
  • 前言


  • 调用示例

  1、LinQ 语法查询

1     //LinQ 语法查询
2     query = rptBase.Query<Bas_Company>();
3     query = rptBase.Query<Bas_Company>(x => true);
4     query = rptBase.Query<Bas_Company>(x => true && (x.CompanyID ?? null) != null && new[] { "1", "2" }.Contains(x.CompanyID) &&
5         x.CompanyID.Substring(2, 5).TrimEnd() == "OK" && x.AllowUsed);


1     //分页查询
2     query = rptBase.Query<Bas_Company>(new PageInfo(3, 20));
3     query = rptBase.Query<Bas_Company>(new PageInfo(3, 20), x => x.CompanyID == "FT");


1     d = new DynamicParameters();
2     d.Add("CompanyName", "美之源科技有限公司", DbType.String, null, 20);
3     query = rptBase.Query<Bas_Company>("Select * From Bas_Company WHERE CompanyName = @CompanyName", d);


1     //自定义参数查询
2     d = new DynamicParameters();
3     d.Add("CompanyName", "美之源科技有限公司");
4     query = rptBase.Query<Bas_Company>("selectByName", null, d);


1     //带返回值查询
2     d = new DynamicParameters();
3     d.Add("Row", null);
4     table = rptBase.QueryDataTable<Bas_Company>("returnValue", x => x.CompanyID != "FT", d);
5     eff = d.Get<int?>("Row");


1     //查询自定义实体
2     var query1 = rptBase.Query<ThinEntity>(typeof(Bas_Company).FullName, "thinEntity", "And CompanyID <> 'FT' ");

  7、DataTable 查询

1     DataTable table = null;
2     table = rptBase.QueryDataTable<Bas_Company>();
3     table = rptBase.QueryDataTable<Bas_Company>(x => true);

  8、DataSet 查询

1     DataSet data = null;
2     data = rptBase.QueryDataSet<Bas_Company>("Select",x => true);


 1     //新增2     Bas_Company company = new Bas_Company();3     company.CompanyID = "TH";4     company.CompanyCode = "TH001";5     rptBase.Insert(company);6 7     //修改8     company.CompanyCode = "TH00x";9     rptBase.Update(company);
10     //批量修改
11     rptBase.Update<Bas_Company>(x => new Bas_Company { CompanyCode = "TH003" }, x => x.CompanyID == "TH");
13     //删除
14     rptBase.Delete(company);


1     sql = rptBase.Resolve<Bas_Company>("Select",x => true && (x.CompanyID ?? null) != null && new[] { "1", "2" }.Contains(x.CompanyID) &&
2         x.CompanyID.Substring(2, 5).TrimEnd() == "OK" && x.AllowUsed);
3     sqlList.Add(sql);


  • 详细解析



  Dapper,一个基于IDbConnection扩展的完全开源的轻、小、快的ORM框架(项目源码 https://github.com/SamSaffron/dapper-dot-net )。在本框架中,需要解决的主要问题有如下几点:

  1. 如何生成Dapper查询所需要的TSQL脚本和参数
  2. 如何将Lambda表达式解析成查询条件
  3. 如何将Dapper返回的IDataReader转化成DataTable和DataSet
  4. 如何解决多数据库的问题

--------------------------------------- 华丽丽的分割线 --------------------------------------------

  1. 如何生成Dapper查询所需要的SQL语句和参数

  基于SQL和代码分离原则,数据库中每一张表都有一个POCO实体与之对应并且用一个Xml文件来描述,包括表名称、字段、主键和增删改查SQL及参数。因为Xml文件的结构都是一样的,我这里用CodeSmith Studio来自动生成。CodeSmith的语法跟Asp.Net的语法类似,这里 http://blog.csdn.net/mapdigit/article/category/1264541 有比较全面的学习资源,本文不做过多着墨。另外若有自定义SQL需求,则需要把自定义Xml文件放到另外目录,以免被CodeSmith覆盖。Xml文件结构如下:

  1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>2 <EntityMapper  xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">3     <TableType>4         <TableName>Bas_Bank</TableName>5         <TypeFullName>XFramework.Model.Bas_Bank</TypeFullName>6     </TableType>7     <Properties>8         <Property>9             <Name>CompanyID</Name>10             <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>11             <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>12             <Precision>0</Precision>13             <Scale>0</Scale>14             <Size>10</Size>15         </Property>16         <Property>17             <Name>BankID</Name>18             <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>19             <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>20             <Precision>0</Precision>21             <Scale>0</Scale>22             <Size>20</Size>23         </Property>24         <Property>25             <Name>BankCode</Name>26             <DbType>String</DbType>27             <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>28             <Precision>0</Precision>29             <Scale>0</Scale>30             <Size>20</Size>31         </Property>32         <Property>33             <Name>BankName</Name>34             <DbType>String</DbType>35             <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>36             <Precision>0</Precision>37             <Scale>0</Scale>38             <Size>40</Size>39         </Property>40         <Property>41             <Name>SWIFT</Name>42             <DbType>String</DbType>43             <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>44             <Precision>0</Precision>45             <Scale>0</Scale>46             <Size>20</Size>47         </Property>48         <Property>49             <Name>AreaID</Name>50             <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>51             <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>52             <Precision>0</Precision>53             <Scale>0</Scale>54             <Size>19</Size>55         </Property>56         <Property>57             <Name>Address</Name>58             <DbType>String</DbType>59             <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>60             <Precision>0</Precision>61             <Scale>0</Scale>62             <Size>100</Size>63         </Property>64         <Property>65             <Name>Phone</Name>66             <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>67             <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>68             <Precision>0</Precision>69             <Scale>0</Scale>70             <Size>60</Size>71         </Property>72         <Property>73             <Name>ParentID</Name>74             <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>75             <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>76             <Precision>0</Precision>77             <Scale>0</Scale>78             <Size>20</Size>79         </Property>80         <Property>81             <Name>Level</Name>82             <DbType>Int32</DbType>83             <NativeType>int</NativeType>84             <Precision>10</Precision>85             <Scale>0</Scale>86             <Size>4</Size>87         </Property>88         <Property>89             <Name>IsDetail</Name>90             <DbType>Boolean</DbType>91             <NativeType>bit</NativeType>92             <Precision>1</Precision>93             <Scale>0</Scale>94             <Size>1</Size>95         </Property>96         <Property>97             <Name>FullName</Name>98             <DbType>String</DbType>99             <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
100             <Precision>0</Precision>
101             <Scale>0</Scale>
102             <Size>100</Size>
103         </Property>
104         <Property>
105             <Name>FullParentID</Name>
106             <DbType>String</DbType>
107             <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
108             <Precision>0</Precision>
109             <Scale>0</Scale>
110             <Size>80</Size>
111         </Property>
112         <Property>
113             <Name>ModifyDTM</Name>
114             <DbType>DateTime</DbType>
115             <NativeType>datetime</NativeType>
116             <Precision>23</Precision>
117             <Scale>3</Scale>
118             <Size>8</Size>
119         </Property>
120         <Property>
121             <Name>Remark</Name>
122             <DbType>String</DbType>
123             <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
124             <Precision>0</Precision>
125             <Scale>0</Scale>
126             <Size>200</Size>
127         </Property>
128         <Property>
129             <Name>AllowUsed</Name>
130             <DbType>Boolean</DbType>
131             <NativeType>bit</NativeType>
132             <Precision>1</Precision>
133             <Scale>0</Scale>
134             <Size>1</Size>
135         </Property>
136     </Properties>
137     <Keys>
138         <Property>
139             <Name>CompanyID</Name>
140             <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
141             <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
142             <Precision>0</Precision>
143             <Scale>0</Scale>
144             <Size>10</Size>
145         </Property>
146         <Property>
147             <Name>BankID</Name>
148             <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
149             <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
150             <Precision>0</Precision>
151             <Scale>0</Scale>
152             <Size>20</Size>
153         </Property>
154     </Keys>
155     <Commands>
156         <Command>
157             <Key>Select</Key>
158             <CommandType>Text</CommandType>
159             <Text>
160              SELECT
161             [CompanyID],
162             [BankID],
163             [BankCode],
164             [BankName],
165             [SWIFT],
166             [AreaID],
167             [Address],
168             [Phone],
169             [ParentID],
170             [Level],
171             [IsDetail],
172             [FullName],
173             [FullParentID],
174             [ModifyDTM],
175             [Remark],
176             [AllowUsed]
177             FROM [Bas_Bank]
178             WHERE 1=1 #WHERE#
179             </Text>
180         </Command>
181         <Command>
182             <Key>SelectByPaging</Key>
183             <CommandType>Text</CommandType>
184             <Text>
185             SELECT
186                 [CompanyID],
187                 [BankID],
188                 [BankCode],
189                 [BankName],
190                 [SWIFT],
191                 [AreaID],
192                 [Address],
193                 [Phone],
194                 [ParentID],
195                 [Level],
196                 [IsDetail],
197                 [FullName],
198                 [FullParentID],
199                 [ModifyDTM],
200                 [Remark],
201                 [AllowUsed],
202                 [XRecordCount],
203                 [XRowNum]
204             FROM(
205                 SELECT
206                     [CompanyID],
207                     [BankID],
208                     [BankCode],
209                     [BankName],
210                     [SWIFT],
211                     [AreaID],
212                     [Address],
213                     [Phone],
214                     [ParentID],
215                     [Level],
216                     [IsDetail],
217                     [FullName],
218                     [FullParentID],
219                     [ModifyDTM],
220                     [Remark],
221                     [AllowUsed],
222                     Count(*) Over() as [XRecordCount],
223                     Row_Number() Over(Order By [CompanyID],[BankID],[BankCode],[BankName],[SWIFT],[AreaID],[Address],[Phone],[ParentID],[Level],[IsDetail],[FullName],[FullParentID],[ModifyDTM],[Remark],[AllowUsed]) as [XRowNum]
224                 FROM [Bas_Bank]
225                 WHERE 1=1 #WHERE#
226             ) a WHERE [XRowNum] BETWEEN #BETWEEN#
227             </Text>
228         </Command>
229         <Command>
230             <Key>SelectByKey</Key>
231             <CommandType>Text</CommandType>
232             <Text>
233              SELECT
234             [CompanyID],
235             [BankID],
236             [BankCode],
237             [BankName],
238             [SWIFT],
239             [AreaID],
240             [Address],
241             [Phone],
242             [ParentID],
243             [Level],
244             [IsDetail],
245             [FullName],
246             [FullParentID],
247             [ModifyDTM],
248             [Remark],
249             [AllowUsed]
250             FROM [Bas_Bank]
251             WHERE 1=1
252             And [CompanyID]=@CompanyID
253             And [BankID]=@BankID
254             </Text>
255             <Parameters>
256                 <Parameter>
257                     <Name>CompanyID</Name>
258                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
259                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
260                     <Precision>0</Precision>
261                     <Scale>0</Scale>
262                     <Size>10</Size>
263                 </Parameter>
264                 <Parameter>
265                     <Name>BankID</Name>
266                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
267                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
268                     <Precision>0</Precision>
269                     <Scale>0</Scale>
270                     <Size>20</Size>
271                 </Parameter>
272             </Parameters>
273         </Command>
274         <Command>
275             <Key>Update</Key>
276             <CommandType>Text</CommandType>
277             <Text>
278             UPDATE [Bas_Bank] SET
279                     [BankCode] = @BankCode,
280                     [BankName] = @BankName,
281                     [SWIFT] = @SWIFT,
282                     [AreaID] = @AreaID,
283                     [Address] = @Address,
284                     [Phone] = @Phone,
285                     [ParentID] = @ParentID,
286                     [Level] = @Level,
287                     [IsDetail] = @IsDetail,
288                     [FullName] = @FullName,
289                     [FullParentID] = @FullParentID,
290                     [ModifyDTM] = @ModifyDTM,
291                     [Remark] = @Remark,
292                     [AllowUsed] = @AllowUsed
293             WHERE 1=1  #WHERE#
294             </Text>
295             <Parameters>
296                 <Parameter>
297                     <Name>BankCode</Name>
298                     <DbType>String</DbType>
299                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
300                     <Precision>0</Precision>
301                     <Scale>0</Scale>
302                     <Size>20</Size>
303                 </Parameter>
304                 <Parameter>
305                     <Name>BankName</Name>
306                     <DbType>String</DbType>
307                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
308                     <Precision>0</Precision>
309                     <Scale>0</Scale>
310                     <Size>40</Size>
311                 </Parameter>
312                 <Parameter>
313                     <Name>SWIFT</Name>
314                     <DbType>String</DbType>
315                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
316                     <Precision>0</Precision>
317                     <Scale>0</Scale>
318                     <Size>20</Size>
319                 </Parameter>
320                 <Parameter>
321                     <Name>AreaID</Name>
322                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
323                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
324                     <Precision>0</Precision>
325                     <Scale>0</Scale>
326                     <Size>19</Size>
327                 </Parameter>
328                 <Parameter>
329                     <Name>Address</Name>
330                     <DbType>String</DbType>
331                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
332                     <Precision>0</Precision>
333                     <Scale>0</Scale>
334                     <Size>100</Size>
335                 </Parameter>
336                 <Parameter>
337                     <Name>Phone</Name>
338                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
339                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
340                     <Precision>0</Precision>
341                     <Scale>0</Scale>
342                     <Size>60</Size>
343                 </Parameter>
344                 <Parameter>
345                     <Name>ParentID</Name>
346                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
347                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
348                     <Precision>0</Precision>
349                     <Scale>0</Scale>
350                     <Size>20</Size>
351                 </Parameter>
352                 <Parameter>
353                     <Name>Level</Name>
354                     <DbType>Int32</DbType>
355                     <NativeType>int</NativeType>
356                     <Precision>10</Precision>
357                     <Scale>0</Scale>
358                     <Size>4</Size>
359                 </Parameter>
360                 <Parameter>
361                     <Name>IsDetail</Name>
362                     <DbType>Boolean</DbType>
363                     <NativeType>bit</NativeType>
364                     <Precision>1</Precision>
365                     <Scale>0</Scale>
366                     <Size>1</Size>
367                 </Parameter>
368                 <Parameter>
369                     <Name>FullName</Name>
370                     <DbType>String</DbType>
371                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
372                     <Precision>0</Precision>
373                     <Scale>0</Scale>
374                     <Size>100</Size>
375                 </Parameter>
376                 <Parameter>
377                     <Name>FullParentID</Name>
378                     <DbType>String</DbType>
379                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
380                     <Precision>0</Precision>
381                     <Scale>0</Scale>
382                     <Size>80</Size>
383                 </Parameter>
384                 <Parameter>
385                     <Name>ModifyDTM</Name>
386                     <DbType>DateTime</DbType>
387                     <NativeType>datetime</NativeType>
388                     <Precision>23</Precision>
389                     <Scale>3</Scale>
390                     <Size>8</Size>
391                 </Parameter>
392                 <Parameter>
393                     <Name>Remark</Name>
394                     <DbType>String</DbType>
395                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
396                     <Precision>0</Precision>
397                     <Scale>0</Scale>
398                     <Size>200</Size>
399                 </Parameter>
400                 <Parameter>
401                     <Name>AllowUsed</Name>
402                     <DbType>Boolean</DbType>
403                     <NativeType>bit</NativeType>
404                     <Precision>1</Precision>
405                     <Scale>0</Scale>
406                     <Size>1</Size>
407                 </Parameter>
408             </Parameters>
409         </Command>
410         <Command>
411             <Key>UpdateByKey</Key>
412             <CommandType>Text</CommandType>
413             <Text>
414             UPDATE [Bas_Bank] SET
415                     [BankCode] = @BankCode,
416                     [BankName] = @BankName,
417                     [SWIFT] = @SWIFT,
418                     [AreaID] = @AreaID,
419                     [Address] = @Address,
420                     [Phone] = @Phone,
421                     [ParentID] = @ParentID,
422                     [Level] = @Level,
423                     [IsDetail] = @IsDetail,
424                     [FullName] = @FullName,
425                     [FullParentID] = @FullParentID,
426                     [ModifyDTM] = @ModifyDTM,
427                     [Remark] = @Remark,
428                     [AllowUsed] = @AllowUsed
429             WHERE 1=1
430             And [CompanyID]=@CompanyID
431             And [BankID]=@BankID
432             </Text>
433             <Parameters>
434                 <Parameter>
435                     <Name>BankCode</Name>
436                     <DbType>String</DbType>
437                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
438                     <Precision>0</Precision>
439                     <Scale>0</Scale>
440                     <Size>20</Size>
441                 </Parameter>
442                 <Parameter>
443                     <Name>BankName</Name>
444                     <DbType>String</DbType>
445                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
446                     <Precision>0</Precision>
447                     <Scale>0</Scale>
448                     <Size>40</Size>
449                 </Parameter>
450                 <Parameter>
451                     <Name>SWIFT</Name>
452                     <DbType>String</DbType>
453                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
454                     <Precision>0</Precision>
455                     <Scale>0</Scale>
456                     <Size>20</Size>
457                 </Parameter>
458                 <Parameter>
459                     <Name>AreaID</Name>
460                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
461                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
462                     <Precision>0</Precision>
463                     <Scale>0</Scale>
464                     <Size>19</Size>
465                 </Parameter>
466                 <Parameter>
467                     <Name>Address</Name>
468                     <DbType>String</DbType>
469                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
470                     <Precision>0</Precision>
471                     <Scale>0</Scale>
472                     <Size>100</Size>
473                 </Parameter>
474                 <Parameter>
475                     <Name>Phone</Name>
476                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
477                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
478                     <Precision>0</Precision>
479                     <Scale>0</Scale>
480                     <Size>60</Size>
481                 </Parameter>
482                 <Parameter>
483                     <Name>ParentID</Name>
484                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
485                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
486                     <Precision>0</Precision>
487                     <Scale>0</Scale>
488                     <Size>20</Size>
489                 </Parameter>
490                 <Parameter>
491                     <Name>Level</Name>
492                     <DbType>Int32</DbType>
493                     <NativeType>int</NativeType>
494                     <Precision>10</Precision>
495                     <Scale>0</Scale>
496                     <Size>4</Size>
497                 </Parameter>
498                 <Parameter>
499                     <Name>IsDetail</Name>
500                     <DbType>Boolean</DbType>
501                     <NativeType>bit</NativeType>
502                     <Precision>1</Precision>
503                     <Scale>0</Scale>
504                     <Size>1</Size>
505                 </Parameter>
506                 <Parameter>
507                     <Name>FullName</Name>
508                     <DbType>String</DbType>
509                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
510                     <Precision>0</Precision>
511                     <Scale>0</Scale>
512                     <Size>100</Size>
513                 </Parameter>
514                 <Parameter>
515                     <Name>FullParentID</Name>
516                     <DbType>String</DbType>
517                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
518                     <Precision>0</Precision>
519                     <Scale>0</Scale>
520                     <Size>80</Size>
521                 </Parameter>
522                 <Parameter>
523                     <Name>ModifyDTM</Name>
524                     <DbType>DateTime</DbType>
525                     <NativeType>datetime</NativeType>
526                     <Precision>23</Precision>
527                     <Scale>3</Scale>
528                     <Size>8</Size>
529                 </Parameter>
530                 <Parameter>
531                     <Name>Remark</Name>
532                     <DbType>String</DbType>
533                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
534                     <Precision>0</Precision>
535                     <Scale>0</Scale>
536                     <Size>200</Size>
537                 </Parameter>
538                 <Parameter>
539                     <Name>AllowUsed</Name>
540                     <DbType>Boolean</DbType>
541                     <NativeType>bit</NativeType>
542                     <Precision>1</Precision>
543                     <Scale>0</Scale>
544                     <Size>1</Size>
545                 </Parameter>
546                 <Parameter>
547                     <Name>CompanyID</Name>
548                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
549                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
550                     <Precision>0</Precision>
551                     <Scale>0</Scale>
552                     <Size>10</Size>
553                 </Parameter>
554                 <Parameter>
555                     <Name>BankID</Name>
556                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
557                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
558                     <Precision>0</Precision>
559                     <Scale>0</Scale>
560                     <Size>20</Size>
561                 </Parameter>
562             </Parameters>
563         </Command>
564         <Command>
565             <Key>UpdateByExpr</Key>
566             <CommandType>Text</CommandType>
567             <Text>
568             UPDATE [Bas_Bank] SET
569             #SET#
570             WHERE 1=1  #WHERE#
571             </Text>
572         </Command>
573         <Command>
574             <Key>Insert</Key>
575             <CommandType>Text</CommandType>
576             <Text>
577             INSERT INTO [Bas_Bank](
578                     [CompanyID],
579                     [BankID],
580                     [BankCode],
581                     [BankName],
582                     [SWIFT],
583                     [AreaID],
584                     [Address],
585                     [Phone],
586                     [ParentID],
587                     [Level],
588                     [IsDetail],
589                     [FullName],
590                     [FullParentID],
591                     [ModifyDTM],
592                     [Remark],
593                     [AllowUsed]
594             ) VALUES(
595                     @CompanyID,
596                     @BankID,
597                     @BankCode,
598                     @BankName,
599                     @SWIFT,
600                     @AreaID,
601                     @Address,
602                     @Phone,
603                     @ParentID,
604                     @Level,
605                     @IsDetail,
606                     @FullName,
607                     @FullParentID,
608                     @ModifyDTM,
609                     @Remark,
610                     @AllowUsed
611             )
613             </Text>
614             <Parameters>
615                 <Parameter>
616                     <Name>CompanyID</Name>
617                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
618                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
619                     <Precision>0</Precision>
620                     <Scale>0</Scale>
621                     <Size>10</Size>
622                 </Parameter>
623                 <Parameter>
624                     <Name>BankID</Name>
625                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
626                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
627                     <Precision>0</Precision>
628                     <Scale>0</Scale>
629                     <Size>20</Size>
630                 </Parameter>
631                 <Parameter>
632                     <Name>BankCode</Name>
633                     <DbType>String</DbType>
634                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
635                     <Precision>0</Precision>
636                     <Scale>0</Scale>
637                     <Size>20</Size>
638                 </Parameter>
639                 <Parameter>
640                     <Name>BankName</Name>
641                     <DbType>String</DbType>
642                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
643                     <Precision>0</Precision>
644                     <Scale>0</Scale>
645                     <Size>40</Size>
646                 </Parameter>
647                 <Parameter>
648                     <Name>SWIFT</Name>
649                     <DbType>String</DbType>
650                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
651                     <Precision>0</Precision>
652                     <Scale>0</Scale>
653                     <Size>20</Size>
654                 </Parameter>
655                 <Parameter>
656                     <Name>AreaID</Name>
657                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
658                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
659                     <Precision>0</Precision>
660                     <Scale>0</Scale>
661                     <Size>19</Size>
662                 </Parameter>
663                 <Parameter>
664                     <Name>Address</Name>
665                     <DbType>String</DbType>
666                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
667                     <Precision>0</Precision>
668                     <Scale>0</Scale>
669                     <Size>100</Size>
670                 </Parameter>
671                 <Parameter>
672                     <Name>Phone</Name>
673                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
674                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
675                     <Precision>0</Precision>
676                     <Scale>0</Scale>
677                     <Size>60</Size>
678                 </Parameter>
679                 <Parameter>
680                     <Name>ParentID</Name>
681                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
682                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
683                     <Precision>0</Precision>
684                     <Scale>0</Scale>
685                     <Size>20</Size>
686                 </Parameter>
687                 <Parameter>
688                     <Name>Level</Name>
689                     <DbType>Int32</DbType>
690                     <NativeType>int</NativeType>
691                     <Precision>10</Precision>
692                     <Scale>0</Scale>
693                     <Size>4</Size>
694                 </Parameter>
695                 <Parameter>
696                     <Name>IsDetail</Name>
697                     <DbType>Boolean</DbType>
698                     <NativeType>bit</NativeType>
699                     <Precision>1</Precision>
700                     <Scale>0</Scale>
701                     <Size>1</Size>
702                 </Parameter>
703                 <Parameter>
704                     <Name>FullName</Name>
705                     <DbType>String</DbType>
706                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
707                     <Precision>0</Precision>
708                     <Scale>0</Scale>
709                     <Size>100</Size>
710                 </Parameter>
711                 <Parameter>
712                     <Name>FullParentID</Name>
713                     <DbType>String</DbType>
714                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
715                     <Precision>0</Precision>
716                     <Scale>0</Scale>
717                     <Size>80</Size>
718                 </Parameter>
719                 <Parameter>
720                     <Name>ModifyDTM</Name>
721                     <DbType>DateTime</DbType>
722                     <NativeType>datetime</NativeType>
723                     <Precision>23</Precision>
724                     <Scale>3</Scale>
725                     <Size>8</Size>
726                 </Parameter>
727                 <Parameter>
728                     <Name>Remark</Name>
729                     <DbType>String</DbType>
730                     <NativeType>nvarchar</NativeType>
731                     <Precision>0</Precision>
732                     <Scale>0</Scale>
733                     <Size>200</Size>
734                 </Parameter>
735                 <Parameter>
736                     <Name>AllowUsed</Name>
737                     <DbType>Boolean</DbType>
738                     <NativeType>bit</NativeType>
739                     <Precision>1</Precision>
740                     <Scale>0</Scale>
741                     <Size>1</Size>
742                 </Parameter>
743             </Parameters>
744         </Command>
745         <Command>
746             <Key>Delete</Key>
747             <CommandType>Text</CommandType>
748             <Text>
749             DELETE FROM [Bas_Bank]
750             WHERE 1=1  #WHERE#
751             </Text>
752         </Command>
753         <Command>
754             <Key>DeleteByKey</Key>
755             <CommandType>Text</CommandType>
756             <Text>
757             DELETE FROM [Bas_Bank]
758             WHERE 1=1
759             And [CompanyID]=@CompanyID
760             And [BankID]=@BankID
761             </Text>
762             <Parameters>
763                 <Parameter>
764                     <Name>CompanyID</Name>
765                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
766                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
767                     <Precision>0</Precision>
768                     <Scale>0</Scale>
769                     <Size>10</Size>
770                 </Parameter>
771                 <Parameter>
772                     <Name>BankID</Name>
773                     <DbType>AnsiString</DbType>
774                     <NativeType>varchar</NativeType>
775                     <Precision>0</Precision>
776                     <Scale>0</Scale>
777                     <Size>20</Size>
778                 </Parameter>
779             </Parameters>
780         </Command>
781     </Commands>
782 </EntityMapper>

  注意看Command节点,可以简单理解为数据库命令(下称命令),比较关键的是Text和Parameters子节点。这些命令有的带有参数有的则没有,没带参数的会有一个 ## 占位符。没带参数的命0000000令,其参数可能通过硬编码生成也有可能通过解析Lambda表达式生成,如何解析Lambda表达式会在接下来的第二点介绍。带有参数的命令,其参数名跟字段名一致,根据实体实例与字段名称就可以确定参数的值。

 1     public Command Build<T>(string cmdName, T TEntity)2         where T : class3     {4         Command cmd = this.GetCommand(typeof(T), cmdName);5         foreach (Parameter parameter in cmd.Parameters)6         {7             //赋参数值8             object value = AccFacHelper.Get(TEntity, parameter.Name);9             parameter.Value = value;
10         }
12         return cmd;
13     }

  2. 如何将Lambda表达式解析成查询条件

  很早之前大牛老赵就写过一篇博文 [扩展LINQ to SQL:使用Lambda Expression批量删除数据],基本思路是实现一个Expression<Func<T,bool>>解析器并将Lambda解析为最终需要执行的TSQL。但是老赵的实现并不完整,不能解析像 f=>true f=>!f.FieldName f=>string.Length f=>string[].Contains(s) 等表达式。我在他的基础上再增加了处理,并且把条件和参数分开来以适应Dapper的参数要求,看代码片段:

 1   case ExpressionType.Constant:2         //True常量解析成1==1 Flase常量解析成1==23         bool value = Convert.ToBoolean(((ConstantExpression)expr).Value);4         leftExpr = Expression.Constant(1);5         rightExpr = Expression.Constant(value ? 1 : 2);6 7         break;8 9   ... ...
11   string condition = b.NodeType == ExpressionType.Coalesce ?
12         string.Format("({0}({1},{2}))", opr, left, right) :
13         string.Format("({0} {1} {2})", left, opr, right);
15   ......
17   condition = string.Format(" AND {0}", _stcConditions.Pop());
18     MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(condition, string.Format(@"{0}(?<Name>p(?<Index>[0-9]+))", _parameterPrefix));
19     foreach (Match match in matches)
20     {
21         if (!match.Success) continue;
23         string index = match.Groups["Index"].Value;
24         string parameterName = match.Groups["Name"].Value;
25         if (_parameters[parameterName] == null) _parameters.Add(parameterName, _lstArguments[Convert.ToInt32(index)]);
26     }

  3. 如何将Dapper返回的IDataReader转化成DataTable和DataSet


  祭出反编译利器.NET Reflector,先来看看SqlDataAdapter.Fill(DataSet)到底都干了些什么:  

 1 public abstract class DbDataAdapter : DataAdapter, IDbDataAdapter, IDataAdapter, ICloneable2 {3     public override int Fill(DataSet dataSet)4     {5         try6         {7             IDbCommand selectCommand = this._IDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand;8             CommandBehavior fillCommandBehavior = this.FillCommandBehavior;9             num = this.Fill(dataSet, 0, 0, "Table", selectCommand, fillCommandBehavior);
10         }
11         finally
12         {
13             Bid.ScopeLeave(ref ptr);
14         }
15         return num;
16     }
17 }
19 public abstract class DbDataAdapter : DataAdapter, IDbDataAdapter, IDataAdapter, ICloneable
20 {
21     protected virtual int Fill(DataSet dataSet, int startRecord, int maxRecords, string srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
22     {
23         try
24         {
25             //srcTable="Table",注意跟踪形参
26             num = this.FillInternal(dataSet, null, startRecord, maxRecords, srcTable, command, behavior);
27         }
28         finally
29         {
30             Bid.ScopeLeave(ref ptr);
31         }
32         return num;
33     }
34 }
36 public abstract class DbDataAdapter : DataAdapter, IDbDataAdapter, IDataAdapter, ICloneable
37 {
38     private int FillInternal(DataSet dataset, DataTable[] datatables, int startRecord, int maxRecords, string srcTable, IDbCommand command, CommandBehavior behavior)
39     {
40         bool flag = null == command.Connection;
41         try
42         {
43             try
44             {
45                 using (IDataReader reader = null)
46                 {
47                     reader = command.ExecuteReader(behavior);
48                     ... ...
49                     return this.Fill(dataset, srcTable, reader, startRecord, maxRecords);
50                 }
51             }
52             finally
53             {
54                 QuietClose(connection, open);
55             }
56         }
57         finally
58         {
59             if (flag)
60             {
61                 command.Transaction = null;
62                 command.Connection = null;
63             }
64         }
65         return 0;
66     }
67 }
69 public class DataAdapter : Component, IDataAdapter
70 {
71     protected virtual int Fill(DataSet dataSet, string srcTable, IDataReader dataReader, int startRecord, int maxRecords)
72     {
73         try
74         {
75             DataReaderContainer container = DataReaderContainer.Create(dataReader, this.ReturnProviderSpecificTypes);
76             num = this.FillFromReader(dataSet, null, srcTable, container, startRecord, maxRecords, null, null);
77         }
78         finally
79         {
80             Bid.ScopeLeave(ref ptr);
81         }
82         return num;
83     }
84 }



 1 public class DataSet : MarshalByValueComponent, IListSource, IXmlSerializable, ISupportInitializeNotification, ISupportInitialize, ISerializable2 {3     public virtual void Load(IDataReader reader, LoadOption loadOption, FillErrorEventHandler errorHandler, params DataTable[] tables)4     {        5         try6         {7             LoadAdapter adapter = new LoadAdapter {8                 FillLoadOption = loadOption,9                 MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
10             };
11             if (errorHandler != null)
12             {
13                 adapter.FillError += errorHandler;
14             }
15             adapter.FillFromReader(tables, reader, 0, 0);
16             ... ...
17         }
18         finally
19         {
20             ... ...
21         }
22     }
23 }
25 internal sealed class LoadAdapter : DataAdapter
26 {
27     internal int FillFromReader(DataTable[] dataTables, IDataReader dataReader, int startRecord, int maxRecords)
28     {
29         return this.Fill(dataTables, dataReader, startRecord, maxRecords);
30     }
31 }


 1 /// <summary>2 /// 数据适配器,扩展Fill方法3 /// .NET的DataSet.Load方法,底层调用DataAdapter.Fill(DataTable[], IDataReader, int, int)4 /// Dapper想要返回DataSet,需要重写Load方法,不必传入DataTable[],因为数组长度不确定5 /// </summary>6 public class XLoadAdapter : DataAdapter7 {8     public XLoadAdapter()9     {
10     }
12     public int FillFromReader(DataSet ds, IDataReader dataReader, int startRecord, int maxRecords)
13     {
14         return this.Fill(ds, "Table", dataReader, startRecord, maxRecords);
15     }
16 }
18 /// <summary>
19 /// 扩展Load方法
20 /// </summary>
21 public class XDataSet : DataSet
22 {
23     public override void Load(IDataReader reader, LoadOption loadOption, FillErrorEventHandler handler, params DataTable[] tables)
24     {
25         XLoadAdapter adapter = new XLoadAdapter
26         {
27             FillLoadOption = loadOption,
28             MissingSchemaAction = MissingSchemaAction.AddWithKey
29         };
30         if (handler != null)
31         {
32             adapter.FillError += handler;
33         }
34         adapter.FillFromReader(this, reader, 0, 0);
35         if (!reader.IsClosed && !reader.NextResult())
36         {
37             reader.Close();
38         }
39     }
40 }
42 //调用
43 IDataReader reader = _session.Connection.ExecuteReader(command, dynParameters,
44     _session.Transaction, _session.DataSource.CommandTimeout, commandType);
45 DataSet ds = new XDataSet();
46 ds.Load(reader, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges, null, new DataTable[] { });

  4. 总结

  本框架在Dapper的基础上再做封装,支持Lambda表达式树查询也支持纯Sql查询,相对来说比较灵活。但限于个人水平,没有把EmitMapper完美整合进来,只是简单的进行了引用,如果朋友们有好的建议,在下诚心请教。需要源码的朋友留个QQ邮箱我单独发吧,园子的附件最大10M导致源码上传不了。(已上传至百度云盘 http://pan.baidu.com/s/1mihKTZU)

分类: 数据访问
标签: Dapper, 数据访问


  • 前言

在上一篇《【原创】打造基于Dapper的数据访问层》中,Dapper在应付多表自由关联、分组查询、匿名查询等应用场景时经常要手动写SQL语句。看着代码里满屏的红色SQL字符串,简直头大,于是便萌生重复造ORM这个轮子的念头。本ORM在API设计上最大程度地借鉴 EF 的写法,支持链式查询(点标记)、查询表达式、聚合查询、分组排序、批量插入、批量更新、批量删除、1:1关系外键等。在实体绑定层面,使用 Emit 来动态构建绑定指令,性能最大限度地接近原生水平。

  • 性能

7000笔记录循环读1000次,同时加载1:1关系的外键,速度比 EF 稍快。

  • 语法

1. 单表查询

// 查询表达式
var query = from a in context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.Demo>()select a;
var r1 = query.ToList();
// 点标记
query = context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.Demo>();
r1 = query.ToList();
//t0.[DemoId] AS [DemoId],
//t0.[DemoCode] AS [DemoCode],
//t0.[DemoName] AS [DemoName],
//t0.[DemoLong] AS [DemoLong],
//t0.[DemoLong_Nullable] AS [DemoLong_Nullable]
//FROM [Sys_Demo] t0

2. 关联查询

var query =from a in context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.CRM_SaleOrder>()join b in context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.Client>() on a.ClientId equals b.ClientIdjoin c in context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.CloudServer>() on b.CloudServerId equals c.CloudServerIdwhere a.ClientId > 0select a;
var r1 = query.ToList();
// 点标记
query = context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.CRM_SaleOrder>().Join(context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.Client>(), a => a.ClientId, b => b.ClientId, (a, b) => new { Sale = a, Buyer = b }).Join(context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.CloudServer>(), b => b.Buyer.CloudServerId, c => c.CloudServerId, (a, c) => new Inte_CRM.CRM_SaleOrder { }).Where(a => a.ClientId > 0);
//r1 = query.ToList();
//t0.[OrderId] AS [OrderId],
//t0.[OrderNo] AS [OrderNo],
//t0.[Remark] AS [Remark],
//t0.[ClientId] AS [ClientId]
//FROM [CRM_SaleOrder] t0
//INNER JOIN [Bas_Client] t1 ON t0.[ClientId] = t1.[ClientId]
//INNER JOIN [Sys_CloudServer] t2 ON t1.[CloudServerId] = t2.[CloudServerId]
//WHERE t0.[ClientId] > 0

3. 分组分页

// 分组后再分页
query =from a in context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.Client>()where a.ClientName == "TAN"group a by new { a.ClientId, a.ClientName } into gwhere g.Key.ClientId > 0orderby new { g.Key.ClientName, g.Key.ClientId }select new{Id = g.Key.ClientId,Name = g.Min(a => a.ClientId)};
query = query.Skip(2).Take(3);
r1 = query.ToList();
//FROM (
//    SELECT
//    t0.[ClientId] AS [Id],
//    MIN(t0.[ClientId]) AS [Name],
//    t0.[ClientName] AS [ClientName]
//    FROM [Bas_Client] t0
//    WHERE t0.[ClientName] = N'TAN'
//    GROUP BY t0.[ClientId],t0.[ClientName]
//    Having t0.[ClientId] > 0
// ) t0
//ORDER BY t0.[ClientName]

4. 批量插入

//(2, N'002'),(3,N'003')

5. 导航属性

// 更简单的赋值方式
// 适用场景:在显示列表时只想显示外键表的一两个字段
query =from a in context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.CRM_SaleOrder>()select new Inte_CRM.CRM_SaleOrder(a){Client = new Inte_CRM.Client(a.Client){CloudServer = new Inte_CRM.CloudServer{CloudServerId = a.Client.CloudServer.CloudServerId,CloudServerName = a.Client.CloudServer.CloudServerName}},HeavyBuyer = new Inte_CRM.Client{ClientId = a.Client.ClientId + 10,ClientName = a.Client.ClientName + "_heavy",CloudServer = new Inte_CRM.CloudServer{CloudServerId = a.Client.CloudServer.CloudServerId + 10,CloudServerName = a.Client.CloudServer.CloudServerName + "_heavy",}}};
r1 = query.ToList();
//t0.[OrderId] AS [OrderId],
//t0.[OrderNo] AS [OrderNo],
//t0.[Remark] AS [Remark],
//t0.[ClientId] AS [ClientId],
//t1.[ClientId] AS [ClientId1],
//t1.[ClientCode] AS [ClientCode],
//t1.[ClientName] AS [ClientName],
//t1.[State] AS [State],
//t1.[ActiveDate] AS [ActiveDate],
//t1.[CloudServerId] AS [CloudServerId],
//t2.[CloudServerId] AS [CloudServerId1],
//t2.[CloudServerName] AS [CloudServerName],
//t1.[ClientId] + 10 AS [ClientId2],
//t1.[ClientName] + N'_heavy' AS [ClientName1],
//t2.[CloudServerId] + 10 AS [CloudServerId2],
//t2.[CloudServerName] + N'_heavy' AS [CloudServerName1]
//FROM [CRM_SaleOrder] t0
//LEFT JOIN [Bas_Client] t1 ON t0.[ClientId] = t1.[ClientId]
//LEFT JOIN [Sys_CloudServer] t2 ON t1.[CloudServerId] = t2.[CloudServerId]

其它更多示例在源码的 demo 中有详细说明,源码地址:https://github.com/TANZAME/Inte.XFramework


  • 前言

在上一篇《【原创】打造基于Dapper的数据访问层》中,Dapper在应付多表自由关联、分组查询、匿名查询等应用场景时经常要手动写SQL语句。看着代码里满屏的红色SQL字符串,简直头大,于是便萌生重复造ORM这个轮子的念头。本ORM在API设计上最大程度地借鉴 EF 的写法,支持链式查询(点标记)、查询表达式、聚合查询、分组排序、批量插入、批量更新、批量删除、1:1关系外键等。在实体绑定层面,使用 Emit 来动态构建绑定指令,性能最大限度地接近原生水平。

  • 性能

7000笔记录循环读1000次,同时加载1:1关系的外键,速度比 EF 稍快。

  • 语法

1. 单表查询

// 查询表达式
var query = from a in context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.Demo>()select a;
var r1 = query.ToList();
// 点标记
query = context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.Demo>();
r1 = query.ToList();
//t0.[DemoId] AS [DemoId],
//t0.[DemoCode] AS [DemoCode],
//t0.[DemoName] AS [DemoName],
//t0.[DemoLong] AS [DemoLong],
//t0.[DemoLong_Nullable] AS [DemoLong_Nullable]
//FROM [Sys_Demo] t0

2. 关联查询

var query =from a in context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.CRM_SaleOrder>()join b in context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.Client>() on a.ClientId equals b.ClientIdjoin c in context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.CloudServer>() on b.CloudServerId equals c.CloudServerIdwhere a.ClientId > 0select a;
var r1 = query.ToList();
// 点标记
query = context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.CRM_SaleOrder>().Join(context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.Client>(), a => a.ClientId, b => b.ClientId, (a, b) => new { Sale = a, Buyer = b }).Join(context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.CloudServer>(), b => b.Buyer.CloudServerId, c => c.CloudServerId, (a, c) => new Inte_CRM.CRM_SaleOrder { }).Where(a => a.ClientId > 0);
//r1 = query.ToList();
//t0.[OrderId] AS [OrderId],
//t0.[OrderNo] AS [OrderNo],
//t0.[Remark] AS [Remark],
//t0.[ClientId] AS [ClientId]
//FROM [CRM_SaleOrder] t0
//INNER JOIN [Bas_Client] t1 ON t0.[ClientId] = t1.[ClientId]
//INNER JOIN [Sys_CloudServer] t2 ON t1.[CloudServerId] = t2.[CloudServerId]
//WHERE t0.[ClientId] > 0

3. 分组分页

// 分组后再分页
query =from a in context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.Client>()where a.ClientName == "TAN"group a by new { a.ClientId, a.ClientName } into gwhere g.Key.ClientId > 0orderby new { g.Key.ClientName, g.Key.ClientId }select new{Id = g.Key.ClientId,Name = g.Min(a => a.ClientId)};
query = query.Skip(2).Take(3);
r1 = query.ToList();
//FROM (
//    SELECT
//    t0.[ClientId] AS [Id],
//    MIN(t0.[ClientId]) AS [Name],
//    t0.[ClientName] AS [ClientName]
//    FROM [Bas_Client] t0
//    WHERE t0.[ClientName] = N'TAN'
//    GROUP BY t0.[ClientId],t0.[ClientName]
//    Having t0.[ClientId] > 0
// ) t0
//ORDER BY t0.[ClientName]

4. 批量插入

//(2, N'002'),(3,N'003')

5. 导航属性

// 更简单的赋值方式
// 适用场景:在显示列表时只想显示外键表的一两个字段
query =from a in context.GetTable<Inte_CRM.CRM_SaleOrder>()select new Inte_CRM.CRM_SaleOrder(a){Client = new Inte_CRM.Client(a.Client){CloudServer = new Inte_CRM.CloudServer{CloudServerId = a.Client.CloudServer.CloudServerId,CloudServerName = a.Client.CloudServer.CloudServerName}},HeavyBuyer = new Inte_CRM.Client{ClientId = a.Client.ClientId + 10,ClientName = a.Client.ClientName + "_heavy",CloudServer = new Inte_CRM.CloudServer{CloudServerId = a.Client.CloudServer.CloudServerId + 10,CloudServerName = a.Client.CloudServer.CloudServerName + "_heavy",}}};
r1 = query.ToList();
//t0.[OrderId] AS [OrderId],
//t0.[OrderNo] AS [OrderNo],
//t0.[Remark] AS [Remark],
//t0.[ClientId] AS [ClientId],
//t1.[ClientId] AS [ClientId1],
//t1.[ClientCode] AS [ClientCode],
//t1.[ClientName] AS [ClientName],
//t1.[State] AS [State],
//t1.[ActiveDate] AS [ActiveDate],
//t1.[CloudServerId] AS [CloudServerId],
//t2.[CloudServerId] AS [CloudServerId1],
//t2.[CloudServerName] AS [CloudServerName],
//t1.[ClientId] + 10 AS [ClientId2],
//t1.[ClientName] + N'_heavy' AS [ClientName1],
//t2.[CloudServerId] + 10 AS [CloudServerId2],
//t2.[CloudServerName] + N'_heavy' AS [CloudServerName1]
//FROM [CRM_SaleOrder] t0
//LEFT JOIN [Bas_Client] t1 ON t0.[ClientId] = t1.[ClientId]
//LEFT JOIN [Sys_CloudServer] t2 ON t1.[CloudServerId] = t2.[CloudServerId]

其它更多示例在源码的 demo 中有详细说明,源码地址:https://github.com/TANZAME/Inte.XFramework


  1. 同时支持EF+Dapper的混合仓储,助你快速搭建数据访问层

    背景 17年开始,公司开始向DotNet Core转型,面对ORM工具的选型,当时围绕Dapper和EF发生了激烈的讨论.项目团队更加关注快速交付,他们主张使用EF这种能快速开发的ORM工具:而在线业 ...

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    上一篇打造自己的数据访问层(二)中,我们已具体实现了数据访问层对应的功能,该进行收尾工作了,先来看段代码,试试上一篇实现的功能: View Code string sqlText = "SE ...

  4. CYQ.Data 轻量数据访问层(一) 概述

    在很久很久以前.2007年底,我曾发布过CYQ.Data.DLL,那时的学术氛围很浓,评论的也比较重 在那里,我曾做过一些简介与使用方法的帮助 在这个系列中,我将一步一步开源并讲解实现的过程,由于文章 ...

  5. Scott Mitchell 的ASP.NET 2.0数据教程之一: 创建一个数据访问层

    原文 | 下载本教程中的编码例子 | 下载本教程的英文PDF版 导言 作为web开发人员,我们的生活围绕着数据操作.我们建立数据库来存储数据,写编码来访问和修改数据,设计网页来采集和汇总数据.本文是研 ...

  6. Spring Boot - 构建数据访问层

    文章目录 基础规范: JDBC 关系型数据库访问规范 JDBC 规范中的核心编程对象 DriverManager DataSource Connection Statement/PreparedSta ...

  7. Flex与.NET互操作(三):基于WebService的数据访问(下)

    在上一篇文章<Flex与.NET互操作(二):基于WebService的数据访问(上) >中介绍了通过<mx:WebService>标签来访问Webservice.实际上我们也 ...

  8. PP团队圣经巨著《Application Architecture Guide2.0》14章-数据访问层

    第十四章 数据访问层指导 概览 这一章主要描述设计数据访问层时要注意的主要原则.它们覆盖了设计数据访问层遇到的通常问题及错误.下面的图表展示了数据层怎样嵌入一个通用的应用架构. (cnblog我的图片 ...

  9. ASP.NET3.5 企业级项目开发 -- 第二章 数据访问层(DAL)的开发

    为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>>    ASP.NET3.5 企业级项目开发 -- 第二章 数据访问层(DAL)的开发          前言:本篇主要讲述数据访问层的开发, ...

  10. 使用Spring和Java泛型简化数据访问层

    1.概述 本文将着重于通过对系统中的所有实体使用单个通用的数据访问对象来简化DAO层 ,这将导致优雅的数据访问 ,而不会造成不必要的混乱或冗长. 2. Hibernate和JPA DAO 大多数生产代 ...


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