Time: 20190920
Type: Medium


TinyURL是一种URL简化服务, 比如:当你输入一个URL https://leetcode.com/problems/design-tinyurl 时,它将返回一个简化的URL http://tinyurl.com/4e9iAk.

要求:设计一个 TinyURL 的加密 encode 和解密 decode 的方法。你的加密和解密算法如何设计和运作是没有限制的,你只需要保证一个URL可以被加密成一个TinyURL,并且这个TinyURL可以用解密方法恢复成原本的URL。






  • 计数器法
  • 哈希函数法




class Codec:def __init__(self):self.count = 0self.hashMap = {}def encode(self, longUrl):"""Encodes a URL to a shortened URL.:type longUrl: str:rtype: str"""self.hashMap[str(self.count)] = longUrlres = "http://tinyurl.com/" + str(self.count)self.count += 1return resdef decode(self, shortUrl):"""Decodes a shortened URL to its original URL.:type shortUrl: str:rtype: str"""count = shortUrl.split('/')[-1]return self.hashMap[count]# Your Codec object will be instantiated and called as such:
# codec = Codec()
# codec.decode(codec.encode(url))


class Codec:def __init__(self):self.hashMap = {}def encode(self, longUrl):"""Encodes a URL to a shortened URL.:type longUrl: str:rtype: str"""self.hashMap[str(hash(longUrl))] = longUrlres = "http://tinyurl.com/" + str(hash(longUrl))return resdef decode(self, shortUrl):"""Decodes a shortened URL to its original URL.:type shortUrl: str:rtype: str"""count = shortUrl.split('/')[-1]return self.hashMap[count]# Your Codec object will be instantiated and called as such:
# codec = Codec()
# codec.decode(codec.encode(url))

2019.10 Update:



Leetcode 535.TinyURL的加密与解密相关推荐

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  4. LeetCode 每日一题——535. TinyURL 的加密与解密

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  5. 535. TinyURL 的加密与解密 : 设计一个 URL 简化系统

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  6. leetcode-cpp 535.TinyURL的加密和解密

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  7. 【力扣每日一题】535. TinyURL 的加密与解密

    题目描述 535. TinyURL 的加密与解密 难度中等168 TinyURL 是一种 URL 简化服务, 比如:当你输入一个 URL https://leetcode.com/problems/d ...

  8. 【535. TinyURL 的加密与解密】

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  9. 535.TinyURL 的加密与解密

    TinyURL是一种URL简化服务, 比如:当你输入一个URL https://leetcode.com/problems/design-tinyurl 时,它将返回一个简化的URL http://t ...


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