



nsmanagedobjectcontext that was created with a queue






Fetch in the Background for UI Responsiveness

The executeFetchRequest:error: method intrinsically scales its behavior appropriately for the hardware and work load. If necessary, the Core Data will create additional private threads to optimize fetching performance. You will not improve absolute fetching speed by creating background threads for the purpose. It may still be appropriate, however, to fetch in a background thread or queue to prevent your application’s user interface from blocking. This means that if a fetch is complicated or returns a large amount of data, you can return control to the user and display results as they arrive.

Following the thread confinement pattern, you use two managed object contexts associated with a single persistent store coordinator. You fetch in one managed object context on a background thread, and pass the object IDs of the fetched objects to another thread. In the second thread (typically the application's main thread, so that you can then display the results), you use the second context to fault in objects with those object IDs (you use objectWithID: to instantiate the object). (This technique is only useful if you are using an SQLite store, since data from binary and XML stores is read into memory immediately on open.)







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