
NAMEwait, waitpid, waitid - wait for process to change stateSYNOPSIS#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/wait.h>pid_t wait(int *status);

简而言之 就是死等 一定是阻塞的, 不能等待一个特定的进程
子进程的状态保存在一个int 的status的变量中,返回子进程的id号


pid_t waitpid(pid_t pid, int *status, int options);
The value of pid can be:< -1   meaning  wait  for  any  child  process whose process group ID is equal to the  absolute value of pid.-1     meaning wait for any child process.0      meaning wait for any child process whoseprocess group ID is equal to that  of  the calling process.> 0    meaning wait for the child whose process ID is equal to the value of pid.
The value of options is an OR of zero
or more of the following constants:WNOHANG     return immediately if no child has exited.WUNTRACED   also  return if a child has stopped
(but not traced via ptrace(2)).
Status for traced children which have  stopped  is  provided even  if  this option is not specified.WCONTINUED (since Linux 2.6.10)also return if a stopped child has been resumed bydelivery of SIGCONT.



  1. Linux wait() 和 waitpid()函数介绍

    转载自http://blog.csdn.net/wallwind/article/details/6998602 当一个进程正常或异常终止的时候,内核就像其父进程发送SIGCHLD信号,因为子进程是个 ...

  2. Linux环境编程--waitpid与fork与execlp

    waitpid waitpid(等待子进程中断或结束) 表头文件 #include<sys/types.h> #include<sys/wait.h> 定义函数 pid_t w ...

  3. Linux环境编程--linux中的perror、exit、_exit、wait 和 waitpid

    perror: #include<stdio.h>        #include<stdlib.h> 定义函数 void perror(const char *s);  pe ...

  4. linux 进程等待 wait 、 waitpid

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  5. 【转】linux中waitpid及wait的用法

    原文网址:http://www.2cto.com/os/201203/124851.html wait(等待子进程中断或结束) 表头文件 #include<sys/types.h> #in ...

  6. 8.6 wait和waitpid函数-进程控制

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  7. 详解wait和waitpid函数

    #include <sys/types.h> /* 提供类型pid_t的定义 */ #include <sys/wait.h> pid_t wait(int *status) ...

  8. linux中wait与waitpid的差别

    zombie不占用内存也不占用CPU,表面上我们可以不用在乎它们的存在,然而事实上UNIX系统限制了某一时刻能同时存在的进程的最大数目.如果程序不及时清理系统中的zombie,最终会导致进程数过多,当 ...

  9. 7.wait和waitpid

    wait和waitpid:当一个进程正常或者异常终止的时候,内核就会向其父进程发送SIGCHLD信号,用于父进程来接受子进程的终止状态. #include<sys/wait.h>pid_t ...

  10. UNIX高级环境编程(9)进程控制(Process Control)- fork,vfork,僵尸进程,wait和waitpid...

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