auto dvr

Look in the Task Manager on Windows 10 and you may see one or more “Broadcast DVR server” processes running. These processes have the file name bcastdvr.exe, and are part of the Windows 10 operating system.

在Windows 10上的任务管理器中查看,您可能会看到一个或多个“广播DVR服务器”进程正在运行。 这些进程的文件名为bcastdvr.exe,并且是Windows 10操作系统的一部分。

This article is part of our ongoing series explaining various processes found in Task Manager, like Runtime Broker, svchost.exe, dwm.exe, ctfmon.exe, rundll32.exe, Adobe_Updater.exe, and many others. Don’t know what those services are? Better start reading!

本文是我们正在进行的系列文章的一部分,介绍了在任务管理器中找到的各种过程,例如Runtime Broker , svchost.exe , dwm.exe , ctfmon.exe , rundll32.exe , Adobe_Updater.exe 等 。 不知道这些服务是什么? 最好开始阅读!

什么是广播DVR服务器? (What Is Broadcast DVR Server?)

The Game DVR feature on Windows 10 allows you to record your PC gameplay. You can either automatically record all PC gameplay in the background (like on an Xbox One or PlayStation 4), choose to start and stop recording via the Game Bar, or broadcast your gameplay online with Microsoft’s Beam service.

Windows 10上的游戏DVR功能使您可以记录PC游戏玩法。 您可以在后台自动记录所有PC游戏(例如在Xbox One或PlayStation 4上),选择通过游戏栏开始和停止记录 ,或者使用Microsoft的Beam服务在线播放您的游戏 。

The Broadcast DVR server process is associated with Windows 10’s Game DVR feature. If you use Game DVR to record your PC gameplay or broadcast it online, the bcastdvr.exe process does the work. If you don’t use Game DVR for recording, this process sits silently in the background and does nothing.

广播DVR服务器进程与Windows 10的游戏DVR功能关联。 如果您使用Game DVR录制您的PC游戏或在线播放,则bcastdvr.exe进程将起作用。 如果您不使用Game DVR进行录制,则此过程将静默地置于后台,并且不执行任何操作。

为什么要使用这么多的CPU和内存? (Why Is It Using So Much CPU and Memory?)

If you see the Broadcast DVR server process using a noticeable amount of CPU or memory in the background, it’s likely that it’s recording your gameplay. This can happen for one of two reasons: you manually chose to start recording gameplay from Windows 10’s game bar, or you have Game DVR set to automatically record your gameplay in the background. This can reduce your gameplay performance, as recording requires system resources.

如果您看到广播DVR服务器进程在后台使用了大量的CPU或内存,则很可能是在记录您的游戏玩法。 发生这种情况的原因有两个:手动选择从Windows 10的游戏栏中开始录制游戏,或者将Game DVR设置为在后台自动录制游戏。 由于录制需要系统资源,因此这可能会降低游戏性能。

To stop this from happening, head to Settings > Gaming > Game DVR. Turn off the “Record in the background while I’m playing a game” option and the Broadcast DVR server won’t use system resources to record anything unless you manually choose to start recording from the Game Bar.

要阻止这种情况的发生,请转到设置>游戏>游戏DVR。 关闭“在玩游戏时在后台录制”选项,除非您手动选择从游戏栏开始录制,否则广播DVR服务器将不会使用系统资源来录制任何内容。

我可以禁用它吗? (Can I Disable It?)

There’s no harm to leaving this process running. It won’t use system resources unless you’re actively recording. However, you can disable this process, assuming you don’t need the Game Bar or Game DVR functions. You just need to disable Game DVR and Game Bar.

保持此进程的运行没有任何危害。 除非您正在积极记录,否则它将不会使用系统资源。 但是,假设您不需要游戏栏或游戏DVR功能,则可以禁用此过程。 您只需要禁用Game DVR和Game Bar 。

First, head to Settings  > Gaming > Game DVR and turn off the “Record in the background while I’m playing a game” option.


Next, head to Settings > Gaming > Game bar and turn off the “Record game clips, screenshots, and broadcast using Game bar” option.


We noticed that Windows didn’t immediately end the Broadcast DVR server processes on our system. However, after signing out and signing back in, they were gone. Windows does restart the services if you ever re-enable the Game bar or Game DVR features.

我们注意到Windows并没有立即结束我们系统上的Broadcast DVR服务器进程。 但是,退出并重新登录后,它们消失了。 如果您重新启用游戏栏或游戏DVR功能,Windows会重新启动服务。

是病毒吗? (Is It a Virus?)

We haven’t seen any reports of malware impersonating the Broadcast DVR server or bcastdvr.exe process.


To check that the real, legitimate Broadcast DVR process is running, right-click it in the Task Manager and select the “Open file location” command.

要检查真实,合法的Broadcast DVR进程是否正在运行,请在任务管理器中右键单击它,然后选择“打开文件位置”命令。

You should see a File Explorer window open to the C:\Windows\System32 directory with the the bcastdvr.exe file selected.

您应该看到打开了C:\ Windows \ System32目录的File Explorer窗口,并且选择了bcastdvr.exe文件。

If it opens to a different folder or shows a file with a different file name, you may have a malicious program impersonating this process.


Of course, if you’re concerned about malware, you should run a scan with your preferred antivirus program just to be safe. It will examine your system for dangerous software and remove anything it finds.

当然,如果您担心恶意软件,则为了安全起见,应使用首选的防病毒程序运行扫描。 它将检查系统中是否存在危险软件,并删除发现的所有内容。


auto dvr

auto dvr_什么是“广播DVR服务器”,为什么在我的PC上运行它?相关推荐

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