
I am trying to make python3 executable scripts and run them from shell.I have python 3.4.0 installed on my system.

So, I added '/home/spandan/python_codes' directory to PYTHONPATH, as I am planning to keep my scripts and modules here.

However, while trying to execute these, the above error is thrown by the system, and the scripts wont execute unless I go into the python_codes directory and then execute them.

Executing python program : Here I found out that PYTHONPATH is irrelevant while making scripts, and also how to set the python shebang. So I set mine as #!/usr/bin/env python3.4.0

Is it Correct? Please help.

Thanks, Spandan.


You don't have to put your python codes in a global path. Just make your python 3.4 interpreter interpreter available globally. For that, edit .bash_profile or .bashrc file in your home directory and add the following line:

export PATH=${PATH}:/usr/bin/python3

That will make python3 executable irrespective of your current working directory.

In order to execute code from your codes directory, you just have to write:

$ python3 ./your_code.py

Another way is to add the shebang at the top of your code as


and change the permission to executable by the current user (by default it will not have execute permission).

$ chmod 744 your_code.py

and then executing the script directly as

$ your_code.py

I hope I could address your problem.


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