or by using the GetSendQuota API. We noticed that you did not provide the information requested below. Please review the following information and make the necessary changes to avoid any interruption in your sending. -- You did not indicate that you have a process in place to handle bounces and complaints. It is an SES requirement to have a bounce and complaint handling process. If you do not already have one in place, please implement one immediately or review your current process to ensure it is functioning. For some examples that work directly with Amazon SNS notifications, please see our blog or Developer Guide  We also recommend that you: -- Use the Amazon SES mailbox simulator to test your system so that your testing does not impact your account  -- Apply for higher sending limits before you need them  Thank you for using AWS Digital Messaging. Sincerely, Ankita Meera J. AWS Messaging ===================================================



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