
Float View over TableView to indicate selected row direction

Float View 可以用来指示 TableView 中被选择的cell.

This is a Float View to indicate the direction and quickly scroll up or down to the TableView selected Row.

Float View 这是用来标示选中的cell,点击它后可以快速的移动到被选中cell上.

It basically consists of a custom UILabel with one fixed UIImageView inside it, on the left.

Float View 是由自定义的UILabel与一个左侧固定的UIImageView组成的.


  • automatically update label frame and align it on TableView bottom center 自动更新label的frame值并居中
  • quickly scroll up or down the tableView to the selected row on click 点击后快速移动到之前你选中的cell上
  • nice splash animation 华丽的移动动画
  • rotation compatible 兼容横竖屏


Grab the files in View/AnchoredFloatView and put it in your project. The code uses ARC, so make sure to turn that on for the files if you're not already using ARC.



import the header class on your tableViewController:


#import "AnchoredFloatView.h"

alloc/init the view on viewDidLoad passing tableView and the indexPath of the selectedRow by parameter:


AnchoredFloatView *floatView = [[AnchoredFloatView alloc] initWithTableView:self.tableView andTargetIndexPath:self.targetIndexPath]; [self.view addSubview:floatView];

Small Print


AnchoredFloatView is released under the MIT license.



Carlos Arantes (@carantes)

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