



* offsetExists($offset)
This method is used to tell php if there is a value for the key specified by offset. It should return true or false.检查一个偏移位置是否存在* offsetGet($offset)
This method is used to return the value specified by the key offset.获取一个偏移位置的值* offsetSet($offset, $value)
This method is used to set a value within the object, you can throw an exception from this function for a read-only collection. 获取一个偏移位置的值* offsetUnset($offset)
This method is used when a value is removed from an array either through unset() or assigning the key a value of null. In the case of numerical arrays, this offset should not be deleted and the array should not be reindexed unless that is specifically the behavior you want. 复位一个偏移位置的值

/*** A class that can be used like an array*/
class Article implements ArrayAccess{public $title;public $author;public $category;function __construct($title , $author , $category){$this->title = $title;$this->author = $author;$this->category = $category;}/*** Defined by ArrayAccess interface* Set a value given it's key e.g. $A['title'] = 'foo';* @param mixed key (string or integer)* @param mixed value* @return void*/function offsetSet($key , $value){if (array_key_exists($key , get_object_vars($this))) {$this->{$key} = $value;}}/*** Defined by ArrayAccess interface* Return a value given it's key e.g. echo $A['title'];* @param mixed key (string or integer)* @return mixed value*/function offsetGet($key){if (array_key_exists($key , get_object_vars($this))) {return $this->{$key};}}/*** Defined by ArrayAccess interface* Unset a value by it's key e.g. unset($A['title']);* @param mixed key (string or integer)* @return void*/function offsetUnset($key){if (array_key_exists($key , get_object_vars($this))) {unset($this->{$key});}}/*** Defined by ArrayAccess interface* Check value exists, given it's key e.g. isset($A['title'])* @param mixed key (string or integer)* @return boolean*/function offsetExists($offset){return array_key_exists($offset , get_object_vars($this));}
}// Create the object
$A = new Article('SPL Rocks','Joe Bloggs', 'PHP');// Check what it looks like
echo 'Initial State:<div>';
echo '</div>';// Change the title using array syntax
$A['title'] = 'SPL _really_ rocks';// Try setting a non existent property (ignored)
$A['not found'] = 1;// Unset the author field
unset($A['author']);// Check what it looks like again
echo 'Final State:<div>';
echo '</div>';



Serializable {
/* 方法 */
abstract public string serialize ( void )
abstract public mixed unserialize ( string $serialized )

具体参考: http://php.net/manual/zh/class.serializable.php


class obj implements Serializable {private $data;public function __construct() {$this->data = "自动调用了方法:";}public function serialize() {$res = $this->data.__FUNCTION__;return serialize($res);}//然后上面serialize的值作为$data参数传了进来;public function unserialize($data) {$this->data = unserialize($res);}public function getData() {return $this->data;}
}$obj = new obj;
$ser = serialize($obj);
$newobj = unserialize($ser);//在调用getData方法之前其实隐式又调用了serialize与unserialize



IteratorAggregate extends Traversable {/* 方法 */abstract public Traversable getIterator ( void )

Traversable作用为检测一个类是否可以使用 foreach 进行遍历的接口,在php代码中不能用。只有内部的PHP类(用C写的类)才可以直接实现Traversable接口;php代码中使用Iterator或IteratorAggregate接口来实现遍历。


class myData implements IteratorAggregate {private $array = [];const TYPE_INDEXED = 1;const TYPE_ASSOCIATIVE = 2;public function __construct( array $data, $type = self::TYPE_INDEXED ) {reset($data);while( list($k, $v) = each($data) ) {$type == self::TYPE_INDEXED ?$this->array[] = $v :$this->array[$k] = $v;}}public function getIterator() {return new ArrayIterator($this->array);}}$obj = new myData(['one'=>'php','javascript','three'=>'c#','java',]/*,TYPE 1 or 2*/ );//↓↓ 遍历的时候其实就是遍历getIterator中实例的迭代器对象,要迭代的数据为这里面传进去的数据
foreach($obj as $key => $value) {var_dump($key, $value);echo PHP_EOL;

Countable 接口

类实现 Countable接口后,在count时以接口中返回的值为准.

//Example One, BAD :(
class CountMe{protected $_myCount = 3;public function count(){return $this->_myCount;}
}$countable = new CountMe();
echo count($countable); //result is "1", not as expected//Example Two, GOOD :)
class CountMe implements Countable{protected $_myCount = 3;public function count(){return $this->_myCount;}
}$countable = new CountMe();
echo count($countable); //result is "3" as expected 




/*** a simple array ***/
$array = array('koala', 'kangaroo', 'wombat', 'wallaby', 'emu', 'kiwi', 'kookaburra', 'platypus');/*** create the array object ***/
$arrayObj = new ArrayObject($array);//增加一个元素
//echo $arrayObj->count();//对元素排序: 大小写不敏感的自然排序法,其他排序法可以参考手册
if ($arrayObj->offsetExists(5))
{echo 'Offset Exists<br />';
$arrayObj->offsetSet(3, "pater");//显示某一元素的值
//echo $arrayObj->offsetGet(4);//更换数组,更换后就以此数组为对象
$fruits = array("lemons" => 1, "oranges" => 4, "bananas" => 5, "apples" => 10);
$arrayObj->exchangeArray($fruits);// Creates a copy of the ArrayObject.
$copy = $fruitsArrayObject->getArrayCopy();/*** iterate over the array ***/
for($iterator = $arrayObj->getIterator();/*** check if valid ***/$iterator->valid();/*** move to the next array member ***/$iterator->next())
{/*** output the key and current array value ***/echo $iterator->key() . ' => ' . $iterator->current() . '<br />';

SplObserver, SplSubject





SplFileObject类为操作文件提供了一个面向对象接口. 具体参考:http://php.net/manual/zh/class.splfileobject.php

SplFileObject extends SplFileInfo implements RecursiveIterator , SeekableIterator {}


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