

  • 连接词
  • 名词
  • 形容词
  • 动词
  • 句子


项目 Value
,followed by reviewing the latest trends of information visualization 并且
Since then, 从那时起
In other words, 换句话说
In a very early study 在早期的研究中
For the sake of 为了
Even so 即便如此
In response to the usability challenge of manual controls 为了应对手动控制的可用性挑战
To the best of the authors’ knowledge, 据作者所知
Contrary to the expectation, 与预期相反


项目 Value
One timely research topic in the smart city vision is 一个及时的研究课题是
fundamental change 根本性的改变
Human-City Interaction at the intersection of computers, human, and urban environment, where AR relates to the three domains and is a key factor to drive the Human-City Interaction. 人-城交互是计算机、人类和城市环境的交叉点,AR涉及到这三个领域,是驱动人-城交互的关键因素。
Multitudinous stakeholders 众多的利益相关者


项目 Value
Another prominent feature of AR AR的另一个突出特点是
seamless and lightweight user interaction 无缝和轻量级用户交互
immersive and natural human-robot interactive teleoperation 身临其境的自然人机交互遥操作


英文 中文
gain attention from both academia and industry 受到学术界和工业界的关注
with emphasis on augmented reality-driven interaction 重点是增强现实驱动的互动
cities have evolved from concrete-and-steel infrastructurestocyberphysical entities 从...发展到
Although nowadays , there exists a great potential for 尽管目前,存在着巨大的潜力
the design dimensions of these interfaces and interaction methods have not been systematically discussed. 这些界面的设计维度和交互方法尚未得到系统的讨论。
are vast domains spreading over multiple fields 分布在多个领域的广阔领域
AR smartglasses/headsets are considered as excellent candidates to deliver immersive urban interfaces AR智能眼镜/头戴式设备被认为是提供沉浸式城市界面的优秀候选产品


英文 中文
It is, therefore, necessary to clearly define these terms in the scope of this survey. 因此,有必要在这项调查的范围内明确界定这些术语。
AR raises multiple challenges, both from a user and a technical perspective. 增强现实技术从用户和技术角度提出了多重挑战
Significant efforts have addressed the registration errors 大量的努力已经解决了注册错误
In the connected city, augmented reality can provide context-aware interaction capacities to its dwellers, city workers, private companies, and local governments alike. 在互联的城市中,增强现实可以为其居民、城市工人、私营公司和地方政府等提供上下文感知的交互能力。
While the studies discussed here show the value in understanding affective influences in manual driving, it may be reasonable to suggest that affect can also influence driving even with partial automation 虽然这里讨论的研究显示了理解手动驾驶中的情感影响的价值,但有理由认为,即使在部分自动化的情况下,情感也会影响驾驶
A has shown considerable potential in different fields and arouses plenty of industry and academic concern. A在不同领域都表现出了巨大的潜力,并引起了业界和学术界的广泛关注
Previous reviews identified critical A insights and questions. This review answers them and poses some new questions, to further advance the A theory and practice. 先前的审查确定了关键的A见解和问题。这篇综述回答了这些问题,并提出了一些新的问题,以进一步推进A理论和实践。
Also, this review presents the limitations, challenges, and new properties of A, by researching through the practical implementations of A, which was previously under-explored. 此外,本文通过研究A的实际实现,提出了A的局限性、挑战和新的财产,而A以前的实现还未得到充分的开发
However, some of the recent works emphasized the integration of blockchains with DTs. 然而,最近的一些工作强调了区块链与DT的集成
A has been extensively studied for well over 100 years , and although it is not yet considered to be fully understood, these many years of effort have left a rich legacy of experimental methods and techniques. A已经被广泛研究了100多年,尽管人们还没有完全理解它,但多年的努力留下了丰富的实验方法和技术遗产
With more attention being paid for A, the human–machine cooperative navigation research of A has been also focused in recent years. 随着A越来越受到重视,近年来A的人机协同导航研究也越来越受到关注
There is a common sense for human–machine cooperation, namely a human has advantages in understanding the complex situations and the ability of fuzzy reasoning, and also has disadvantages in massive calculations and relatively high error probabilities 人机合作有一个常识“人在理解复杂情况和模糊推理能力方面有优势,在大规模计算和相对较高的错误概率方面也有劣势
Some of the existing works, which are closely related to our work are Gräther et al., 2018, Ocheja et al., 2019 and Turkanović et al. (2018). 与我们的工作密切相关的一些现有工作有

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