
by Teo Yu Siang


糟糕的艺术家抄袭,伟大的艺术家偷窃,或者如何成为一名伟大的设计师 (Bad artists copy, great artists steal—or, how to become a great designer)

At Mobile World Congress 2018, something strange and interesting happened. No, I’m not talking about Samsung’s new S9 and S9+ phones (though they are interesting, all right).

在2018年世界移动通信大会上,发生了一些奇怪而有趣的事情。 不,我不是在谈论三星的新S9和S9 +手机(尽管它们很有趣,但是可以)。

I’m referring to the weird phenomenon of Android phone makers copying one of the iPhone X’s worst features—its wildly controversial notch.

我指的是Android手机制造商抄袭了iPhone X的最坏的特点,它的一个怪异的现象广泛 争议的缺口。

To provide some background, the iPhone X, released in late 2017, features an all-screen design except for a notch, a cut-out at the top of the screen, that houses all the sensors required for FaceID, its new facial authentication method.

为了提供一些背景知识,2017年末发布的iPhone X具有全屏设计,除了在屏幕顶部有一个缺口(缺口)之外,该缺口容纳了FaceID(其新的面部认证方法)所需的所有传感器。 。

At its worst, the notch represents a compromise that Apple took in its attempt to push for an all-screen design while requiring a set of sensors for facial authentication.

在最坏的情况下,这种缺口代表了一种折衷 ,即苹果公司试图推动全屏设计,同时又需要一套用于面部认证的传感器。

Many of the new Android phones released in MWC2018 (as well as those slated to be released later in the year) feature a notch at the top of their screens. Asus’ Zenfone 5, Huawei’s P20, Oppo’s R15, and Ulefone’s T2 Pro all seemed to have jumped on the bandwagon and decided on a top-notch design. Heck, even LG’s rumoured G7 is likely to feature a cut-out at the top of its screen.

在MWC2018中发布的许多新Android手机(以及计划于今年晚些时候发布的Android手机)的屏幕顶部都有一个缺口。 华硕的Zenfone 5 ,华为的P20 ,Oppo的R15和Ulefone的T2 Pro似乎都一跃而起,并决定采用一流的设计。 哎呀,甚至LG传闻中的G7都有可能在其屏幕顶部有一个剪裁。

If you need more proof that notches are going to be a thing in Android smartphones, look no further than Android P’s beta, which has now added official support for displays with a cutout at the top.

如果您需要更多证据证明缺口在Android智能手机中必将成为现实,那么Android P的beta版就再也没有比它了,后者现已增加了对顶部留有切口的显示器的官方支持。

The worst part? None of these phones house additional sensors in their notches to offer accurate facial recognition. In other words, these notches are purely cosmetic copies of the iPhone X’s design.

最糟糕的部分? 这些电话都没有在槽口中安装其他传感器来提供准确的面部识别。 换句话说,这些刻痕纯粹是iPhone X设计的装饰性复制。

This brings to mind a quote popularised by Steve Jobs:

这让我想起了史蒂夫·乔布斯(Steve Jobs)流行的一句话:

Good artists copy, great artists steal.


To which I would like to make the following amendment, if just to add a little dramatic flair:


Bad artists copy, great artists steal


复制和窃取之间的区别 (The difference between copying and stealing)

So what’s the difference between copying and stealing? After all, both acts sound equally unethical.

那么复制和窃取之间有什么区别? 毕竟,这两种行为听起来都是不道德的。

To understand this often-repeated quote, let’s trace it back to one of its earliest sources. In 1920, the famous poet T. S. Eliot made this remark in an essay on poetry:

要了解这个经常重复的报价,我们可以追溯到其最早的来源之一。 1920年,著名诗人TS艾略特(TS Eliot)在一篇关于诗歌的文章中发表了这一言论 :

Immature poets imitate; mature poets steal; bad poets deface what they take, and good poets make it into something better, or at least something different. The good poet welds his theft into a whole of feeling which is unique, utterly different from that from which it was torn; the bad poet throws it into something which has no cohesion.

不成熟的诗人模仿; 成熟的诗人偷 坏诗人蒙蔽了他们所接受的东西,好诗人使它变得更好,或者至少变得不同了。 优秀的诗人将盗窃行为融入了一种独特的感觉,与被撕毁的感觉完全不同。 坏诗人把它丢进没有凝聚力的东西。

In other words, the difference is in the intent.


When you copy something, you’re imitating its features for the sake of creating resemblance. On the other hand, when a thief breaks into your home, he/she doesn’t steal the floor mat. Your floor mat is worthless. The thief steals your jewelry.

复制某些内容时,您是为了模仿而模仿了其功能。 另一方面,当小偷闯入您的房屋时,他/她不会偷地板垫。 您的地垫一文不值。 小偷偷了你的珠宝。

Stealing happens when you recognise the value in something, and apply it to your designs. It’s done with intention, with the purpose of making your design even better than it was. And most times, stealing also comes with the improvement of that which you’ve stolen, if only to make it fit perfectly within the context of your own designs.

当您意识到某物的价值并将其应用于您的设计时,就会发生偷窃。 这是有意为之的,目的是使您的设计比以前更好。 在大多数情况下,盗窃还可以改善偷窃行为,即使只是使其完全适合您自己的设计。

不要复制。 偷。 (Don’t copy. Steal.)

Copying is when Asus, Huawei, and Ulefone looked at the iPhone X and decided that their new flagships would also come with a notch at the top of their screens.

复制是当华硕,华为和Ulefone看着iPhone X并决定他们的新旗舰产品也将在屏幕顶部带有一个缺口。

Copying is when Samsung observed Apple’s Animoji—a feature Apple built into the iPhone X to make its new 3D facial recognition technology seem friendly and fun—and decided to build its own AR Emoji despite the fact that the S9 lacks sensors to track 3D movement in real time.

复制是在三星观察到苹果的Animoji(Apple内置在iPhone X中的功能,以使其新的3D面部识别技术看起来既友好又有趣)后,尽管S9缺少传感器来跟踪3D运动的事实,但还是决定构建自己的AR Emoji 。即时的。

Stealing, on the other hand, is when Google realized the value of using a two-lens camera system to simulate the shallow depth of field effect found in professional SLR cameras. Google then went ahead and improved it after realizing that it could recreate the effect of having two lenses by using minuscule differences in the two halves of each pixel captured on a single lens. Thus, the Pixel 2 and 2XL phones have just one camera, but with the help of a superior algorithm they’re able to reproduce simulated depth of field photos.

,而另一方面,当谷歌意识到使用双镜头相机系统模拟的专业单反相机发现场效应深度较浅的价值 。 Google 意识到可以通过在单个镜头上捕获的每个像素两半部分的微小差异来重现具有两个镜头的效果之后,继续进行改进。 因此,Pixel 2和2XL手机只有一个摄像头,但是借助出色的算法,它们能够重现模拟的景深照片。

Stealing is when Apple saw the promise of the Kinect’s 3D motion-sensing technology and decided to incorporate an improved version of that technology into the iPhone X to enable accurate 3D facial recognition.

偷窃是当苹果看到了Kinect的的3D动作感应技术的承诺,并决定结合该技术的改进版本为iPhone X使得能够进行精确的三维面部识别。

Stealing is also when Japanese train designers saw the aerodynamic superiority of birds’ smooth beaks, and decided to apply this feature to create faster and quieter bullet trains.


So don’t copy — steal.


Don’t blindly emulate design patterns just because they worked for a product or service. See the value of what was done—understand the reasons for its success—and then think about how you can improve it when you apply it to your designs.

不要仅仅因为设计模式用于产品或服务就盲目模仿设计模式。 看到所做工作的价值-了解成功的原因-然后考虑将其应用于设计时如何改进它。

This way, you can become a great designer. Because you’re not just throwing a copied feature into your product. Instead, you’re adding value and making an idea your own. And this way, your inspirations will come not just from designs you find in your industry—they’ll come from everywhere.

这样,您可以成为一名出色的设计师。 因为您不仅仅是在产品中添加复制的功能。 相反,您是在增加价值并制作自己的想法。 这样,您的灵感将不仅来自您在行业中发现的设计,还将来自世界各地。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/bad-artists-copy-great-artists-steal-or-how-to-become-a-great-designer-a9d0c8aeade1/



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